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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 75 KB, 400x388, feelsbadmanhansmoleman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3308181 No.3308181 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any way to "reverse" Asperger's? Perhaps with behavioral conditioning? I tried memorizing appropriate facial expressions and tones of voice, to no avail. So many teachers in my past have commented on how I have no expression. Some even scolded me, thinking that I was putting on a "lying face."

Are there any pharmacologists or biochemists here who know of any drugs in the pipeline which may help reverse autism?

I'm in desperate mode, /sci/. One final question: If I wanted to develop a drug or therapy to reverse autism, what _specific_ fields should I study? Also recommended textbooks.

>> No.3308195

This may be a dumb question..But do you REALLY have it, or do you basically have it after years of surfing the web and losing all your social skills?

>> No.3308205
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Look at this baby drinking milk. It will guide you. It is Lil Deville.

>> No.3308215

If you have real aspergers, you basically don't.

>> No.3308233

I wish. I only recently got into 4chan and the interwebs (about 1 year ago). I never had any social skills. Even as a child, despite my parents' best intentions, I just couldn't socialize with other kids. I didn't and don't have social phobia. I can talk to a person without any fear or agitation. It is just _very_ awkward.

I've been to a psychiatrist only once, and he said I had it. (Don't know if that's a "formal" diagnosis, but it is in my health record, I believe.)

>> No.3308249

Watch movies and pay attention to the patterns of speech, eye movement, and hand gestures made by the actors. Develop an approximation algorithm and follow it, people will stop calling you weird.

My algorithm for eye movement in conversation: Look someone directly in the eyes during the first word of every sentence. Move eyes to a different section of the face during each subsequent word.

>> No.3308260
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>My algorithm for eye movement in conversation: Look someone directly in the eyes during the first word of every sentence. Move eyes to a different section of the face during each subsequent word.

>> No.3308274

>My algorithm for eye movement in conversation: Look someone directly in the eyes during the first word of every sentence. Move eyes to a different section of the face during each subsequent word.

Thanks. I'll try that. What I do currently is something I read on the internet once: I'm supposed to look away every 10 or so second away from their eyes, because people apparently don't like being stared at directly in the eye for a long time. (I have had problems looking at people directly in the eye, but have since trained out of that.)

>> No.3308282


>> No.3308285

I don't think I have Aspergers, never checked, but I've always had problems socializing as well. I guess I don't make enough eye contact, I tend to look away most of the time because it makes me sort of uncomfortable.

>> No.3308291

have you read the book "house rules"? if so does that accurately reflect aspergers

>> No.3308292

ECT only works for depression, schizophrenia, and related disorders.

Lobotomy--well, I suppose that might work. Just with the huge unintended consequence of being retarded.

>> No.3308294

>Watch movies and pay attention to the patterns of speech, eye movement, and hand gestures made by the actors. Develop an approximation algorithm and follow it, people will stop calling you weird.
Movie people don't act like people do in real life in subtle ways. This does not work. The people you think are fooling that you're normal aren't fooled. They know you're spergy as fuck, they're just being "polite" and not telling you.

Example off the top of my head: Movie people don't say goodbye before hanging up phones.

>> No.3308297

Looking at someone's face during a conversation has never felt necessary or logical to me, but people get angry if you don't do it. However whenever I looked at someone's face they said I was staring at them and being creepy. Its not a simple thing. It took a long time to figure out how do do it properly.

>> No.3308321

Never read it, but looked up the summary on Amazon. The characterization of the autistic kid seems about right. But I noticed a lot of butthurt reviews from "proud" Aspergerians because the book apparently suggested it was a disease that needed a cure. It is a disease. It does need a cure. They should stop living in denial.

>> No.3308328

Your autistic-spectrum condition is a gift. Learn to exploit it to its fullest potential. Study social relationships like any other branch of mathematics.

After a few months of self-imposed isolation studying the seduction sciences and evolutionary psychology, I've gone into the outside world to re-observe society. The sign language of emotion I once knew has been replaced by a matrix of interrelated equations. Lines of force twist and elongate between people, objects, institutions, ideas. The individuals are tragically like marionettes, independently animate but bound by a web they choose not to see; they could resist if they wished, but so few of them do.

>> No.3308337

At the moment I'm sitting at a bar. Three stools to my right sits a man, familiar with this type of establishment, who looks around and notices a couple in a dark corner booth. He smiles, motions for the bartender to come over, and leans forward to speak confidentially about the couple. I don't need to listen to know what he's saying.

He's lying to the bartender, easily, extemporaneously. A compulsive liar, not out of a desire for a life more exciting than his own, but to revel in his facility for deceiving others. He knows the bartender is detached, merely affecting interest -- which is true -- but he knows the bartender is still fooled -- which is also true.

