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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 138 KB, 450x359, 1310157048141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3357007 No.3357007[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


EK got b&

>> No.3357014

How do you know?

>> No.3357016

what? no i fucking didn't

>> No.3357018


reported for ban evasion

>> No.3357019

Go away Rose.

>> No.3357025

Please stop it and just fuck off.

>> No.3357027

I really thought that Rose wouldn't come back. I don't even know why you're still here Rose. What's the point?

>> No.3357042

can someone post her full name again?

>> No.3357050

Good thing 4chan Plus has a hide function.

>> No.3357051


Rose, we all hate you. Please leave.

>> No.3357055

I second this motion.

>> No.3357062

Yeh, im still not rose, and i wasnt even banned
try harder, niggers.

>> No.3357066
File: 293 B, 40x33, troll_compressed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is NOT true.
Most of us appreciate your efforts, EK.
Please stay and ignore the haters.

>> No.3357068

Holy shit you are mad.

>> No.3357071


Seriously? I think not.

One day /sci/ will witness the greatest tripfag lynching of all time. I shall rejoice when that day comes.

>> No.3357073


Rose is a nice name. You shouldn't run from it.

>> No.3357074

>Yeh, im still not rose

Prove it.

>> No.3357075


So why the degenerated writing style and anger?

>> No.3357082

lol fine, whichever random facebook girl you have, just send her a facebook message and ask if she goes by the name EK on this board. she'll tell you she doesnt.

>> No.3357083


Just a geuss: Maybe she is degenerated and angry?

>> No.3357088


come on, this reply is so lame

>> No.3357090



>> No.3357093
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeh, and reported for none science. we'll see which of us gets banned, you fucking faggot.

>> No.3357098


No shit nigga

>> No.3357101


I would be butthurt, if the mod only writes something like "posting irrelevant garbage".
He should be more creative.

>> No.3357103
File: 45 KB, 453x604, 1310044499833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice one Rose. I just reported you to the police for racist comments. Have a nice time dealing with the law, racist scum.

Also, can you please post more pics of your hot friend in the middle? Preferably without you in the picture. Thanks.

>> No.3357107


Dynamic IPs, you heard of 'em?

>> No.3357109

You can add homophobic statements to the charge as well.

>> No.3357110

well i'm new to /sci/ and she instantly pissed me off. it's not just that she's totally unfunny and thinks otherwise (she is); it's that she's completely fucking arrogant yet doesn't have any clue what she's talking about half the time. she looks shit up on wolfram alpha, doesn't understand she's making a moronic conceptual error, then condescends others.
well, i lold

>> No.3357111

but when we contact her, it'll be you we're talking to and ofc ourse you will tell us No.

>> No.3357114

You're mad and you're fucking ugly.

>skinny lips
>bad teeth
>man eyebrows
>ears like fucking dishes
>butchered haircut
>oddly shaped head
>squinty eyes

You've managed to offend all 5 of my senses and I can only see a picture of you.

>> No.3357117


It's so much fun watching everyone get buttmad about her.

>> No.3357119

I should have reported her for those anti Muslim comments a few weeks ago.

>> No.3357120

Rose, you should just embrace that /sci/ has seen what you look like. People only give a shit because you are denying it. You are a /sci/ celebrity. Embrace it.

>> No.3357122


Can I post some random facebook whore too and declare her to be EK?

>> No.3357128

stop trying to pretend that you are Anonymous, EK. Well, it might be Harriet. I admit that I was wrong about Harriet being EK.

>> No.3357136
File: 245 KB, 471x346, 13645646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol [sarcasm] i'm fucking terrified, oh no, da polisse gonna be knocking on my door, whatever shall i do [/sarcasm]
fucking idiots.

i dont give a fuck if you evade it, i reported you anyway. it'l still piss you off having to type in whatever the evade code is.

>> No.3357148

lol this. Most people actually think you're quite attractive, Rose. Not as attractive as harriet but still.

>> No.3357149

reading what i write - sense = eyes
seeing 'pics of me' (lol, imbecile) - sense = eyes.
thats 1 sense, dumass.

>> No.3357141

>evade code

oh shit nigger, you just went full retard

>> No.3357143

Hey, EK, I'm writing a song about you and it's going to be top of the charts. We'll both be stars.

>> No.3357147

stfu rose.

