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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3286617 No.3286617 [Reply] [Original]

Hello my esteemed members of the /sci/ board on this gentile website of 4chan. I might or might not be 15 years old. I want to learn some more math because I'm not being challenged in the classes I'm him. However, the school system I'm in doesn't like kids skipping ahead. Their attitudes are that if you're put on a certain track, you stay there. I even went to my counseler and asked her if there were any opportunities, to which she replied "But look at you! You're already above average, and by Junior year you'll be so advanced! Just play and 'be a normal kid' over the summer!" I was too angry and dumbfounded to respond. Anyway, I have the rest of the summer and I want to learn Algebra II and then go on even through (or at least half-way through) PreCalc. Is this possible if I put in 4-6 hours a day using the Glencoe textbooks and Khan Academy?

Pic unrelated, but amazing.

>> No.3286643
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Here, OP.

Also, mellow out.

>> No.3286650

Is it possible? It depends on your ability, I suppose. Of course, if you teach yourself algebra II and precalc and are allowed to skip ahead, there's a good chance you'll have holes in your education. And if you aren't allowed to skip ahead, you'll have to end up redoing it during the school year anyways. So you could also look into learning something completely different, but no less useful, such as some computer programming.

>> No.3286661

That picture is cool, I wish I knew more physics! Ha.

Firstly, may I say that I admire your motivation. It is possible to reach the goals you have set for yourself, I am not sure about the standards of Khan Academy or Glencoe, so I can not comment on these. However, you might like to peruse theartofproblemsolving.com - there is a section for students your age, and this website is all about helping prodigous young math students realise their potential. The problems are also lots of fun!

As far as my personal experience was concerned the high-school "Algebra II and preCalc" classes are pretty sparse as far as actual material is concerned. It should not be a problem for the interested student.

>> No.3286674

>I might or might not be 15 years old

Eh, I would call OP out but he seems like a cool guy.

>> No.3286675

Yes, well I tried that. It was fun for a bit, but then I discovered Physics and immediately loved it. I also loved the calculus that went with it, so now I feel like I can't fully understand the only subject I like because I'm incapable of offering mathematical justification for the concepts I'm learning. It's all I want to do, and the school system I'm in, along with a few foul beurocrats in my elementary school made it so I'm behind of where I want to be mathematically. If there are really going to be holes in my education, then should I get a tutor to help guide me?

>> No.3286686

Reported for underage b&

>> No.3286692

Khan Academy has done a lot for me. The algebra and Pre-Calc videos will cover just about everything you'll need to know before calculus. With those you should be able to get to where you want much sooner than you think you will if you put in that much time.

>> No.3286695

>15 || !15
>Just learning/touching on AlgII/Precalc
Damn, what country/state are you in? That's a pretty low standard.

>> No.3286698





>> No.3286718

Take classes at a community college over the summer, OP. No really. If you do well in them, and decide you like community college more than high school, you can actually choose to just take a year of junior college and then try to transfer into a university. If you can't cut it, all you wasted was a summer and a little bit of uncle sam's cash. Nothing is holding you into highschool if you want to advance, though some things ARE holding you out of a four year college. Community College could be the stepping stone you're looking for.

>> No.3286724

That's fine. Don't want to let the riff raff into /sci/. It's gotten bad as it is with all of the religious posts and stoner pseudo-science. /sci/ is worse than a meth addiction, and a ban from it will act as treatment for me, letting me do better things than lurk /sci/ all summer. It's good of you to follow the rules so unquestioningly.

>> No.3286757

Ok I'll look into that.
I feel you. Why do you think I want to advance? It's due to this that I was awestruck when my counselor told me that I shouldn't try to advance.
Ok. Thanks.
Yes, well I figured that as well. The classes that I've taken so far have been based, to the letter, on the Glencoe/McGraw-Hill textbooks. If you look purely at the quantity of the material, it's actually not a lot at all. They just spend a lot of time on one topic, too much time in my opinion. If I'm able to go through the book (around 12-15 chapters, each chapter with 10-25 pages in them and lots of practice problems) and do all of the practice problems, watch the videos on Khan, and take practice tests I should be able to knock one course out in about a month. In theory.

>> No.3286767

Just look at you OP, trying to play pretend intellectual. So damn cute!

>kids these days

>> No.3286777

>Look at me guise, I'm so cool because I figured out unicode!

>> No.3286781

Christ, how old is that pic? Look at the way they're dressed.

>> No.3286784

Well, this actually helped. Thanks to everyone that gave advice. To the ones who went all "Underage b&" on me, that's ok. If that's what gets you off, then I get it.

>> No.3286787

Just look at you Science, trying to play babby's first troll. So damn cute!

>kids these days

>> No.3286794

Dunno, but I'm guessing early '80s.

