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3300785 No.3300785 [Reply] [Original]

I need help!
I am trying to do my statics homework and the only way our teacher is allowing us to solve a particular problem is by using the STP method. The thing is, I know how to correctly solve the problem, but I am not familiar with the STP method. I tried googling it but I am not recovering anything helpful. Any of you guys think you can help me out??

pic related, it is my textbook which tells me nothing about any sort of STP method.

>> No.3300792

Fuck statistics

>> No.3300789


>> No.3300799

its not statistics, it is statics.

Two different things.

>> No.3300804
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>> No.3300818

bump, I desperately need this.

>> No.3300827


>> No.3300836
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>> No.3300847

well this is engineering

>> No.3300858

I would like to think that there is at least one engineer on here that understands what the STP method is.

>> No.3300879

desperately bumping one more time!
will be forever grateful

>> No.3300894

wish I could help you brother, but I would not take an engineering course if my life depended on it.

>> No.3300905

Post the problem.

Hibbeler is usually a pretty good text, suprised it's not helping you.

>> No.3300919

The problem is 5-74 in chapter five. I know how to solve it the way that the book tells me to. My teacher said that we do not get credit for the assignment unless we use the STP method.

>> No.3300933

STP = Standard Temperature and Pressure.

Sorry OP I can't help.

>> No.3300945

thanks anyway

>> No.3301030

Your prof is an ass then. When is this due? Still have time to take it to a TA?

>> No.3302235

I've got a B.S in MechE and I don't think I've ever heard of "the STP method"