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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 13 KB, 480x323, 115.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3302089 No.3302089 [Reply] [Original]

1930 on my SAT

720 math
650 reading
560 writing

I bet you summerfags can't even comprehend all the full rides I'll be getting to colleges you can't even afford

>> No.3302103

>I'll be getting to colleges you can't even afford

I got mine paid for by the company I worked for.

Have fun reading that small print. In fact, don't. And enjoy paying it all back when they get you on a technicality.

>> No.3302105 [DELETED] 

shut up faggot, i got a near perfect score, come at me, oh wait, you are not allowed on the PRIVATE UNIVERSITY PROPERTY


>> No.3302117

Meh, 670 math, 710 verbal, 610 writing here. 1980 composite. Didn't get me into Georgia Tech....

>> No.3302133

>not an 800 in math

>> No.3302134
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> 1870 on SAT
> Got into Yale because I'm mexican and below the poverty level according to tax returns

>> No.3302145 [DELETED] 
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>mfw im a senior and you're years behind me

>> No.3302154

670 math
620 reading
590 writing...
On my first try. Very little studying, and I got 2 3s on the essay. The topic was nonsense, and I am usually a good writer.

Reading... what's up with it?

>> No.3302161
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Any of you /v/irgins part of the 2400 club? If you're part of the 2400 club, post here.

>> No.3302168
File: 15 KB, 373x309, mfw1-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when you asshats believe that your SAT scores and IQ tests make you above everyone else.

Fuck you, all of you. I hope you enjoy never getting laid and having a useless plaque on your wall telling you how smart you are...

I'll be out contributing to society in a real sense

>> No.3302172 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 400x505, 1307320710613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I didn't know what an SAT was like, what materiel was on it, had never studied and was up until 3 at a party and got a 2010 composite score
Must be a terrible to be a plebeian.

>> No.3302187


This. 800 math 770 verbal. 0 writing because I didn't feel the need to improve my score any when they added that silly section when I was a junior.

>I'll be out contributing to society in a real sense
I'll be in my office at Goldman saying FUCK YOU to the world and taking home six+ figures. Jelly?

>> No.3302192

>Like these things actually matter

>> No.3302195

>full ride

enjoy your shit tier state school

>> No.3302199


It would have to be an awful state school. I outscored OP and my state school didn't give me shit.

>> No.3302202

You get 1000 just for writing your namew

>> No.3302211

i got 2220 and only like half the uc's gave me a regent scholarship, which is only like 6k a quarter.

>> No.3302212

State schools are usually realllyyyy gooddd.

>> No.3302215
File: 13 KB, 168x200, kent_ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice. now smoke a kent.

>> No.3302216


>Goldman Sachs
>contributing to society


>> No.3302231


You couldn't even qualify for the honors college of the state school I attended.

Good job retard.

>> No.3302241

When you say contributing to society, you mean its downfall. Goldman Sachs is likely the worst organization of human beings to have ever blighted this planet. I say, without regret or exaggeration, anyone who works in the upper echelon of the banking business should be wiped off of the planet in the most painful and absolute way possible.
Yes, I am more than mad. I am quaking with fury.

>> No.3302244

>implying a high SAT score will get you into GS.
As someone who has been through their interview process I can tell you that if you are ignorant enough to think something like that GS will probably remain a pipe dream for you. Don't worry though, I hear wells fargo are recruiting new tellers!

>> No.3302250

>1930 on SAT
>less than 800 on math

not sure if troll

>> No.3302258

What's their interview process like? I'm getting an internship at Vanguard next year and I would eventually like to work my way up to a firm like GS, what exactly is required?

>> No.3302272 [DELETED] 
File: 763 KB, 1024x768, Koala.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw half the people on this thread are lying about their SAT scores to feel superior in some way over the internet.

> mfw half of the people posting here are lonely virgins with asbergers who honestly believe that a number tells them about how successful they'll be in life.

>> No.3302274

You must put a bullet in the head a child. It is kind of a test of morality.

>> No.3302275

Sorry but in my country we leave school with proper qualifications rather than general arbitrary numbers. But aww bless you

>> No.3302279

Sup' simpleton.

