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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3332587 No.3332587 [Reply] [Original]

What would one need to study in order to investigate the paranormal? Like magick, ghosts, telepathy and other things. I want to take a purely scientific approach towards these and not just be another run of the mill ghost hunter.

>> No.3332593
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/x/ might be able to help you more.

>> No.3332601

i dunno. but i'd hit that...but im a ghost so oh well.

>> No.3332608

Particularly self-deception, delusions and fantasy prone personalities.

>> No.3332612
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>dat overall perfectly proportioned thickness

>> No.3332619

>helping anyone with anything


>> No.3332622
File: 140 KB, 400x358, 1308269287699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm sure that's the best move.

>> No.3332623

It's all a matter of time. No, really.

Suppose we have a standard deck of 52 playing cards and we place 10 down on the table at random.

Now suppose someone claims they have mind-reading powers and the test for their claim is to accurately "predict" or "know" what each card is.

Given enough time, and enough people to claim such powers, one person is going to pass the exam by mere chance alone.

This is why James Randi has removed his testing procedures from the general public and made it more exclusive.

Everything can be explained somehow. Ghosts, telepathy, magick, other things, are just a mere superset comprising of all things "yet to be explained".

How can something exist if it can't be explained? If someone could read your mind, wouldn't they be able to tell you how they did it?

>> No.3332624

id ejaculate semen against her cervix and hope for impregnation to follow

.... if you know what i mean

>> No.3332643

I went on a ghost tour once. They gave us devices that measured ghostliness, I think the units were gausses.

>> No.3332646


>> No.3332648

There are some things that our pitiful "science" simply can't answer OP.

Now science isn't bad, I myself am a scientist, but it just fails when it comes to things like real magic. These matters are best left to those who have been indoctrinated in the ancient arts.

>> No.3332661

>I want to take a purely scientific approach towards these and not just be another run of the mill ghost hunter.

It can be done. What field would entirely depend on the type of "paranormal" activity that you're interested in. If it's near death experiences, then probably neuroscience/neurobiology. If it's flying saucers, astronomy. If it's "magic," probably physics or chemistry.

>> No.3332660

>>3332648 = >>3332587

>> No.3332670

Step 1: Get recording equipment
Step 2: Fuck around in a haunted building
Step 3: post results!

>> No.3332671

Actually no, I just enjoy trolling /x/ with that "real magic" bit every once in awhile.

>> No.3332683

First, study rationality and the term "magical thinking".

Then go invalidate all the bullshit through testing.

>> No.3332832

>>3332648 = >>3332587 = >>3332671

>> No.3332847


3332648 is not much greater than 3332587 or 3332671 you dumbfuck nigger

in fact its fucking LESS
ffs i thought ppl on this board were supposed to be math wizards

>> No.3332849

You're not funny, faggot.

>> No.3332851

neither are you faggot but i had sex with your wife

>> No.3332857

Lot of samefag up in this thread.

Take it to /x/, homo.

>> No.3332860

>>3332832 = >>3332832

>> No.3332867


And you're one of them.

>> No.3332868
File: 113 KB, 389x251, lgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> 3332648 is not much greater than 3332587
> in fact its fucking LESS
> i thought ppl on this board were supposed to be math wizards

>> No.3332869

Look up James Randi.

>> No.3332874

10/10 OP

an obvious troll thread that was dead for a good half hour was just too tempting for someone not to bump

this is why we cant have nice things

>> No.3332877

It was OP obviously. Pretty clever to accuse YOURSELF of same-fagging, because who does that anymore besides people who need an excuse to keep their thread alive?

>> No.3332878

There are schools that teach parapsychology

>> No.3332880

You need professional help.

>> No.3332884

There he is again, taking up half the thread. Oh, wait, I'm OP, too, except now I'm saging my own thread.

Bwahahaha. You'll never know who is OP and who isn't.

>> No.3332891

>What would one need to study in order to investigate the paranormal? Like magick, ghosts, telepathy and other things. I want to take a purely scientific approach towards these and not just be another run of the mill ghost hunter.
Here's a great idea, OP. Don't bother.

>> No.3332894

im the op faggot and im gonna be like peter venkman some day

>> No.3332901

>>3332880 = >>3332877 = >>3332874 = >>3332857 = >>3332849 = >>3332832

>> No.3332904

>>3332593 = >>3332601 = >>3332608 = >>3332612 = >>3332619 = >>3332622 = >>3332623 = >>3332624 = >>3332643 = >>3332646 = >>3332648 = >>3332660 = >>3332661 = >>3332670 = >>3332671 = >>3332683 = >>3332832 = >>3332847 = >>3332849 = >>3332851 = >>3332857 = >>3332860 = >>3332867 = >>3332868 = >>3332869 = >>3332874 = >>3332877 = >>3332878 = >>3332880 = >>3332884 = >>3332891 = >>3332894 = >>3332901

>> No.3332917

>>3332904 = >>>/y/1775212

>> No.3332927


>> No.3332937


>> No.3332953

Fuck you.

>> No.3332958

Fuck you.

>> No.3332974

Op here. Why is this thread turned to shit?

>> No.3332978

> implying there was a time coordinate in the past when the thread wasn't shit

>> No.3332996

>implying thats op and im not op

>> No.3333031

> thinks he's op

>> No.3333078

Which thread started by a wannabe ghostbuster wouldn't be shit?