>> No.3308340

My sensitivity to the body language of others has increased to the point that I can make these observations without sight or sound: I can smell the pheromones exuded by his skin. To an extent, my muscles can even detect the tension within his, perhaps by their electric field. These channels can't convey precise information, but the impressions I receive provide ample basis for extrapolation; they add texture to the web.

Normal humans may detect these emanations subliminally. I'll work on becoming more attuned to them; then perhaps I can try consciously controlling my own expressions.

>> No.3308348

I've developed abilities reminiscent of the mind control schemes offered by tabloid advertisements. My control over my somatic emanations now lets me provoke precise reactions in others. With pheromones and muscle tension, I can cause another person to respond with anger, fear, sympathy or sexual arousal. Certainly enough to win willing sexual partners and fuck any woman I want.

I can even induce a self-sustaining reaction in others. By associating a particular response with a sense of satisfaction, I can create a positive reinforcement loop, like biofeedback; the person's body will strengthen the reaction on its own. I'll use this to harvest HB10s for the harems I wish to populate.

>> No.3308359
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watch the movie Mary and Max

laugh your ass off

>> No.3308370

>Your autistic-spectrum condition is a gift.

It's really not. I'm slightly better at quantitative reasoning, math, and understanding complex topics, but I really can't do any cognitive tasks that an intelligent normal person (neurotypical is the term) can't do.

But that's some good advice. I've already bought downloaded some non-verbal communication books and plan to study this topic intensively.

>> No.3308376

Neurotypical shitlords FUCK OFF

>> No.3308395

Pharmacologically, there is one very small and simple drug that fits the profile of improving social interaction, boosting confidence, reducing inhibitions and a marked decrease in feeling awkward.


>> No.3308414

Sure buddy, whatever you're confident with.

>> No.3308415

I've also heard MDMA helps with this. But I don't want to become an alcoholic nor do I want any of the neurological damage that ecstasy provides.


>> No.3308416

are you depressed in life, OP?

>> No.3308437

darwinism in progress, this man's elimination of the evil subconscious mind will win our progression in this godforsaken species

please have uncontrolled sex with as many women as possible, good sir, while I proceed to wipe myself off the gene pool.

>> No.3308442

Not at all. I take tremendous joy in the things I am interested in (which has changed over the past few years). But I have no depression at all, nor can I really remember any point in my life where I did feel down for an extended period of time.

>> No.3308444

Long term use of either isn't advised. But self-medicating prior to social interactions can be invaluable. Some people get a similar benefit from propanolol or atenolol for their anti-sympathetic effects. Though this is usually for social phobias.

>> No.3308454
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I don't have aspergers but I had some issues with eye contact when I was young. Even as old as highschool, I'd have people occasionally say that I would art my eyes around in weird ways when talking to people. LOL, makes me laugh now that I used to be weird like that.

Its easy you aspergers fags. Just don't keep eye contact for more than like 8 seconds or so without looking away momentarily. If they look away, you look away. Then wait a second or two and look back to see if they're looking at you. If they're not, look away again. Eventually you'll both look up at the same time and then you maintain eye contact for another 8 seconds or so. Also when looking away just look at around like if the person wasn't there and you were getting familiar with your surroundings. Don't just stare at your shoes or you seem timid. If you look off the the side too much you seem disinterested.

Fucking aspergersfags.

>> No.3308468

>Fucking aspergersfags.

You were just shy. People with Asperger's or autism were born with an entirely different brain organization from most people, so it's not fair to suggest "snap out of it."

>> No.3308483

Do what those guys at /fit/ do and lift weights and micromanage your diet and your lifts thinking it'll help you get pussy and be sociable and normal when it really just turns you into a fatso with huge legs

>> No.3308482
File: 42 KB, 500x354, brain-problems.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Defeat aspergers
>Tries to analyze problem


>> No.3308486

>implying the girls aren't wet for my t-rex mode

>> No.3308488

>lift weights
>pussy and IQ
also, tell /fit/ to go fsck themselves

>> No.3308504


yea, i know. i'm just saying if you follow the rules i just laid out, it won't be as obvious you have aspergers. though the monotone voice and goofyness will give it away eventually.

>> No.3308544

This girl has aspergers.

>> No.3308548
File: 44 KB, 640x380, 1nT6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know too much about autism but wikipedia told me a bit... paraphrasing and expounding upon for your conviencence:

The set of underlying genetic causes has not yet been identified, but the apparent effect of these is an alteration in some fundamental aspects of brain development and maturation, leading to abnormal neuroarchitecture on the large and small-scale. So it's not just a matter of messing with neurotransmitter levels at certain synapses, but the basic distribution and composition of receptor sub-types will likely be unique (though it is for every individual, I'd imagine) due to homeostatic plasticity. It seems unlikely that any sort of drug or surgical treatment could "fix" autism.

