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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 321 KB, 1920x1080, qqqqqquen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3354907 No.3354907 [Reply] [Original]

Just let /sci/ be for a day or two. EK will become a thing of the past soon enough.

>> No.3354916

What? I have no idea of what you're saying.

>> No.3354918

Stop fucking evading the ban!!
no1 fucking cares about any of this EK shit. these threads arnt science, the threads are all gonna keep getting deleted.
fuck off and die!

>> No.3354924


>> No.3354926


they just get deleted.


>> No.3354938

ok Mod. il make a deal. I will go back to /b/ if you let this thread live. ok?

>> No.3354943

>"Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies"
>"off topic macro image replies."

and that image of 'fat EK' is photoshopped anyway.

>> No.3354961
File: 20 KB, 319x480, 31738_1449807241017_1108298101_2556442_6711399_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did some1 call for chubby EK?

>> No.3354967
File: 47 KB, 404x604, 25533_1356874014941_1624200028_885703_2883249_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or was that loli EK?

>> No.3354998 [DELETED] 

what is EKs facebook?
I want to see how ugly she actually is

>> No.3355000


>> No.3355011


>> No.3355020

4chan global rule 4: "The posting of personal information or calls to invasion is prohibited."


>> No.3355054
File: 46 KB, 604x453, n516687569_724943_8902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rose, you are such a buetiful lady

>> No.3355055

4chan global rule 5: being an ugly friendless whore is prohibited.


>> No.3355064

EK detected

>> No.3355089
File: 485 KB, 597x447, 1310044932272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK's phone number:


you will need to get the international code though

>> No.3355104

which one is ek?

>> No.3355108

The bitch still aint answering

>> No.3355145

she was pretty fit before she ballooned up to such monsterous proportions. also that harriet bitch is pretty wrinkly now. i guess all good things come to an end. by which i mean girls over 21 are past their prime.

>> No.3355245
File: 391 KB, 710x653, JailbaitEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ek, grace us for the first time with your presence since 7/7/11

>> No.3355254

anyone wana fill in the missing sub heading?

>> No.3355262


>> No.3355269

Mods sure do love the word asinine, perhaps even more than wikipedia loves to say portmanteau. limited vocabulary much? hahahaha.

anyway, the ek thing has passed since attention switched to the shuttle launch.

>> No.3355274



Get out granny-lover

>> No.3355283
File: 65 KB, 332x635, jailbait2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid little EK

>> No.3355304

fuck off harriet, you are next. Prepare for your photos being spammed soon!

>> No.3355318

I do not care what you do. You are stupid immature little children on the internet. This will all die down in a day or so.

>> No.3355336

lol all i see you doing is reporting. and nothing happens. lol

i single handidly will not let this die down within a day or two, unless you stop posting as well. Do we have a deal?

>> No.3355357

You're not being nice.

>> No.3355361

I am not negotiating with you. I am not talking to you any more after this. I reported all of the EK threads and they have all been deleted. This will be deleted as well.

-Teacup, do not bump these types of thread please.

>> No.3355367

does it look like i give a shit about harriet!?

>> No.3355370

the only thing to do is take the trip off.

>> No.3355373

And by 'these types of threads' do you mean EK threads or tripfriend threads?

>> No.3355388

me and the Mod have a deal. i trust he wont break it.

If you refuse to remove your trip then i will continue spamming EK and your photos and bring this board to shit

>> No.3355404

What pleasure do you get out of ruining /sci/ for EK?

>> No.3355417

Probably the pleasure of knowing Harriet and EK are not okay with it, as is evidenced by harriet's sage

>> No.3355418

The threads that people make to harrass EK with.

I do not believe you. The moderators will not sit idly by while you spam the board and harrass other users.

-Teacup, please sage.

>> No.3355424
File: 47 KB, 405x720, 155060_10150305856430062_598430061_15442928_8284851_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i do not like EK or Harriet (her lesbian lover). I want them to do away with their trip and post anonymously. I would have them leave forever, but i know this is not possible

>> No.3355438

Then why pick on us? Neither of us has done anything wrong.

>> No.3355439

So? Why does that pleasure you? Are you a sociopath?


But why?

>> No.3355448

this was reported an hour ago and it is still here.

So you are going to be selfish and ruine /sci/ for everyone just so you can post with your name?

>> No.3355465

because they are attention whores.
teacup shut up or i will have to deal with you as well

>> No.3355479

enjoy your 60 day ban for ban evasion. the /sci/ mods take this board as SRS BSNS

>> No.3355480

Are you >>3355417 or >>3355424?

>> No.3355483

There was a morality thread last night involving the choice to give in to a terrorists demand for the greater good, or defy him. The terrorist is the one in the wrong, the participants choice of action or inaction does not mean that they are responsible for the situation.
You are the one ruining the board, you are trying to make it seem like my fault when all I want to do is discuss science. I refuse to give up my name, but I will leave for a while.

>> No.3355486

i r >>3355424

>> No.3355493

Why won't 17 answer then?

