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3339718 No.3339718 [Reply] [Original]

What have YOU done for the glory of the Omnissiah today?

>> No.3339729
File: 85 KB, 400x400, 1297984235332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ran a defrag on all of my work's cogitators. It took quite a while, but I'm pretty sure the machine spirits were grateful.

>> No.3339741

i cleaned out and shined my car

>> No.3339745

at work i always tell my coworkers to be nice to their machine spirits otherwise they wont work, i was always half joking and then one day last week i overheard someone else say the same thing to a new person, very seriously, and the new person, very seriously, said he would

neither of them burst out laughing and neither of them gave any hint to the other that a joke was going on

im not sure how i feel about this

>> No.3339750
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Blessings upon you my brother for the glories of the Machine God are known but to few.

>> No.3339752

OP where'd you get that?

>> No.3339754


apparently the Omnissiah is the only god you /sci/lons can deal with

>> No.3339764
File: 5 KB, 191x160, dune_wanderer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Praying to a machine

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.3339774

If an immensely powerful being will help you out if you align with him, it's not necessarily a bad idea.

>> No.3339777

Don't worry about it. Become a high priest of the new theocracy (tech).

>> No.3339790

you know, ive noticed things like this too, people just seem willing to accept that machines carry mystic value too

>> No.3339793
File: 271 KB, 640x426, 1269217884792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

woa wait if we go towards biotech and all that in the farrr future wat is the end result.. im looking at some sort of conversion back to energy as in VAPOR steam.. but then again if we can work with water and AIR mix it with elements of EARTH.. this would do wonders dont u think.. can honestly add a new age well what are your guys theories on this what would the extinction protocol look like..?

>> No.3339797
File: 101 KB, 599x680, parrotdad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I made that pic, the feeling of fulfillment is ...disappointing

>> No.3339802


>that jpg pic

the blind prophet would be angry at that faggotry.

and Leto II would smash your shit up with his worm-hand.

>> No.3339807

They have no idea how they work, but care about them working. That's really all the recipe requires.

>> No.3339809
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>> No.3339819
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but seriously, who wouldnt become a tech priest if they could? i so would

>> No.3339838

why not pray to a machine? who among you has seriously never sat at their computer, silently but fervently praying "please work, please work, please work"?

>> No.3339843
File: 32 KB, 429x322, 727838610_379442ed47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I don't just have my Mentat do the required calculations

>> No.3339854
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I found three bugs in a program and reported them to better the machine spirit

>> No.3339859

>implying mentats arent just the final form of the most advanced AdMech biomancers' greatest self-replicating work

>hory sheet 40k is backstory of Dune

>> No.3339871

i modified the TPS reports, it might have been tech heresy but who can really tell?

>> No.3339873


>> No.3339872
File: 70 KB, 255x198, facedancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With GoT being a crash landed society that's forgotten it's roots.

What do we say to the Machine God of Death?

>> No.3339877
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nah-nah-nah boo boo, im going to live forever because im one with the machine

>> No.3339882


the worst face dancer I ever seen.

>> No.3339883

Can I be one with the machine too?

>> No.3339889


Well....the worst one you know you've seen, anyway.

>> No.3339898

Never happened, I just hit her. It's like having a wife I guess.

>> No.3339901
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>Not making your own mini-machine kids with the perfect female

>> No.3339911

hitting your machines is just about the least productive thing you can do to appease them and get them to work

>> No.3339913

Not really. Pouring delicious beverages into them as an offering is an example.

>> No.3339924

you cant really compare the application of sacred oils and unguents to dumping a soda on it

>> No.3339928
File: 8 KB, 259x194, chekov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying that's not how we fix things on Russian space station

>> No.3339932

This is why only trained priests should perform ceremonial offerings to the machine spirits.

>> No.3339948

Do you believe in machine empathy /sci/? Because I do.

>> No.3339960

thats what this thread is about son

>> No.3339963

It really depends, if the Gods are testing us by making it so that the machine has a false contact, some of the times a little beating can move the wires so that it is connected again.

>> No.3339992


Tell me more, I'm unfamiliar with OP's posting. But I feel at home with machines and circuits of all kinds, and they seem to just work when I'm around. Feels good man.

>> No.3339995

Clearly you have been blessed by the machine spirits.

>> No.3340021

warhammer 40k's Machine-God, the Omnissiah, go hang out around /tg/ for awhile

or better yet http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Omnissiah