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3369935 No.3369935 [Reply] [Original]

Google, "NASA August 1st", read the headlines,

>"NASA Warns Impending Doom To Employees - July 10, 2011"
>"NASA Emails ALL Employees to PREPARE! June 10, 2011"
>"(06.10.11) NASA Emails ALL Employees Today to PREPARE"
>By August 1st, 2011, everyone will know what's coming.

Seriously, what the fuck is going on, /sci/?

>> No.3369956

They're all being fired.

>> No.3369998

There is something coming. NASA knows that. What exactly it is, only time will tell.

>> No.3370036

Our solar system has a binary star, one that swings way the fuck out and returns every few millennia. It's about to get really hot and really ugly.

>> No.3370047

pretty much

>> No.3370051

I googled it and nothing came up. Nice try OP, now go away.

>> No.3370079
File: 30 KB, 640x350, comet20110504-640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's, "Comet Elenin".

>> No.3370080
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swings way the fuck out and returns every few millennia

If another star entered Sol System we'll get hurled from it

>> No.3370086

stop being a jew and share some more info or sources

>> No.3370093

I think an eclipse is coming on the 1st.

>> No.3370123

Well, I googled "nasa august 1st 2011" and got all the shit in the op.



>> No.3370124
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>swings way the fuck out and returns every few millennia

Our sun isn't going 12 trillion miles an hour through space. If our solar system was approaching another star, We'd know about it decades in advance. That and it wouldn't just make Earth hot as fuck in 1 day.

Besides. It wouldn't even be close enough to do anything. Even if this were a binary star system, the second star's orbit would be well beyond the Kiper belt, or it would've taken all of those asteroids and planets with it when the sun "swung out".

tl;dr: pic related.

>> No.3370131

It is interesting to note that the last time the voices were aggressive towards me they mentioned August.

>> No.3370134

I was actually jsut joking with that, but shit now that I've googled, >>3370123 "nasa august 1st 2011" and read this link,


I don't know whether to lol, put on a tin foil hat, or to cry.

>> No.3370141

ok you overdid it a bit
sun is moving only 504 000 miles per hour
but if we got a twinstar we would know it wery well

>> No.3370145

I was just joking, but had I been trolling I'd be saying, "trolled, bitch!" right now. I mean this is obviously a joke, >>3369956 but no one is taking it seriously so why take my joke seriously?

>> No.3370157

oh man that's seriously outrageous!
they want their employees to prepare.
I don't know about US but here in Europe a big factories are running sefety exercises and presentations every fucking year.

besides, they aren't saying

>> No.3370160

>so why take my joke seriously?

Because eggheads can't help themselves to point out why something is wrong. They don't think on the same wave length normal people do. They don't even see a joke as a joke. They only see the mistakes in the joke. Which is why trolling them is far too easy to do. For example, "0.999... does not equal 1".

>> No.3370168

It's probably going to be about a hurricane.

>> No.3370172

I for that link too.

I'm not sure whether to take this seriously or not.The search turned up that page and two youtube videos. That page is obviously a religious website that wants nothing less than the end of the world, and the youtube video had religious annotations everywhere. I can't even find the email that these places are talking about, and how did they get it in the first place?

But then again the video was just copied from the NASA website (I think).

>> No.3370185

>click link

I don't think so, Jim.

>> No.3370189

At this point, I can't tell if anyone on this site is joking or just completely retarded.

So I just assume they're retarded.

>> No.3370192

To me I think it is just a standard preparedness informational. I have several family members in high E-rank government jobs and they constantly get this sort of thing via phone. I'd have to ask one to see if they get similar preparedness stuff in email forms or not. The only reason I know about the phone stuff is because I've answered the phone and had the recording for it go on and on.

>> No.3370201

googled it and got the same shit all over the place

is this some stupid joke? I read that scientists and their families should be in their 'safe zones' before August 1st because after that everyone else will try to do the same and they might 'get stuck'

>> No.3370203
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I don't see any warnings before asteroids or twinstars or Nibiru

>> No.3370219
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>> No.3370227

I would like to see a copy of this email.

I can't see how anybody can know that NASA emailed everybody telling them to prepare, but not have a copy of the actual email.