>> No.3302284
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>> No.3302287

I think maybe 1 person posted a good score. The rest seem to be lies.

>> No.3302290

Sure is summer in here. There should be an autodelete/ban thread for anything concerning underage shit ie SAT/AP/IB/highschool.

>> No.3302294


Sup' Kid with a massive God Complex.

>> No.3302296
File: 23 KB, 200x239, sb68-car.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faggots, all of you

when I took the SAT it only went up to 1600, they made it easier for your shit hole generation so you could feel better about yourselves over growing up in a society of ignorant retards

>> No.3302305


2 things wrong with what you just said candy-ass.

1. /sci/ isn't an 18+ board.

2. The SAT can be taken at any age.


>> No.3302307
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>> No.3302308

see >>3302284

>> No.3302311

To bad to be on 4chan you have to be 18+. The whole purpose of the 18+ boards is so people can post filthy pornography and graphic material.

But obviously you're too stupid and new here to realize this

>> No.3302312
File: 19 KB, 309x320, afno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying 4chan has boards that aren't 18+

>> No.3302315


All of 4chan is 18+, but certain boards of SFW and others are NSFW

>> No.3302321

I got a 1610, you all jelly?

>> No.3302329 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw taking the SAT and not being in high school

>> No.3302330

I obviously never meant that GS is a positive force in the world, that'd be retarded. I just don't care.

Shit, I thought a standardized exam I took several years ago would get me that analyst spot at GS. You've shattered my dreams anon, guess I was destined to be a CPA all along :(

>> No.3302331
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> implying anyone actually regards age restrictions

Please, get the fuck out.

>> No.3302334

Hey OP i get free tuition AND a stipend. you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

you jelly?

>> No.3302340

This thread is officially shitstorm
Good job OP

>> No.3302342


Wait a 1930 means a bunch of free rides?

I got like an 1870 and I thought that was shit. Maybe I'm being too hard on myself...

>> No.3302349

sorry. just study you aren't retarded just unprepared.

So here's a question for all you university guys. my GPA is a 3.0, what SAT score do i need to get into say UMD

>> No.3302366

You realize that 1870/2400 is around 78%...
Of course you get no scholarships. Look at op's pic

>> No.3302367

>average /sci/ SAT score: <2300
>average /sci/ IQ: 180

Something doesn't add up here.

>> No.3302372 [DELETED] 
File: 118 KB, 579x329, June SAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw jelly, jelly everywhere
>mfw still didn't get into MIT ;_;

Fucking minorities

>> No.3302378


What about it?

>> No.3302382
File: 150 KB, 452x320, Trollphin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOHOO, Troll Thread ftw!

>> No.3302386

>comparing and debating SAT scores

sure is high school in here

>> No.3302390

What did you do extra-curricular, and what was your hs GPA?

>> No.3302396



>> No.3302400


Post essay.

>> No.3302422


No, you were right; your score was shit. OP is just too dumb to realize that he didn't get a good score.

>> No.3302433 [DELETED] 

>mfw you're too dumb to realize the OP trolled /sci/'s massive ego, and you fell for it

>> No.3302443 [DELETED] 

>mfw i got an 800 in reading and a 710 in math
>i have no face

>> No.3302446 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 468x484, 1278165257311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4 Years of marching band and jazz band, 2 years of a part-time job, 1 year of academic challenge (quiz bowl type stuff, I got recruited by my junior english teacher), vice president and co-founder of chess club, co-founder of a basketball pep band, and a handful of BS for extra curriculars. 4.875 Weighted GPA (3.999 unweighted). And I was a national merit finalist.

>mfw none of these are estats

>> No.3302448


>> No.3302455 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 401x373, 1300943583201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I didn't know the SAT was out of 2400 now.

>> No.3302459


Yeah they added a writing section.
old SAT:
-Math out of 800
-Reading out of 800
total = 1600

new SAT:
-Math out of 800
-Reading out of 800
-Writing out of 800
total = 2400

>> No.3302474

Just take the ACT with writing and the original SAT.
You should be taking both tests anyways.

