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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 96 KB, 1039x573, fucking:sci:faggots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3366280 No.3366280 [Reply] [Original]

So I had a thread 3 days ago asking for help. Some guy helped me, and I gave him some porn because I'm a nice goddamn guy.

One of you little stupid faggots bitched like a nigger and got me banned. Seriously? How useless is your goddamn dick? If you don't want to see porn, dont be in my thread keeping it bumped to the front page. Why are you on 4chan at work anyway you lazy perverted shitfuck.

>> No.3366285


>> No.3366291
File: 78 KB, 450x599, Slideshow-Naked-Woman-R_jpg_600x1000_q85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3366296

I was once banned 'for a day' 4+ days in a row. (stopped checking for a while)

The mod obviously did this to prevent me from using the appeal feature. Clearly this was an abuse of mod power. I wrote an email to moot.

While not related, its the basis for my assertion that mods are fags.

>> No.3366306

reported and
>implying moot reads emails

>> No.3366325

reported for talking about moot. OH GOD NOW i HAVE TO REPORT ME

>> No.3366330

reported for [CENSORED]

>> No.3366335

see how the background is blue - that means it's SFW
don't break the rules then complain when you get banned

>> No.3366337

reported for reporting reports

>> No.3366343

but i am a famous tripfaggot surly he will read mine!

>> No.3366355

Fuck off, i don't give a shit. Keep porn off /sci/

>> No.3366362


reported for egotistical ideologies on an internet imageboard

>> No.3366373

>egotistical ideologies

But those are the best kinds, since being arrogance gives you great inner strength. The knowledge that you can not be wrong and are better than everyone else is what forces you to bear through hardships to live up to those standards.

This is why the feudal system worked, tell someone they are a lord, and they will act lordly.

Coincidentally i am of noble descent.

>> No.3366378

Porn has no place on 4chan, OP.

>> No.3366390


reported for general tripfaggotry

>> No.3366393

Wait, there's porn on the internet?

>> No.3366404
File: 36 KB, 500x447, 1309245641073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3366413

boobs are the currency of /b/. if you want to show appreciation on /sci/, just say thanks.

>> No.3366417

I don't really get what's the deal with this "thanks, here's some boobs" thing. If I want boobs, all I need to do is type "boobs" on my searchbar. It's the thing the internet more than anything else.