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3342039 No.3342039 [Reply] [Original]

If I'm in the middle of a desert and I need to resort to cannibalism, can I drink blood instead of water?

>> No.3342160


>> No.3342163 [DELETED] 


>> No.3342164

I think sailors lost at sea did that to survive.
You know, the famous shipwrecked 4 men in a boat, that draw straws, and the one with the shot one gets eaten.

You might throw up though. And I advice drinking your urine before killing others

>> No.3342170

No, blood is too thick.
There is a reason Bear Grylls drinks camel-poop-juice instead of the blood, not just because he likes it

>> No.3342173

yes you can, all these nerds here dont know much about survival. some african tribes main dietary supplements consist of blood.

bear grills is nothing but an actor, sure in his past he might have had some special forces training, but his tv show is 100% made for entertainment, not to teach people. if you did the stuff he does without his training in a survival situation, you will kill yourself.

>> No.3342175

i heard blood is super super salty

which is why your pee is salty, actually eat human flesh will be better for the thirst than the blood

>> No.3342176


>> No.3342179

your pee is not salty at all, i have experience because i have tasted my own piss.

>ctually eat human flesh will be better for the thirst than the blood

no it wouldnt, it would make you thirstier.

>> No.3342181

I think saltiness might be a problem.



>> No.3342187

the human stomach is no good at processing blood
you'll start puking everywhere if you drink too much blood
that'll dehydratate you even more

you can't store blood for drinking at small portions because the blood will coagulate
a better option will be to keep your victim alive and to drink his piss
and eventually eat him

>> No.3342190

Enjoy your aids OP.

>> No.3342196

i'm going by the unreliable source of two guys that said this while discussing cannibalism while stranded

all i know is blood is salty and you wouldn't be able to stomach it anyway

>> No.3342199

confirmed for someone who doesnt take his head out of books

you wont vomit it up in a survival situation, and if you do, then you deserve to die for purposely sabotaging your own life.

>> No.3342198

Are the masai better at digesting blood than everyone else?

>> No.3342201


>> No.3342202

the human body can drink a pint of blood before you feel sick, im going on experience here, not what 2 other people made up to troll you with. if it meant drinking blood or dieing, you WILL be sure you will keep that shit down, because if you dont you dont deserve to live because of your shitty genes.

>> No.3342205

Strange thing you don't seem to have any idea what you are speaking of though.

I'm not saying you are a liar, I'm just saying you talk like an idiot.

>> No.3342213

What did it taste like?

>> No.3342214

lol would you risk it in a survival situation?
knowing that you could get worse... it would be just a stupid thing to do

>> No.3342215

i type the way i type because i do not give a single fuck what people think of me, deal with it. i know what im talking about and dont give a flying fuck if you dont believe me nerd.

>> No.3342218

yes, i would. its not much of a risk when your starving to death with severe dehydration, nerd.

>> No.3342223
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My pee is salty, would you care to try some? I have some postal service-approved liquid shipping containers at my disposal, I would be happy to give you a chance to taste the rainbow, as it were.

>> No.3342224

when in the wild there are lots of other ways to get water you know..

>> No.3342235

no i can drink my own piss if i wanted to, and i dont, because im not in a survival situation.

yes but not all of them are available to you at the time, and you might not have the resources and energy to get it.

>> No.3342238
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Yes, ask a bear if you can share his.

>> No.3342257

i mean yeah everyone would drink blood if it was his only option
but when in a survival situation you can't afford to risk it
that's why you don't run in the forest and you don't go swimming trough the rivers
Bear Grills does it for the show...
climbing a waterfall in a survival situation would be very very stupid thing to do for example....

>> No.3342261

Despite the argument that blood would make you more thirsty, I think it'd work out well enough. For one, its packed with things your body needs, and if it is salty (can't confirm this, I admit to having no idea what I'm talking about for the most part) salt helps to retain liquids in the body, so it would stave off dehydration.

I think. But, hey, if shit hits the fan, it might be worth a shot, but killing someone else should be a last resort

>> No.3342283

No. Ignore the trolls

>> No.3342295
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yes, ignore the sagers

>> No.3344519
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I do not think drinking blood would dehydrate you.

Blood contains 0.9% salt, well below the average 3,5% of sea water, and contains mainly protein which does not bind water to the extent that carbohydrates do and so you will need to drink less.

In short, blood consumption should do well to stave off dehydration.

Also, if you ask a bear nicely...

>> No.3344534

Just jerk off and eat the cum.

>> No.3344674

bear grylls would suggest drinking your own piss

>> No.3344700

Some societies near Australia drink animal blood's mixed with the animal's milk, so I guess it might just be a good way to survive.

>> No.3344760

I was about to suggest this. camel's blood + camel's milk = excellent desert survival drink

>> No.3344795

Blood would be better than water if you're in a desert (assuming it's hot and you're sweating). By drinking blood you sustain your salt balance way better.

>> No.3344875

I've eaten/drunk snake, duck, chicken, pig, dog, cat, cow, all sort of little animal blood. I imagine human won't be too much different, a few time that I was wounded in the finger/arm, and don't have anything to sterelize/stop the bleeding, I have tasted my own blood, but not too significant. Blood is slightly salty to the taste, not much that you'll get dehydrate/feel thirsty. You don't throw up from drinking blood, but it depends I guess, sometimes your body can handle it but your mind can't.

The problem is if you keep live blood for some time without treatment, it can be/look pretty gross, can always heat it up until it coagulate and drink the liquid, eat the coagulated protein. Some small animals might carry parasites and their blood might get contaminated, thus boil/heat it up will be better.

Alternatively, if you get stranded in the ocean, try to fish, when catch them, slice along the body and drink that liquid, slighly salty/smelly but will keep you alive.

Source meself, I eat indiscriminately.

>> No.3344912


there's the professional's opinion, he agreed with my experiences

>> No.3344923

didnt salvador dali drink camels blood to survive?

>> No.3344932

sure, i'd dillute it with piss first.

>> No.3345011

i looked it up in google and, although i'm too lazy to look for the link again, the answer is yes

you can drink blood, however it is not the best solution since it contains proteins, which take water to digest, and there's quite a bit of stuff that isn't water in it. also animal blood can give diseases.

>> No.3345053
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>thinks I'm a professional
>recognition at last

Do you have some food?

>> No.3345078


I think it's salty due to the phosphate and iron in the serum? IIRC from science lessons.

>> No.3345145

Remember to never eat the brain, prion proteins will fuck you up.

>> No.3345191

>thinks prion protreins are in any way common

>> No.3345192


You'll also develop Kuru, which sounds like nasty shit!

>> No.3346142

>nobody in this thread has taken basic anatomy or physiology classes