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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3333170 No.3333170 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel that Shirow Masamune's vision of the future will soon become reality? I think the world of GITS is the most likely scenario I've seen in Scifi (don't know how scientifically accurate it is, though). Ray Kurzweil seems to think that some pretty exciting stuff is going to happen around 2029 (which is the year that GITS takes place in). With stuff like cybernetic limbs being developed, and the rapid growth of technology, I could see this stuff happening. I'm ready for my cyborg body.

>> No.3333214

I didn't understand that movie, especially the end. So I don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.3333227

its a movie about a robot who became a ghost

>> No.3333231


It's a movie about a ghost who took over a robot.

>> No.3333242

You should check out the TV series, Stand Alone Complex. Less philosophy, more technology.

>> No.3333249

The cyberbrain part is just not even CLOSE to happening.

I'm sorry.

>> No.3333296
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>Ray Kurzweil

Yeah no...

>> No.3333297

I think that most of it is pretty far fetched, it has a lot of interesting concepts though.

>> No.3333303

its going to happen, but not that soon unfortunately maybe by the time we are old and dying is when it will start to come about

>> No.3333305

it will definitely happen. its just a matter of time

>> No.3333318

this movie was shit.

why are anime writers so averse to, you know... plots?

>> No.3333321


A lot of the stuff seemed rather plausible and some of it even dated. Except the whole thing about the think tanks having philosophical discussins (Wiki said so) and the cyber brain part. A computer with the parallel-processing capacity of the brain, perhaps, but not silicon grown on top of neurons.

>> No.3333322
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I never asked for this

>> No.3333333

Eh, I'm not that excited for it to be honest.

>> No.3333344

What a waste....

>> No.3333368


>> No.3333371

worst septs ever. Look at >>2222222 and >>1111111

>> No.3333378


>> No.3333381
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>> No.3333407

Fucking faggot what a waste

>> No.3333455

It'll be interesting to see if the mechanical components of the androids in the film can be achieved. There's a lot of parts that just don't make sense (especially at the joints and other muscular components), as well as creating a metal alloy capable of simulating the human bone.

Don't even get me started on the other cybernetics.

Long story, short, we're a long way from achieving the technological prowess present in GitS.

>> No.3333484

Fantastic movie in my opinion. I've been a fan since god knows when.

Though, regarding the technology involved, it's still far off. Then again, it doesn't take place until 2030 or so, so the time period in the movie might be right.


Stand Alone Complex wasn't very good.

>> No.3333504

SAC was only good because of the Tachikomas and their little shorts at the end of each episode.

>> No.3333515

>Except the whole thing about the think tanks having philosophical discussins (Wiki said so) and the cyber brain part.

The tachikoma's bodies themselves are pretty implausible. Street legal tanks which can jump to the tops of residential buildings, without causing the roof to collapse? Under their own power?

>> No.3333547

Same goes for the androids.

There must be some metal alloy lightweight enough to not collapse residential building but strong enough to withstand enormous amounts of force.

>> No.3333575



They regularly destroy shit just from falling.

It's plotmetal. They made the batmobile in the new Batman movies out of the same thing.

>brb landing a tank on top of ghetto homes and not falling straight through to the foundation

>> No.3333581


If there is one thing that I ever want, it's a tachikoma. Or a cyborg brain.

>> No.3333619

Agree with the OP almost word for word. GitS is the only science fiction I've seen that makes me think "this is technology is logical and going to happen that way we are headed". Other science fiction works that don't account for "why isn't your society making technological strides, especially towards better safety, quality of life and immortality?" are really hurt by the lack of accounting for this elephant in the room.

Their processing power does not need to be localized, only their "senses" (spoilers). I also really liked the concept of a braincase, its basically head in glass jar made slightly more plausible. Sensory adaptation doesn't seem like such an insurmountable hurdle. I could see the manipulable GUIs they "saw" being fairly plausible with externalized processing power. Perhaps even with training, it could be manipulable like those new children's games that use "mind power" to move a ball or that episode of house where the guy used his thoughts to move a cursor.

>> No.3333637

Soon? No.

But the main thing that sturck home for me from the GitS universe was the way net culture became somewhat the same as real life, in that they were so intertwined they were essentially the same thing

That i can see happening very soon

>> No.3333634

I want to be able to change bodies ;_; I'd choose to be a girl definitely, what about you guys?

>> No.3333666

Only if I'm programmed a lesbian.

>> No.3333668

Good thing about everything sci fi-ish is it's not a matter of will it happen or not, but when will it happen.

>> No.3333674

>Ray Kurzweil seems to think that some pretty exciting stuff is going to happen around 2029 (which is the year that GITS takes place in).

i'd have to dig out my actuarial tables, but that probably is just the 90th percentile of when he is going to be dead.

If you want to be a prophet, you best not live to see your predictions.

>> No.3333686


Jesus, if I'd known /sci/ loved their gets so much I would have said something exciting.

>> No.3333784

Tachikomas were the most obnoxious, childish parts of that show.

You are clearly a weaboo plebeian with shit taste. There is no other explanation.

>> No.3333800


>> No.3333819


Clearly you can read people like open books over a 1 sentence post over the internet.

>> No.3334050



>> No.3334319

SHould I watch the movie or any of the animes?

Confus but seems interesting

>> No.3334719

The series kick ass, but the movies suck ass.

>> No.3334846
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FAURKING DOUBLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.3336078

You obviously didn't listen to a word said by them during the show. The tachikomas have the deepest conversations in the entire series.

Everything produced under the name is fantastic

>> No.3336096

Christ-fags will probably set it back again

See: The Dark Ages

>> No.3336106




>> No.3336129
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>> No.3336135

I like how GiS has no real plot other than the fact that mega corporations are fighting proxy wars in GiS universe.

