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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3328883 No.3328883 [Reply] [Original]

Describe in three sentences or less how you think widespread nanotechnology will effect the following areas of society:

1) education
2) healthcare
3) business
4) politics
5) entertainment

My input:

1) Students have the internet in their contact lenses, so a student's success is no longer measured by their knowledge, but rather their ability to search the internet for answers.

2) Blood clots, tumors, cancers, and deep wounds are all easily curable by injecting nanobots into the bloodstream; foreign nanobot inhalation becomes an epidemic.

3) Airborne nano cleaning systems in every household and city, every product sold has packaging which morphs and advertises itsself.

4) Targeted DNA scanning is used to assassinate the "competition" and to attempt genocide on certain ethnic groups.

5) Instead of drugs people use nanobots to directly effect chemical signals in the brain; virtual reality become indistinguishable from real life.

I'm not looking to read any fictional short stories, this is a brainstorming session. If you must elaborate please do so after your pointers. Go.

>> No.3328890
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I love science fiction threads!

Heres my favorite science fiction book!

>> No.3328894

>they take science fiction seriously

>> No.3328899
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>> No.3328929

you're right, the world will stay the same forever, evident by nothing changing in the past 100 years.

>> No.3328938

>hurr durr i don't know what i'm talking about because i suck the cock of kurzweil

>> No.3328944


>implying Kurzweil has anything to do with anything?

>> No.3328955

>berates someone's view of the future
>doesn't present one of his own

>> No.3328960
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You would never know. Transhumanists are clever ones.

>> No.3328961
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the infinite power of nano-augmentation technology

>> No.3328971

>Students have the internet in their contact lenses, so a student's success is no longer measured by their knowledge, but rather their ability to search the internet for answers.
So everyone just searches the internet and nothing new is ever created or discovered because thats all the students can do? Sounds unlikely, maybe for shitty history degrees and such

>> No.3328984

ID-tagged soldiers carry ID-tagged weapons,
use ID-tagged gear.

Nanomachines inside their bodies
enhance and regulate their actions.

Genetic control.. Information control..
Emotion control.. Battlefield control.

>> No.3329000

tautologically speaking, how is this different than searching your own brain for answers?

>> No.3329002


>> No.3329008

I never said nothing new would ever be created or discovered, I simply suggested that all exams would simply be "open book" if you will, but in this case open internet with the student's research ability put to the test.

This might actually be one of the first things we see, sometime in the next 20 years.

>> No.3329016

Because your brain may have idea unique to you that could push humanity forward etc.

>> No.3329026
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single brain power level =/= internet power level

my prediction is that "the internet" will become anthropomorphized and simply be called "internet"

we begin to speak like borg for the sake of simplification.

classrooms at the level of OP's prediction are essentially one entity. we are the borg.

>> No.3329043


haiku from the future

humans will always want war

kill me now

>> No.3329041

So the students aren't just connected to the internet they are a part on the internet?

>oh shiiit

>> No.3329055
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>If we all reacted the same way, we'd be predictable, and there's always more than one way to view a situation. What's true for the group is also true for the individual. It's simple: overspecialize, and you breed in weakness. It's slow death.

>> No.3329065
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ITT: People get buttjelly because their vision isn't augmented.

>> No.3329085
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fitover sunglasses with internet in the next 5 years what now?

>> No.3329160
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Haven't you people heard? It's already here, but it'll make you look like a fool and it will cost you a buttload. But it is here, in some part at least.

>> No.3329177

> Describe in three sentences or less how you think widespread nanotechnology will effect the following areas of society

write your own fucking grant proposals.

>> No.3329204

Actually I'm a famous science fiction writer and I was interested as to what the younger generation thinks because they usually are very creative. Needless to say I will never visit 4chan again.

>> No.3329217
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>> No.3329222


good cuz your ideas are bullshit

>> No.3329233
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Does /sci/ liek my vision augmentation?

>> No.3329236

Prove it.

>> No.3329259
File: 16 KB, 319x240, hello sci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3329284

I agree with your thoughts on this plus I will add that nanobots will be used politically for spying which is why the whole 'new world order' is probably more of a necessity, for those men in power, than a choice.

Once your enemy can do what you can, you pretty much have to play nice, or join teams.

It will also change merchandising for the same reason but the new world order is already creating mega corporations so it's already taking care of any future problems that nano-technology can cause.

Nanotechnology is amazing. I'm thinking some day they will shoot off into space where we can't and bring back knowledge about our universe that we only dreamed about.

>> No.3329299


OP, you are thinking too narrowly. In three sentences or less:

Nanotechnology will allow us to design and produce materials that solve every engineering problem we have.

There, said it in one.

>> No.3329343

gonna be the one person who takes this thread seriously
here goes...
1. connections within the intellectual world make teaching insignificant in the face of information download. people will probably be able to download all educational information in a matter of seconds one day. only research and development are left, which i wouldnt really consider 'education' when everybody can download the results the instant they are released or attainable
2. every biological illness is treatable by now, assuming people keep their bio bodies. maybe there will be some sort of nano technologically related 'illnesses'?
3. business pretty is much non existent. why buy something when you can make it atom by atom with a kind of nano constructor matter replicator thing that can make just about anything except matter and energy or things that would destroy that machine in the process of construction. precious metals now have no value other than their practical uses. money is non existant
4. the volumr, speed, and availability for information to be exchanged and acquired is now so fast that a governing body is not needed. this is assuming that everybody has the access to the same kind of hardware. i can see scenarios where a certain 'class' of people restrict knowledge on how to make super advanced forms of hardware to sort of get an advantage on everybody else. i cant see how a body of government could regulate information exchange, its going to be happening so fast that it will be impossible. even if something tried to, it would always be way behind the amount of information it needed to keep track of
5. people will probably spend more time in a virtual world than in the real world.

i think i assumed that nanotechnology would be able to bring about some of the technologies required for my assumptions to come true. just remembering what i typed i think i assumed non biological brains, internet of everything, full immersion VR, etc.

>> No.3329362

I agree. There is a some kind of organism in the sea that creates basically unbreakable type glass material (I think it's a sponge type of organism, I unfortunately can't remember the details?)

Anyway, the way it forms is amazing and if we try to recreate this with nanotechnology we might create buildings/habitats that are likes of science fiction books; solid, unshakable by an earthquake or otherwise etc.

>> No.3329449

This is basically star trek except you took it a step further by introducing the matrix style neural download, you're assuming this is even physically possible, same with the molecular compilers, can you even fathom a way these things would work?

>> No.3329491

the matrix style of information download is completely possible. our computers are doing it right now. the only problem is figuring out how to go from biological to nonbiological. doing it the biological way would just be messy and i dont think the result would resemble anything human.
as for the molecular compilers, this is one aspect of nanotechnology. its being used today by everything that is alive, DNA, RNA, ribosomes use this idea i think, some proteins too maybe