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File: 1.91 MB, 2370x1272, affirmativeactionatitsfinest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3293732 No.3293732 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm going to Purdue in the fall, I got my first copy of the Purdue Exponent, or whatever their newspaper is called, in the mail today. This couldn't help but catch my eye.

Discuss Affirmative Action, reverse racism or not?

>> No.3293740


>> No.3293746

College Senior with braces.


>> No.3293786

White people have advantages/privileges in every single aspect of their life. They get promoted easier, they get paid more, they get lighter sentences for committing the same crimes, they get bank loans easier, almost everything tilts to their favor. Yet black people get a little extra help in a few things and white people go apeshit.

OP I bet you're upper middle class and have had a great life provided to you by your parents and will continue to have a great life. Don't complain.

>> No.3293794

Those aren't braces, that's bling.

Also, I think he was joking.

>> No.3293799

I think it's wrong that black and white people get treated unfairly in any aspect. I do not think that black people should get longer prison sentences or less money. (Or any of the other things you listed)

I'm also amazed that the University would PRINT such a thing in the newspaper! (And I don't care about getting into Purdue, I got in, easymode.jpeg)

>> No.3293814

I think since the prior generation is what college students aspire to, affirmative action is the least we could offer.

The civil rights movement was only 50 years ago and alot of the racist people that were against it are still alive, some of them working at college facilities and managerial positions.

>> No.3293820

Egalitarianism sucks thats why

>> No.3293822

on a fundamental level doesn't it seem racist? or reverse racist? or whatever you want to call it?

>> No.3293834


That's exactly what affirmative action is supposed to be. Black people couldn't really do anything at all until about 50 years ago, and now people are getting butthurt because its being corrected.

>> No.3293838

Fuck you, you worthless racist piece of shit. It's faggots like you that let politicians rape education to death for EVERYONE like with the "no child left behind act". You deserve to be sterilized, because you WILL NOT fight to protect your family or kids.

>> No.3293847
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sounds like he was right on! rage more!

>> No.3293848


Yeah, that will help the quality of education in America, you worthless waste of meat.

>> No.3293858

I love how the generation who actually did do it against black people aren't really affected by affirmative action though(only the new(innocent)) generation.

Stay classy older liberalfags

>> No.3293860

Am I the only one who found Alexis insufferable? Marcus at least has either a sense of humour or a sense of humility.

>> No.3293861




That what you looking for?

>> No.3293864


Here's a fact that no stormfag will ever pay any regard to

For every black guy who gets into a college with affirmative action policies, two whites who didn't meet the admission requirements also get in

Bitches don't know about my alumni parents

>> No.3293869

Alumni parents pay for the black kids free school, board and books, by -paying- for -their- kids education.

What, you want the black kid to pay?

>> No.3293871


Fucking this.

There are so many people who get in on legacy alone. And then there are the ultra rich whose parents donate to the school so they get in. And then there are the endless Chinese and Indians who cheat on exams that are taking up spots. But of course everyone just wants to blame the black people.

>> No.3293876

Nice generalizations faggot.
Prejudice's like these is how racism got started in first place.

>> No.3293882


but dude....look at their skin.

doesn't seeing their skin just make you mad?

>> No.3293884

"LEGACY" still has a "PRICE TAG".

Tell you what. You set up some free accredited colleges, and you pay all the bills, okay?

>> No.3293886
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Well no shit, sherlock. AA has never made sense especially when actual minorities like Indians and East Asians get ignored by it.

>> No.3293889
File: 22 KB, 382x308, koolaid drinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they get lighter sentences for committing the same crimes


The department of justice statistics and National Academy of Sciences proved that was bullshit. Whites get sentenced far more harshly for the same crimes.

Also lets not forget OJ simpson

>> No.3293899


>Indians and East Asians get ignored by it.

No, they get hit harder by it.

>> No.3293904


Lets not forget Rodney king either.

On second thought, lets both stop pretending that the justice system has anything to do with logic and reason.

>> No.3293908

>endless Chinese and Indians who cheat on exams that are taking up spots
yea, those nerds that spend 18 hours a day studying need to cheat to get into college

>> No.3293910


So you want to eridicate racism by treating people differently depending on the colour of their skin?

