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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 391 KB, 710x653, JailbaitEK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3354254 No.3354254 [Reply] [Original]

Jailbait EK and some lesbian lovers!

>> No.3354264

I for one dont give a flying fuck about EK or any other attention whores, and those pics are probably not even her. GTFO.

>> No.3354278

tap dat ass

>> No.3354279

EK is somewhere around 21 years old
also not science

>> No.3354286

Yes, but these are pics from when she was at school.
She isnt even fit, no1 fucking cares about EK. can we end the saga now?

>> No.3354289

But in this pic she is still in school

>> No.3354291
File: 12 KB, 539x157, welcome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying we dont have (EK)Rose's facebook and phone number


>> No.3354300

HAve you tryied to ring it?

>> No.3354302


no, i have no type of phone

>> No.3354305

No point, her phones off. Harriet was in the thread and she told EK they found her facebook and phone number.

>> No.3354308

would the number be +447850732096 ?

>> No.3354331

We are finally rid of EK and you want us to keep making fun of her like some desperate stalkers?
Normally this board impresses me on a daily. But today all I can see are children out of their element.
Thanks for being so immature.

>> No.3354333

Ek's gone, but hariet hasn't. Focus on her.

>> No.3354335

Anybody tried this number?

>> No.3354336

we did yesterday. its turned off.

>> No.3354338
File: 40 KB, 604x453, n516687569_1338337_9435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ek thread?

>> No.3354345

When i tried it yesterday i got through, but the person on the other end did'nt have a british accent. Thats why i am asking if the +44 it correct

>> No.3354346
File: 38 KB, 604x453, n516687569_1283560_8717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harriet thred?

>> No.3354349

so... what's all the fuss? what happened

>> No.3354351
File: 2 KB, 111x107, 1261877282191.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one on the left? Wow, she's fucking beautiful!
dat smile.

>> No.3354352

Yeah, Harriet's pretty cute. Could use some make-up though.

>> No.3354356

Harriet and EK are sexy bitches. And I need to show them off, hence why I posted the two pics above you. They deserve to be stars!

>> No.3354359

Haven't you seen her perfect complexion?

>> No.3354361

is +44 right?

>> No.3354362

was a thread yesterday, someone was asking EK questions and got enough info out of her to find out what her facebook was. shes such an attention whore she even has an open profile and we can see all her pics. we found harriets facebook as well, but her profile is set to private (she isn't as dumb as EK)
thread was archived but lots of the pictures are missing. the main poster in the thread was banned apparently.

>> No.3354365

No idea, just try it and then ask if its Rose or not. Post results. (EK's real name is Rose)

>> No.3354368

It's still pretty plain and flat, could use a very spruce-ups. She can easily increase her physical attractiveness with very little effort, bring out her natural beauty even more. The right amount of eye shadow and eyeliner, no guy will be able to take their eyes off of her.

>> No.3354369

and heres the archive. http://chanarchive.org/4chan/sci/13660/question-for-ek#3348793
the pics here can be enlarged but the ones from the guy who was banned are missing.

>> No.3354373

I am the OP that started the thread yesterday. I asked her most of the questions but it was some other anon that went and looked on FB

>> No.3354376


>> No.3354375

I suppose. The quiet ones are so often the prettiest.

>> No.3354379
File: 10 KB, 247x247, C1_dup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attempt to bring out 'natural beauty'
>...using un-natural means
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3354384

>doesn't know women
The point of make-up is to make natural features more noticeable and eye-catching, i.e.: bring out the person's natural beauty.

>> No.3354385

I tried her number. Its ringing but she doesnt pic up

>> No.3354392

>unnatural means
Someone here doesn't know basic culture histories.

>> No.3354394

It's more like enhancing organic beauty by artificial means.

Nature is a confusing catchall term. it's best to stay well clear of it.

>> No.3354396

that's because she was getting loads of calls yesterday. She has probably changed her number by now.

>> No.3354397

Can you phone: 011447850732096 from any country?

>> No.3354429

>Implying EK wouldn't want every second thread to be about her.

I think her work here is done.

>> No.3354441
File: 17 KB, 241x230, 1270874430208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She loves the attention, but it fucking backfired now that we've found her. she'll be regretting all of it.

>> No.3354469

Anybody else find that her phone is just ringing but not off?

>> No.3354475

I went on /sci/ today and look what I found. Drama
didn't expect that.
also which one is EK?

>> No.3354479

EK's the one with short black hair. Harriets the smiley one.

>> No.3354481


>> No.3354486

dayum Harriet is hot
dayum EK is fugly

>> No.3354492


>> No.3354497

Person on the left of OP's image, she dyes her hair sometimes.

I always knew harriet would be hotter.

>> No.3354499

Anybody wana try and come up with a sub heading for the jailbait picture?

>> No.3354503
File: 453 KB, 604x453, EKdoesntgiveafuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3354506

"Jailbait. So tempting even when it's EK."

>> No.3354509

Makeup just makes attractive women look less attractive. Harriet is perfect without it.

>> No.3354517

I prefer harriet as well. She is far less annoying than Ek, and she is hotter and she doesnt smoke. Triple victory.

>> No.3354518

i think i missed out a lot.

>> No.3354521

When it's done poorly. Which is why most woman (attractive or not) shouldn't use it.

>> No.3354524

see >>3354362
it links to yesterdays thread


>> No.3354526

Yup, they found her yesterday, it was pretty sweet.

>> No.3354558
File: 63 KB, 436x604, 25533_1356874134944_1624200028_885704_4982931_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EK was much hotter at this age

>> No.3354565
File: 47 KB, 404x604, 25533_1356874014941_1624200028_885703_2883249_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ!!
EK was a hot little loli!
What the fuck happend to her!!

>> No.3354578
File: 78 KB, 1000x500, 1309035819013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3354592

you can not honestly say that EK is not better looking in >>3354565 than she is now