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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3358435 No.3358435 [Reply] [Original]

Can science explain this behavior?


>> No.3358446

Makes me wish nukes had been invented and used during the Civil War.

Spoiler; I'm from Alabama.

>> No.3358671

bump for science

>> No.3358677

Most blacks live and have always lived, in the south. Just FYI.

>> No.3358690

>thinks nukes weren't invented during the cold war

>> No.3358697


>> No.3358706

yes; american negroid people are largely retarded. Why is it that every vid of them I see/specimen I meet it just proves that statement? Why is it that I never see such bad examples in yurop?
Is it that america has more exceptionally stupid niggers/white trash or is it just confirmation bias?

>> No.3358747

Because nearly every black person in the US had enslaved ancestors, and their masters used selective breeding to create the strongest and dumbest slaves that they could.

>> No.3358751

strength can be selectively bred, intelligence- or lack thereof- can't. for example your parents are probably quite smart and they had a moron like you.

>> No.3358753
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Sadly, that sounds pretty probable.

>> No.3358757

what the fuck was going on in that video ... it was just a bunch of black-people doing black-people-stuff, and my neck kinda hurts.

>> No.3358758


>roody-poo detected

>> No.3358759


>> No.3358766

I think they were at some kind of county fair, at one of those ball toss games with oversized stuffed animals as prizes and whatnot. Assumedly they were stealing some of the prizes by approaching in a large, un-suppressible group.

>> No.3358768

And europe never had slaves?
Besides, obviously blacks are selected due to natural selection to prefer brawn over brain; no need for analytical thinking and ability to understand abstract ideas when you need to hunt to stay alive.

>> No.3358779
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>not understanding the aftermath of 400+ years of oppression

>> No.3358786


For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

This guy came into being, so those black bitches also came into being.


>> No.3358795



Take it, take all of it.

>> No.3358798
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>> No.3358800

> 3358768
Wow, just... wow.
You are suggesting that 'blacks' as a race do not have an environment of sophistication like, presumably, your race?
All just huntin' and not reading, building cities, governments, medicine, etc.?
Or do the last 500 years not count?

Do you not think that all of the other race's ancestors had to hunt during the period you might be inferring?

>> No.3358803


Cold War? Who's talking about the Cold War?
He said CIVIL WAR.

>> No.3358806

no, I'm suggesting that any tribal culture (including 'white' cultures like during roman times) are selected on brawn, not brain. I used 'blacks' because nowadays they seem closer to tribal folks. However they've had their empires, and whites have had their tribes.

>> No.3358814

>pretending intelligence is entirely genetic.

most of the retards we meet suffered a lack of oxygen at birth. Others weren't allowed or encouraged to read or speak. Environment has far more to do with intelligence than selection.

go ahead and think otherwise if it gets you through the day, but you're just riding the coat tails of your betters.

>> No.3358817
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>> No.3358833

> I used 'blacks' because nowadays they seem closer to tribal folks.
I'll buy that, in general terms. Militia, from another perspective.

>> No.3358841

I'm not talking about mental retardation, I'm talking about affinity for analytical/abstract thinking and not having it. It's why IQ tests have cultural bias. All you are doing is having a knee-jerk reaction because you think someone is claiming 'intelligence is genetic'. It has both a genetic foundation and one that is based on environment. Denying one or the other is stupid and I'm not doing that. What I'm doing is claiming that different societies are being selected upon in different ways: tribal/farmer/primitive societies will not be selected on ability to understand the abstract and neither are we selected upon by our ability to scrounge up a living in say, the African savannah or the marshlands of Germanic old.

>> No.3358846




>> No.3358849

Yeah I did not mean that blacks are tribal or someshit, I could have used latino farmers, german miners etc etc. Hell, even blonde-haired white people from the USA can fall into this category. However the OP was about black people so I aimed my post at them. This goes up for everyone. The colour of your skin doesn't give you a free ride.
The point is just that most of today's tribes are dark-skinned. Deal with it.