>> No.3370223

Because the gov't always says the truth to not cause a mass-hysteria

>> No.3370238


>> No.3370242

Here's a related youtube about it,


Can someone give me a simple synapses of this, I'm on dial-up. It's the first result in google for, "nasa august 1st 2011". Somehow I think it'll be a hokey tinfoil hat video.

>> No.3370246

and what the fuck would emailing to employees change ffs?

>> No.3370249


>> No.3370261

I think it is in this link >>3370134
, but there's so much BS around it, I'm not sure. A few other links have the same wording minus the BS though.

>> No.3370262


Shit's about to hit the fan guys. Space is about to make us its bitch

>> No.3370270

See you on the battlefield bitch.

>> No.3370272

Mass hysteria would only come if there was no way to stop whatever was coming. If there was any chance at all of us solving the problem it would have to be in a publicly supported environment of international cooperation. In which case it's in everyone's best interest to announce this shit.

And if you see the word Nibiru you can assume what you're reading to be conspiracy fodder with no ill effects.

>> No.3370285

DIAL UP LOL WTF, this is the year 2011... DIAL UP??? L O L

>> No.3370301

The "binary star" is just a small brown dwarf.

And it doesn't hit us. It just slings a bunch of fucking asteroids out of the Kiper Belt, probably hitting us with a few of them.


>> No.3370309


Elenin will not approach closer than 35 million miles. How much did you think 0.2 AU was anyways?

>> No.3370312


Well, there's a lot of "Nibiru" freaks out there and the instant something comes up like Elenin they start calling it Nibiru just to support their own claims. That makes it all look bad and more difficult to sort out things.

>> No.3370332

Unless NASA has recalculated and found that it will get far too close or hit us and that is the thing they are all in a tizzy about.

What is this August 1st crap anyway? Is NASA having a news conference or something?

>> No.3370335

this is so retarded you should really feel bad about yourself

I won't poin out any points of bullshit in that post becasue I'm seriously disgusted by it

>> No.3370341


The worst part is, if that is true, I can already hear the politically infused arguments of "fake! You're only saying this cause we cut ur budget!"

>> No.3370342
File: 46 KB, 250x310, 1309888512220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elenin is 4km in diameter
if it hits the Earth you can stuff all emergency preparations up in your ass

>> No.3370353

>click on link
>about two paragraphs of things about standard preparedness
>out of nowhere, with no changes in font, they talk about safe zones and then some other guy provides commentary, again all in the same font
>no citations

Well, guess I really shouldn't worry it. Even if we are screwed, there isn't much I can do about it.

>> No.3370356

When it swings around the sun it has the possibility to break up, like Shoemaker-Levy 9 did, and there's a chance that some of that debris, which will be far smaller, could hit Earth.

>> No.3370368

Younfags don't remember, "Comet IRAS-Araki-Alcock" and the fact is was AS BIG AS THE FUCKING MOON IN THE SKY and was only fucking 3 million miles away. I remember it, I was 5 years old at the time. I had no clue what I was looking at of course.

>> No.3370390

please look at this and think about what you've just said

>> No.3370393

Comet ELEnin has a virus tht causes zombies. This is why the CDC released the zombie prepardness shit a few months ago,


>> No.3370408
File: 1.69 MB, 2880x1920, Meteor_Crater_-_Arizona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember: The meteor that made this was 50m across.

A 10km one wiped out the dinosaurs

>> No.3370412

No, that is not what I mean. It won't graze the sun or any bullshit like that. When a comet enters the solar system it does so because it is swinging by the sun regardless of how close the sun really is to it. During this time the gravitational forces of the sun normally wreak havoc on a comet of this makeup and tear it apart. It is actually plausible that Elenin could break up exactly like Shoemaker-Levy 9 did. It is also plausible that this sort of break up could send some debris on course for Earth. Plausible, but highly improbable.

>> No.3370446
File: 756 KB, 1280x720, [Derp]_Legend_of_the_Legendary_Heroes_-_23_(1280x720_x264_AAC).mkv - 00000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW all of america is a safe zone

>> No.3370478

Revelation 8:11

>> No.3370490

I tend to be very skeptic about things like this, suppose that it were true, and NASA detected an asteroid in collision course with Earth. Releasing it to the public would only mean mass hysteria, which wouldn't help anyone, so they're bound to try and cover it up

>> No.3370504

>On the one hand comes the official view that Comet Elenin is an obscure loosely packed dirty snowball of as much interest to the general public as a small broken snail shell beside a railway track is to the occupants of the speeding express train passing by.