>> No.3355496

not good enough. I want the names Harriet and EK gone forever

>> No.3355504

so you are EK?

>> No.3355529

I texted EK just now.

Her reply to "stop tripfagging" was "I can't". Is this girl a fucking retard?

>> No.3355537

The only way this thing of EK will blow over is if EK stops using her name (and Harriet). Every time they post in a thread it will turn to cancer because everyone will be posting their photos.

>> No.3355547

i tried to ring her, she dont pick up

>> No.3355578


She's being surprisingly polite about it all - I don't think she really knows what to do.

>> No.3355585

i hate name fags. 4chan is an anonymous site. how dare they name themselves

>> No.3355590

lol. I would have expected. " Fuck off stop harassing me you stupid piece of shit or I'll phone the police" or something along those lines.

Or maybe you're lying. SS or gtfo

>> No.3355600

I really enjoy these threads. Proceed.

>> No.3355601


Sorry, my webcam's fucked.

She just texted "I think you might have got the wrong number". This might be fake, since she doesn't seem to know what I'm on about.

I did just get a call from a hidden number, but I didn't pick up.

>> No.3355602

isnt it obvious?

>> No.3355630

I for one would welcome her back.

I harassed for information and was somewhat influential in discovering her facebook profile. But I never did it maliciously. Other's of the /b/tard variety would send her vehement messages , shop her pics and spread her contact details around and other various pranks involving online ads, memberships etc.

I was following a genuine curiosity since she released just enough information to showcase an intriguing personality. If I found her facebook profile and it was private, I would have stopped there. But it was public so I was well within my rights to take a peek.

>> No.3355631

I got a reply of "Seriously got the wrong number" when I said "you might want to go on /sci/"

Fake details?

>> No.3355650

She's faking and pretending it's a wrong number; proceed.

>> No.3355656

I'm really not sure, now. I didn't get any "What the hell?" or "Wtf?" when I sent angry texts, but now I'm getting ones denying any knowledge of anything.

Methinks it's a fake.

>> No.3355658

It is fake information. She is not EK. Leave her alone.

>> No.3355664

EK detected.

How about no.

>> No.3355672

You are mistaken. You have the wrong information. This girls initials are RK. She is not EK. She is just a random girl.

>> No.3355678


*ploy, not fake

>> No.3355682


So the initials dictate everything? Idon'tthinksotim

>> No.3355684

It is fake. This girl also does not have the same age or hair colour as EK.

>> No.3355691

If i wake up and see Harriet Or EK on /sci/ all hell will break loose and /sci/ will become the shithole of 4chan

>> No.3355694

Of course. EK are initials. The initials do not fit. Therefore you must have the wrong person.

>> No.3355698

>and /sci/ will become the shithole of 4chan
>implying it isn't already

>> No.3355700


How do you know? Which of these pics are EK and which aren't?

>> No.3355702


Just because you assumed that does not make it true.

>> No.3355705

I do not know this girl. I do not Know EK. I do not know what EK looks like. EK said she was 20 years old. This girl is 23 years old and she has he wrong initials.

>> No.3355707

the initials are REK. EK said before that "EK" stood for her middle and surname. It fits.

>> No.3355714

Ek already said she is 23. and there are plenty of pictures with her in black hair (what she confirmed)

>> No.3355715

No. EK said that EK were her direct initials. Her first name begins with E and her second name begins with K. She never said what her middle name was.

>> No.3355718

You're wrong. EK stated quite plainly that "EK" stands for her middle and last names.

>> No.3355724


>> No.3355725


Those pics she always posted were of some YouTube atheist, not EK.

>> No.3355732

EK never said that she dyes her hair. Some of the pictures of this other girl are not with black hair.

No she did not.

I am not any of them. I am anonymous.

>> No.3355739

She is not EK either. There are no pictures of the real EK.

>> No.3355740

>Implying the reaction of both EK and Harriet right after the FB was posted didn't confirmed it was indeed her.

You are either a gullible asspie or EK/Harrier trying to create confusion in the board + pretending you're not EK over the previously posted phone number to 'bring down' morale.

This will be as effective as your previous attempts to do damage control (If you actually are EK/Harriet).

>> No.3355751

Anyone else care to text her?

She stopped replying.

>> No.3355753 [DELETED] 


Please just stop. You can read the thread


>middle name and last name initials.

>> No.3355756

EK has not posted anything at all since before the pictures of this other girl were released. Harriet has not confirmed anywhere that any of these pictures are actually EK. Teacup is not Harriet or EK, and was unaware of the entire situation until a couple of hours ago.

>> No.3355759


I know - if you could read you would have spotted that's what I was saying.

>> No.3355761

> 'bring down' morale
> 'bring down' morale
> 'bring down' morale

holy fuck...morale? how pathetic are you?

>> No.3355762

>EK never said that she dyes her hair. Some of the pictures of this other girl are not with black hair.

EK never mentioned hair dye or natural colour. When she said black she could well have been talking about her colour at the time.

>No she did not.

She did actually.