>> No.3302487 [DELETED] 


OP here, 31 on my ACT.
>yfw I'm set for life

>> No.3302485


You don't get to choose which version of the SAT you take...

It's the NEW SAT. Meaning the old one is bye bye...

>> No.3302492
File: 17 KB, 525x178, fuck you sci.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I'm so jealous of your awesome score.

oh wait...

>> No.3302509

Britfag here. What are SATS and how do they work?

>> No.3302514

Back in my day we would walk 15 miles to take the ACT at one school, then another 20 miles to take the SAT at another.
And it was uphill both ways!

>implying a 31 makes you set for life.
I know 4 people from my high school that got 36s on the ACT. My girlfriend got a 35, and she is absolutely fucking retarded when it comes to math.
I got a 32 because of 18s in English an Reading.

>> No.3302518
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>Being a professional scientist

>> No.3302521

the NIH makes you take it if you're at a university that receives federal funding. Worst 3 days of my life

>> No.3302526

2200 on my SAT


>> No.3302535

Well you can't help answer the fundamental questions of the universe, BUT LOOK AT THESE ROUND AND CRINKLED PEA'S

>> No.3302538

no the person you're responding do, but no one actually cares about physics

>> No.3302540

Everyone in this thread should read this:


"Alright, those are silly and a complete waste of time. But believe it or not, I actually do have some real advice for you. I don’t want to freak you guys out, but twenty five years ago, I could have been any one of you. I went to a public high school, and I was a bright, ambitious, hard working kid who wanted more than anything to go to a good college. The only problem is, I was much more interested in succeeding than in really learning. When you’re a smart kid in a competitive school, it’s an easy trap to fall into. So I did a lot of things in high school not because I enjoyed them but because I thought they look good on an application. I think you know what I’m talking about. I was on a debate team — hated it. I ran track — I was terrible, I got so bored running the two mile that I tried to talk with my opponents during the race. “what are you gonna do later, I mean you gonna be doing something later?” I joined school government — hated it. Of course, like many of you I worried obsessively about my GPA and my SAT scores. And of course, it worked. I got into the college of my choice and to this day I’m proud of the work I did in high school."

>> No.3302543


>> No.3302544

"But old habits die hard. Once I got into college, I had every intention of joylessly grinding away again. I was gonna turn college into just another step on the road to being successful, whatever that meant. I told people my plan was to go to graduate school in law or government, just because I thought that’s what smart people were supposed to do. And then something really weird happened. My roommate — by the way, he was the weird roommate — my roommate was going to an orientation meeting at the Harvard Lampoon, the school humor magazine, and I decided for some reason to tag along. I wrote one piece, then I wrote another piece, then another. Before long, I was running the place. The only difference was, I was joyously happy. I was succeeding at something because I loved the process, not because I was trying to get anywhere. I had found the thing I wanted to do for the rest of my life, and I honestly didn’t care where it took me or what it paid."

>> No.3302546
File: 55 KB, 247x249, 1305651052518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mention fundamental questions of the universe
>You automatically think of physics
>then try to act like physics isn't important

>> No.3302548

This is a commencement speech for some high school given by Conan O'Brien, a Harvard Alum by the way.

>> No.3302569

well actually my research focuses on what the cellular and molecular mechanisms are that allows cells to establish unique identities and perpetuate them throughout the life of the organism because they all have the same DNA (besides a few specialized types)

but I guess that's not really that fundamental..

>> No.3302577

>2400 sat
>36 act

>> No.3304254

The SAT is the key to success in life, my guidance counselors told me so

>> No.3304460


SAT is key to determining the potential of success society will provide for you based on arbitrary judgments of worth on based on basic math and reading.

So in a way yes the SAT is important.

>> No.3304479


Well you can't help answer the fundamental questions of the universe, BUT LOOK AT THESE NUMBERS

>> No.3304501

I have two SAT scores. One is 1980 with a 800 in math. One of 2080 with a 700 in math. which one should I give colleges?

>> No.3304527

>no score for science
you call this an education?

>> No.3304529



or send both and they may do a composite

hopefully you have something other than SAT to show.