>> No.3293912

That is the same thing in this case. His "ignored" is your "hit hard" because AA abandoned them.

>> No.3293920


Not same guy but--------its not about eradicating racism. Its about allowing a disenfranchised group of minorities a chance.

>> No.3293924

Regular racism.

Social support program should be based on social criteria, not chromatic ones.

>> No.3293928


So you're in favour of racism?

>> No.3293929

Every "disenfranchised" black guy who gets a chance thanks to affirmative action probably has a family that is richer than yours.

If you really want to give people a chance, look at their income, not their race.

>> No.3293933


Anyone remember that article about how there are too many Asians in college and this is freaking out the white people? Asians actually get rejected even if they get 100 averages and so forth in favour of lower-performing whites

>> No.3293937
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This is why we need communism, where the only thing taken into account is ability. So many more math/science students are starting to get into politics, and all favor progressive politics (duh) and scientific socialism / technocracy seems to be the best.

>> No.3293943

And why do they need an easier education than everyone else gets? I mean, after they are enrolled.

That's kind of racist, don't you think?

>> No.3293944

Wasn't that a Canadian article?

>> No.3293951


So those who have their lives set for them by inheriting the wealth of their parents, those whose parents with great connections to Ivy League Universities, and people who generally have their lives handed to them on a silver platter, these are the students that deserve best treatment?

>> No.3293952

Purdue, Ivy league college.


>> No.3293956

Obviously we haven't paid enough repurayshunz! Blame the white man, even though no white man today has jack shit to do with all the slavery bullshit and only a minority of whites owned slaves in the first place.

>> No.3293957


The article was from Maclean's, yes

>> No.3293961

That doesn't make any sense. Why can't poor whites get a chance then?

>> No.3293963


The only way I would be mad about that is if we kept AA around indefinitely.


>That's kind of racist, don't you think?

Its not any more racist than 400 years of slavery.

>> No.3293971

This is sad if true.

>> No.3293977
File: 144 KB, 838x982, 1290310133631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you realize the whites who actually live near blacks hate them the most? Have you even seen the voters statistics? Do you know shit about society? Goddamnit.

>> No.3293979

Only Anglo-colonial white Americans should be held accountable for slavery, I mean what the fuck do gerries/micks/polaks have to do with slavery ? Nothing/

>> No.3293980

Those who pay the bills?

Those who absorb the costs, so that a dis advantaged student can afford to go?

Are you going to pay for their education? What have YOU contributed to the education of disadvantaged students?

The economy is NOT in good shape. Put your money where your mouth is, friend.

YOU pay.

>> No.3293982

Oh, so we must give back to them because we enslaved them?

No black person alive right now has ever been a slave. And what's more, they should be thankful their ancestors were enslaved, or they'd be living in that shithole we call Africa.

So, kindly fuck off with your retarded opinions.

>> No.3293992

I have a black neighbor, he is nice and very well integrated in our white suburban community. Deal with it, you racist scum.

>> No.3293994

>Its not any more racist than 400 years of slavery.

You mean the Dutch slave trade, or the Jewish slave owners, bitch?

>> No.3293996
File: 59 KB, 636x1333, International_PISA TEST scores by race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America's education is hardly as bad as retards make it out to be. Education's decline has absolutely nothing to do with funding or the quality of material. It's literally being dumbed down for certain kids. This just isn't limited to minorities but actually mentally challenged people. It may supposedly help minorities to get AA but it sure as hell hurts everybody else, even other minorities.

>> No.3293998
File: 839 KB, 1224x1584, raceintelligence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People still trying to point blank deny racial differences.

>> No.3294002


While I think you're being facetious, this point is worth making. Poor blacks will frequently get accepted (we're generally talking about elite universities here) at higher rates than middle class and wealthy blacks because it allows universities to meet racial and socioeconomic "quotas" (I scare-quoted that because I'm pretty sure it's illegal for them to do racial quotas at the undergraduate level - it can be a part of the decision but not all) at the same time. It also explains why poor whites and asians are poorly represented at good schools.