>> No.3286799

Uh OP something tells me you have no social life. You're 15, live a little. Don't make the same mistakes we made. Have a summer love. Go on dates. I don;t care how ugly you are, you must interact with people. Could you pass a college interview (or job interview!) without social skills?

Please think about it

>> No.3286814

I can kindly agree with this man, get the fuck off of 4chan, too. Care about your education, but, please, socialize. If you don't, you'll likely degrade the verbal processing portion of your brain to a very large degree.

>> No.3286820

I was trolling during the the first days of humanity. And i'll be trolling when the earth is consumed by the sun. Science lives forever.

>> No.3286824

Oh I have a huge social life because I'm supposedly funny. Social skills aren't the problem. Being popular was a kind of obsession of mine until a few years ago. I had gotten there and realized that I hated all of the kids I was surrounded with. They were vapid, ignorant, and just...boring. So I stopped. Now I'm happy. But that's irrelevant.

>> No.3286869

People laugh when they are uncomfortable. And a few years ago? Being popular in middle school has nothing to do with success in the real world. Let me give you some age-old advice. Its not what you know but WHO you know. Volunteer at a local hospital or old folks home. People want to see community service so they don't think you are a complete hermit. This is seven-fold if you are considering medicine.

And people are never 'boring'. You will meet people in life who are 'boring' that you cannot just separate yourself from. Example: bosses, coworkers, professors. The problem is that you are either too uptight or too ignorant yourself. I suspect the former. You won't get far without friends. After a tough day of school or work, you can go out for a drink. Its very fucking difficult to pick out your damn socks or haggar slacks without a woman there. Preferable one you are boning.

You must start building these relationships now. Maybe you don't go to college with those people you vested time in, but it makes it a hell of a lot easier to start over than to start for the first time.

>> No.3286885

>obvious psychologist detected
>inb4 softscience, cannot into neuroscience, etc.

>> No.3286909

Oh well I have friends. ...ghah. ok. Well the whole thing with my social life is that I have to pretend to be less intelligent or I scare people off. If I know someone for a while I let down the wall and they're cool. For my really good friends I usually don't have to put up a wall at all because they can usually relate. They don't laugh because they're nervous, I assure you I don't talk like this much in social settings. Calm down. I'm sociable. I'm not introverted at all, and I have good leadership qualities. I just like science, and if I went on /sci/ all teenager-ish I wouldn't have gotten much attention. This manor of writing is so I don't take taken lightly, and I can see how it would be thought that I'm an introvert if I want to do math all summer. Just..chill.
Summer love is...not going to be for a while. I'm really short and as a result, girls don't take me seriously.

>> No.3286913

Ok Bean

>> No.3286922
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the underage b& is strong in this one

protip: shut the fuck up, kid. You don't have strong leadership qualities, or a vast intellect. You are 15. You have shown the world nothing. Humble yourself. That's step one.

>> No.3286925

Is that a vague Ender's Game reference?

>> No.3286928

>you'll likely degrade the verbal processing portion of your brain to a very large degree.

So that's why I sound like a laggard when I talk

>> No.3286934
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You can spew bullshit all you want but he's right. OP, you need to fuck some chicks and make some mistakes (hopefully no kids). It's summer, have some fun before you'll have to be stuck in school for 7 hours a day again. Trust me, there is plenty of time for study once you get into university. And then you need to get your shit together. But for now, just have fun, do good in school, do good on your SATs/ACTs, and enjoy your youth before it goes away.

>> No.3286936

I sincerely hope you are not OP and that he does not toss away this advice.

Not one single important scientist ever did anything without a support system.

Ramanujan married a 9 year old girl and stayed at his friends houses many times

Edison married a 17 year old

Einstein seriously pumped out the kids like crazy

Dawkins married like three or four times.

Tesla never married anyone I am aware of but he was very active socially

Newton was engaged, but never married, to a 17 year old

And all I can say about the Greek thinkers is quite a lot of anonymous homosex

Bill Nye gets bitches left and right and loves sports

So the moral: find a nice young bitch and become legendary

>> No.3286939

>I have to pretend to be less intelligent or I scare people off

You should have been born in Russia. Over there the smart kids bully the dumb kids.

>> No.3286937

short? hit the gym little man. and just don't become a recluse. even for someone who is naturally good at socializing, becoming a recluse for a long time can have effects on you that are difficult to reverse.

>> No.3286943

No that wasn't me.

>> No.3286944

Nope, not OP, just trolling.

>> No.3286948


Borrow a textbook if you can from the teacher who teaches that class during the year. Fuck Counselors, they don't know what the fuck they are doing ever. College ones are much better but in HS they don't know what they are doing.

