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File: 6 KB, 387x405, philosophy-of-religion.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3321763 No.3321763 [Reply] [Original]

Could you ever bring yourself to date someone who was stupid enough to believe in this religious shit?

>> No.3321765


>> No.3321771

my gf is religious. i don't mind

>> No.3321782

Probably not.

>> No.3321791

It really depends on what sphere of knowledge it stems from.

>> No.3321793

Stop being such a condescending ass OP.

>> No.3321799
File: 62 KB, 444x511, 6a00d83451b3d069e20115715a90e2970c-800wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if she was hot as caprica six.

>> No.3321808

I only date women who are pro-choice.

>> No.3321809

>Stop being such a condescending ass /sci/


>> No.3321810

if they weren't a YEC then maybe, but only if they were extremely sexy and nice and gave me my damn space. if they had any deficiencies theyd be gone.

>> No.3321812

If she's just "religious" in the sense that she believes in all the afterlife stuff, but doesn't actually act on the religion, then sure.

If she actively went to church and such, then probably not.

>> No.3321813

Most chicks look hot when their tits are hanging out.

>> No.3321814

I only date women that are as intelligent as I am.
Oh shit, there are none.

>> No.3321824

yeah, no one can be as dumb as you.

>> No.3321827

oh wow, another religion vs science thread


>> No.3321844


Oh? The religious can dish out this shit but can't take it?

Fuck off.

>> No.3321849


You just let 10,000 religious threads go on praising the oh holy God and then get all pissy when an atheist fights back?

These mods are nut jobs. Go to hell ;-).

>> No.3321850
File: 25 KB, 350x400, 4045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's called taking the high road. You'll lean about it when you're older.

>> No.3321852

I can fuck a religious person. I can be friends with a religious person. But no, I don't think I could date a religious person.

>> No.3321854

this is true. so my answer is, if she's naked, i can stand all the god talk

>> No.3321859


It's called being a pussy. There is no high road on 4chan. If you have half a brain, you will figure that out one day.

>> No.3321879

I have an IQ of 130. So for me to date someone of normal intelligence is like if someone of normal intelligence was dating a retard. They wouldn't do it, so why would I?

>> No.3321908

Yes because atheist women are invariably whores.

>> No.3321910


People expect better behavior from reasonable people.

>> No.3321915

Only if she didn't let it rule her life, try to convert me over, and could withstand me making jabs at her every now and then for partaking in it.

Honestly, it's pretty much the same answer as if you had asked "Could you ever bring yourself to date someone who had a subscription to O magazine" or "watched Real Housewives". Gotta learn to be more accepting of other people's interests bro.

>> No.3321921


enjoy your feminazis and new age hippies.

>> No.3321924


I get that, but then they let unreasonable people drown good ideologies out.

Thus, we have the Republican party in America.

>> No.3321925

>people who claim to be reasonable

or in other words

>we expect reasonable behavior from people who claim to be reasonable

>we expect rational behavior from people who claim to be rationale

Oh the dissonance in action versus words is always so disturbing.

>> No.3321928

No, I report them as well.

>> No.3321930


No, the secret is to go for those border line Catholics and then convert them over by telling them a few facts about reality.

>> No.3321939


Okay. Well, thank you.

>> No.3321951

Girlfriend is religious. Not extremely so, but she is a Christian. It bothers me sometimes, but then I realize she's intelligent in other areas and arguing about it wont change her mind.

>> No.3321986

the options within my sphere have become pretty bad lately, so who knows. probably wouldn't date someone who interprets the bible literally (i.e. a creationist, actually makes me a little sick just thinking about it), but maybe a follower of another (esp. eastern) religion.

>> No.3321996
File: 78 KB, 737x589, lold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she's vaguely religious and don't go on about it in conversations I'd be fine with it. I'll admit I'm the kinda guy who loves to talk about academics in my spare time (currently studying astrophys), have been into cosmology a lot in the past as well, so I would probably get on her nerves if she didn't really share belief in how stuff started.

>> No.3321999

I would rape a Christian.

>> No.3322024

>implying anyone would allow me to date them

>> No.3322050

>Could you ever bring yourself to date someone

Stopped reading here. The answer is no.

>> No.3322079


But it's not a problem, most people here are not religious (I don't live in a theocracy like Murrikans).

>> No.3322225

*oh wow your IQ is high, I'm so impressed*
stop acting like you are different from most ppl, having a high IQ is anything but helpful with social skills but use that fucking intelligence to socialize (it can help you to blend in and feel normal)
oh, and btw my IQ is 146 so I was on the same boat

>> No.3322246

My gf is blonde and plays chess just fine...

>> No.3322263

depends on how obnoxious they are, and how good the sex is.

>> No.3322295

A christian just told me that economics is based on emotion and psychology. I nearly vomited...I would marry em yeah sure, get my fuck on then strangle them out of frustration...

>> No.3322304

I don't really care as long as she doesn't let it effect me.

>> No.3322310
File: 37 KB, 1110x308, excd-economist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't tell if poe.

>> No.3322311


>A christian just told me that economics is based on emotion and psychology. I nearly vomited

Well to be fair he's right.

>> No.3322320

Do you also get mad when someone tells you pi is 3.14?

>> No.3322330

Being religious does not mean that one is stupid. Of course I would date someone who was religious. It would not matter to me.

>> No.3322332


PI IS ATLEAST 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706

>> No.3322354

Considering what taking the high road has cost us.
Fuck the high-road.

>> No.3322360

What is the cost?

>> No.3322368
File: 11 KB, 400x267, fail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr im so edgy for being atheist, anyone who point out I'm acting like a twat is a secret christian fundy durr derp im so smart and special

>> No.3322371

So fuck game theory, right? To say economics economics is solely based on psychology and emotions is ignorant of the fact that the field is heavily based on mathematics. It's a social science insofar as people effect economic systems to an extent.

>> No.3322392

Scientific denialism is an accepted position.
Atheism is viewed as a fringe belief, and the ones who defend it are considered the strange ones.
Laws are still being made due to religious dogma.
etc. etc. etc.

All shit that could have been prevented if we just went "NO, this is retarded" in unison

>> No.3322394

PI IS 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706

>> No.3322400


> Implying the picture represents the majority of atheists

A study by Ken Ferraro of Purdue University, published recently in the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (nope, that title is not an oxymoron!), found that 27% of Baptists and 20% of other fundamentalist Protestants are obese. Those figures contrast sharply with only 1% obesity among Jews, Muslims and secular people.

>> No.3322402

No. Same goes for friends, only rational atheists please. That is fortunately easy to accomplish considering I live in Scandinavia.

>> No.3322423

>where race is greater than religion