>> No.3294004


It's called taxes brah

I for one would not object to taxing the higher tax brackets more in order to fund science and education. Economy in a bad shape? Then let's have more skilled workers and more resources in R&D. It's an investment.

>> No.3294005

if you actually get rejected from purdue, regardless of race, you are retarded

>> No.3294007

The Asians don't make as much money for the college as whites do. If the whites drop out, EVERYBODY loses the college.

>> No.3294010


Shouldn't we treat everyone equal?
Now we are just preferring another race to pay back the crimes of our ancestors.
Pay back is impossible and the white people affected by this are not to blame.

So why affirmative action beside white guilt?

>> No.3294014


Imagine an image like this in China

>The gap between Asians and whites is incredible, kick out those stupid criminal apes ching chong

>> No.3294019

>People born into wealthier and more privileged social standards make tests to show how ''intelligence'' of people.
>People from the same social standards score higher

Just give it up, IQ is biased and a shitty bourgeoise invention to give them excuses why they should be kept in power.

>> No.3294020

>So you want to eridicate racism by treating people differently depending on the colour of their skin?


I swear some of you so called intellectuals are retarded sometimes. Why do you deny that races are different when the evidence is staring you right in the face.

Even after adjusing for household income, even with the students going the exact same school hence being the same learning environment, the blacks still score lower?

Whats the new excuse for today?

You guys need a dose of the real worl and to read this article by an actual teacher with first hand experience.


>> No.3294021


>No black person alive right now has ever been a slave.

That's a very shortsighted statement. I'l only ask you to try to come out of your complacent rhetorical comfort and reconsider the past 50 years.

>> No.3294022


Like we are able to tax the higher income bracket AT ALL when republicans can prevent it, filibuster it, or outright GIVE them money.

And THOSE wealthy assholes getting free handouts from republicans are not the ones paying for their kids education.

>> No.3294025

The dutch have THE MOST to do with slavery in America, you goddamn retard.

And if you want to punished Dutch-Americans, go ahead. It'd be ironic because among the dozens of European ethnic groups in America, they're a minority now unlike in the past.

Also, the majority of white Americans today are of German ancestry having absolutely nothing to do with slavery.

>> No.3294028


It isn't about reparations or any bullshit like that

The idea is that white people have an inherently easier time at life. (e.g. perfect-scoring Asians who can't get in to the good universities) No, white people today are not responsible for the sins of their ancestors, but we did benefit from it. This is the fundamental issue of fairness that is being addressed.

>> No.3294030

We are in the second decade of the 21st century.

Unless you're talking about "outside of America" he's correct.

>> No.3294032
File: 60 KB, 987x503, medschoolacceptancerates.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does disagreeing with affirmative action have to do with the /new/ debaucle?

Affirmative action just isn't logical, I'm only calling a spade a spade here.

>> No.3294033


I believe most slaves were supposed to get 40 acres and a mule when they were set free.

Ever wonder how that went? lol.....I still believe affirmative action is the least we could do.

>> No.3294036

Throwing money at education doesn't fucking work.

Look at the best test scores in the nation and how much funding they receive then realize America funds more on education per student than ANY OTHER NATION IN THE WORLD.

Education in America needs reform, not money.

>> No.3294042

Yay, more generalizations!

>> No.3294045


And guess what? Quality of education is dropping for everyone like it has for the past several decades, and they just have to keep being worsened. They already had to stop educating ENTIRELY in favor of teaching the tests instead.

Why do you hate creativity and innovation?

>> No.3294049

Do blacks honestly think all whites are from these privileged old money families that trace their lineage back to European nobility or something? Jesus Christ...

>> No.3294052

I think it's a lot more where our funds go.

>> No.3294057

This thread will be terminated in 5..4...3..2...

>> No.3294065


You cry about how we are reaping the affirmative action our ancestors sew, but its the same case with things like global warming, and social security.

Older generations fuck things up for younger generations.

Deal with it.

>> No.3294071

Well, I'm thankful that my uneducated ignorant ass which didn't graduate 4th grade 60 years ago knows as much about cosmology, physics, quantum mechanics and special relativity as someone that earned their PhD. because we are equal.