>> No.3358861

the problem being that we aren't measurably more or less intelligent than any other culture extinct or extant. there is no metric that works, and even if there was we'd find that people fall within a very narrow range of intelligence... despite the aspirations of /sci/borgs great and small.

a review of the accomplishments of the ancients seems to indicate that accomplishment varies widely, but capacity doesn't. Need is derived from the environment, and presumably any group of humans can rise to similar standards if required to.

of course there's variation on the individual level, but societies are led by the brightest in most cases, with most of the others being relatively worthless for innovation.

My argument is that capacity for intelligence is not selected for in groups, though performance to capacity may be in individuals... at least on the extremely small scales of time we're talking.

>> No.3358870

I don't care if it's racist or not.

I care if it's true.

it's not true.

>> No.3358875

Evolution goes by adaptation, not higher cognitive functions. I've read about a tribe in which the people couldn't understand what a circle was or area for that matter. However, they were perfect shots with pretty much every projectile. Real life Deadshots really. That implies lots of insight in projectile trajectory, just not the ability to understand other things.

>> No.3358882

>intelligence is not genetic
>genes carry the information that is used to construct the brain and all other neural pathways/cells
>but it's not genetic!

>> No.3358887

true, but is this an artifact of languages that don't allow for specific ideas, or is it a physiological difference?

These /new/ threads love to try and argue morphology with points that are purely sociological.

>> No.3358892

the genes that code for your brain are almost exactly like those of any other race. More alike to theirs than to anyone of your own race as often as not.

>> No.3358902

Come on bro, the average white European scores as high as a 97th percentile black African on an IQ test. That's significant.

>> No.3358909

hey racists

why hate on those weaker/stupider than you?

oh wait

you're bunch of a pussy faggot nerds

>> No.3358925


>Have no argument
>Ad hominem

>> No.3358929

Yeah duh, different races of man are so incredibly alike you wouldn't believe it. Remember we share 98% with freaking chimps.
It's the culture. Culture is ingrained in the human mind, and the tribal culture is great for staying alive and multiplying. What it's not so great for? Developing analytical thinking and knowledge. Why not? Because it's the foundation for a civilisation. You don't build a castle on wetlands either. You build huts. We built huts when we started, too. Now we don't build huts because we have the foundation of thousands of years of civilization (which largely came from africa anyway durrr hurr)
also egyptians are black and they were pretty big.

>> No.3358932

The context is selective breeding.
The neurology of a physical body might be determined from its physiognomy, but the intelligence of that organism is much more than just its neurology (and that neurology probably matters a lot less than you are assuming!).

>> No.3358937


This post reeks of white guilt and stupidity

>> No.3358941

that is significant.

however you're skipping the variables and correlations that real scientists can't.

It doesn't matter if you're blind to these variables, like I said- whatever gets you through the day. However by ignoring them you prove yourself dishonest or stupid. Either is enough to make intelligent people dismiss you, whether they're white or black or any color shape or size.

there's some very good honest questions that can be asked about race and intelligence. stormfags just aren't smart enough to ask them.

>> No.3358946

if iq tests have cultural bias then why do Asians consistently score higher than whites?

>> No.3358949

Whenever you have stupid and poverty existing together, you get a lot of stupid kids, who breed and have more stupid kids. There's been a history of oppression that has existed forever in America to keep Blacks poor, and the unfortunate side effect is that, well, they breed and have kids that they can't afford to raise correctly, who go on to do the same.

It doesn't matter what the race is. The moment you mix stupid and poverty together, the stupid people breed like fucking weeds.

>> No.3358954

Who says we're hating on them?
We're just appreciating the truth, mang

>> No.3358955

that about covers it.

