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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 12 KB, 250x238, paperclip_tits_gtfo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3321194 No.3321194 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We post our sexual fantasies involving EK.

>> No.3321205

This board should be deleted.

>> No.3321207


>> No.3321208

>4chan should be deleted

>> No.3321214
File: 46 KB, 600x401, 1295208807678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we had a thread about colonizing new planet
since EK still keeps saying she's a woman we will use her as much as we can to expand our population

>> No.3321218 [DELETED] 

>implying thats me.
i would have said this THREAD should be deleted. i like the board.

>> No.3321220 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 1175x715, terminator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you asshole, i'm not some kind of baby making factory, i dont ever want to have kids at all.

>> No.3321230

Baby making factories would only produce babies. I'm sure you can cook and clean as well.

>> No.3321233

>being a women
>not a baby making factory
pick one

>> No.3321236


>> No.3321242



>> No.3321250

nah you're right, EK has MPD anyway

>> No.3321271



multivariate Pólya distribution?

>> No.3321273

a bit of spitroasting, then a bit of bukkake mmmm

>> No.3321282

consensual sex in the missionary position. i would kiss her neck and make sure not to cum on her.

we would then cuddle and fall asleep in each others arms

>> No.3321288
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>> No.3321290

What you idiots don't understand is that EK is perfectly harmless. You newfriends are just making it a big deal because you think that's the done thing. Just coexist with EK and EK is no longer a problem, stop making threads about him/her.

>> No.3321296


have you posted your pic before?

and why is everyone assuming you look like Olivia Wilde?

>> No.3321299 [DELETED] 
File: 132 KB, 686x686, Thisiscorrect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh, this. seriously guys!

..i like neck kissing ;)

>> No.3321303
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>sexual fantasies involving EK
>EK is perfectly harmless

I fail to see the connection

>> No.3321306 [DELETED] 

no ive never posted pics and i dont plan to.
assumptionfags gonna assume.

>> No.3321315
File: 652 KB, 2040x2690, ek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i hear stories of this picture

>> No.3321322

omigawsh i think i luv you ek!

>> No.3321334


clearly not EK

>> No.3321346 [DELETED] 
File: 1006 KB, 260x187, 1293989448990.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw EK diplays more affection towards TOADS than towards me

>> No.3321359

you should be deleted

>> No.3321365
File: 368 KB, 450x373, 54564w5e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's not EK you fuckin Morons.

That's a random picture from the internet some troll posted and claimed it was EK.


You're fuckin idiot :/

>> No.3321376 [DELETED] 

I like animals, i AM a zoologist.
its only ever humans that are ever jerks, animals are warm and fuzzy and cute!

>> No.3321379

what the fuck are you 12?
can't you tell when people joke around?
I don't want to call you Aspie but hell you're asking for it really hard

>> No.3321386
File: 13 KB, 320x180, evomo_bloody_rabid_badger.thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>has never been bitten by an animal

EK want to have sex with me? I'm warm, fuzzy, and cute

>> No.3321388


Furryfag detected.

>> No.3321389

>implying there is anything wrong with being an aspie
>implying aspies aren't smarter than you and you aren't jelly of them

>> No.3321398

Ek is alone in her shared flat. All the other students are out for classes. it's semester time. Ek is masturbating on the sofa in the living room. i knock on the door. i just moved to her uni that year and need to borrow a kitchen utensil. I know instantly what she was up to and casually tell her to finish, she giggles, i can tell she's into me. we spend the day watching David Attenborough documentaries before cuddling up on the sofa at night. We kiss. things lead on from there and before we know it she's fucking her dog while I'm filming it for motherless.

>> No.3321396 [DELETED] 

ive been bit like a hamster, little buggers cling on like vices, bloody toothy fucker...but they're still so cute! i cant hold a grudge <3

>> No.3321403 [DELETED] 

i like animals, but that doesnt mean i want to be fucked by them, ya creep!

>> No.3321411

animals can be jerks too!! u do the animals a great diservice by telling them they don't know how to troll.

>> No.3321406 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3321415

While you do that, can I get engineers to build me pneumatic dildoes?

>> No.3321419

that made my heart feel warm

>> No.3321421

afterwards, I lick you out and we head out for dinner. italian, on me. we find an alley where you remove your panties and piss in my mouth.
this doing anything for you, sweetheart?

>> No.3321427

I don't know why, but this sounds like incredible copypasta for /sci/.

We love you mother monster!

Don't call me samefag...
I've never done it before...
Don't look at me like that...
You and me.

