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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 82 KB, 850x1000, Harc_Form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3305928 No.3305928 [Reply] [Original]

Just found this on Omegle.

The message with it (there was a link to this picture) said "Math, Science, and total Conquest will lead to a brighter future"

I googled the word Harc and found its Hungarian for fight, struggle, or war.

Wat do?

>> No.3305952

Apply, duh. The worst that could happen is that you will be thrown into a world scale conspiracy involving a struggle for power between factions but in the end you will prevail by fusing your mind with a super advanced AI.

>> No.3305979

Sounds like Valve and every single "science" entity it has ever made. Aperture anyone?

Decent logo at best.

>> No.3305995

OP here, it also said "tumblr users need not apply"

Just remembered that and thought I'd share, lol.

>> No.3306046

>put codename as Vegeta for the hell of it
>get rejection email within seconds

:( this is srs bzns to them

>> No.3306104

What did the rejection email say?

>> No.3306117


"We're sorry, but your application to join Harc has been rejected.

Thank you for applying."

>> No.3306120


Clearly the codename is a big factor, make a new e-mail and apply again, make it something technical with many numbers. Your social security number should suffice.

>> No.3306138

I'd suggest that we put this on /b/... need more answers.

>> No.3306146

wtf is this OP?
more info?

>> No.3306164
File: 182 KB, 340x394, prophet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhh, i sent an email saying "SPAMSPAMSPAMSPAMSAPSMA" (yes, exactly that) for the hell of it, and got this sent back.

wtf is this picture /sci/? should we take it to /x/?

>> No.3306172

For the love of God, do you really think that /sci/ is the place to start ARGs? Sage for failure.

>> No.3306178


Oh shit nigga, what have you done?

>> No.3306179

confirmed for ARG

>> No.3306180


... ARG? Are you a pirate? No? Srsly wtf is it I'm curious now.

>> No.3306184

«An alternate reality game (ARG) is an interactive narrative that uses the real world as a platform, often involving multiple media and game elements, to tell a story that may be affected by participants' ideas or actions.»
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_reality_game

Now die, /x/ scum.

>> No.3306188


... Ok if you don't know what it is I really will go with /x/, you're wayy too skeptical, even for a /sci/entist

>> No.3306189

I'm gonna troll the world by taking it to /b/. They will do the rest. End of the world = /b/

>> No.3306191
File: 173 KB, 639x617, 1294225320636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.3306195

/x/ is that way ->
Go give a blowjob to Messeth you demon lover.

>> No.3306240


Latnok from the ABC Family show Kyle XY

"Harc" is either giving you or clue or trolling you, lol.


Lots of pseudo-science, not much else is known, show got cancelled.

>> No.3306250


Ohh, thanks :D Teacup and all these other anti-socials were bitching and whining. o.O

>> No.3306263

When will you understand that we do not like /x/fags here?

>> No.3306278


Ignore her/him/it. They probably have a God Complex like a lot of people here.

>> No.3306290

Sent an application with bullshit information and got accepted, will report back soon within a day with more info.

>> No.3306303
File: 17 KB, 651x487, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3306305
File: 21 KB, 225x259, 1308669256566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3306308


lol, obviously they don't check credentials then, i got accepted too

>> No.3306313


er. nvm.

"Upon further investigation into the matter, your application has been rejected.
Thank you for applying."

and >>3306164

that picture

>> No.3306319
File: 16 KB, 641x475, VIDEO GAMES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, they really are srs business. /sci/ needs to make a effort to look into the matter. This is starting to sound like a next gen illuminati.

>> No.3306326

I'm in as well, will be dropping info.

>> No.3306334



>> No.3306342

This is saddening, really.
Oh, wait, no, it's /sci/. Let me go get my tinfoil hat.

>> No.3306344

>>3306319, Here.
I resent my application with correct credentials, they are obvious racists.

>> No.3306348

Did you apply with correct credentials?

>> No.3306358


Oh joy, look who's back. Nothing better to do than complain about what other people do? Saddening, really.

