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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 283x375, sleepold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3321604 No.3321604 [Reply] [Original]

since everyone is starting EK threads, I thought ill give it a shot:

so, EK is a tripfag, on /sci/. she sometimes help people and sometimes troll them, people dont like that. lets see, she is a female, i think. and um, ya, that's about it. it post again soon!!!

pic related, after sex with EK. lovely right?

>> No.3321613


Gather around my children, and listen to the story of /sci/'s creation.

It was a dark, cold night in the woods, and moot, had just gone for a walk. A regular Thursday night it was, nothing to do, just vidya, working on canv.as, the usual. He had taken his iPod with him, you see? And he happened to have it on that shuffle mode thingy where it selects a random song, yeah, you know what I'm talking about. The thing is, it was all by Lady Gaga. And guess what song started playing? You guessed it, Monster. He went running home, running as fast as he could. He ran to his computer, copypasted /b/'s source code, rebranded it /sci/ and went to sleep.

Some say that mother monster appeared to him in his dreams that night. Some say that not. But one thing is for sure, Lady Gaga is the patron saint of /sci/.

>> No.3321614
File: 46 KB, 520x534, cool_story_brisk_narrative.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3321609 [DELETED] 

dont fucking start EK threads, it just pisses people off and propogates more hate towards me.

>> No.3321631

you're a hambeast seeking attention, you're actions are even more abhorant than those of the fat neckbeards pining after you
go back to /b/

>> No.3321633


>> No.3321650
File: 54 KB, 463x351, beforeAfter4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can you call me newfag?
I know how to triforce.

>> No.3321681

bump because we don't have enough EK threads on page 0