>> No.3304531


>SAT subject test (jerks off your ego)

> AP test (Gives you college credit)

same company use em

>> No.3304535

CBA to google everything you just said and make sense of it. Regardless science should be taken into account alongside english skills and maths

>> No.3304571 [DELETED] 


>he doesn't know how to spell material

it must suck to be a nigger

>> No.3304799 [DELETED] 

Raised my score from 1580 freshman year to 2210 in senior year of hs. MFW, when 3 years of mental growth increases iq by 40 points.

>> No.3304844

Huh, i got exactly a 1980 and got into Georgia Tech. that was 4 years ago but still.
Your math was a little low, i got a 750.

>> No.3304873

Perfect score reporting in.

>> No.3304900

I got a 2100 when I took mine back in the day

not that it matters. It works as a threshold, so once you got into your college it doesn't matter. SAT scores don't matter at all after that point.

>> No.3304905

critical reading: 800
math: 760
writing: 650

Fuck the writing section. if it was on the 1600 scale still id have a 1560.

>> No.3304909

Not true.

Apply to any top firm (consulting or IB, read: McKinsey, BCG, Bain, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley) and they'll ask for you SAT scores. This is to help weed out dumbasses that went to easier schools w/ more grade inflation.

>> No.3304913

superscore (composite) them. They'll take the higher part from each. but make sure the college accepts superscored tests first

>> No.3304914

I hated the writing. I don't know about you guys, but I never learned anything about grammar past 6th grade. Sorry I never learned about the subjunctive tense.

>> No.3304917

hmm, the more you know. Does that only apply to lawfirms and such?

>> No.3304918

Sorry you couldn't crack open the Blue Book and take an hour and a half to learn it to up your shitty writing score.

>> No.3304924

same here. i got no grammar in middle school. I did perfectly on the vocab but the other sections i just couldnt keep up. my essay received only an 8 too. The whole idea is stupid. the other sections are more logic based but the writing is about how much you've been taught about writing.

>> No.3304932

Those aren't law. I don't know about Law but I doubt it. They're gonna check to see that you're T14 and Order of the Coif.

Consulting Firms and Investment Banking are where all the Ivy Kids run off to make good money.

I think when I applied Microsoft they asked for it too. I think all the big Bay Area tech firms (Oracle, Facebook, Google, MSoft) also have a spot on the app for it.

If you're trying to apply to top places SAT can still play a factor in landing you that crucial interview.

>> No.3304943

Sorry guys can you please talk louder, I cant hear you over my european free education

>> No.3304948

I had what amounted to a free ride to an actual prestigious and good (read: American) university

Try harder.

>> No.3304961
File: 15 KB, 300x386, sock-puppet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey there, I'm in Georgia too. Hoping to get into Tech myself. Mind if I ask what college you're going to instead?

SAT stats:
Total : 2230
Reading : 730
Math : 740
Writing : 760

>> No.3304966


Heads up: lots and lots of colleges ignore the writing section. Those are Harvard level SAT scores, especially the reading section.

>> No.3304972

Heads up. I know what good scores are. I got one.

Heads up. I went to a top 5 school.

Heads up. No top school is going to disregard the writing section. Caltech/MIT won't even disregard the writing section entirely.

Heads up. Having a decent SAT is just one part of a well rounded application and is no guarantee to get you into a good school.

>> No.3304982

Or just get a PhD and get a job at McKinsey easy.

>> No.3304992




>> No.3305014

I love the retard in here who thinks he can get a job at GS. I Yale and did a business and economics degree, got 2250 on my SAT and I finished with a 3.8 GPA. I was turned down before the interviews. Good luck to , especially since you think you will be on six figures...the fucking maids are on six figures.

>> No.3305023 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 448x314, karl-marx-hip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SAT scores thrown about
>consider life with an SAT
>remember I have GCSEs

>> No.3305026

Do Americans really think SAT is hard at all? You guys can't even answer 10% of the IIT papers.

>> No.3305090


I just glanced at some sample IIT problems and I don't know where you get that impression from. A high school graduate should be able to get a good portion of these exams right.