>> No.3306372

We should infiltrate them as to establish a government inside a government, inside a government.

>> No.3306376

"back"? I never left. And it may be saddening, but believing in this is even more.

>> No.3306378

I concur.

>> No.3306386


No... we have to go deeper. >:(

>> No.3306387


Nobody seems to be taking it seriously

>> No.3306401

I'd say that some are.

>> No.3306412

>used real credentials
>got accepted

Genuine interest... for now, from the other messages I got it seems like a secret society kind of thing...

>> No.3306422

It's made in Paint.NET lol


>> No.3306435


FUCKING PAINT.NET All secret societies HAVE to use photoshop, have they learned nothing?

>> No.3306441

Post more information as it is revealed, I too am interested in knowing exactly who these people are.

>> No.3306449


Lol, they asked me "what do you feel/hope Harc stands for?" I replied, jokingly "I say we just kill everyone."

Got accepted.
Thus the interest, lmfao.

>> No.3306450

I use paint.net and none of the image hiding tools show anything, then again theres numerous user made plugins for that shit so who knows.

Its just static overlayed onto that shitty logo.

>> No.3306462

This is starting to sound batshit insane.

>> No.3306475


Find the original logo without the static - chances are it's just taken from the web. From that you should be able to extract an image of pure static. Decrypt it, receive secret message.

>> No.3306492

Care to try that out for us?

>> No.3306495

>Apologies, but for the time being applications are closed and all applications that were sent in the past 24 hours have been rejected.

>Through an image sent to those regarding a sudden surge in applications, we net-crawled that image and found it being posted
repeatedly on an image board discussing our organization.

>Sorry for any inconvenience.


>> No.3306497


"Apologies, but for the time being applications are closed and all applications that were sent in the past 24 hours have been rejected.

Through an image sent to those regarding a sudden surge in applications, we net-crawled that image and found it being posted
repeatedly on an image board discussing our organization.

Sorry for any inconvenience."


No, seriously though, gay.

>> No.3306504


Harc is laughing at us. ._.

>> No.3306505

Herp Derp

Apologies, but for the time being applications are closed and all applications that were sent in the past 24 hours have been rejected.

Through an image sent to those regarding a sudden surge in applications, we net-crawled that image and found it being posted
repeatedly on an image board discussing our organization.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

>> No.3306512

Shit just got real

>> No.3306513

link to harc?

>> No.3306515


They didn't check your credentials. They were in this topic the whole time.

In fact, they probably started it.

>> No.3306521


So, if it wasn't obvious already, it's pretty clear from this that OP is "Halden" and he's messing with us.

>> No.3306539

How about the other guy who posted fake credentials?

>> No.3306540

>we net-crawled that image and found it being posted repeatedly on an image board discussing our organization.
>posted repeatedly on an image board
>image board

hmmmm I wonder which image board they could be talking about.

>> No.3306546


OP truly does seem like a glorious faggot in that scenario. :(

Fuck you OP, you know how long I've wanted to be in a scientific secret society? Fuck you.

>> No.3306552


Obviously, it was ebaums world.

>> No.3306558

I know that feel bro.

>> No.3306559


Ding ding ding.

>> No.3306573


Don't give up hope, re-apply tomorrow?

If they legitimately set a trap with that image
that's... pretty diabolical and lolzy.
Not like it took long either, worth a shot. *shrug*

>> No.3306583

I gotta admit, I like their style. Highest form of trolling in my opinion

>> No.3306594

If nothing, they've got style. It was a nice twist to set a trap with that image.

>> No.3306604

I don't understand..This is /sci/. I truthfully hope that all the real /sci/entists figured this shit out immediately and said 'lol fuck this thread'. This kind of stuff is totally up my alley, but in my opinion the op set all this shit up for the luls.

Pretty convenient that so many people are getting e-mails almost immediately after they've sent. Almost as if they're been watching this thread the whole time. (And by they, i mean OP).

