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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3317898 No.3317898 [Reply] [Original]

Hello I am a time traveler from the year 2031.
I can answer most questions you have.

>> No.3317912

Will /sci/ find out the truth about EK?

>> No.3317909

If you time travelled, how come you're not floating in the middle of space


>> No.3317920

How many years has it been since the world was destroyed in 2012?

>> No.3317926

Has Duke Nukem Forever been released?

>> No.3317927

Do I have a phd?

>> No.3317934

Nothing happens In 2012.

>> No.3317942

How would I know that about you?

>> No.3317953

How is the world? Where are we at scientifically and technologically?

>> No.3317956

What's human life expectancy like ?

>> No.3317963

What does human flesh taste like?

>> No.3317969

Is the alternate history hypothesis true or did you actually come from our Universe's future? Also, how does your time machine work? By means of incredibly dense gravity or going incredible speeds or what? Assuming you aren't lying which no one would do on the internet of course

>> No.3317984

Can we make our dicks grow bigger?

>> No.3317993

The world is okay right now. scientifically and technologically we are very much advanced. one of the biggest advancements in science and technology is of course time travel.

>> No.3318000

It is already out.

>> No.3318004

When did you lose your job?

>> No.3318008

Grandfather paradox?

>> No.3318014

Any updates on Episode 3?

>> No.3318017

You're such a liar. Space travelling wasn't invented until year 2537. I am a true space traveler from 2552. I'll answer your questions. You probably will ask these so...

- Our work is to get sure that history happens as it was supposed to happen. For example, if the library of Alexandria wasn't burning when it was supposed to be, we go and put it on fire; those documents weren't supposed to be read.

- Why? Because we're preserving our future. If not, we might be living in an parallel universe.

- How do I teleport through time? We have a device, we activate it, we wait some seconds, ta da! We are at any time.

- Do I know the future? No. Our time travelling devices are programmed to go to the past and never to the future. I know YOUR future tho, as YOUR future is MY PAST.

- What will happen to 4chan? It will be shut down because of pedos and hacktivism in a few years.

- When will all the society become atheist and intelligent? It will be many decades after you die.

- Are you joking? Nope. I was sent to this time to get back a piece of software needed in my time.

>> No.3318021

No. No paradoxes.

>> No.3318025

What happens if I kill the me of the past?

>> No.3318040

Nothing. You won't evaporate. A new parallel universe will be create in which you were killed. But you won't become more and more transparent until you disappear.

>> No.3318057

tell them about the year 2518, now that was a mind-fuck of a year

>> No.3318082

People started to alternate their genes. It is like the plastic surgery of the future. People go in and became super humans. Genetic alterations everywhere. Want green eyes? Done. Want faster metabolism? Done.

Sadly, this technology hasn't come to south yet. As always, the deep countries of south america and africa still live like 400 years ago. It's horrible, man.

Many earthquakes stroke what you know as Ethiopia. The peninsula is separating from the continent. It will merge with middle east in a few millions of years.

>> No.3318149
File: 70 KB, 561x478, 1284085206111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying someone 500 years in the future would ever hear of 4chan

I also liked the part where you get sent back in time to correct things and then can't go back to your own time because your machines can't travel into the future. You sure are selfless.

>> No.3318167

Are you related to John Titor?

>> No.3318171


You're such a liar. Space travelling wasn't invented until year 2987. I am a true space traveler from 3152. I'll answer your questions. You probably will ask these so...

- Our work is to get sure that history happens as it was supposed to happen. For example, if the cyclotron of Zebleborg wasn't suffering from a gamma wave when it was supposed to be, we go irradiate it; those cyclotron experiments weren't supposed to be happen.

- Why? Because we're performing social experiments. If not, we might never have the opportunity to learn these things.

- How do I travel through the time dimensional slip stream? We have a nanomacines, we activate them, we wait some pico seconds, voila! We are at any time.

- Do I know the future? Yes. Our time traveling nanomachines exist in all time-lines and all universes. I can know YOUR future, and the future of ALL SENTIENT LIFE.

