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3304822 No.3304822 [Reply] [Original]

I am going to present a situation:

>The other night I was coming home, and almost hit an animal. I pulled over to the side of the road, and put my hazards on. This alerted other drivers, and one stopped to see if I was in trouble. It is very common for people to act that way, being charitable to others.

Be that as it may, why is it that when money is involved, people are selfish, greedy and refuse to part with it?

>> No.3304831

money is that ever elusive item that we must have in order to achieve satisfaction. Without money, we can't take that holiday we've been hanging for the past 15 years.

>> No.3304838


But what value does that really have? I mean, the way I see it, you don't need all that much to be happy. A small home in a nice neighborhood, food, running water, heating, transportation (a bike or decent running car), and friends and family to share it with. If you have the money for other stuff, than fine, but isn't it better to have that feeling of doing your duty for your fellow men?

The way I see it, this is a psychological conundrum. Why does the emotion of greed overpower the emotion of charity?

>> No.3304842
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Because it is relatively hard to make money, which can then be traded for goods and services.

People like goods and services. I sure like goods and services.

1) Drop prices of shit immensely by making the labour and materials of those goods and services incredibly abundant. Robots etc.
2) Less work hours for same pay, probably fuck something up economically for the worse quite soon though
3) I dunno, you tell me?

>> No.3304843

brain gets conditioned that way due to growing up in a capitalistic society

>> No.3304851


1: An abundant labor force, which we have in America given how bad unemployment is. If we started opening more manufacturing plants in our own country then the problem could take care of itself twofold.

2: That would be nice. Of course, it means a lower bottom line, and greed makes it so that cannot happen.

>> No.3304853


How about in a socialist society? What is the mentality in socialist countries? Is it different? Is it the same?

>> No.3304861

I would never, ever stop if someone was pulled up on the side of the road at night.

I don't give money out either.

>> No.3304863



>> No.3304869

I'm going through door #2 and saying there's no difference behind the motivations of drivers in helping one another and the motivations of people with money.

>This alerted other drivers, and one stopped to see if I was in trouble.
One stopped. While I agree that, should a person pull over and put on their hazard lights, a driver will likely soon stop to help, not every driver stops to help. From the times I've seen people pulled over with what looked like car trouble, I noticed that the majority of drivers kept going instead of pulling over.

Much like people with money. I've seen people give money and food to homeless people on sidewalks, but you're right in that a larger number will simply keep walking. Just like pulling over to help a fellow driver.

>> No.3304870
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1 is going to happen anyway, but with worse unemployment until that system won't be able to stand up anymore.


>> No.3304875


That is a very valid point. I ask this because it is something largely political, and almost paradoxical. Living in a conservative community, I see these acts of helping others often. However, when it comes to money many in the community are downright opposed. It's the darndest thing.

>> No.3304879


>you don't need all that much to be happy.

Fuck yes you do.

>A small home in a nice neighborhood,

Costs money to get there.


Costs money and you need it every day.

>running water,

Surprisingly costs very little (in america, nonamerican places might have it cost loads), but man cannot survive on bread alone, etc.


Costs money, lots in a cold place

>transportation (a bike or decent running car),

Some money to LOTS of money

>and friends and family to share it with

They want your money.

>if you have the money for other stuff,

Most people do.

>than fine, but isn't it better to have that feeling of doing your duty for your fellow men?

Money is its own reward, and smugness can't be traded for food. Which you need every day.

>> No.3304885
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Let me tell you a short tale.

Family is from Bosnia, and they left days before the war started. As mum and gran had no money, they had to go to an Italian refugee camp.
Well, let's speed up to a year and a half later. It was my first birthday, and some guy had lost all his money and didn't have a place to stay. My mother gave him the equivalent of about $50 for a motel for two nights instead of buying me a birthday present. This guy that received the money didn't use it to buy drugs or a dragon dildo or anything, but used it for what was needed. He didn't beg for it or anything. And mum bought me a present not even 3 days later.

So I guess you might have a higher predisposition for charitable efforts if you come from a socialist country.

>> No.3304889


You're completely missing the point. A man can live easily on $35-40k a year. The GDP per capita is $45k a year. Certainly an average
man can make a modest means on little.

>> No.3304890


That is a very beautiful tale, and that is probably how a perfect world would be.

>> No.3304892
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>rent is through the roof
>housing anywhere not in the middle of bumfuck nowhere becomes almost if not unaffordable

Where the hell do you live?

>> No.3304899


Bumfuck nowhere, lol.

Naw, but on a more serious note, if you're spending more than $20K a year on rent, you either live in New York or something is seriously wrong.

>> No.3304904

People are only charitable to others when they don't stand to lose anything for doing it. Say what you will, but in everyone's mind "my needs" > "someone else's needs".

Now imagine that you are coming back home and you see someone having trouble with his car. Do you stop? Probably. Now imagine instead of coming back home you are late for an exam. Do you stop? Unlikely.

>> No.3304912
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I live in Australia, which is almost as large as the US and has less than a tenth of the population. Something is *definitely* wrong.

>> No.3304921


Well, shit. Only thing I can suggest is taking out a loan for a plot of land and building a Japanese one room mansion.

>> No.3304927
File: 31 KB, 329x297, united-states-of-canada-796649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or, move to Canada. Which I would prefer. This place is in my opinion quite sub-par.

>> No.3304941

men react to incentives.
Men are inherently neither good nor bad.


>> No.3304945

You say selfish like it's a bad thing.

>> No.3304967


>> No.3304977

Everything that can be obtained with money, can also be obtained without money.

Every play WoW? Suppose one character had infinite gold, and one character had zero gold always. Both characters, (given enough time), could be exactly equal in every way, except for their gold balances.

The same applies in RL. A poor person without a cent to his name could have all the commodities, goods, and services, that a rich man could have, it would take him FAR longer, however.

Time = Money

>> No.3304987


Include Iowa in this pic. We have gay marriage and the best education in the US. Why the hell do you think every other state uses our standardized test as a benchmark?

>> No.3304990

>Talking about human nature
>Use WOW as example

WOW is one of the main problems of our society

>> No.3305011

Thats bullshit, majour bullshit.

Socialism brought Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol pot and Kim Jung il so i think you can very well shut the fuck up for good.

It comes down to genetics. You help people who are related to you distantly.

>> No.3305031

>The way I see it, this is a psychological conundrum. Why does the emotion of greed overpower the emotion of charity


Thats psychology for very fricken angery with you never providing a proper answer.

The answer is genetic relatedness, you spend money to help those your related to. You'd think sci didnt know anything about this.