At the other end is the opinion that Elenin is an artificial comet camouflaging a fleet of galactic battle cruisers full of hideous aliens equipped with straws and the aching desire to suck our brains from our skulls via our collective left nostrils.

>> No.3370522

Time to post this on /x/

>> No.3370527

So, like a better version of Battle Los Angles? I'm game.

>> No.3370540

Hoogie boogie! Use your head. What would you do if you were them?

Shit's starting to get real this time.

Cry sheep, sour grapes, hoaxes, say what you want. Everyone can just be speaking out of their ass.

But ... how would you know when they weren't?

>> No.3370543


Already there actually.

>> No.3370556



NINe & ELEven


>> No.3370562

not once did i read or hear the words '1st august'.
where the fuck are you guys reading this?

also this email happened on june 10th, why are we only hearing about it now?

>> No.3370575

I have a better idea. The guy that discovered Comet Elenin is a guy from Russian named "Leonid Elenin"

I challenge you to find proof of this person's existence.

>> No.3370580

>By August 1st, 2011, everyone will know what's coming.


>> No.3370598

>Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin) is a long-period comet discovered by amateur Russian astronomer Leonid Elenin on December 10, 2010

>December 10, 2010

>also this email happened on june 10th

>June 10, 2011

Today's date, 7/10/2011

>July 10. 2011

Coincidence? I think not.

>> No.3370599


He was my friend's cousin grand step uncle you fucking lunatic.

>> No.3370615
File: 98 KB, 477x460, Dinosaurs fighting The Reapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3370622

but liberals told me democrats were pro scienceq

>> No.3370627

>Elenin, brown dwarf star

It's a tiny comet and can be viewed right now through a reasonably large telescope...

>> No.3370659 [DELETED] 



>> No.3370660


I have a question regarding this statement.

According to NASA, we are expected to get hit with Elenin's tail debris (200,000 kilometer long tail).

According to NASA, comet Elenin will not approach closer than 20 million kilometer's.

How do both of these follow? Sounds like the claim that Elenin will be far away is just a way to keep us calm for the time being, because informing us will cause more devastation via panic than it will help us.

If Elenin is never going to get closer than (your claim) "35 million miles" and only has a 200,000km tail of debris (it does), then why is it expected that we will make contact with the tail debris?

>> No.3370683 [DELETED] 

This scenario sounds awfully familiar...

>> No.3370688

You seriously this stupid?

>> No.3370689
File: 176 KB, 482x562, Thundarr_the_Barbarian_by_pungang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This scenario seems familiar...

>> No.3370697

a couple possibilites OP.

first, NASA is a federal agency, and all federal agencies are currently pushing emergency preparedness- mostly in reaction to some past emergencies natural and otherwise. We're expected to know what to do in an emergency, whoever we are and whatever the emergency is.

the other thing to notice is that the federal budget will run out on august 1st. As happened with the recent budget disagreements in congress, the federal government warns all employees and officers at non-essential areas to be prepared for the possibility that they'll be furloughed. No big deal to you and me, but to them losing their job on a political whim is something they need to be prepared for.

>> No.3370714

The debris breaks up out of pattern of the tail at the 200,000 mark. after than the cloud is not dense enough to be called a tail. The remaining debris can then hit us and still not be anywhere close to 200,000 to us or be part of the tail.

>> No.3370721

so this >>3369956

>> No.3370734

just laid off until the next budget is approved... which could take days, or months.

all federal employees get that email, every time a budget looks like it may not be approved. google "federal furlough" if it interests you.

>> No.3370744

Uhh, guys. What the fuck is going on? Usually you'd be dismissing this as pseudo-science and ripping on OP, but 99% of the people in here seem to think it's true...
What the fuck is going on...

>> No.3370771

NASA knows something big is coming. They are telling their employs to "GET YOUR SHIT READY, ITS GONNA GET FUCKING UGLY" and on August 1st the rest of the world will know what this big event will be, either because it'll be happening or there will be a news release.

None of this is fully substantiated though. so, all the fucking crack pots say this is there big thing going down from wormwood, Nibiru, Jesus, etc etc. Thus, everything gets convoluted and you don't know what to believe.