>> No.3355767

I just called her. She answered. go eat your hearts out my anons

>> No.3355770


Not as a tripfag, obviously, but that doesn't stop her posting as Anonymous.

Can someone please text her. I've got a couple of calls from her but I don't want to speak to her on the phone (unfortunately it's impossible to text anonymously in the UK, but I'm using my old phone).

>> No.3355771

So even /sci/ shits themselves about tripfag drama. I figured you'd be different.

>> No.3355772
File: 65 KB, 540x720, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If these pics aren't of the real EK then why did harriet react in the way she did? And why has EK's trip not been used since the discovery?

>> No.3355773

Perhaps she was lying. She knew you were trying to track her down so she gave out false information.

>> No.3355775


What did she say?

>> No.3355784

Perhaps Harriet saged and reported the threads because they were not science and were just mindless threads about EK again. Harriet never said that the pictures were of EK.

>> No.3355785

Maybe, But if these aren't real pics, then why hasn't she appeared under tripcode like normal? why did harriet come along and confirm it and start a shitstorm that she would then hopelessly try to sage away.

also, you just proved that you were lying when you said EK stands for first and last names.

>> No.3355789

read her reaction, faggot.
She did more than just sage and report.

>> No.3355793

Harriet did not confirm anything. Perhaps Harriet was trolling. Perhaps EK was lying about the significance of the letters 'EK'

>> No.3355795


confirmed for EK/Harriet

>> No.3355809
File: 210 KB, 778x497, EK_harriet_london.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then explain this.
Ek said she's from london and lives with harriet. this all adds up.

>> No.3355818

She said "I have no idea who you are. My name is Rose, who are you?"

I'm starting to think these are genuinely the wrong details.

>> No.3355821


Wow. Shit, it really is her.

>> No.3355822

>Implying the facebook profile and photo album wasn't set to private right after EK/Harriet noticed her FB was leaked.
>Implying Harriet just posted indifferent reactions
>Implying you're not Harriet/EK/Teacup
>Implying this retarded tactic will work

>> No.3355826

Okay, if EK comes back and starts posting under the tripcode then I'll accept that the facebook pictures aren't her.

Did you even read what harriet said?
'You people are horrible. She will not be posting again. I hope you are happy.'
'Of course she knows' DING DING DING DING
'Leave her alone. I am serious.'

>> No.3355830

These things make me think that it is genuinely EK:

Harriet has never disputed that the photos are of her/EK. People posted photos of her and EK saying "aww Harriet you're fat" and she replied "I may not be as skinny as EK, but I'm not fat" — not "that's not me". Also, when asked "shouldn't you be off comforting Rose?" she didn't say "I don't ken a Rose" or anything to that effect.

Middle and last initials are EK as she said.

Married to a "Harriet".

Harriet saying "of course she knows" when asked if EK knows that her facebook's been leaked — not "you've not got the right one".


>> No.3355831

confirmed for ek/harriet

anonymous doesnt have the balls to call her.

post pics of text message or gtfo

>> No.3355832


>> No.3355835


This is some pretty hilarious shit.

Still no reply, just lots of calls from her number even though I said I won't pick up.

>> No.3355837

I don't think she's retarded enough to do that after some anon mentioned it.

But at least this way we will not have to endure another pathetic tactic.

>> No.3355839


Seriously... no.

I am no EK or Harriet. I have been texting her for around half an hour now, but I don't like the idea of a word conversation with her.

>> No.3355840

It's not to do with science but it is intimately related to the board itself. This is a meta-discussion.

>> No.3355843

post pics of said convo.

>> No.3355844


By the way, I already said my webcam's broken. I'll see what I can do.

>> No.3355845


>> No.3355847

whats goin on in this thread? whoever those pictures are, they arnt me.

>> No.3355849


Give me about half an hour to sort out my camera.

>> No.3355851

Hi EK. How was your day?

>> No.3355858


Ah the queen has returned for more trolling.

>> No.3355859

People, did Harriet appear as soon as the details were posted?

>> No.3355855

not EK's tripcode

>> No.3355857


And I take it back. But good luck with your attempt.

>> No.3355860

Well /sci/, you're now officially shit-tier

>> No.3355862

hi, totally fine, ive just been quite busy recently.
how are you?

>> No.3355863

Hi Harriet. EK gave you her tripcode did she?

why did you put your profile on private?

>> No.3355864

we just want to be friends, why do you evade us?

>> No.3355869

lol harriet doesnt no my tripcode, and whatever facebook accounts you think you have they arnt me either. nice try though. ;)

>> No.3355875


Interesting. Your typing style is IDENTICAL to the person I've been texting.

>> No.3355876


Why did harriet say

>of course she knows


>> No.3355874

u desperate?

>> No.3355879

u mad?

>> No.3355880

>not posting EK images
>not capitalising
>not saying "hun"

I wonder why you disappeared for this whole event. My guess is you needed time to recover and respond.

>> No.3355882

coincidence, hun. theres tens of millions of people in the greater london area. you dont really think thered by only 1 EK or harriet do you? harriets a pretty common name, brah.