You can all shut up and admit that my opinions and views on physical laws are as valid as yours because we are all EQUAL!

>> No.3294073

>Baby boomers fuck things up for younger generations.

Fucking hedonist scum ruined everything.

>> No.3294079

The Dutch did good.

Suppressing South Africans, invading and killing millions of Amerindians throughout the Americas, especially the Southern part, and slave trade. Lets save the white race and blame the Dutch.

>> No.3294096

Benefit from it how? The majority of white Americans today immigrated to America from Europe in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Why the fuck do you think the English aren't the largest ethnic group in America right now? And the whites in the north of America and rest of the world benefited from industrialization and modernization.

>> No.3294098

Fuck you, faggot. The boomers are in NO-WAY ALONE on that count.


>from a hipster drunk on PBR, thinking he's blameless while blaming the worlds problems on everyone else and doing nothing about it himself. How edgy. I bet you listen to music I never heard of before. BTW, I have more tattoos and piercings than everyone you know combined, and I'm twice your age. I could impale your face on my skull-spikes.

>> No.3294127

How can you blame whites for slavery? Even if you could, the vast vast vast vast majority of whites today had no ancestors who owned slaves. Only a minority of whites owned slaves.

Let's not forget, THERE WERE BLACK SLAVE OWNERS IN AMERICA TOO and they treated their slaves just as bad, if not worse than their white counter parts. Same with Jewish slave owners. Look it up.

And most importantly, blacks sold their own kind into slavery back in Africa.

You have a choice here though. Be enslaved in America or left behind in Africa. Go back to Africa.

>> No.3294139

Have you seen the debt and society? The baby boomers are truly the worst generation in human history and now the current generations will have to clean up the mess.

>> No.3294148

the best predictor of college grades is high school grades
SATs mean nothing
1,2, and 7 are good students
rest are niggers

>> No.3294152

>Butt hurt boomer detected.

Yes, unfortunately the current generation was raised by the baby boomers.

>> No.3294161
File: 163 KB, 1280x1024, not evolve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And most importantly, blacks sold their own kind into slavery back in Africa.

They still do... Fucking savages.

>> No.3294168

To be fair though, grades aren't everything. Also the ridiculous amount of extra circulars one has to take...

>> No.3294175

I'm still waiting to meet a black man worthy of respect..

>> No.3294179

They didn't create the debt, the politicians did, and a some of those politicians have been in office longer than the boomers have existed.

Want to know how America paid for the Korean war? The politicians passed a law that allowed them to take from SocSec. They still do it.

Assuming you are an American born in America, the Politicians robbed you too. Regan doubled the debt. Bush then tripled the debt. And the BOOMERS caused that?!

Nothing against homosexuals, and I'm not labeling your sexual preference, but you're a fucking flaming faggot that I could roast hotdogs on from 30 feet away with a strong wind at my back.

>> No.3294184

its fun to see how american schools are decaying..

>> No.3294185

>boomer detected.

You're not good at math, are you?

>> No.3294193

You're right. We put way too many demands on surgeons, EMTs, and drivers.

A quiz is good enough for a license.

>> No.3294207

I had a friend who had a friend who did a scientefically correct mathematical/statistical model on when the rest of the "blacks" will get naturally out-selected.

Apparently blacks won't be around an ylonger due to greater discomfort and resistance in 300-400 years. Who knew...

>> No.3294208

Wait, what? Are you too retarded to realize how the economic crisis started? People have the largest influence in economy, not the government. The federal reserve is more to blame than fucking congress you goddamn retard.

>> No.3294214
File: 78 KB, 765x405, HIDI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it weren't for you darkies, America would be tops. Why would you ruin that? Why do you ruin everything? Shit is mad gay.

>> No.3294222

I'm hoping for a new ice age. Nigs can't survive in the cold like whites can, that's why the north is so free of them relative to the south.

>> No.3294229

>People had the largest influence

Fixed that for you. Banks are responsible for the largest influence of our GDP by selling debt. Stop watching "Money Watch" on cable, or whatever the show is called now. Their get paid to make their stock picks.

