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3301629 No.3301629 [Reply] [Original]

>Using Tau instead of Pi

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.


Let me summarise the story for you:

>Some washed up academic who's research is going nowhere tries to get fame otherwise by being an autistic fuck complaining that using 2pi makes more sense than using pi as a fundamental constant.

I wish I was making this shit up

>> No.3301638

Tau is better. That way the angles come out nicer when you use SOHCAHTOA.

>> No.3301649


Sure is 10 years old in here

>> No.3301670

>Some washed up academic who's research is going nowhere tries to get fame otherwise by being an autistic fuck complaining that using 2pi makes more sense than using pi as a fundamental constant.

wow it's so good to hear someone say this.

Everyone seems to love it.. but it's just morons politicking their pathetic cosmetic trivialities all over the fucking place. I can't wait until they fucking shut up.

>> No.3301668
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>Some washed up academic who's research is going nowhere
>academic who's research is going nowhere
>academic who's research


>> No.3301675

so what do you just not do trigonometry?

>> No.3301678

Tau is more efficient, convenient, and intuitive.
u mad, fearfulofchangefag?

>> No.3301685

SOHCAHTOA has been around for more than 10 years bro.

>> No.3301690
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>> No.3301715

Tau is clearly better, but it's not a big enough deal, it's not important enough to actually make the switch. We have other 'wrong' conventions floating around and we get by.

But it does make more sense.

>> No.3301720

If you want to change a wrong convention, abolish the american system of units already. That's in more need.

>> No.3301726




>> No.3301732

sure is vihart in this thread

>> No.3301739

We need to put more pressure on the Americans to change. Maybe a couple thousand ft-lbs should do the trick

>> No.3301746

It ruins Euler's identity. Why would you want that?

>> No.3301748
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>> No.3301765

>not using natural units

>> No.3301783

we should stop using bits, it makes sooooo much more sense to use nats

>> No.3301785

<span class="math">e^{i\tau}=1[/spoiler] is growing on me, and it makes a bunch of other formulas look nicer.

>> No.3301793

>call pi wrong
>nigga what

>> No.3301803

Tau is super bitchy and completely arbitrary. It makes no Goddamn difference, people just feel the need to go into full-on autism mode about a full circle being 2pi radians.

>> No.3301807

Tau supporters just write it in the alternate form "exp(i Tau) = 1."

>> No.3301827

You're the one getting butthurt about it. And if you'd read anything about it you'd see how it clearly does make a difference.

>> No.3301833

that thing confused the hell out of me in high school because it was so variable and nothing is really nailed down.. plus the meaning of the symbols was not clear either.. I was under the impression they were some number that would replace the word sin or w/e.. (which is have true.. the numbers are constants but it related to the angle)

this shallow teaching method pushed me away from trig for and I stayed away from it for 3 years.. I just came to understand it a month ago.. and in high school they do nothing to explain the origin of the sine wave as a point spinning around a circle viewed from the side, nor the concept of the unit circle (in which the side opposite angle X is exactly the length of that angle [in degrees]. they also only explained radians as a method of conversion on the calculator and not the concept behind it (the arc being equal length to the radius)...

srsly american high school is retarded. it makes me very disgusted but I feel bad for the teachers because they were pushed into a shallow teaching method because of time constants and need to align with testing.. in which case the best method is to teach students the quickest way to answer the questions even if the concepts are not filled out at all.. (I assume that are some of the driving forces that make american education like it is)..

sorry for the rant.

>> No.3301835 [DELETED] 

I know it's arbitrary, I'm saying that it's dumb for people to get bent out of shape over a change that doesn't make any real difference. Status quo bias on my part? Maybe.

>> No.3301846

I've read plenty. It makes measuring angles a bit more intuitive, and it also makes a few derivatives show up more clearly. That's about it. The benefits just aren't great enough to switch everything over to tau.

>> No.3301851

Have fun writing the area of the unit circle as tau/2

>> No.3301854

Anything that makes it easier to learn math is good for math. I am convinced it is simpler to use tau than pi when teaching what radians are. Otherwise continue your merry day.

>> No.3301864


If you use sohcahtoa you clearly don't understand trigonometry

>> No.3301877
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<span class="math">\omega = \tau \nu[/spoiler]
<span class="math">k = \frac \tau \lambda[/spoiler]
<span class="math">\hbar = \frac h \tau[/spoiler]

I'm ok with this.

>> No.3301890

Yeah, it's like calculators. People who use calculators don't understand numbers.

>> No.3301893

Fuck using tau, we need something better, I already use tau for so much other crap. Pick a different greek symbol that isn't mu, preferably one that is circular.

>> No.3301895

OP of >>3301833 here
I don't use it. the idea of a point on a circle centered around the angle in question is much easier and lets my re-orient multiple times when needed. the asshat acronym method only works for right triangles and only works when you can orient relative to the right angle.. is that right? I really don't give a shit about that backwards as hell retard method.

>> No.3301912

umm for the record is that pronouced 'sock-a-toe-a'?

(((retard american culture pretending to respect the Native Americans by mocking their linguistics through education)))

>> No.3301919

<span class="math">KE = \frac{1}{2}mv^2[/spoiler]
<span class="math">PE = \frac{1}{2}kx^2[/spoiler]
<span class="math">x = \frac{1}{2}at^2[/spoiler]
<span class="math">a = \frac{1}{2}\tau r^2[/spoiler]
The 1/2 comes from integration, it all just werks

>> No.3301939
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you mean this? (pic)

if you understand how that circle works you don't need anything else, no bullshit acronyms nor formulas

>> No.3301948
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>you don't use SOHCAHTOA as a mnemonic device

Come at me bro.

>> No.3301951

Really don't give a shit, literally the only difference is whether you write 2π or τ. We have used pi for thousands of years, and we will continue because it isn't worth the upheaval. There are no benefits to using tau any other than "it looks better.. am i asspie enough yet?" 2pi looks nicer than tau anyway. Fuck you taufags.

>> No.3301952


Since it's so closely related to pi, some symbol based on pi might be good.

Perhaps 2pi

>> No.3301956


Who uses it for that long? I'm only 18 and I don't have to think about it, I used it when I was younger but it doesn't take long for it to become second nature.

>> No.3301959
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>> No.3301961
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>> No.3301962


Yeap, it should be...

O.h H.ell, A.nother H.our O.f A.lgrebra

>> No.3301992