>> No.3305096 [DELETED] 

>1930 SAT
>babby couldn't break 2000

>> No.3305102

i got a 1950 and got denied by the a school that wasn't even that great. you ain't special kid

>> No.3305131

>Don't do too well
>Parents are Muslim
>Write kickass essay stepping off that
>Get into great school
Oh, exploiting the system.

>> No.3305680

You guyz do realize that trying so hard to get a high score on the SAT and fantasizing about working for large companies just goes to show what corporate beeches you all are.

Oh please hire me goldman, im so good at whoring out my life for little pieces of paper. It makes me so aroused when you dangle a plastic carrot in front of my face. I'm a good corporate sissy slut. I will do anything to make you happy.

You guys do realize the owners of these companies are laughing at how everybody is falling over themselves to work for them.

>> No.3305695
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>> No.3305712


>Have fun living on the streets

>> No.3306027

I got a 2050 on my SAT, i studied just a couple of hours a day for a month.... and i live in a third world country.

>> No.3306070


>Doesn't even like mathematics or science

>> No.3306083

i got a 3020 on my SAT, i studied just a couple of hours a month for a year.... and i live in a third world country.

>> No.3308081
File: 200 KB, 428x336, 335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pretty good score d00d, I'm sure you got into every college ever

>> No.3310589

>Never took SAT
>2 year community college degree
>Hard worker
Your SAT scores are unimpressive to me.

>> No.3310594

Why are you here?

>> No.3313191

duude, i got a 400,000 on My SAT fewl

>> No.3313237

Writing: 700
Math: 740
Reading: 740
>feels batman

>> No.3313246
File: 9 KB, 251x251, 1306152715914s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>To get into an ivy league college you need >2200
>mfw I'm not american and I scored 2340. 800 writing

>> No.3313269
File: 85 KB, 480x600, 399.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>560 writing


>> No.3315157
File: 477 KB, 500x500, 1309314216640.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Germanfag. Did it for fun. math 800. reading 760. writing 720. The american education system is really a mess. Europe fuck yeah!

>> No.3315186

got a 31 act score

scored 1 on the writing section

>> No.3315195

If you can't get an 800 on your math SAT, you're not smart enough to be a decent scientist.


>> No.3315204

800 math
780 verbal
750 writing

Currently unemployed and browsing 4chan naked, being financially supported by my girlfriend.

>> No.3315243


>> No.3315315

wo kann man das bitte machen? würd mich auch intressiern

>> No.3315322

how in the mother fucking fuck hell does this shit thread still exist, LET ALONE get bumped to the first page consistently.

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills

>> No.3315425

>yfw colleges are starting to drop the SAT and ACT requirements because of the lack of evidence that says how well you do on them determines your ability to work in college.

>> No.3315443

> Never took the SAT
> Currently theoretical astrophysics PhD student with full tuition merit, free health insurance, and $30k+ per year stipend


>> No.3315666

wenn du es nicht schaffst SAT zu googlen würd ich dir nicht raten den test zu machen.
ausserdem: nur für shits n giggles ist er zu teuer imho

>> No.3315678
File: 94 KB, 641x505, happypaulpierce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>30 ACT
>Nearly a full ride to the University of Michigan

Boy if I wasn't black, I'm not sure I would've even got in.

>> No.3315697
File: 5 KB, 250x150, My SAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First try, hardly any studying. umad?

>> No.3315699

Just to make sure, if you get below a 2000 on SAT we all agree it means you basically failed it right? Because if not my body hare all retards.

>> No.3315707

>took SATs in March 2011

Reported for underageb&

>didn't get 800 math

>> No.3315714

> body hare

Greatest typo ever.

>> No.3315734

>/sci/ is full of children

I got perfect GRE scores last month. What now, bitches?

>> No.3315901
File: 87 KB, 469x428, trollface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn, these threads always make me feel so old.

When I was your age, kiddies, 1500 was a great score and we walked uphill both ways to take the test with a pencil and paper.

See, my school was in the middle of a cliffside with one road going one way. We had to walk up to get to school then walk to the very top to get to the helipad which had helicopters to take us to the base again.