>evade code

yea seriously stfu

>> No.3357150

Yes but make sure the following conditions are satisfied:
>studies zoology in London
>middle and last name initials are ek
>has a good friend named Harriet (perhaps she can even be "engaged" to Harriet on fb)
>have Harriet confirm on 4chan and Facebook that EK's identity has been discovered
In that case, yes, you can declare her to be EK

>> No.3357152
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>evade code

>> No.3357154


I already did and she played the "I don't know what you're talking about" card.

However, her reply to me calling her a fat bitch and that she should stop attention-whoring was "I can't", of all things. It made me lol and pretty much confirmed it.

>> No.3357156

well however you do it, its like changing internet settings or something, i dunno.

>> No.3357161

For not knowing how to evade a ban, I'm starting to think this must be harriet. I mean, the real EK must surely have evaded bans before. She'd know how to do it.

>> No.3357163

well you have no pics of the real me or the real harriet, but i assure you i'm hotter than she is.
not than any of your opinions matter =p

>> No.3357167
File: 72 KB, 450x337, 1304201244333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can't know, because as a tripfag you're not a member of the hacker group Anonymous.

>> No.3357168
File: 665 KB, 719x537, 1310044512024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized i don't have that picture of the girl in my pic where she's in lingerie with some of the fat showing.

>> No.3357171


You make me sick when you speak like that.

>> No.3357165

OK, so it begins:

I wanna get freakay
with EK
down beneath the sheets
to the pumpin techno beats

we gonna do science

>> No.3357175

>well you have no pics of the real me or the real harriet,

But that's wrong you fucking retard

>> No.3357179
File: 257 KB, 456x346, facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, that makes perfect sense you moron! she cant because she is rose, and I am EK, we are 2 different people, do i have to fucking spell this out??
obviously no random facebook girl can stop a completely different person from 'attention whoring' as you put it.
fucks sake, you really are a retarded cunt.

>> No.3357190



Do you know what most peoples' reactions would have been?
"Fuck off and stop harassing me" or something similar. The fact that she practically ADMITTED to it and didn't think it strange is a giveaway.

I'm sorry that you didn't spot that, but you're a fucking retard so I'll forgive you.

>> No.3357192
File: 74 KB, 636x545, 1309246736611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is there any way to contact you outside /sci/?
Can you make a new email for this purpose?

>> No.3357195
File: 36 KB, 408x593, 1310045482065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK, will you marry me? I saw this picture and fell in love.

>> No.3357199


>implying this isn't boxxy

>> No.3357205

she didnt admit to it, dumass, she had absolutely no idea what you were going on about because you were a gibbering faggot.
>most peoples' reactions would have been? "Fuck off and stop harassing me" or something similar.
i suspect that if you do contact her again then that's exactly what she'll say

>> No.3357209
File: 42 KB, 423x358, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3357210

1. go to aspie board
2. pretend femanon
3. ???

>> No.3357216

well of course you know what she'll say next time because she's you!. You can make her say whatever you want.

>> No.3357224


Why not?

>> No.3357225

> 2011
> still patently lying when it's been conclusively proven
> wonder why nobody likes you

remind me again why you said EK are your last two initials yesterday and then today you said that's not true?

>> No.3357216,1 [INTERNAL] 

herp a derp can you guys even see my post?

>> No.3357228


That's why she called me repeatedly you stupid fuck. I'm not retarded.

>> No.3357230
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact that i give exactly zero fucks regarding your faggotry would seem to indicate otherwise.
all you are going to have is one very confused young woman who might possibly have similar initials to me, but is otherwise no relation to me whatsoever. ever heard of a little something called coincidene? theres a lot of people in the world, brah. theres only 1 me, and you ant finding it.

>> No.3357235
File: 577 KB, 720x529, 1307388542511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin sage this shit. I want my religion threads.

>> No.3357236

You know the rules, Tits or GTFO

>> No.3357243

Psst, it's a dude.

>> No.3357248
File: 230 KB, 468x354, 012774364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i dont know you. you can say whatever you like here. its good enough. my e-mail is staying private, brah.

uhuh, just because you make up fallacious bullshit and spout it in my thread, doesnt mean any of us have to take niggers like you seriously.

>> No.3357249
File: 19 KB, 480x600, Anonymous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Lives in the same place, "married" to someone called Harriet, studies zoology, is bisexual etc.


You just make yourself look stupider and stupider you retarded fuck.

>> No.3357251


Forgotten about greenoval?

>> No.3357257

>the fact that i give exactly zero fucks regarding your faggotry

Leave the thread then. And don't get mad.

>, brah.