That said, you should consider how plastic your thoughts are in regards to them being responses to internal and external stimuli. The brain loves to repeat things that are repeated and forget those that are not. Be mindful of your thoughts and your behavior, disregard those instances where you do not act or think as you wish, and consciously try to repeat those that you approve. Like a personally tailored cognitive-behavioral approach.Over time, you can reshape how you mentally respond to and perceive the world.

>> No.3308570

>very jelly

>> No.3308571

Wow, she seemed... perfectly normal.

>> No.3308573

>People with Asperger's or autism were born with an entirely different brain organization from most people, so it's not fair to suggest "snap out of it."

Pretty sure psych today considers it a spectrum rather than a "your brain organization is either normal or entirely different from most people" thing.

>> No.3308578

>Average /fit/ poster:

>> No.3308577

it's not "easy" for an aspie. Interactions don't come natural to me, so I'm busy thinking of what to say and how to react that I don't have time to tell my eyes what to do. (that's the best way I can describe it)
If i work on it, i can get a algorithm like krakengineer's and maybe that'll eventually become unconscious behavior, but it's not unconscious for us like it is for you.

It's like telling someone who has never driven a motorcycle that "it's easy".

For instance, if we were having this convo IRL, i'd be more interested in the content of your words than your body language or tone of voice (which are more important)

>> No.3308583

Pretty girls can get away with having personality disorders in ways that ugly people and guys can't.

>> No.3308590

You are so full of shit your eyes are brown.

>> No.3308592


>> No.3308593


it's "figgit"

lrn2/fit/meme, bro

>> No.3308610 [DELETED] 

>implying that getting women takes anything but confidence

everyone in this thread failing hard

>mfw this is the first time I've posted on a board other than fit

>> No.3308612

whatever helps you sleep at night

>> No.3308618 [DELETED] 


>> No.3308640

what the fuck am i watching

>> No.3308648


To the best of my knowledge I don't have any of this shit, and I tend to "listen" and process the content of what is being said in a convo rather than just herpderp some reactions lazily. I've met many other people who do (you can tell because the conversations are informative and a little socratic-methody), and it seems to be almost universally appreciated by people. I understand that to be because asking meaningful questions about what someone is talking about shows that you are thinking about what they are saying, and everyone likes that.

Who knows, I'm a bit awkward but I've never really felt like it has impaired me socially too much (except in HS when I was a neurotic bitch, and was trying too hard to not be awkward).

>> No.3308651

I did read some bullshit new-age 'theory' once that autistics and Down's patients were the next step in human evolution, called moon-children and sun-children respectively. Each opposite ends of the same scale and with the power to control energy and matter when working together.

>> No.3308680

ITT: 'I must be an Aspie because I'm a shit socialiser and and an dumb introvert'

>> No.3308693

I think I have/had aspergers. It wasn't anything life-breaking, just I was always really good at math and sciences and socially awkward as fuck. Monotone, couldn't read facial expressions or body language and I never made eye contact. After three whole years of trying really hard and a fuck ton of practice, no one believes I have aspergers. I'm pretty much programmed a mental social flow chart into my brain now. I also had two cousins who were huge players who helped me out, something you probably unfortunately don't have.

>> No.3308699 [DELETED] 
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>science and math

heres a fun little project for ya kids. grab a diet coke and some mentos, drop em in the diet coke be amazed


>> No.3308702

it's more like a neuro-typical (normal person) can think about what they're saying and read body language and voice tone at the same time.
an aspie will be thinking more about the content (perhaps more deeply) but not paying attention to social cues.

>> No.3308710
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>> No.3308711


Do you actually believe that? What degree do you have? I have a MA in maths and was always able to socialise very easily. I bet you don't havr a degree and think you're great because you were good at high school maths.

Go away you smelly retard.

>> No.3308722


Go back to your natural habitat >>>/b/

>> No.3308719

Practice, practice, practice. What's the worse that could happen? You could make a fool of yourself like you already do (joking...)?

I personal think social skills involves a lot of bullshitting anyway. No one ever means what they express.

>> No.3308728


I'm better at Maths than you'll ever be, but that doesn't stop me being outgoing.

People like you are everything that is wrong with the world.

>> No.3308806

>Hurr durr guise. I can bluff too.

>> No.3308812

Turn your swag on.