>> No.3355883

What a coincidence. And she will probably say something like "I wouldn't do it if it was so obvious -- that's why I'm telling the truth"

>> No.3355886

i have no idea what your talking about, hun. ive been away the last couple of days, i was taking a mini break with some friends so ive not seen anything thats been going on here. what did i miss?

>> No.3355887


Did Harriet appear just after this happened? If so it could just be that some anon went on the profile, saw she was married to a Harriet and then trolled us all by pretending to be her.

>> No.3355890



Nice try when it was just mentioned you weren't using it.

>> No.3355893


Well this was yesterday.


>> No.3355894

And knew harriet's tripcode precisely? unlikely


I lol'd it wasnt even a couple of days. Your cover is blown.

>> No.3355900

Harriets facebook profile was psoted on 8:27:20.
Harriets next post was "Reported. at 09:26:36, nearly an hour later, and It was harriets correct tripcode.

>> No.3355901


Oh, I didn't know there was a known tripfag with that name on here prior to that.

>> No.3355906

Maybe this is all Harriet subtly trolling everyone.

>> No.3355911

lol, looks like harriets been playing you all for fools. she can be pretty funny sometimes. =p

well 1 day then, i dunno, i have a poor track of time. i just didnt really feel like posting yesterday. i was busy.

>> No.3355912


EK you should be mad at Harriet. If she had not posted that, there may have been doubt that the profile was actually you.

>> No.3355913

Also, notice the laid back attitude and complete ignorance of the events? Obviously, she is being 100% honest about the fact that the profile is not hers and she didn't knew a thing about the topic.

Try harder cunt

>> No.3355920

poor alibi, EK.

>> No.3355921

It was sarcasm you asspie.

>> No.3355924

That's called trying too hard.

>> No.3355918
File: 221 KB, 435x355, 13635748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks that way to me, brah! shes' so funny, i love it when she does this kind of thing.

>> No.3355919


Hello EK.

>> No.3355926

> implying harriet can be funny and not the most hideously humourless and unlikeable person i have seen on /sci/

>> No.3355928


Rose, you should start using your own pictures as reaction images. Nothing to hide now.

>> No.3355932
File: 25 KB, 410x410, 1308785750902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>EK's back

>> No.3355933

Welcome back, EK.

>> No.3355934


>Implying it has any elements of sarcasm in it whatsoever.

>> No.3355936

You're trying way too hard, "brah".

It's okay if we've seen your pictures and plastered them about. No one is going to do anything nasty.

>> No.3355943


Stopped texting me, then?

>> No.3355944

fuck you! harriet is always funny.

rose? Who is rose? that doesnt even start with an E. if you people think shes me hen you're even stupid than i thought LOL.

>> No.3355950

the E doesn't stand for first name. LOL

>> No.3355951


>rose? Who is rose? that doesnt even start with an E.

We've already been through this. You already admitted that you used your middle-name for coverup reasons.

>> No.3355955

ive no idea, hun. i havent been texting anyone today. whoever this 'rose' girl is, she might have been texting people, but ive no idea to be completely honest.

>> No.3355956

oh look EK's been drinking paint-thinner again

>> No.3355957

All these pictures that have been posted are not EK. They are somebody else.

>> No.3355953



>> No.3355961

Are you lying though?

>> No.3355962

A combined strategy for damage mitigation. Why didn't you think fot this earlier?!!!!

>> No.3355965 [DELETED] 

what? yeh it does. my initials are EK, dumass. R doesnt even begin with an E.

>> No.3355971


So why did you admit it before?

>> No.3355972

>Read threads from yesterday
>This thread
>"Eh, nothing to see here"
>Go play a game
>Come back
>Thread at top of page 0

What the fuck /sci/? Happens every time.

>> No.3355966

you're overusing the word hun just because I mentioned you weren't using it. LOL

>> No.3355974


>> No.3355976

oh rite, yeh its middle name, but i mean there are loads of people with the middle name that fit the letter E, theres only 26 letters in the alphabet, brah. and whoever 'rose' is, well she has a different first name to me, she is someone else entirely.

>> No.3355977

>Implying you weren't posting as anon to do damage control for EK

>> No.3355979


>Trying to play stupid.

Seriously, we know you're bad, but not THAT bad.

>> No.3355982

EK now outright lying.
You told us yesterday that EK are your last two initials.
Now they're not?

busted rofl
u mad?

>> No.3355984

Yes, proceed.

>> No.3355985


Rose I saw the reply you just deleted. You are lying.

>> No.3355981
File: 665 KB, 719x537, EK and some fatty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK pic dump?

EK pic dump.

>> No.3355986

If I want to do damage control, I'll do it with my own tripcode you homofag.

>> No.3355987
File: 647 KB, 726x546, EK 009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3355988


You're overusing your catchwords/phrases.

You're really nervous, aren't you.

>> No.3355991
File: 805 KB, 724x547, EK 010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3355994

Rose just turn on all the privacy settings on your facebook profile so no one can find you.