She hate my heart (x150285692386)

Look at her,
Look at me,
That tripfriend is bad,
And so am I.
She's a troll,
In disguise.
But I can't stop staring,
In those evil eyes.

>> No.3321425

there is nothing wrong with being an aspie except total inability to read the mood e.g taking people too seriously or saying semi-intelligent shit in most inappropriate situations

>> No.3321433

ew gross man

>> No.3321435

I asked my hand,
If she'd seen her around before.

She mumbled something while I picked the lube from the floor.

That tripfriend is a monster

She ate my heart (x8571289572867826)

>> No.3321436

We just have higher standards for humor than you NTs.

>> No.3321439


>> No.3321444

I was about to post some weblinks to help you figure it out, but then it occurred to me that I might be taking you too seriously. :/

>> No.3321446


Agreed, Italian food is weird.

>> No.3321441 [DELETED] 

no! that's fucking wierd even by my standards.

>> No.3321449

Clearly EK prefers to be the pissEE rather than the pissER.

>> No.3321447 [DELETED] 

i still dont really get what that's supposed to be.

>> No.3321450
File: 121 KB, 500x500, 1297975091546.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i had some hopes
but then she told me about her >fuck buddies

>> No.3321451

if you don't like spaghetti you know shit about science

>> No.3321458

Well, now I have some hopes of becoming one of them

>> No.3321459 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 232x217, beargrylls..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i prefer to leave piss completely out of the situation! wtf, are you bear grylls or something??

>> No.3321460
File: 14 KB, 200x216, feelsbadman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EK will never piss in your mouth.

>> No.3321464

Oh, so you're into scat? Well, ok, whatever turns you on I guess. I mean, you do smoke, it's not like your mouth is clean anyway.

>> No.3321474


Gather around my children, and listen to the story of /sci/'s creation.

It was a dark, cold night in the woods, and moot, had just gone for a walk. A regular Thursday night it was, nothing to do, just vidya, working on canv.as, the usual. He had taken his iPod with him, you see? And he happened to have it on that shuffle mode thingy where it selects a random song, yeah, you know what I'm talking about. The thing is, it was all by Lady Gaga. And guess what song started playing? You guessed it, Monster. He went running home, running as fast as he could. He ran to his computer, copypasted /b/'s source code, rebranded it /sci/ and went to sleep.

Some say that mother monster appeared to him in his dreams that night. Some say that not. But one thing is for sure, Lady Gaga is the patron saint of /sci/.

>> No.3321477
File: 7 KB, 250x238, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sexual fantasy regarding EK.

>> No.3321480
File: 147 KB, 325x324, sad-bored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish wasn't disgusted with whores

>> No.3321488 [DELETED] 

no i'm not, and smoking doesnt dirty up my mouth, smoke goes in, smoke comes out. never a miscomunication.

i lol'd :D

>> No.3321489


>> No.3321490


Gather around my children, and listen to the story of /sci/'s creation.

It was a dark, cold night in the woods, and moot, had just gone for a walk. A regular Thursday night it was, nothing to do, just vidya, working on canv.as, the usual. He had taken his iPod with him, you see? And he happened to have it on that shuffle mode thingy where it selects a random song, yeah, you know what I'm talking about. The thing is, it was all by Lady Gaga. And guess what song started playing? You guessed it, Monster. He went running home, running as fast as he could. He ran to his computer, copypasted /b/'s source code, rebranded it /sci/ and went to sleep.

Some say that mother monster appeared to him in his dreams that night. Some say that not. But one thing is for sure, Lady Gaga is the patron saint of /sci/.

>> No.3321504


Nasty. Name one benefit of smoking.

>> No.3321506


>is this /sci/

nope, this is /b/

>> No.3321510

Well you're going to have to be a bit more open minded if you want anything to happen between us.

you obviously haven't spent enough time masturbating if you don't find this erotic yet.

>> No.3321511

I would travel 7 deserts for a pic of EK's tits.

>> No.3321514

I came a little

>> No.3321516


it indicates that she has an oral fixation

feel free to suck my dick any time EK

>> No.3321517

smoking makes you disgusting and unkissable.

>> No.3321518 [DELETED] 

being high feels good.
seems a good enough reason to me.

>> No.3321529

Forcing copypasta is my new hobby:


Gather around my children, and listen to the story of /sci/'s creation.

It was a dark, cold night in the woods, and moot, had just gone for a walk. A regular Thursday night it was, nothing to do, just vidya, working on canv.as, the usual. He had taken his iPod with him, you see? And he happened to have it on that shuffle mode thingy where it selects a random song, yeah, you know what I'm talking about. The thing is, it was all by Lady Gaga. And guess what song started playing? You guessed it, Monster. He went running home, running as fast as he could. He ran to his computer, copypasted /b/'s source code, rebranded it /sci/ and went to sleep.