Anyways read those textbooks and watch Khan Academy that should help a lot. I would also start looking at Calculus stuff, your local library should have some stuff and you can also look at the open courseware type stuff. It might sound daunting right now but at least glancing at that stuff will help out because Calc is pretty damn confusing the first time you see what they are talking about, the more you go over it though but it'll get easier over time.

>> No.3286953


>I'm really short and as a result, girls don't take me seriously.

No, the reason girls don't take you seriously is because you act like an Aspie.

>> No.3286955

OP, you should do what you want to do and ignore the last few posts (who told you that you should network and do other business-major BS). You can certainly learn higher math on your own, and there's benefit to learning it even if you'll learn it again later in school, because going over it a second time will give you a more complete understanding. Especially for calculus. That said though, the early poster who said you should branch out to other intellectual fields was right. I recommend learning about electricity; there's math involved (and it has some good applications of calculus) plus any sort of technological innovations you might do later in life will most likely involve electricity somehow. Other physics/engineering stuff will also pay dividends but electricity will the most.

>> No.3286965

Why can't kids these days just enjoy their time off and build some spaceships out of cardboard...

>> No.3286967

Well, my friend and I are building a tesla coil this summer and, although I make fun of him for wanting to do some electrical engineering, the stuff is pretty fascinating. We're actually almost done winding the secondary coil.

>> No.3286970

Ok fair enough. Friends are good, especially if you need a place to wreck at. But really, you need a girl. Someone intellectually stimulating. Being a human means sharing the human experience... learning, working, starting a family.
If all you do is learn and work... where is the sexy sex? There aren't any physics professors I know of who can just bend their hot Japanese interns over whenever they want, so you better start early so you can at least learn the ropes.

Oh, and on a semi-related note, masturbation is the single biggest cause of procrastination. So don't do that. If you're fucking chicks you can do whatever because I mean, its constructing a physical bond with a lady. But masturbation causes a loss of self-confidence

>> No.3286974


find some ocw on E&M this summer, OP. Study that. It's interesting, useful, involves some calculus and algebra, would be a fun thing to study and you can start practicing your understanding on the cheap.

>> No.3286976

Ramanujan married a 9 year old???

>> No.3286984

>15 years old
>I make fun of him for wanting to do some electrical engineering


>> No.3286988

>Be 15 years old
>Take Math Methods 1 & 2, curriculum is Calculus, Vectors, Combinatorics and other higher maths.
Should have been 15 in Australia, bro.
Also, lol at not even starting pre calc at 15, your school must be a typical example of American education.

>> No.3286997

They were married until his death in fact. So like for around 10 years

>> No.3287014

Are you honestly an aspie? No offense, I just don't hear of people this motivated at your age

>> No.3287023
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>make fun of him for wanting to do some electrical engineering

>> No.3287033

No problem. No, I don't think I'm autistic. Never had a reason to get tested, though. I could be high-functioning for all I know, but I've never presented any of the social issues that come with it. I'm just...motivated. I don't like being bored and I like learning. That's all.

>> No.3287052

Kid, you're such an ignorant little faggot.
You're 15 years old, every single electrical engineer in existence, yes, even the Congolese ones know a lot more than you do. If you have yet to start even a little pre-calc by the age of 15, you are way behind.

>> No.3287059

Yeah, yeah. I'm not actually serious. It's cool stuff and we're both pursuing it because of it's ..coolness. It's just jibing for the sake of teasing.

>> No.3287060

Well, from what I heard, it's still illegal in texas.

>> No.3287062

>I make fun of him for wanting to do some electrical engineering

Is this your first time on /sci/? Regardless it's already too late for you.

>> No.3287068

>Oh, and on a semi-related note, masturbation is the single biggest cause of procrastination.
Absolute bullshit, you just 'think' that.

>But masturbation causes a loss of self-confidence
Masturbation RAISES endorphin levels in the brain, raises NGF, boosts self-confidence and increases brain activity. Being in a 'fantasy land'-type setting, it's qualities are even better than sex due to visualizing the goals your subconscious wants to obtain. Masturbation is similar to a natural, built in nootropic, and it sure as hell boosts my deductive reasoning shortly after ejaculation.

>> No.3287078

4-6 hours a day should put you well into Calculus territory by the end of the summer.

Good for you by the way, you're on the right track. If you live in Florida, check out FLVS too.

>> No.3287079

>because of it's ..coolness.
Kill yourself.

>> No.3287106

stop jerking off for a moment and cite that shit. The burden of proof is on you now

>> No.3287134

Plethora of other sources, too. That's just a quick example. Check Google and ScienceDirect.

>> No.3287190

Moment of Thread death (looks at watch) 2:56 AM. Alright, let's pack it up.

>> No.3287235