Is it true Americans like simple plot stories because it reminds them subconciously of the plots of the Bible they were taught as kids?

>In the begining the giant OP was the faget, then he died, the end.

Instead of the idea that life is cyclical and wave like. With pieces and parts. Where plots are irrelvant, as dynamics change and plots are in themselves subjective and are molded by those with the most 'power.'

>> No.3336137
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No, I don't think anyone can predict the direction of R&D, we might develop very little, or we might stumble across something that changes civilization completely, probably somewhere between, but whatever happens we can't predict it to any degree of accuracy, if we stumble across something that changes civilization then chances are it's something we couldn't have predicted.

We're suffering from victory syndrome at the moment, ploughing all R&D resources into computing due to it's success, it's like the 50s and 60s when all their engineering marvels convinced people there would be flying cars whizzing around and space colonies by the year 2000.

>> No.3336139
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What a shame.

>> No.3336295
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Ghost in the Shell a movie about a girl with prosthetic body
this means everything but her brain is mechanical (replaced by technology)
in this time they also have the technology to erase memories form the human brain
so the girl in the poster Major Kusanagi Motoko is investigating a hacker that uses people with prosthetic bodies for his own purpose by deleting their memories and substituting the right ones so that they can do the job

thinking about this Motoko wonder whether souls(ghosts) do really exist
later in the movie she finds out that a corporation has build an AI and it is responsible for the brain hacking and that it has gone rouge and everyone is searching for it
while they're interrogating the AI someone steals it an Motoko rushes to save it disregarding orders from her section to return to base
she does this because she knows that this AI will be killed and rebuild and she's the only person that threats it like a living being (having thought previously about what means to be human and have a soul)
in the next scene you can see her fighting a tank
finally she gets to the AI and decides to merge her memories with hers/its memories that's the only way the AI could reproduce
the AI get's killed and Motoko's body destroyed
in the next scene you see Motoko in a new body she was saved by Batou and she says that it's not Motoko anymore it's neither the AI, she's become something out of both

and that's the end

btw i like Motoko a lot more in the SAC series she's way more cute there :3

>> No.3336301 [DELETED] 

>mfw I read that in JC's voice

I have no face

>> No.3336601

any future besides the future of tranconsciousness is a future built by stupid apes

the future could be perfect and all problems solved

pic related to book that touches on the concept

>> No.3336611

Superstrength cybernetic hot chicks that could rip me apart? My dick is so fucking hard right now.

>> No.3336619

>pic related to book that touches on the concept

uh huh

>> No.3336767
File: 53 KB, 400x434, 1309859883627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet jesus no she's gone rouge D:

>> No.3336794

>most realistic Sci-fi scenario

You've obviously not read Brave New World.

>> No.3338409


>> No.3338454

i din't mean in that sense

>> No.3338489
File: 321 KB, 864x594, 1308242120248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That was beautiful. All of /sci/ should watch that and everyone would shut up.

>> No.3338487

>implying Brave New World isn't alternate history at this point
Really, we live in the book now, aside from the eugenics stuff.

>> No.3338515

Bunch of wonky-eyed nigs in this thread that don't understand the concept of exponential growth.

Shit will be here sooner than you think.

>> No.3338569

I suspect his work in GITS will be hailed as prophetic. Its scary how little imagination and few major jumps in technology its takes for you to get to the world described in GITS. It all looks so crazy and complicated, but a lot of whats in that anime is already around in some form or being developed.

>> No.3338592


Actually a merger of human and machine, is the path of least resistance. We have pretty crazy capabilities in biological engineering but we'll be able to fully integrate with machines before we can biological modify ourselves into casts that are optimized for different kinds of work.

>Not implying this doesn't happen to some extent on its >own already

To be honest I think a machine human future is the key to mastering our biological future. Its probably going to be a combination of machine and human intelligence that cracks the "divine code" if you will

>> No.3338640
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The first lines in this made me think it was a real image of some kind of research, to give the reader some idea of the immediacy of these technologies, but the last lines gave it away :(

>> No.3338643
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>Actually a merger of human and machine, is the path of least resistance.
>least resistance

(Not sure whether this or a picture of the Tea Party would be more appropriate)

>> No.3338677

So the tachikoma said the existence of god is like ones and zeros in binary because there is a binary distinction between the supernatural and natural?

What a load.

>> No.3338713



I see what you did there.

>> No.3339428
File: 267 KB, 832x880, fonzo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea my fucking ghost/spirit/energy went into the damn machines im so mad about this i should NOT have ejaculated FUCK FUCK FUUUUUCK! such a shame hup well at least AKIRA will come to fruition as well :D its already kinna set in stone xD read and watched the thing amany time

>> No.3339435
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not likely

>> No.3339455

>Implying that Kurzweil has ever been wrong

>> No.3339639

>>metal alloy capable of simulating the human bone
already exists, it's known as titanium. Titanium is very biocompatible. Though issues do arise from the titanium not matching the surrounding bone's stiffness. There's also the problem of such titanium implants being VERY prone to infection...

>> No.3340124

Biotech bump

>> No.3340193

Megatron bump for Jesus

>> No.3340315

>SAC was only good because of the Tachikomas and their little shorts at the end of each episode.
Oh fuck, no. Tachikomas were the worst thing in that show. I was glad when they got carted off to the lab half way through.
Show was okay though. Not great. Nowhere near the movie. It annoyed me how the major wore underwear everywhere half the time. Never took her seriously. Good episodes were the laughing man ones, the extra fluff episodes were kinda bleh.

>> No.3340319

And, you know, the whole bone marrow thing.