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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3371103 No.3371103 [Reply] [Original]

Today, July 10th, is Nikola Tesla's birthday.

How about a Tesla appreciation thread?

As many of you probably know, he's a horribly underrated/unappreciated scientist.

>> No.3371122
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>> No.3371138
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No love, /sci/?

Oh well. I guess you're too busy with science vs. religion threads.

>> No.3371146
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>>3371103 scientist

>> No.3371144

>horribly underrated/unappreciated scientist
>invented some gizmos that shoot lightning
>/sci/ sucks his dick

>> No.3371151
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>> No.3371152

Tesla was know to be quite critical of guys like Einstein and Planck, saying that they were closer to metaphysicists than scientists.

>> No.3371156

>yfw tesla spoke to pigeons

>> No.3371158

holy fuck, more info whatever this thing is in the gif

>> No.3371160

So Einstein's theory of time travel isn't anywhere close to metaphysics?

>> No.3371161

He was an engineer, not a scientist.

>> No.3371163

>invented some gizmos that shoot lightning
and 100 other things (later edison took credit for MANY of them) but I'll leave you to your ignorance

>> No.3371169

nikola tesla had no friend, no wife, no girlfriend, used to live in his lab for weeks and sometimes even months without going out, had no social skills, had a very eccentric behavior, had several disorders including ocd and mysophobia, died alone in his apartment in ny at the age of 80 and something, alone with no more than a couple dollars in his pocket and his daily routine consisted of feeding his 100 pigeon friends.


>> No.3371170


His vast contributions to the world of electromagnetism, including his numerous formulae and experiments, classify him as a scientist as well, not just an EE/ME.

>> No.3371175

Name three.

>> No.3371177

>So Einstein's theory of time travel isn't anywhere close to metaphysics?

>Einstein's theory of time travel

I don't remember that one, care to give a source?

>> No.3371179


sounds like we could all be Tesla

>> No.3371185

except for the fact he was intelligent

>> No.3371184


He died at 86 in a NYC hotel room.

>> No.3371181

You guys are the biggest faggots of the century. 95% of Edison's work was plagiarized off of Tesla, the guy didn't care about fucking money - he was in it for the science/improving the daily lives' of society.

Oh, I forgot /sci/'s motto:
>phd in math
>any job i want
>300k starting

>> No.3371189

Who the fuck still uses one of these? 21st century mother fucker.

>> No.3371193


>his daily routine consisted of feeding his 100 pigeon friends.

no fucking wonder he was broke

>> No.3371196

Not everyone is a faggot (an engireen) also.

>> No.3371204

everything i know about Tesla i learned from The Prestige

>> No.3371205
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>Tesla went on to study electrical engineering at the Austrian Polytechnic in Graz (1875) [at 19 years old]. While there, he studied the uses of alternating current. Some sources say he received Baccalaureate degrees from the university at Graz.[13][14][15] However, the university says that he did not receive a degree and did not continue beyond the first semester of his third year, during which he stopped attending lectures.[16][17][18][19] In December 1878, Tesla left Graz and broke all relations with his family. His friends thought that he had drowned in the Mur River. He went to Marburg, (today's Maribor, in Slovenia), where he was first employed as an assistant engineer for a year. He suffered a nervous breakdown during this time. Tesla was later persuaded by his father to attend the Charles-Ferdinand University in Prague, which he attended for the summer term of 1880. Here, he was influenced by Ernst Mach. However, after his father died, he left the university, having completed only one term.[20]

>However, the university says that he did not receive a degree and did not continue beyond the first semester of his third year, during which he stopped attending lectures. In December 1878, Tesla left Graz and broke all relations with his family. His friends thought that he had drowned in the Mur River.

>[...]He suffered a nervous breakdown during this time.

>> No.3371214

well then you don't know anything about him

>> No.3371220

>Edison ripped off Tesla!
translate to
>I want to believe a recluse can be a hero too

>> No.3371218


people who have gardens..?

>> No.3371216

>a horribly underrated/unappreciated scientist.
Nope. If anything, he's overrated. All of his inventions have been superseded by the works of more competent engineers and scientists.

Yes, this is why Tesla feels like a bro to /sci/. Personal issues and faults are what they have in common.