>> No.3294236

Wups, times up, gotta go. L8tr.

>> No.3294252

Not as long as we have irrational and non-racially segregated welfare. Blacks/religious are masters on parasitism.

>> No.3294256


Ice ages take fucking ages though, by the time we're into an ice age America will be a third world country, Europe will be a collection of Muslim states, and god knows what will happen to the rest of the world.

>> No.3294258

Yes, retarded people getting loans they know they can never pay back. Lazy ass people not going to work and the ones that do do a half ass shitty job. People buying stupid shit they don't need with money they don't have.

People are the biggest influence in any economy and that's the basics of economics. Shut the fuck up.

>> No.3294538
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>> No.3294543

>implying it is hard to get into Purdue

>> No.3294563

>implying I said that

>> No.3294583

Banks are encouraged to MAKE those loans with FedRes bucks. Remember? The housing crisis? Bank makes a loan, club fed gives them money which allows them to make more loans, republicans blame the democrats for the banks behavior when the banks are only supposed to give loans to people that can pay them back irregardless if they're black or white, but because of the lack or regulation on the Fed that Bush voted for, banks give loans to everyone because they instantly get Fed money?

>> No.3294584

sauce or it's a shoop

>> No.3294600

Not OP, but I think that was in the "New Student" edition that came out a week or two ago. I had one in my office, but I stuck it in the recycling bin [they took away our garbage cans] when I saw that it had no news.

>> No.3294633

Funny how EVERYBODY is equally intelligent. You don't even need to waste money and time on college, just go get the job you want, no education necessary.

That's why everyone that studies psychology, medicine, physics,philosophy, engineering, economics, law, cosmology, everyone doing everything, -everywhere- is equal, and just as intelligent, informed, and effective as a catatonic.

We are all equal.

>> No.3294657

I don't support AA and I wish it didn't exist. However, if it can somehow help me receive certain advantages over other candidates... Then I ain't even mad

>> No.3294679

If a person is white, they should be able to wear a `fro-wig, and tell admissions that they're 1/4 black.

"AA", all the WAAAAAY!

>> No.3294689

>this thread


>> No.3294695

I just can't see how you could oppose affirmative action without being an out and out racist. Four hundred years of treating them like they're not even human, and now you're outraged when they're given a leg up to try to recover?

>> No.3294698

Anyway, AA -does- apply to Hispanics. Those that go to college can bump you and make it harder again.

Then you have to do it the student loan method.

>> No.3294707

You took it too far.

Anyways, I think if affirmative action actually fucking helped lower-class whites, then AA might be acceptable. But when a lower-class black applicant is 10x more likely than you to be accepted into a university and a lower-class Hispanic is 7x more likely.. That's a good sign that something needs to change

>> No.3294711

Sorry, but I'm white, my mom lives in Compton and smokes crack. Where is -my- magic carpet ride?

>> No.3294715

OP here.
glad this turned into a shitstorm.

>> No.3294719

>you took it too far

>if it can somehow help me receive certain advantages over other candidates...

No, I -really- didn't. You gloated first, faggot.

>> No.3294728

I prefer candy-ass... Do me a favor and fuck off.

>> No.3294730

Happy to live in California, where the universities are filled with only the most talented (read "Asian") students.

>> No.3294742

but they probably earned their way in that's the opposite because they do better than whites, its mexicans and blacks that get the ride while asians just do better than whites

>> No.3294756

Asian master race here, AA is dumb, niggers should just study instead of playing dancing and playing ball all day.

>> No.3294757

I could give less than half a shit what you prefer, you GARGANTUAN, EMO, FLAMING-FAGABILLY FROM READNECKSVILLE, FLORIDA.


You can't afford me.

>> No.3294767

I lol'd.

>> No.3294794

lol, I thought you'd like that.

Listen, I agree that education should be earned, not paid for, but the rich-shithead "legacies" pay for SO MUCH. I'm broke, and I hate them too, but they take almost twice as long to make it through sometimes, and that is a lot of extra money for other people, and money to update and improve the schools faculties as well.

Don't forget, once you succeed, your kids will be "legacies" too.