>> No.3355997

On the facebook profile it says Rose is interested in men and women. EK mentioned that she was bisexual, yes?

>> No.3355998

EK's deleting all her replies?

Oh wow, this just gets better and better.

>> No.3356000
File: 32 KB, 510x268, EK lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, yeah.

Here's a gem.

>> No.3356004
File: 14 KB, 569x274, EK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3356011

I'm not the only bisexual girl in the world, hun.

>> No.3356015


But this description is just matching up better and better, is it not?

>> No.3356012

Moar please.

>> No.3356018

Get this shit the fuck off of my /sci/ or so help me teapot I will find you and rape all of you. The Anti-EK bullshit is so massively out of proportion compared to the EK bullshit it's causing much more damage to the board.

>> No.3356019

Wait, EK, you've been discovered, flipped out and left for a day, and now you come back to deny that it is you?

Rose, I am disappoint.

>> No.3356020

Whoever this poor girl is, she is nothing to do with any of us. She would not like you posting images of her here. You should all stop.

>> No.3356021
File: 420 KB, 418x564, EK 002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3356024

Are you lying though?

>> No.3356022

You are however the only person fucking stupid enough in /sci/ to think this fallacious reply will do anything but further convince us.


>> No.3356027


So surely the best solution is for EK to stop tripfagging?

>> No.3356030

Am I the only one who noticed that EK's style of writing is completely different in this thread and that Harriet posted defending EK as soon as the details were posted? This is all an elaborate prank, and you people are fallig right into it. Kudos to EK for pulling it off.
Or maybe it's Harriet, dunno.


>> No.3356032




>> No.3356034

With how ugly she is I'm sure you wouldn't mind the attention for once. Why do you care anyway?

>> No.3356038
File: 37 KB, 274x280, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Whoever this poor girl is

>> No.3356040

EK hasn't posted for a day. This shit is still happening. Threads about this are getting more interest than threads about a fucking space plane that just launched.

>> No.3356042


Which part of it is the prank though?

>> No.3356035

me leaving for a day had nothing to do with any of this. i didnt even know that people were posting facebooks around and saying they were me. i was just really busy. looks like you've all been deluding yourself the last day or so.

>> No.3356044


>> No.3356045


EK, I'm going to rape you. If this person isn't you then you are going to be responsible for some innocent girl getting raped.

I hope it was worth it.

>> No.3356051

When I said before that the pictures were of EK, I was lying. I thought that it would be funny but now I think that the joke has gone on long enough. You should all stop now.

>> No.3356052

Getting /sci/ to be her personal army? Just get the girl's facebook password and fuck it up.
Trolling /sci/ for no reason?
Harriet/EK getting back at each other for something?

>> No.3356053


Bullshit. Don't try to backtrack.

>> No.3356058

not immediately. see: >>3355900

>> No.3356061


lol. Yet, you left /sci/ right during a thread which you had already posted in, containing this facebook.

I don't believe in coincidences.

>> No.3356063


Yes, that was implied in my post. Well done.

It was more the issue of /exactly what the prank is/.

>> No.3356065

>I don't believe in coincidences.
I want to punch you, you simple cretin.

>> No.3356071
File: 7 KB, 201x199, I don't know who's trolling who anymore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3356075

Oh, excuse me then. I'll go for an hour and come back then, see how my thread evolves and generate drama within. It might be hard, b- Oh, wait

What do you mean?...

>> No.3356077

I'm not responsible for anything, i never said that i was this 'rose' person. if you try and do anything illegal like that you'll just be arested like you deserve. fuck you, im not even bothered.

>> No.3356079


I want to fuck you in your nostril, you humorless aspie.

>> No.3356084
File: 556 KB, 557x800, celebrationek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol EK and Harriet still with the desperate damage control.

Game over lesfags

But how I remember that day, just like it was yesterday... >Oh wait

>> No.3356085



My post implied that I was well aware of what the prank could be, but I didn't know exactly which one it was.

ie. is it getting a personal army, trolling /sci/ etc?

>> No.3356087


Rose, can I just ask you why you didn't turn up your privacy settings after they said they were looking for your profile? Seems pretty dumb.

>> No.3356092

This is what Harrier/EK intended to do, assuming you're not Harrier/EK, of course.

>> No.3356095

That would be a lot more convincing if you wer ein the habit of pulling pranks. Your initial response was far too sincere.

>> No.3356100

If you attempt anything like that then I will make sure you are caught and arrested. We are not afraid of you.

>> No.3356103


Well then it's going to be you who is responsible for an innocent girl getting raped.

I'm sure she will think your joke is funny

>> No.3356106


Seems like a tall order if Rose has "nothing to do with you".

>> No.3356108

well she's not even me, so i cant change her profile settings can I? my real profile is set to private.

>> No.3356101


>Implying I'm not

>> No.3356110


Back to her humourless self.

By the way, the reason EK did NOT turn up her profile security is precisely because it would give the game away. They must have realised this after Harriet did exactly that.