Some say that mother monster appeared to him in his dreams that night. Some say that not. But one thing is for sure, Lady Gaga is the patron saint of /sci/.

>> No.3321545

I had no idea people even called the feeling you get from cigarettes as 'being high'. does it actually make you high? i thought it just made you cough.

>> No.3321542 [DELETED] 

well i worry a bit about that, i dont want my mouth to be all smokey, so if i'm gonna be kissing anyone i take breathmints afterwards.
most of my guys are smokers anyway, so i dont think they'd mind.

>> No.3321547

it's good that you keep to your own people.

>> No.3321553

Gather myo the story of ci/'s creachildren, andaround listen t /stion.

It was a dark, cold nigt gone for a walk. A regular Thursday night it wt vidya, working on canv.as, the usual. He had taken his iPod with him, you see? And he h on that shut as has, nothingffle mode thingy wThe thing is, it where it selects a random song, yea as all by Lah, you know what I'm talking appened to have itabout.dy Gagain the woods, an. And guess what sonht d moot, had jusg started essed it, Monster. He went running home, running as fas to do, juse could. He ran to his compplaying? You guuter, copypasted /b/'s source code, rebranded it /sci/ and went to sleep.

Sohat mothe, Lady Gagaer moeams that night. Some say ter appeared to himhat not. But one thing is fonst in his drr sur is the patron saint ome say tf /sci/.

>> No.3321558 [DELETED] 

i dont like cigarettes. see: >>3321390

>> No.3321568


GODDAMMIT. I was gonna post my fantasies here, but now you ruined it.
I'm fucking outta here, I go back to >>>/toy/

>> No.3321570

I would let you.

>> No.3321564 [DELETED] 
File: 1.65 MB, 1704x2272, eyestrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw EK posts in a thread

>> No.3321572

no amount of perfume can cover it up.

>> No.3321573 [DELETED] 

well it kinda make sense that non smokers arnt gonna like being around girls who smoke, so i dont really have a choice.

>> No.3321579

What's going on in this thread?

>> No.3321581

So let me get this straight. You are a zoologist, smoke cannabis and are ok with having multiple partners? I think I'm in love.

>> No.3321592 [DELETED] 

yeh it can. weed smoke doesnt even seem to 'stick' around anyway. it just floats away. the perfume easily covers up any smell that might have been left.

>> No.3321595

i would like to masturbate myself to orgasm using handfuls of her back fat.

>> No.3321599 [DELETED] 

why would you want a girl who has multiple parters? most guys seem to dislike the idea. wouldnt you rather have a faithful girl who is only into you?

>> No.3321608

Fuck this shit. I'm into sexual freedom. This whole obssessive monogamy and couples who are always suspecting each other and not being able to have sex with someone interesting I meet because I have to be faithful, damn, why would anyone want that?

>> No.3321612

as long as you remember to rinse out your vagina after each go, I don't think there'd be a problem.

>> No.3321617

>why would anyone want that?

Because they actually care for their partner. There partner isn't disposable to them.

>> No.3321621 [DELETED] 

oh my god! you think just like me. :)
i no rite? i mean i see no reason why people limit themselves when by their own nature they clearly WANT to be promiscous, they just hold themselves back because of embarrassment and because of consequences stemming from what other people might think.
you wouldnt limit yourself to only one friend, or only one type of food. so why do people limit themselves to just 1 lover?
i see o logic behind it. as long as you use protection and none of you have diseases, i see no problem with it at all.

>> No.3321624


*coughSTDscough* *coughgirlFRIENDcough*

>> No.3321627

>they clearly WANT to be promiscous

You're projecting. You want to be promiscuous. I for one do not

>> No.3321625 [DELETED] 

*i see no logic..

>> No.3321637

>never got the chance to be jealous

>> No.3321645

>implying I can't care for multiple persons
>implying I can't care for someone who fucks me and fucks other people as well
lol at obsessive monogamists

That's a better point, but then again, condoms.

We were clearly meant for each other. And for a bunch of other people.

>> No.3321641 [DELETED] 

you're kidding yourself.
ive seen guys who i KNOW have girlfriends and they still check me out. they arnt gonna act on it, but they still check out other women and if they were single they might flirt with them. the only thing holding them back is the idea that they have to be 'faithful' to their partner.
girls are the same. we can be faithful, not cheating is easy. but we still are checking out guys!