I believe HARC isn't some organization, but just OP's trollery.

I hope I'm wrong, because that would be pretty badass.

>> No.3306618


Good customer service? Lol.

Iunno, I'm applying tomorrow anyway, might as well.

>> No.3306619

They just wanted to see how many more would apply and how many of them were suited for this. 4chan is a shithole but there are some bright minds here. Especially bright, twisted minds.
I for one would kill for science.

>> No.3306630


The genius, diabolical conspiracies continue.

Harc, you deliciously evil bastard(s)

>> No.3306637


Have fun saying that on the computer eating your pizza and stack of bologna sandwiches.

I doubt it, but I hope you're right. I'll apply for the luls of it.

>> No.3306670

Yayy, /sci/ finally has its own batshit completely totally illogical conspiracy.

/x/ has Nibiru and we have Harc. Awesome.

OP is a faggot.

>> No.3306684
File: 174 KB, 600x552, gtfoutmyway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurr durr

apply because world war and some shit happening
>very mysterious harc faggot, no information whatsoever
>says to give YOUR info
>people getting trolled or OP being simply racist

JUST GTFO, I want to enjoy my 2012

>> No.3306692

Fuck Harc (OP). We should create our own damn society

>> No.3306702


I'd say the Neckbeard Association (NBA) but some assholes already took it.

>> No.3306721

We've been watching this little post for some time after having found it via our crawler.

You're all mildly amusing, but some of you think you're much smarter than you really are...

Oh, and children, our name is Harc, not HARC. It's not an acronym.

-Love, Harc Organization

>> No.3306734

This is exactly what I was looking for. Thank you OP.

>> No.3306740


P.S. I am a huge faggot please rape my face.

>> No.3306759

You're all falling down the rabbithole.

>> No.3306765

That's a disgusting way to ruin the atmosphere around "Harc".
I hope it's just a troll, since that statement was just arrogant and pointless.

>> No.3306773

Of course it's a troll, do you really think that some small organization would already have very accurate crawlers?

>> No.3306777

OP here.

Nothing to see here guys, just let this die. Harc does not exist, just some stupid troll I found on Omegle and unknowingly made popular.


>> No.3306783


... OP got accepted into Harc and is trying to play US Government and cover it up.

>> No.3306788


>> No.3306789


Nice trips

>> No.3306793


Obviously a troll, I sent an application before it all got closed and the responder wasn't nearly as arrogant and full of himself, just polite and brief.

>> No.3306797
File: 4 KB, 240x200, L_Symbol..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get this in a message, or are you part of Harc?

I'm amused and curious of this image OP posted. Non-thorough google searches come up with nothing of use for Harc, Harc Orginazation, Halden, or Halden codename. If you look at the image's "harc" logo the H has nearly the same exact L in it (Death Note), although this seems to be an illogical connection (picture related). The use of "recognized" shows a possible American origin, although I already assumed as much.

Predictions here have a lower chance of being true, as they are based on assumptions:
>I'm assuming the author is 16 or older, but no later than 30 years of age. A college student is more likely.

>The author is more than likely a liberal, and Caucasian, upper middle class background.

Most logical conclusion:

This is either a viral add or an elaborate troll.

>> No.3306799



>> No.3306805


>Implying Death Note invented Old London font.


>> No.3306824

It's a potential connection, but I do know of the font. I said it was an illogical connection because I realized this.

>> No.3306832


Hah! I like their style.

That's clever.

>> No.3306849 [DELETED] 

OP here. Thread is dead. Harc is non-existant.

Move along citizen.

>> No.3306856

i will bump this thread till it autosages
take that, faggot organization of /x/fags

>> No.3306874


Please, be my guest. Erase all traces of it having ever existed. Thanks.

>> No.3306878


OP is trying to kill this threat a little too much.

I'm with you

>> No.3306889

This reminds me of EvE. The only videogame where very detailed background checks were a major and necessary part of Guild invitations.

Oh, politics.

At least they seem to be sufficiently paranoid. That's helpful.

