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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 226 KB, 1024x1024, graham cracker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3315103 No.3315103 [Reply] [Original]

your face when you realize the avoirdupois system of weights and measurements (our own system in the united states) is fairly intuitive to computer guys.

gram = 1/256 * lb
ounce = 1/16 * lb
(ounce^2 = gram)

Hey britain, why are you still using an archaic system based on something as arbitrary as how many fingers you have?

>> No.3315112

There are not 256 grams in a pound.

>> No.3315126


>> No.3315135
File: 74 KB, 1196x387, Screenshot-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3315140

454Ib in one pound.

>> No.3315145
File: 16 KB, 450x359, Unitscales.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lb means pound

>> No.3315156
File: 14 KB, 300x375, ic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>french word
>french name

I c what u did thar.

>> No.3315170

>(ounce^2 = gram)


>> No.3315200


Someone's never been to Britain

>> No.3315246

Don't mind him, he's a High School level troll.

>> No.3315323

this thread is based on a fallacy

>> No.3315461


you're fucking retarded

>> No.3315470
File: 242 KB, 474x357, 0129843084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop responding to trolls, you fuck!
and you've clearly edited that picture.

>> No.3315473
File: 10 KB, 329x304, nthn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no zoom
and why the fuck is that a .gif?

you're so fucking useless.

>> No.3315476

I'm so confused, what is happening here?

>> No.3315484
File: 54 KB, 920x700, 1305402419252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixing that for him.

>> No.3315485

>number of fingers you have
how many fingers do YOU have?

>> No.3315490
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahah! she removed the words 'americunt' and 'retarded'

aww, 'ickle harriet worried she might upset some peoples fucking feelings?

>> No.3315500

you seem like an angry person. i dont understand the hype around you. why are you on /sci/?

>> No.3315512

because I like science. and i'm not even angry at all.

>> No.3315517

you're just cursing a lot for no reason, and in general trying to provoke people. why?

>> No.3315518

you don't know what the word arbitrary means.

Harriet is nicer than you. I wuv her.

>> No.3315524

Who is more of a scientist, EK or Harriet?

Cast your votes now.

I say Harriet.

>> No.3315527

>implying you aren't EK or Harriet.

>> No.3315530

I thought EK removed the trip. I guess I was right about her being a deplorable liar.

>> No.3315534

Nope, it's me actually

>> No.3315537

EK proved herself incapable of understanding such scientific heights as exponentiation, so ima say harriet by default.

>> No.3315541

So I was right. Learn how to read English?

>> No.3315543

learn how to read tripcodes, you dumbfuck

>> No.3315549
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno, its just how i am. deal with it.

>harriet thinks he whole world is made of sunshine and rainbows, and she responds to obvious trolls instead of saging and telling them to fuck off

i do zoology, its definitely science. she does psychology, which is barely science. i think i'm winning.

yeh i did for a while, some fucker pretended to be me, and i couldnt prove them wrong without reinstating the trip.

>> No.3315557

lol dumbfuck i DO understand exponentation.
higher order eponents are done first, they have to be. you cant use them as part of something else untill they are fully resolved.
a^b^c = a^(b^c) NOT (a^b)^c

>> No.3315561

Harriet is a more positive person than you. I say that makes her better.

zoology is just biology with considerably less actual science from biology.
Psychology is a science. deal with it.

Harriet = winning

>> No.3315572
File: 46 KB, 400x400, winning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no she is not fucking winning. she might be a more positive person but that is just because she is naive as fuck and doesnt have an objective outlook on the world like i do.

>> No.3315570

Thanks I just wanted to know what Harriet studies. I'm building up quite a picture here. She seems like the kind of naive girl I'd like to fuck.

>> No.3315576

lol good luck. she's quite the goody-goody; pure and holy.
still a virgin too.

>> No.3315581
File: 128 KB, 640x524, trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she is not fucking winning

you sound so mad right now. I'm sure she is just as broadminded as you. She's just not a boring cynical bitch

>> No.3315585

i may be cynical but i'm not boring.
if she's broad-minded then she hides it fucking well.

>> No.3315584

why do you live together if you don't like her?

>> No.3315587

i do like her. she's alright, she just gets on my nerves a bit sometimes. (shes a good cook, so i'll let her off with her bullshit)

>> No.3315588

You talk about religion all the time, you even managed to sneak a reference in here., ("pure and holy"). That is the epitome of fucking boring.

>> No.3315586

"they have to be. you cant use them as part of something else untill they are fully resolved."

holy fuck what the fuck even is this. just stop now, anybody with any clue what they're talking about knows you're an idiot talking absolute fucking nonsense.

>> No.3315589
File: 245 KB, 471x346, 13645646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck you nigger, wolfram alpha is on my side with this so go eat a bag of dicks!
you're as retarded as the people who argue over "hurr durr, what is 6/3(1+2)"

>> No.3315595

so you like to use people while slagging them off. how about actually respecting people? I guess thats beyond you...

>> No.3315597

well i really really dont like religion, its the scourge of humanity. but i talk about other stuff as well.

>> No.3315598

holy shit she appealed to the default setting of wolfram alpha

>> No.3315604

i do respect her, shes really nice and i wouldnt be her friend if i didnt like her would i?

>> No.3315603

it's not though. Doing bad things is the scourge of humanity., religion coincides on more than occasion, just as everything else does.