>> No.3370789



>> No.3370790

How do we know august 1st is this key date? I tried the wordpress link, but it simply doesnt work on my comp

>> No.3370791
File: 27 KB, 324x278, 19881918971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face on August 1 when nothing happens

>> No.3370792

try googling it now; I got something different than I did a couple minutes ago o_0

>> No.3370810


yeahh riiiight, 0/10

>> No.3370821

1) NASA isn't the only organization watching space.
2) They wouldn't just be warning their employees

now take off your tin-foil hats and go about your business.

>> No.3370827

August 1st is when the government Defaults, provided that congress doesn't come up with an agreement. Thats the significance of the date.

Good bye space.

>> No.3370836


this just in... new federal budget must be in place by august 1st... as every single government employee and contractor knows.

this is not news.

>> No.3370867
File: 448 KB, 500x686, m65AS7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is only with language that the child can differentiate its mind and body, differentiate its mental will and its bodily impulses, and then begin to integrate its mind and body. This is the third major differentiation, or the third fulcrum. The failure to differentiate mind and body – the failure to transcend at this stage – is another way to say "remains stuck in the body or the biosphere," which, we saw, is the primary developmental lesion underlying the narcissistic/borderline pathologies.

>> No.3370870

You dumbshits I'd think the science forum wouldn't have such fools.
It's probably NASA flipping their shit because the entire branch of the government is probably considered for cutting thanks to our glorious Republican House of Reps who believe anything that doesn't enrich the top 1% is job-killing pork. Why do you think they voted down the budget so a replacement for the Hubble can be made?

>> No.3370904


Why would something as formal as NASA say this is impending doom?

>> No.3370994

I want exact citation of someone from NASA saying or writing "impending doom"

>> No.3371008



>> No.3371027

Same thing happened to me and I freaked out before I realized I omitted "2011" the second time.

>> No.3371173

This still does not follow.

The claim that NASA put forth was that the tail of comet Elenin would pass over Earth.

NASA stated that it had a tail measuring 200,000 KM.

Later, we were told that Elenin would pass by us at 20,000,000 KM away, and then this was later changed to 35,000,000 KM away.

Now the tail that Earth wasn't going to pass through is no longer the tail, but just "random space debris that weren't being pulled by Elenin" (eg not part of Elenin's tail at all, Earth not passing through Elenin's tail, just random space debris 35 million miles away from Elenin).

This inconsistency combined with the emergency alert for NASA employees is very telling.

>> No.3371208


Additionally, even if you claim that "the cloud is not dense enough to be called a tail" after 200,000 KM, this means that it is not the tail (what NASA said we would be passing through).

200,000 KM tail is 1/175th the length of 35,000,000 KM.

The comet's 'cloud' is simply not anywhere near 35 million miles. Estimates for total length of the cloud before its essentially nothing is indeed several times longer than the length of the "tail" itself, measuring at around 900,000KM in length, nearly 5 times the length of the tail itself.

This is nowhere near 20 million or 35 million KM, and the inconsistency in the claim that we will pass through the tail, and the claim that the comet will be 20 or 35 KM (this also changed from earlier being 20 million, to later being 35 million), still exists.

>> No.3371339

NASA employees aren't important enough to warn exclusively of an impending danger. They do not do anything important. They have no capability to respond to a movie like crisis, and their actual fields of responsibility are quite mundane, like maintaining the 6 man crew on ISS or tightening bolts on a soon to be launched Mars missions. None of that shit matters.

What you have here is some figurehead addressing workplace written policy number 789, and the next one will be about workplace safety, and the next one will be about overtime regulations, etc.

You have just taken some mundane announcement and attached excess unwarranted meaning because you lack the context in which it was made, and you give unwarranted special attention to anything NASA affiliated with for no warranted reason. NASA is not important.

>> No.3371360
File: 149 KB, 946x846, 1305526976895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty sure this is the problem

>> No.3371590

dammit, I was all excited....

>> No.3371727

A mission will be announced about a mission to the asteroid.

Nasa has said it will now focus on Mars and Asteroids and let private industry shuttle cargo into space.

This mission will be made possible by the low speed at which the asteroid will be traveling.

>> No.3372314 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3372324