>> No.3358958

yeah in that context, upbringing would matter a lot more indeed. However, you have to agree with me that over extremely long amounts of time, neurology and its genetic foundations starts to matter big time.
I'm not white, white guilt is bollocks and we're all human. Gtfo with your stormfront bullshit. Affirmative action is idiocy but so are studies showing that one race is smarter than another most of the time.

>> No.3358960

>Egyptians where black

>> No.3358964

because IQ tests assume people know what a circle is among other things

>> No.3358967
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>Why is it that I never see such bad examples in yurop?

Because its censored.

I suggest you look at the pic.

>> No.3358971

>100 years of nubian pharaohs
>north african peoples
>dark skinned
>oh but they're not black, that would mean not all blacks are stoopid
no true niggerman award?

>> No.3358977

And you people still insist that negroids are human beings.

>> No.3358979

Wow, I thought we were over this. Guess we are wrong. Then again, my country gets riled up over 'islamofascists' so there.
Fuck this world.

>> No.3358981

>mob mentality

They seem very human to me.

>> No.3358982

pseudoscience. Can a white man breed with a negroid woman and produce fertile offspring? Yes. Therefore they are the same species

>> No.3358987

The reason you should never be racist is because there are always outliers in every population. Imagine if we rejected the next greatest scientific mind because he was just black?

>> No.3358991

fertile offspring on welfare

>> No.3358990

Can a wolf breed with a dog and produce fertile offspring? Yes, but the animal is neither a dog or a wolf.

Your argument is invalid. Try again.

The races were separated for so long they can no longer be considered the same species.

>> No.3359006

every taxonomist in the world is now laughing at you.

>> No.3359014


Dogs have been selectively bred, humans have not.

>> No.3359020

You do realize that dogs (canis lupus familiaris) belong to the same species as wolves (canis lupus lupus)?
Also, that would mean that you would have observed speciation in a few generations. Please cite sources?

>> No.3359021

>Dogs have been selectively bred

Whites evolved due to the harsh living conditions of the north. Meanwhile, africa was easy living with plenty of vegetables/fruit to gather, and a never ending supply of wildlife to hunt. Hence why negroes didn't evolve.

>> No.3359024

Fucking moron.

Anyway, got beat to it:

>> No.3359029

>Meanwhile, africa was easy living
hahahaha what

Let me tell you: There's a reason the world's best runners are African

>> No.3359032

I really don't want to do this but..
>implying anyone has money
get born? Congrats, you have a 40k debt. Those bank notes you earn? They are being churned out by the millions to keep up with inflation.

>> No.3359038

Human breeding is inherently selective.

>> No.3359040

Wrong kind of selection.

>> No.3359035

>best runners

that's because they have to run from the police


Whites have neanderthal DNA, whereas negroes do not.

Your point is invalid, try again.

>> No.3359043

>african runners
>that's because they have to run from the police
trolls gonna troll

>> No.3359052

You are actually implying now that negroes are not as highly evolved as caucasians. Also, africa has lots of resources like iron, precious metals, uranium etc etc. It also is home to the most infectious and lethal diseases, viruses and some of the most dangerous animals to man. It is on the equator with little drinking water. It's only a great continent once you have the foundation to begin making use of it. Iron ore is of no use to a peoples which is being wrecked by for example Ebola Zaire.

Don't be sad, I got beaten by

>> No.3359059

It probably was selected upon when the raptorpolice was still existant.

>> No.3359065

"Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa–rich beyond the dream of poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a White man showed to him its glittering light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never dreamed a harness, cart, or sled. A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear, or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber he never sawed a foot of lumber, carved a block, or built a house save of broken sticks and mud. With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for four thousand years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizon calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed a sail" - Charles Darwin

>> No.3359070

Quote mining 101. Read the whole book.

>> No.3359457

>Whites have neanderthal DNA, whereas negroes do not.

You'll be hard-pressed to find any black person living today that has 100% black DNA. It's not possible.

>> No.3359647

>>3359457 You'll be hard-pressed to find any black person living today that has 100% black DNA.
Not in Africa.