>> No.3308821

Biochemistry, Biology (The Study of Life) which would greatly exhibit a great amount of knowledge which you could learn from. (Since it's caused by genes and if you were able to deduct which gene caused it, or maybe even which recessive gene or dominant gene caused it, it would put you slightly ahead of the game)

>> No.3308835

I didn't mean I was a fucking genius, I just thought I wasn't fucking retarded like everyone else I've ever had a math course with. Ever since I was a child, I always understood the theory and applied it with no effort and still do. I had a really strong interest in science that would take priority over anything else as a kid. Where did I sound like I thought I was great? I was just responding to the OP's question. If it was the last bit, I meant it as in he could ask socially proficient people he knows to help him out. Calm the fuck down

>> No.3308844

it's kind of ironic that fit gets mentioned here. a lot of bodybuilders have problems relating with others and one rule that is common among 'hardcore' gyms is that the guys in the gym are obliged to avoid eye contact.

i don't have aspergers but one thing i've discovered is that as you get older, you will get a tremendous amount of respect and kudos in life just by being eager, pleasant and accommodating while having your own plan. be VERY nice and open and giving but don't be a pushover when it comes to your agenda.

people who are assholes by nature tend to be very regretful and i've observed many of them complaining about how they apparently lack the ability to be nice -just like how aspies apparently lack good social instincts.

>I'm pretty much programmed a mental social flow chart into my brain now.
share please?

>> No.3308854
File: 133 KB, 354x363, feels-good-man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


OP here. You give me hope

>> No.3308874

also, try to keep your focus on the task at hand, no matter how trivial it may seem...

i may or may not have aspergers but the editing in that post is fucking horrendous.

>> No.3308875

A lot it is triggered when I see it, so I can't say everything right now

In regards to body language, for the most part, you can tell how someone feels around you by the positioning and distance of their bodies. If they feel comfortable around you, naturally they should be closer to you, and if they feel uncomfortable, they will keep themselves at a slight distance from you. Also, if they feel more comfortable around you, their body should be turned to be facing you (to a reasonable degree in the situation, like sitting on a bench they will probably be turned towards you, put obviously not at a 90 degree angle). If they feel uncomfortable around you, they should be turned to face slightly away from you. If someone engages in physical contact with you, it is usually a sign that they are comfortable with you. You could try this with a girl, say, if she has a bracelet on her wrist. You could gently hold her arm and look at the bracelet, and compliment that it looks nice or something. Judging by her reaction, you can tell how comfortable she is with you. Does she quickly pull her arm away, as soon as possible? Does she let her arm linger in your hand a few more seconds, while you have expressed that that you have finished looking at it? It would be easier if you had specific questions.

>> No.3308895

I remember what I was getting at now

So say you're talking to someone, and you're not sure if the conversation is over/the want to leave (assuming you are standing)

One way you can tell is by their body language. If they are faced away from you, and are facing towards the door or closest exit, they probably are thinking of leaving soon. This will usually be characterized by putting most of their weight on one leg, as if they are about to take a step with the other. They might even start getting a bit fidgety, or looking around oddly. If you suspect they want to leave, you can help them out by making an excuse for yourself to leave, rather than having them stay and be annoyed.

>> No.3308910

Practice making smiling. Try to make them genuine, if not, try to fake them to the best of your ability. Look up the differences between fake and real smiles. They are controlled by different parts of the brain. Fake smiles tend to only be the mouth area moving, while real smiles tend to have the cheeks raise as well. You can use this to a certain degree, to see if someone is faking happiness or is genuinely happy. When you're talking to people, try to smile a bit as you talk to them. They smile, you smile.

>> No.3308913

I like how everyone stopped posting

>> No.3308920

Well, it got creepy when it turned into a discussion on social manipulation.

>> No.3308929
File: 20 KB, 500x259, 128676150032316778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Train hard so one day you too can look like this after hearing a joke!

>> No.3308932

>social manipulation
wat? I can't tell if you're a troll or just the stupidest person ever. I've never seen a constructive or intelligent post from you. this will also be my first and last response to you.

>> No.3308936
File: 24 KB, 512x378, sol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw op thinks he has asperger
>mfw he dislikes being himself
>mfw doesnt compute

>> No.3308943

you poor thing. Reality is not positive or negative. What one sees as being 'socially involved' another can easily use as social manipulation.

I'm not surprised you'd choose to remain ignorant.

>> No.3308999

i don't see how learning to communicate like everyone else does is manipulative.
> i stopped staring at people because it was making them uncomfortable.
> I'm manipulating them.

>> No.3309013


You are manipulating them in a good way.

What do you think business, advertising, psychology, sociology, art, and anything else dealing with human beings is?