>> No.3306898

OP here

Bump, we're surely not too far off from it 404ing

>> No.3306906

You don`t browse other boards much do you?
Bump limit is ~350 posts

>> No.3306917
File: 124 KB, 620x417, 1308896830123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw idiot doesn't delete the post
>mfw he sees that green oval's archive exists
>mfw he realizes this thread won't be deleted for another year

>> No.3306924



OP here, everyone stop replying and let it die.

No Harc.

Game over.

>> No.3306932 [DELETED] 

Someone was clearly inspirited by my Eastern Europe domination plan.

Skype: Cinitiator

>> No.3306936
File: 30 KB, 599x599, ngbbs48c7668c65c9b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mfw you actually think that's OP.

OP didn't say shit for a long time, I think
he's either just trolling us or left shortly after making the thread.

>> No.3306937
File: 21 KB, 481x285, 1309212722046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.3306939

I'm just going to add Harc into my list of "things to randomly mention in a room full of politicians to see their reactions in 10 years time."

Real life trolling is an art.

>> No.3306940



>> No.3306941

I say Gentlemen,

I inquire;
How does one gain access to another's personal computation device?

>> No.3306942
File: 70 KB, 581x800, hungarian_warrior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Hungarian and what is this...

I haven't heard of this warrior called Halden (which is not a Hungarian name) or his campaign.

>> No.3306951


what does harc mean?

>> No.3306956

What OP said: fight or battle

>> No.3306957


I'm assuming you want to do that to Harc? Why not send them an email and get their IP from the header information? Not much can be done with an IP though... and if they're reading this this plan is ruined.

Or they might be smart and using a proxy.

>> No.3306967


from what I understand, Harc send an image to people, it got posted here, they net-crawled their non-existing selves over here, and stopped emailing people/closed all applications for the day.

>> No.3306993



>> No.3307010


>Implying 3rd party/free net-crawlers are effective at all.

>> No.3307026

>harc is the Hertfordshire branch of the National Autistic Society (NAS)


>> No.3307097

There was a big thread against /x/, this just might be their revenge.

>> No.3307116

So, who are these gentlemen again?
What are they "harc"ing against exactly?
I know, I know, something that threatens the whole of reality, but what/who is that?

It wouldn't surprise me if Hungarians started some serious underground movement. Some of them tend to be very clever and resourceful. And for what I know, they are pretty pissed thanks to a lots of things going on in their country.

>> No.3307323
File: 167 KB, 1024x768, I_Want_To_Believe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey guys /x/phile here and we have nothing to do with this we have been looking into it tho 3: i personally think this is a shitty troll but looking into it tomorrow will prob apply

>> No.3307355


>> No.3309250

Hi guys, what's this?

>> No.3309253


god damnit, it was on page like 8 too, it wasn't far off from dying.

it's a troll. nothing else. leave it alone

>> No.3309264


Ok, here's what I've learned from my own research;

Harc does exist. Harc, while the name is in Hungarian, is not Hungarian born.
The email is real but I see nowhere them requesting half the information that form request, leading me to believe that >>3305928 form is fake.
I contacted the legitimate organization and they made no such form like what OP posted. I asked what their goals and resources are, and they stopped replying.

That's it. I'm not going deeper, I'm leaving this thread and never coming back. Bye.

>> No.3309276
File: 2.19 MB, 2858x4017, 99_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this turns into an advertisement for some new movie/video game

>> No.3309301

>Oh, DFC :3
>Look it up

>> No.3309807

A Day Later...

Anybody applying today?
I'll apply when I have the chance.

>> No.3309840
File: 284 KB, 984x551, afa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Call me a little apprehensive but wouldn't someone legitimately trying to save the world from "a very quick and very steep fall to absolute and total destruction" not be such a retarded faggot?

>> No.3309889


Well, they never asked for money.

Ón the pther hand, none of us succeeded at joining.

>> No.3311907


>> No.3311907,1 [INTERNAL] 

Seamless self Bump