You've rarely ever used that word. You're forcing yourself to feel comfortable with this because you know you're lying.

>> No.3357258

give teh fb!

>> No.3357260


>my thread

Delusions are getting worse.

>> No.3357263

>my e-mail is staying private
What part of "make a new email account" didn't you understand?

>> No.3357255

Rose Elizabeth Kelly-Lines

Please stop with the lies.

Just stop your trip-fagging and it will all be over.

>> No.3357264

Rose don't forget that Harriet confirmed it for us. It is her fault.

>> No.3357267

Tits or GTFO

Sage goes in every field.

>> No.3357268

Another great thread by EK
I mean if you are this mad why bother with this shit.
Go puch a dude or something.

>> No.3357270

Remember when EK took it upon herself to drop the trip. Those were a good few days. :(

>> No.3357273

Teacup=Harriet=EK=Rose Elizabeth Kelly-Lines=Some fat neckbeard in Scotland living off welfare

>> No.3357274

Well, what he's saying's true (referring to 3357225). Denying it doesn't do much for your overall credibility.

>> No.3357275


>hasn't been on /sci/ before EK
obvious newfriend is obvious

>> No.3357278

Remember when the internet had no women on it. Those were the good days.

>> No.3357281
File: 195 KB, 365x330, 1236565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

which part of "you are some random stranger and i have nothing i need to say to you, or hear from you" don't YOU understand?

lol, no she fucking didnt. the only thing she confirmed is that she trolled he fuck out of you and showed you up as being the fucking bunch of dense morons that you are. harriets pretty fucking stupid (compared to me at least) and even SHE managed to troll you. you aught to be fucking ashamed, brah.

>> No.3357282


It lasted a week and it was my fault. I felt good that day. It still took 2 400 post threads to take her down, though.

>> No.3357285

Only one trip coder on sci, they are all the same
Except "Science" and "Mad Science"

>> No.3357288

Where did you get that from? I was referring to this occasion because it showed EK might not be an arrogant bitch, but but taking up the trip again and saying things like "my thread" she proves that she is.

>> No.3357291


>the only thing she confirmed is that she trolled he fuck out of you and showed you up as being the fucking bunch of dense morons that you are

Hahahahahaha getting worried now aren't you!

>harriets pretty fucking stupid (compared to me at least)
>trolled he fuck

RIGHT. And what a nice fucking friend you make.

>> No.3357295


I know you have to keep lying to us to save face, but remember that Harriet did that. It was Harriet. Maybe you'll end up having a divorce?

>> No.3357296
File: 48 KB, 720x540, EK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3357299

You still can't prove it was a troll. And it doesn't even make sense that it was all a troll. For one thing, when harriet 'confirmed' initially, she didn't even refer to 'it'

>> No.3357301

EK is insulting Harriet now. I think Harriet is actually smarter than EK though. EK is starting to troll us. /Thread

Basically, Ek is mad because we punished her for attention whoring and being a dumb cunt.

>> No.3357305

well shes pretty funny i guess, but i cant say i really approve. some random stranger might get shit for this because she took the troll too far. she aught to have just ended the thread with a trollface and 'hrr durr i trollu!!' thats what i'd have done.
trolls shouldnt be extended that far, just wait for them to take the bait, then post the trollface. simples.

>> No.3357306

OP here.
If you don't troll harder, I'm gonna delete this thread.

>> No.3357309
File: 8 KB, 297x170, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3357314

>harriets pretty fucking stupid (compared to me at least)
I never understood why Harriet puts up with this shit. And you claim to be better looking than her, which clearly isn't he case. Harriet's really cute, you're average at best.

>> No.3357315


Someone has to print this, jerk off on it and post.

>> No.3357313

good, delete it. its just me arguing with a bunch of stupid paranoid, gullible 14 year olds anyway. i have better things to do with my very valuable time.

>> No.3357318

I think you might be mad.

>> No.3357320

>valuable time.


you mean it's just you hopelessly trying to defend yourself

>> No.3357324
File: 254 KB, 458x358, 0126394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, even now the effects of her troll live on. harriet, am am proud.

>> No.3357325
File: 1.06 MB, 175x131, 1284323916702.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as well as nope.jpg

>> No.3357328


It's "ought" you dumbfuck. I won't correct you again.

>> No.3357332
File: 7 KB, 211x175, 4colourtheoremtroll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, problem?

>> No.3357334

thats not a valid response, thats just you deflecting.

>> No.3357334,1 [INTERNAL] 