>> No.3356114

> desperately tries to cover up the leak with ridiculous lies which blatantly contradict facts

>> No.3356117

I was faking it. My sincerity was an act. I though that it would be amusing if you thought you had found the wrong EK. It is definitely not her.

>> No.3356119

you just happened to be busy and start your work just as the thread about you was making you uncomfortable?

Am I supposed to believe someone who spends every waking hour on /sci/ wouldn't check to see how things are progressing?

Also this: >>3355988

>> No.3356125
File: 32 KB, 455x300, 1291665972093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3356126

Do not pull that shit with me! You are responsible or your own crimes!

>> No.3356127


But Rose was given a warning about 20 minutes before the first picture was posted. I know I would have turned up the privacy before they found my profile.

>> No.3356140
File: 186 KB, 699x771, 1234966510298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well she's not even me
Yes she is. We all know she is.

and even if it was not (but thats not the case) now this is EK.

Deal with it you lower-middle-class Brit.

>> No.3356143


So you think it's alright to post someone's FaceBook profile on here as the details of a known troll, regardless of whether they're correct or not?


>> No.3356150
File: 195 KB, 1016x572, EK trollololol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here ya go /sci/

inb4 someone thinks I used my actual facebook
>(it's a troll account)<

>> No.3356154

Sorry guys, me and Harriet both have to go now. You know this 'rose' person isn't me, we've both made that perfectly clear. You should probably just leave her alone and forget about her.

>> No.3356156


So she knew before the profile had been posted? How?

>> No.3356157


Well, now it's obvious we need to continue to harass her.

>> No.3356158

Nah, you wouldn't "fake it" for that long. perhaps for a duration of the thread but not every thread afterwards.

I'm guessing we found the profile. It was you. You guys realised. Got really freaked out. EK ran away out of embarrassment/fear. Made her profile private once she'd recovered. And now about 5 minutes ago, you realised you might be able to make this whole thing go away if you convince us it was all one elaborate prank.

>> No.3356164

Harriet did not post anyones facebook profile. That was somebody else. All she did was play along with the joke.

>> No.3356168



She knew she gave out too much information (and she knew she was "married" to Harriet) so why didn't she turn up the privacy? Just dumb

>> No.3356169


How long's this been going on for?

>> No.3356174
File: 9 KB, 330x363, 1308709870263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying I'm not

>> No.3356176


Because it would give the game away. If she did that it would obviously confirm it's her - this way we're still unsure.

>> No.3356180


Her profile wasn't found yet. Reread please.

>> No.3356182

Well this was interesting.

EK is far too nervous to be telling the truth. her polygraph would be going fucking crazy right now.

>> No.3356187

we're not unsure. she has indubitably lied in this thread.

>> No.3356193

that sage was fucking futile EK. and you are lying again arnt you? you dont really have to go anywhere.

>> No.3356195
File: 12 KB, 539x157, EK's phone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, as soon as someone get's through to this "fake number" guess we'll never know

>> No.3356196


Sorry, I only skim-read.

I see what you mean.

>> No.3356200


Nice try. You will feel our wrath.

>> No.3356202

She's not going to answer. She's probably out buying a new phone right now.

>> No.3356211


I have. Read the thread.

She denies all knowledge, even though her reaction to me calling her a fat bitch, accusing her of shitting up the board and telling her to quit the attention-whoring was "I can't". Most people I know would just send insults back and tell me to fuck off, which implies that it hit home somehow. It was only after that that she started saying she didn't know what I was on about.

>> No.3356218


She does. Try it. Anyway, it's almost half 7 here, all the phone shops will be closed.

>> No.3356229

For now, at least.

>> No.3356232
File: 34 KB, 694x530, 12694664841..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic.

>> No.3356242

Yeah that response is strange. if it was really the number of a random facebook girl she'd have responded with wtf, fuck off, who are you? or i think you have the wrong number. But I can't would never be a response.

Well this coupled with EK's nervousness just confirms it. She would be a lot more laid back and certainly wouldn't be overusing all her mannerisms if this wasn't really her.

At least we can put this whole thing to bed.

>> No.3356257

She was definitely trying to be laid back. saying 'brah' and 'hun' alot. I bet she was really nervous though.

>> No.3356263

Agreed, at least she won't be posting anymore (Who knows for how long) under her tripcode.

>> No.3356265

>When I said before that the pictures were of EK, I was lying. I thought that it would be funny but now I think that the joke has gone on long enough. You should all stop now.

What? you dont even have a consistent story now, harriet! you never actually said the pics were EK, but you never denied it was EK either. So how can you have been lying when you never actually commented on it at all?
And why are you suggesting we leave her alone if it is nothing to do with you? why do you care?

>> No.3356268


Yes. The actual conversation was

"Remember me? Yeah, still hating on you for shitting up our board. Fat bitch."
"No i dont remember you?"
"Just stop with the fucking attention whoring."
"I cant"
"Evidently, or you would have stopped."
"Who are you"
"Take a guess. We've argued enough fucking times."
"I think you have got the wrong number"
"You might want to go on /sci/"
"Seriously got the wrong number"

Yeah, I know my responses were a little retarded, but I was consumed with rage.

