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3353591 No.3353591 [Reply] [Original]

So ends an era in which we lost our capabilities of space flight and stayed in orbit.

>> No.3353603

in your FACE, optimist "herp derp manned space colony in X years im gonna go explore da galaxy like star trek durrrr HUMANITY CAN ONLY GO FORWARD BIGGER HARDER BETTER STRONGER HURRRR" faggots

christ, you people piss me off

>> No.3353609

why would you want to send people into space anyway, what's wrong with robots?

>> No.3353613


>bigger harder

freudian slip there, faggot

>> No.3353618


Enjoy your narrow minded redundant opinion, moron.

>> No.3353626


It could change the way of thinking of an entire generation.

Sending men to other words extends beyond scientific research and survey. It could promote the idea of how fragile this tiny little planet is, and I amongst many others think it would greatly benefit humanity as a whole.

>> No.3353630

enjoy never leaving this little planet and having the consequences of ravaging its ecology come to bite you in the ass, idiot

"herp derp we'll just go to another planet when we've exhausted this one", HAH

>> No.3353635


i think you'll find that in no way was it ever

let me validate:
the olympic motto: Faster, Higher, Stronger
daft punk : Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger
Bigger, Stronger, Faster (movie)
Six million dollar man: Better, Stronger, Faster

nice subconscious cock obsession you have there brah

>> No.3353636


>"herp derp we'll just go to another planet when we've exhausted this one"

>Implying anybody said that
>Implying your geocentric infantile opinions warrent any further discussion

>> No.3353647
File: 187 KB, 658x428, spacex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Implying ending the waste of dollars that was the shuttle and starting something far better (commercial HLV rockets and capsules approach) is not actually a good thing.

The shuttle was a dead end and a mistake. It never made sense to merge heavy lift and personnel transport into one vehicle. It performed both roles sub-optimaly and uneconomicaly. Specialisation of launchers and vehicles is the key to space colonisation.

By the words of Elon Musk, SpaceX CEO: :"Shuttle should have ended 10 years ago."

This is a glorious day, start of something new and better, and we should rejoice!

>> No.3353701


And rejoice would be had, were the near future of space sciences NOT looking so poorly funded.

>> No.3353713

It was a waste of money. Soyuz is superior in practically all aspects.

>> No.3353726


Then our heightened inward preference is really going to give you a heart attack as we start going big on transhumanist technologies. Why wouldn't the us military LOVE transhuman soldiers?

>> No.3353764

There comes a point were probes aren't enough to fascinate the human race. Imagine an international endeavor, funded by nations across the globe, to send humans to a new planet. It could help unify us as a species, were we can all take pride in what our species, not just our country, has accomplished. It can show what man can do when we work together. It would one of the most important dates in history. the day man broke free from his planet, and went to another, not in a political endeavor, but to advance the entire human species.

>> No.3353790
File: 38 KB, 500x628, 1308751129356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Guess you forgot the part where the public "doesn't benefit" from any of it.

Unless there's microwaves and non-stick fryingpans invovled, a majority of the world doesn't give a shit about space.