>> No.3371226

>yfw if tesla was in his mid 20s today he would have been a /sci/ bro

>> No.3371224
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Nikola Tesla was brilliant. He spoke eight languages, almost single handedly developed technology that harnessed the power of electricity for household use, and invented world-bending devices such as the FM radio, electrical generators, the remote control, robots, spark plugs, fluorescent lights, and, of course, the Tesla Coil. He had an unyielding, steel-trap photographic memory and an insane ability to visualize even the most complex pieces of machinery. The guy did advanced calculus and physics equations in his head (not with matlab/mathematica like you faggots), memorized entire books at a time, and successfully pulled off scientific experiments that modern-day technology STILL can't replicate. As an example, in 2007 a group of lesser geniuses at MIT got all pumped up out of their minds because they wirelessly transmitted energy at a distance of seven feet through the air. Nikola Tesla once lit 200 lightbulbs from a power source 26 miles away, and he did it in 1899 with a device he built from spare parts in the middle of the desert. To this day, nobody can really figure out how he pulled that off, because two-thirds of the schematics only existed in the darkest recesses of Tesla's all-powerful brain.

>> No.3371223


>implying The Prestige taught me nothing about Tesla

>> No.3371228
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Of course, much like many other eccentric giga-geniuses and diabolical masterminds, Tesla was also completely insane. He was prone to nervous breakdowns, claimed to receive weird visions in the middle of the night, spoke to pigeons (as mentioned earlier in this thread), and occasionally thought he was receiving electromagnetic signals from extraterrestrials on Mars. He was also obsessive-compulsive and hated round objects, human hair, jewelry, and anything that wasn't divisible by three. He was also asexual and celibate for his entire life.

Intelligence is coupled completely with the likes of insanity, most of the time. If Tesla was into his fields for publicity’s sake, he’d be a millionaire of his time and have at least ten times more scripture in high school/college text books in comparison to Edison.

I leave you with that, gentlemen.

>> No.3371233

He had many oddball beliefs such as practicing voluntary eugenics and the idea that women would someday rule the Earth.

>> No.3371236



>pulled off scientific experiments that modern-day technology STILL can't replicate


>> No.3371245


i bet he fapped to the weirdest shit imaginable, in his laboratory

>> No.3371246

Tesla was also working on harnessing the power of psi or spiritual energy, creating free energy for the masses, and contacting aliens. Unfortunately, he was secretly assassinated by the FBI for being ahead of his time.

>> No.3371247

He had patents for electromechanical robot design when he was in his thirties. Of course, not the likes of sentience, but equivalent to the C&C machinery of today.

And yes, let's see you electrostatically charge small objects with millions of volts and propel them at distant targets.

>> No.3371251

except for the location of his lab [colorado springs] and the war on the currents that movie is completely inaccurate regarding tesla, they simply picked up the real tesla as a basis for a hollywood fictional character mad scientist style that held his name.

>> No.3371260
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>mfw all he invented was a few cheap toys

>> No.3371258

he was really asexual?

i bet he fapped to the weirdest shit in his lab all alone

>> No.3371262

Tesla was also working on harnessing the power of psi or spiritual energy, creating free energy for the masses, and conversing with animals. Unfortunately, he was secretly assassinated by the FBI for being ahead of his time.

There were many rumors of what Tesla had done with the pigeons. One of them was torturing the birds just for fun. Another one, backed by some eyewitness accounts, was a perverse act that he practiced regularly where he would stroke his penis in front of the feeding pigeons.

>> No.3371266


where is the evidence that he actually did this?

i think you're confusing that movie, the prestige, with real life

>> No.3371269


>> No.3371278


>> No.3371282


>> No.3371295

Since /sci/ threads don't 404 in a long time, I'm going to read it tomorrow. Until then, could someone post a good book that covers Tesla's life and doings? Some people call them biographies.

>> No.3371367

What really impresses me, in reading about Tesla, is that he at no point got a degree from any university.

All self taught.

How many hours do you think that man spent alone inside a book, and inside his mind?

>> No.3371372

Tesla's life in video format.


>> No.3372039

I always had the impression he never needed to read more than the basic books concerning electromagnetism. Once he grasped the basic principles the rest followed obviously to him.

>> No.3372060

Longer than the time you spent on 4chan, that's for sure.

>> No.3372094

Bloody hell.
And here I thought I'm in a very bad situation. Just because I haven't eaten properly for two days. Least I'll graduate next 2 months.

>> No.3372145
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sounds like a fucking genious to be honest

>> No.3372148


Why is this such a common spelling error?

>> No.3372156

but being genious means you just maek gausses

>> No.3372161


>> No.3372167

it makes cents if you think about it
(just a gauss)

>> No.3372174

occasionally various forms of insanity are largely accompanied with intelligence, and willingness to contribute.

unlike you.