>> No.3356273

nope. to keep up the charade of not giving a shit, she is going to have to pretend business as usual. she will have to post just to keep up an appearance. maybe she will post even more than usual. If she doesnt post, that just incriminated her further as it is something she normally would do. if rose really isnt her then she would not give a fuck and will be posting like normal.
I'm not sure how that explains why she stopped posting for 24 hours after the pics were released.

>> No.3356288

Idiot, you should have been subtle. you could have got information out of her, or something linking her to being Ek here if she slipped up. just keep asking her questions, what websites she goes on, if she knows someone called harriet, how old she is, what her course is.
EK said here that she does zoology, so she will will probably say she does a different course as 'rose' because her plan now will be to try to distance her persona of EK here, and rose in real life.
I think se said once that harriet does psychology. you could ask her what harriets course is. Ask what university she goes to as well.

>> No.3356292

Teapot? What?

Oh. Well, without wanting to offend anyone, I'll have to say that the fact that it's centered around EK and Harriet makes me lean towards it being a personal army request in disguise.

Everyone in this thread has been trolled, etc, etc

>> No.3356293

Step 1. Troll the fuck out of Rose
Step 2. See step 1
Step 3. repeat ad nauseum
Step 4. ????
Step 5. PROFIT!

If it is EK, we've done our job. If not then some ugly rich cunt will have got what she deserved.


>> No.3356297


True, but I was in anger-mode. Might be a bit late now.

She called me repeatedly but I didn't pick up.

However, it's odd that she's stopped replying since EK left the thread.

>> No.3356305

a personal army request against someone who just happens to be female,
just happens to be bisexual
just happens to live in london
just happens to live with someone called harriet
just happens to do zoology
just happens to be promiscuous
and just happens to have short black hair?

no, this is far far too specific.

>> No.3356308

how do we know if rose is rich?

>> No.3356316

that same mod banned me for the same reason about 3 times. looks like some liberal mod is on here banning people for posting things he disagrees with.

and this is why america is failing. too many douchebags with authority, thanks again liberals and MOOT

>> No.3356329


Hello random conservatard troll. Pretty obvious you didn't read the thread.

>> No.3356332

another coincidence. there's been a lot of those.
EK and harriet have both changed their stories repeatedly.
EK said the letters stand for middle and last name, then changed her story, then changed it back.
Harriet originally sage bombed the thread and told us to leave EK alone, not denying the pictures were of her. Now harriet says she was trolling.

EK said she was paranoid, and tried to backtrack, saying she might not go to university at london, then left for 24 hours. now she comes back and pretends to not know anything about 'rose' and then quickly leaves again.

this all seems rather suspicious to me.

>> No.3356335

She could've easily gotten the girl's password, changed a few details in the account and organised all of this. Considering how much you all hate her, it'd probably take less than 2 hours to pull it off and then let the population of /sci/ do the rest of the work. It'd be practically effortless.

>> No.3356351

bro you forget 'has last initials EK, subsequently denied to be the basis of her name contradicting her statement yesterday'

>> No.3356352


Teacup you are one of the most retarded persons I have ever conversed with

>> No.3356355

changed that much? and why would the original owner not change it back?
how do you explain her being married to harriet? obviously we dont take that literally, they probably just mean it as best mates and are taking the piss out of facebook relationship status's.
see >>3355809
she mentioned being in london and with harriet, and that was posted over a year ago, before anything happened here.

>> No.3356359

What? What part of my post makes you say that?

>> No.3356360

So you're saying she hacked some random person's facebook account to set this whole thing up? Honestly?

The only way EK can convince us that ROse isn't her is by posting a picture of her real face.

>> No.3356367

>obviously we dont take that literally, they probably just mean it as best mates and are taking the piss out of facebook relationship status's.

Of course, and it would make sense since Ek already said she doesn't like the idea of marriage.

>> No.3356368

You are a whore and a liar, the only thing you'd get from me would be a vicious hammering to the head if I ever encountered you.

>> No.3356374

EK's been asked repeatedly. She never posted it, we asked for the back of her head just to prove she was female and she wouldnt even do that, we had to find her ourselves. This is definitely her, for all these reason and more

>> No.3356375

I need to go to London. Pretty sure I could find the location from all the photos.

>> No.3356382

Again, change password and account details. That picture, however, does bring the whole "got a person she hates' password and changed their details" thing down. Although she could as easily found a promiscuous 23 year old with a friend named Harriet, which is much more far-fetched.

"Hey, Emily, stand there for a sec and hold this piece of paper while I photograph you.
It's for a project, lol."

>> No.3356383

find the university zoology department. does she have her university on the facebook page?

>> No.3356384

/sci/ducks be wary. It is very possible that Teacup could be Rose.