>> No.3321659 [DELETED] 

you can care for multiple lovers just as you can care for multiple friends. they arn't 'disposable'

and another good thing is that you never feel jealous, and arn't constantly worrying about if they are cheating on you or lying to you. they have no reason to, you can both be completely honest with each other. its fucking great! :D

>> No.3321691

regarding monogamy, i want to be able to have sex with multiple girls, but I dont want them to have sex or feelings for anyone other than me. how do I go about rationalizing this? im finding it difficult.

>> No.3321711

polygyny cant be justified any more than polyandry.

at least polyamory is fair to both genders.

>> No.3321706 [DELETED] 
File: 57 KB, 455x610, 1308600350072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, the part I hate the most, having someone being jealous of you. Srsly, last gf I had seems like she wanted to forbid me from having other female friends. So much emotional chantage too.

>mfw in less than 50 years time poligamy is the predominant form of relationship on Earth

You are a selfish prick. You should work that out.

>> No.3321714

...INB4 ban.

>> No.3321724

this is why I said im having trouble, maybe I should become a king and get concubines. thats logical isnt it, that my concubines are just mine? right?

>> No.3321732
File: 10 KB, 404x342, 13635679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


maybe not...
the fuck, all my posts ITT just got deleted?

>> No.3321739

>lol at obsessive monogamists

You don't seem to understand what monogamy actually is. You see it only as 'limiting' yourself. Limiting your own potential for happiness.

But committing to a single person is seen as important because it's a clear sign of how much another person actually matters to you.

>> No.3321740


So you changed your IP while posting?

>> No.3321753

no. i don't know how.
seems a little wierd for all my posts to just vanish though.

>> No.3321758
File: 245 KB, 471x346, 13645646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by that logic why not only have 1 friend?
commit to a single friend to show how much they matter to you?
thats your own fucking logic, brah.

>> No.3321764


>having friends

>> No.3321766

can you all stop this? last time i came here this board was a frigging science board. don't change it for this one particular woman (if it's true), just be rational. come on this isn't /b/, ducks

>> No.3321769


not your personal science board

>> No.3321773

That's standard sexual jealousy. You're just an id-driven person with no substantial superego development.

>> No.3321775


It's called Islam

>> No.3321776

So you're idea is that there is no distinction to be made between sexual partners, boyfriends and girlfriends , husbands and wives. they are all on an equal standing as 'friends' . some friends you have sex with, some you don't. You have a very naive understanding of all relationships.

>> No.3321777

and not yours, too. nor EK's. come on.

>> No.3321783


> id-driven

I don't have to read who you are responding to in order to realize that you are a fucking idiot.

Freudian BULLSHIT!

>> No.3321797
File: 28 KB, 768x768, 1308951500340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implied reductio ad absurdum, not utilizing model-dependent reality as a cognitive heuristic

>> No.3321820


First of all, to each his own.

Personally, I find monogamy more appealing because it's easier and has a lot less drama.

I don't want to hunt down a new girlfriend everyday and go through the same dating bullshit every couple months. It's a waste of time and effort in my eyes. Not to mention that multiple partners spawns jealousy. There is plenty of jealousy among friends. The jealousy among partners has the potential to be much, much worse.

>> No.3321821

Fucking reported.

>> No.3321828

>a lot less drama

>> No.3321831


Did you have a fixation on you mom's or dad's genitals? Or was feces?

Herp derp. You arz so edumacted.

Give me a break.

>> No.3321832

>have no idea what Freud wrote about
>disregard it as bullshit
Keep it classy, /sci/

>> No.3321834


Go ask a middle easterner if there is more or less drama by taking multiple wives.

>> No.3321835

sex is just a hobby. some friends you play tennis with, some friends you go drinking with, some friends you fuck. its no big deal.

i dont think there is any more drama than in a monogamous relationship. perhaps even less so because you are both likely to be open minded people to have agreed to such a 'relationship'

>> No.3321837

she would verbally humiliate me, after thath I would lick her pussy while she whips me, at the end she can fuck me in the ass

>> No.3321838

1/10 for making me reply a score

>> No.3321861

I want to see EK having lesbian sex with a cheerleader and then I join in for a three-way afterwards.

>> No.3321862

>sex is just a hobby. some friends you play tennis with, some friends you go drinking with, some friends you fuck. its no big deal.

What happens if you discover you really really like one of them. Are they still a friend you do hobbies with?

>> No.3321895

i really really like all my friends.
are you talking about me falling in love? lol. i really don't see that happening.

>> No.3321902
File: 36 KB, 557x228, wtff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why am I not surprised though?

>> No.3321911

A better question would be why do you care?

>> No.3322043