- What will happen to 4chan? It will usher in a new era of democracy in a few years.

- Are you joking? Nope. I was sent to this time to determine the outcome of a social experiment started in the early 1930s..

>> No.3318192


You're such a liar. Space travelling wasn't invented until year 4124. I am a true space traveler from 5324. I'll answer your questions. You probably will ask these so...

- Our work is to get sure that history happens as it was supposed to happen. For example, if the cyclotron of Zebleborg wasn't suffering from a gamma wave when it was supposed to be, we go irradiate it; those cyclotron experiments weren't supposed to be happen.

- Why? Because we're performing social experiments. If not, we might never have the opportunity to learn these things.

- How do I travel through the time dimensional slip stream? We have a nanomacines, we activate them, we wait some pico seconds, voila! We are at any time.

- Do I know the future? Yes. Our time traveling nanomachines exist in all time-lines and all universes. I can know YOUR future, and the future of ALL SENTIENT LIFE.

- What will happen to 4chan? It will usher in a new era of democracy in a few years.

- Are you joking? Nope. I was sent to this time to determine the outcome of a social experiment started in the early 1930s..

>> No.3318195

name some top scientists, i want to know if I'm one of them, also, some top businessmen. perhaps i changed paths :P

>> No.3318245

what about dem aliens
what about dem currency $$$
what about dem revolutions

>> No.3318266

You're such a liar. Space travelling wasn't invented until year 4124. I am a true space traveler from 1812. I am Naploéon. I'll answer your questions. You probably will ask these so...

- Our work is to get sure that history happens as it was supposed to happen. For example, if the cyclotron of Zebleborg wasn't suffering from a gamma wave when it was supposed to be, we go irradiate it; those cyclotron experiments weren't supposed to be happen.

- Why? Because we're performing social experiments. If not, we might never have the opportunity to learn these things.

- How do I travel through the time dimensional slip stream? We have a nanomacines, we activate them, we wait some pico seconds, voila! We are at any time.

- Do I know the future? Yes. Our time traveling nanomachines exist in all time-lines and all universes. I can know YOUR future, and the future of ALL SENTIENT LIFE.

- What will happen to 4chan? It will usher in a new era of democracy in a few years.

- Are you joking? Nope. I was sent to this time to determine the outcome of a social experiment started in the early 1930s..

>> No.3318270

Your previous thread is still alive, oh great time traveler. We expect you to answer the questions left unanswered.


>> No.3318280


You're such a liar. Space travelling wasn't invented. I am Lobster. I will accidentally your questions. You probably will these so...

- Our work is to get sure that history happens as it was supposed to happen. For example, if the cyclotron of Zebleborg wasn't suffering from a gamma wave when it was supposed to be, we go irradiate it; those cyclotron experiments weren't supposed to be happen.

- Why? Because we're performing social experiments. If not, we might never have the opportunity to learn these things.

- How do I travel through the time dimensional slip stream? We have a nanomacines, we activate them, we wait some pico seconds, voila! We are at any time.

- Do I know the future? Yes. Our time traveling nanomachines exist in all time-lines and all universes. I can know YOUR future, and the future of ALL SENTIENT LIFE.

- What will happen to 4chan? It will usher in a new era of democracy in a few years.

- Are you joking? Nope. I was sent to this time to determine the outcome of a social experiment started in the early 1930s..

>> No.3318502
File: 43 KB, 242x251, John.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're a bunch of liars. You are all, fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of every thread making up stupid ass shit. You probably want to know why I think so...

- For one, you are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean I guess its fun making up time traveling stories because of your own insecurities but you all took it to a whole new level.

- This is even worse than jerking off to Carl Segan quotes.

Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I'm pretty much perfect:

- I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than "make up elaborate fake time traveling threads every day on 4chan"?

- I also get straight A's, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash).

- Am I joking? Nope. I was posted this time tell you how much I hate every single one of you.

Pic Related: It's me and my bitch