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/sci/ - Science & Math

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>> No.3317265

Tau = 2Pi, to be exact.

>> No.3317272

yeah, but should we start adopting tau instead of pi in the mathematics world?

>> No.3317286

Teacup = EK, to be exact.

>> No.3317307

Not this again.

>> No.3317314

why do you have to start this shit in every thread?

>> No.3317327

I stopped reading when it said that Tau is 2 x Pi.

"We want to make a new standard that's a multiple of the old standard!"

Sounds like some faggot wants credit for multiplying pi by 2. Are you fucking serious? "Pi is wrong! Our new version is a multiple of it!"


>> No.3317329

I started nothing, that guy started it. Also, look at the last three digits of your post, pifag.

>> No.3317335

Tau looks way too much like t, which is already overrepresented in math and physics.

>> No.3317339

It doesn't really matter.

Besides, a majority of math using pi wouldnt be made any simpler using tau.

>> No.3317345


but if you actually read the manifesto, it shows how it will make math much more simplistic. I don't think the idea they were going for was for credit. It allows radian conversions to be much simpler and allows math to work better. Furthermore almost all formulas other than the area of a circle come out simpler

>> No.3317351

she sounds like she has braces and it sounds fucking hot.

>> No.3317352

Don't forget the tripcode, pi+0.3 fag.

>> No.3317344

then I will now be pifag,

>> No.3317356

can you tell me why/what parts of math.

I'm not trying to pursuade tau...my eyes were recently open to it and all i've heard were positive outcomes from switching to tau

>> No.3317357

except it wouldnt make it any simpler. And really, is dividing or multiplying by two SO FUCKING COMPLICATED OMG I CANT DO IT?

Good luck re-writing a huge number of physics proofs and engineering equations.

>> No.3317366

in addition, math is about beauty... those faggots that deny the existence of tau are also denying the beauty of e^i*pi + 1 = 0

>> No.3317378

What he said. Engineering and physics typically already rely on using pi/2 as the circle constant in a large number of relations and equations. tau/4 wouldn't be any simpler, now would it?

Also, it allows for easier divisions for sin/cosine/tangent relations. Not everything is a fraction, and pi/4 is easier to visualize than tau/16, etc.

>> No.3317388

math is not about beauty you idiot. It's about logic and relations. Stop trying to be so existential, it doesn't make you look smarter, just more like a douche.

This coming from a math and statistics major.

>> No.3317380


but e^i tau -1 also equals 0...it keeps up the beauty

check the video, vi shows that

>> No.3317385


>> No.3317399


okay, I see. Im still in high school, so I don't know much about higher physics/engineering so I didn't know how they base their equatiosn off pi/2...in that regards, tau/4 would be worse. I see...it only makes basic math easier

>> No.3317472




>> No.3317475

huh, no
it's shitty
this makes euler sad

the only people complaining about 2pi are retards who haven't taken anything beyond basic calculus or trigonometry, there's no discussion to be made here

>> No.3317497

You didn't know because it's complete bullshit.

>> No.3317517

lol howso? I feel like they're telling the truth and you're just trolling...there are 2 of them that concurred and it seems logical

>> No.3317522

And if you intend to make basic maths easier at the expense of advanced math used in industry and academia, you go full retard.

>> No.3317542


yea I'd never take away from advanced math...that's just fucked up

>> No.3317566

I only see one person touting the importance of pi/2. There are equations with pi/2 in it, sure, but it's nowhere near as important as 2pi.

>> No.3317581

>tau manifesto
Do you realize you'd get this change made quicker by not being crazy motherfuckers?

>> No.3317591

No. The only barrier to adoption is that it's not universally recognised. They might not start to use it but you can if they recognise it.

>> No.3317597

Why Tau? Is it somehow related to the particle Tau?

>> No.3318326

its just an arbitrary greek letter. It looks similar to pi, but its only significant for that minor aesthetic purpose.

>> No.3318377

LOL im going to hope this girl is a really hot nerd. And I fucking hate radians, with a passion.

>> No.3318479

shes not that bad, but she is like 30ish...she's not young or anything. but she has some cool videos and is a super nerd

>> No.3318497

I think that if tau became well-known enough that we could use it without having to state that tau=2*pi every time, it would naturally replace pi, due to pi sucking.

>> No.3318500

How about instead of tau we use 2pi? Oh we do

Fuck you tau bastards!

>> No.3318507

thats what I'm hoping will happen in the future

or even have both symbols, but tau be the predominant one in basic math and pi be dominant in engineering

>> No.3318519


Why? Why would anyone want tau to be back. The circumference=pi lots of the diameter is beautiful. Tau times the radius isn't.

Also, convention. Suck it faggots.

>> No.3318593


too bad every function dealing with spheres/circles uses radius. thus using tau would simplify them. instead of 2pi*r, it would be pi tau. these formulas in lower level math would just be more aesthetic, beautiful, and practical...

even in trig/calc it would work better. instead of having 2pi radians = 360 degrees, tau would equal 360 degrees. it is way simpler.