>> No.3356391

doubt it, EK and teacup have posted in quick sucession in the same thread before, Teacup is just some other random retarded tripfag who has no relation to EK other than a similar lack of intelligence.

>> No.3356392

Notice how I'm typing normally, unlike EK, and acting normally, unlike EK AND Harriet.

>> No.3356394

did anyone call EK?

>> No.3356402


There are 43 universities in London. Good luck.

>> No.3356404


>> No.3356405

Is that in london?

>> No.3356399

Exactly, they are not acting normally.. If they planned this whole thing they'd be acting normally. as in not nervous.

>> No.3356401


university of roehampton, iirc

>> No.3356408
File: 52 KB, 655x500, vanhanen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My penis is so happy now, I don't care about the truth

>> No.3356411

not ek, but someone even less significant. fuck off tripfag, you are only a fraction better than that fucking whore, and that isnt saying much.

>> No.3356418

If you're that butthurt and emotional over this tripfaggotry, then why not just remove your trip? Don't you know the point of an anonymous image board?

>> No.3356419



Yes. However, that post could be a decoy by Rose.

>> No.3356421

They might've accidentally given out more info than they should in the profile and be nervous about that? Or just generally nervous, it is a pretty big attempt at trolling every party involved, after all.

>less significant
>fraction better

>> No.3356429
File: 21 KB, 320x240, 5-Eyed Cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You type in a very similar way to EK.

>> No.3356430

Or, or, I could keep my tripcode and have people recognise me as a different person.

>> No.3356432

> it is a pretty big attempt at trolling every party involved, after all.

And that's why it fails occum's razor.

>> No.3356434


It makes sense. The less significant a tripfag is the better.

>> No.3356443

Notice how Ek has failed with capitalisation and punctuation ITT. She is normally very precise.

She's rushing things because she's desperate. Desperate to convince us that we haven't found her because of course we have.

>> No.3356446


She is sloppy, just like you were in that post.

>> No.3356448

Oh. Well, seeing it that way. EK isn't bad though.

>> No.3356452

probably. If we are right and this is the real EK and harriet, then they will have been doing damage cpntrol pretty quickly. they cant set the account to private straight away, because that proves they are the same person which gives EK away. but they will have altered all the personal info. i would suggest that her address, university, phone number etc will all have been edited and made incorrect.

>> No.3356464

Why would EK be me? I'm trying to tell you that she IS the person in the facebook page. EK is trying to tell you she isn't.

>> No.3356465


Well the person I was texting said that they were called Rose, then asked who I was.

>> No.3356471


EK is fucking complicated. You can never be sure.

>> No.3356478


possible anonymous EK detected.

>> No.3356480

I'm convinced that you're EK too.

>> No.3356484

As if it matters if we can make everybody believe the pics are real

>> No.3356488

anyone want to archive this thread?

>> No.3356487

lol fuck off tripfag

>> No.3356492
File: 47 KB, 499x314, HA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3356494

Confirmed for EK in disguise.

>> No.3356497

Anons, stop accusing each other of being EK. this isnt helping. We are legion.
Clearly EK has changed tactics and is now playing ignorant about the whole thing. whichever anon is in phone contact wit hher, keep in mind that she will be trying to lie to you. you need to keep asking difficult questions and get her to make a mistake and say something that irrefutably proves she is EK.

>> No.3356498

I'm fapping to the thought that EK and Harriet are watching this thread and elaborating another pathetic strategy, trying to be optimistic and telling each other that everything will be OK, if you are reading this EK (which obviously you are) i'm really enjoying this.

>> No.3356513 [DELETED] 


She's no longer replying. I shall wait, and if I don't get one I shall resume tomorrow. I shall also innocently add her on FaceBook (no I don't give a shit if it shows up on her wall and you can find it).

>> No.3356512

Ive never seen harriet swear before. Are we sure this is the real harriet?

>> No.3356532 [DELETED] 


Delete your post and I'll delete mine. Don't reply to this, as I'll delete it in 2 minutes.

>> No.3356538

Never heard of green-oval, have you?

>> No.3356546

Fuck, hes right. In fact if EK is reading all this right now then this is pointless anyway.

>> No.3356548

guys teacup actually is ek! she even said so!

>> No.3356553


Damn, I thought it only archived when a thread reached the secret page 16.

>> No.3356567

Oh you.

>> No.3356568
File: 96 KB, 247x231, 1303141498153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw there are technically 16 pages

>> No.3356577

Yes, confirmed.
She is also harriet as well.
I knew it.

>> No.3356582


Technically 17, actually. If you change the number to 16 in your address bar you'll find a page with 3 threads on.

>> No.3356586

She? I have a penis.

>> No.3356590


Or is it counter-trolling?

>> No.3356596

And you are EK. therefore EK has a penis.

>> No.3356599

She isn't clever enough to counter troll.

>> No.3356602

Therefore penis is king.

>> No.3356610

Are you trolling? Are you ignoring all the mountains of evidence we have that EK is Rose, and therefore female?

>> No.3356623



>> No.3356632

Teacup is a male engineer faggot apparently.