>> No.3315610
File: 54 KB, 800x750, imagine-no-religion-towers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

religion coincides with it far too often for my liking.

>> No.3315609

you're always slagging her off on here. How does that resemble respect?

>> No.3315613

how am i always slagging her off? i usually just dont talk about her at all.

>> No.3315615

you're problem is with how some use religion. not with religion in general. go to a church on sunday and you'll see there's nothing evil about it.

>> No.3315618

you called her fucking retarded among other things just because she's not as smart at math as you might be.

>> No.3315622

a bunch of fully grown adults talking to their imaginary friends and believing fairytale stories?
its not evil but its fucking pathetic, and that gets on my nerves as well!

what? i never called her that.
and at least she knows her place, she doesnt even answer in the maths threads, which is far better than posting wrong answers everywhere

>> No.3315624

Disregard all of that, I suck cocks

>> No.3315626


> implying thoughtlessly typing shit into wolfram alpha makes ek smart at math

>> No.3315631

no, but knowing the correct methods to utilise makes me smart at math. I just use wolfram to take short cuts so i dont have to do the mindless monkeywork in between.

>> No.3315630

yeah I agree with you, I just wanted a conversation. See: >>3315624. religion is practised out of habit nowadays. People rarely think about it is their actually doing.

I do remember you saying 'fucking retarded' though I think it was in jest.

<3 you. Goodbye

>> No.3315632

well i didnt mean it like that, it was probably just an exaggeration to mean that she was wrong.

>> No.3315637

considers working out (10x)^2 to be an arduous task involving significant mindless monkeywork, and so 'takes a shortcut' by going to wolfram.com, typing it in, and copying the url.

she considers this to be an elegant way to conclusively prove things.

>> No.3315638

Because it works, and it's our heritage. What's an American's heritage? Britain.

>> No.3315658

see >>3315639

>> No.3315675

You too should steer clear of maths threads. There're plenty of mathematicians around here, we don't need your input.

>> No.3315682
File: 16 KB, 362x344, 1306999170756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a mathematician is necessary to solve the summerfaggotry that arises in threads here.

dont fucking worry, if theres an advanced maths thread i'll steer clear and let the mathematicians deal with it.

>> No.3315743

Stop saying ">implying..." if you wish to be taken seriously, especially when you're talking to self identified mathematicians. Feel free to continue solving the 'mathematical' 'problems' posed in said troll threads.

>> No.3315748

every body that didn't know a hundredth of a foot is an "American 'metric' system" turn in your science badge. consider one millimeter elevation change---you won't fall. trip over a cm, you fall. trip over 0.01 ', you won't fall. we build sidewalks, with a foot at the end of our leg, we don't need a tape measure. 3315323 is right. whatever continuous lenght is chosen can be discretized decimally

>> No.3315771





>> No.3315850

10:53 No.3315557 wrote you "have to". I submit sprt2 ^ sqrt2 = 1.6320575, let u = that. u^sqrt2 = sqrt2^u = 2. I didn "have to". I'm not cynical, I'm cyclical. see also tetration TOW

>> No.3315852


he mad

>> No.3315866

This thread is a gigantic derp

>> No.3315884

>i do zoology, its definitely science. she does psychology, which is barely science. i think i'm winning.


>> No.3316054

You're annoying. Why do people seem to like you? Is it because you are one of the few females on this board?

>> No.3316064

>why do people seem to like you


>> No.3316072
File: 22 KB, 310x310, wonka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahahah! lol, no. very few people like me. you must be new here.

>> No.3316077

bump. I wanna see where this goes.

>> No.3316078

i love you. i want to have your babies even though i dont have the apparatus.

>> No.3316083

Disregard that, EK is a faggot.

>> No.3316088

lol, femanon or castrati? =p

>> No.3316097

EK is a pleasant person, as is Harriet.

>> No.3316101


>> No.3316102

Yeah I like everyone. they are all great in different ways.

>> No.3316103

EK and Harriet are greater than most people on /sci/ though, because they're not the ones who go around insulting tripfriends for no reason.

>> No.3316108

you guys are faggots

>> No.3316110

The irony.

>> No.3316115

it's anonymous for a reason

>> No.3316120

Which is?

>> No.3316126

there should be

>> No.3316125

there's no law against persistent tripcodes

>> No.3316137

Again, why? Tripfriends are usually helpful, and would be even more if not met with "LOL TRIPFAG I H8 U FOREVER U SUCK U DONT CUM IN MOUTH WHILE MASTURBATING TO MICHIO KAKU HURRDURR"

>> No.3316140

How are they anymore helpful than the average poster?

>> No.3316144

They don't spend their time circlejerking while bashing tripfriends.

>> No.3316149

you just sat there bashing people who don't post with tripcodes.

>> No.3316158

Only because they bashed me first.

>> No.3316159

>he started it

>> No.3316162

If a tripfriend has a history of providing helpful answers, people will know in future that answer from this person can be trusted.

if anonymous gives a helpful answer, you can't know if trolling.jpeg.

Names make it easier to follow a conversation. I was the guy above with the name "tripfriend". If I hadn't told you this now, you would have assumed I was a different person. That is the just tip of the iceburg for confusion in discussion.

>> No.3316170

If you ask your questions on 4chan you don't deserve help

>> No.3316230

It's true.

All my love to you.

>> No.3316287


>> No.3317363

I'm curious about this. tell me more, op.