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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 525 KB, 4000x2000, base-one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3284165 No.3284165 [Reply] [Original]

This is another thread because
went autosage and page 13 or so.
I post here two of the recent improvements that were widely accepted.

Hey, Mad Scientist, if you ever manage to wake up, check this.

People, don't post stuff with swimming dicks attacking the base. The sonar will detect them anyway and the redcrystal torpeoes take them abyss-ly down.

>> No.3284194

someone should make a guide that labels and describes what each thing is

>> No.3284204
File: 493 KB, 4000x2000, deepblue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Adding the extra reactor

>> No.3284214

What is the thing on the furthest right?

>> No.3284218

Oh, fuckin' A.

Is that a new probe next to Cthulhu?

>> No.3284236

Where's the gym?

>> No.3284240

im not sure about that extra reactor.

it's the third reactor already.
it has no electrical connections.

>> No.3284246

but it's *real* and it took about half an hour. I'll add some cables going off screen.

>> No.3284257 [DELETED] 

Hate to be the one to break it down, but I think we're going to need some kind of exercise hall.

Despite actual exercise looking very unattractive to the majority of us, our life-vessels demand it.

>> No.3284251
File: 515 KB, 4000x2000, whats this for.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the decompression chamber (pic related) for, aren't both sides of that one at the same pressure (1 atm)?

>> No.3284252

between the two living/sleepingroom towers
on top of the black geyser thing.

>> No.3284260

That would be a clock, comrade.

>> No.3284268

it doesn't fit the color requirements = it doesn't match the colors of the other stuff.
it doesn't even have a docking bay for those two small submarines that are docked to that room close to the weed room.

>> No.3284281
File: 557 KB, 4000x2000, deepblue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but again, it's real. It's not supposed to match or be compatible, it's supposed to provide an off shore autonomous method of power generation.

>> No.3284295

Don't we have like, three other reactors?

>> No.3284299

can someone put the shark whale bio submarine back in?

>> No.3284300

two other, supposed to be one.

>> No.3284305

Cool now I see thanks!

>> No.3284319

this is now two votes against the new reactor, and one in favor of it.

>> No.3284325

Ugh what's all that green shit that's piled up in that big cavern.

>> No.3284326

It's huge now.....

Need a method of getting around it a lot more quickly/ efficiently, maybe some kind of circular railway going around the facility?

>> No.3284329

Wait until Mad Scientist comes back before you scrap it.
Good point. It'd be difficult getting an access tunnel in there

>> No.3284331

I'm all for it, I'm just wondering what we'd use the extra power for.

>> No.3284342

anyone have that mspaint link? i still need to download a copy.

>> No.3284348

I was thinking it could be sold to the mainland, or a nearby oil rig for power? the money we got from it could be our continued funding in case our billionaire supporter dies or leaves or realises we spent his money on pressurised bars and strip clubs
sure, here you go:

>> No.3284352

>for power
oh god what is this

>> No.3284360

Huge-ass Tesla coils, supercolliders, charging electric manned and unmanned undersea craft, supercomputer arrays, and a thousand yet-unimagined other projects. It's far better to have it available if necessary.

>> No.3284363

Can somebody draw a HUGE drilling rig somewhere? Would be fucking awesome.

>> No.3284408
File: 558 KB, 4000x2000, 1309037019908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3284411
File: 574 KB, 4000x2000, Da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added an airlock above the crystal research area.

The people have to get there somehow, right?

>> No.3284435

>this base is so perfect

>> No.3284439

Okay apparently someone made this thread without me, give me some time to integrate all the new changes.

>> No.3284450

Someone needs to add a thermal energy conversion type building next to that small magma thing.

>> No.3284461

the one above the cave storage system is connected to a pump and gives the whole place hot water.

>> No.3284462
File: 341 KB, 4000x2000, corrbase.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some minor improvments: biohazard sign, dna projection, submarine is back, colors in the shroom cave

>> No.3284463
File: 311 KB, 4000x2000, 1309035927273.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put the sub back in and added another one because FUCK YOU

>> No.3284472

hold on everyone, Mad Scientist's updating it.

>> No.3284473

awwwh, beat me to it...

>> No.3284478

can someone an airlock somewhere that leads to the seafloor, so visitors and citizens could walk on seafloor and look at all the coral and fish

>> No.3284479

I like this idea.

Have a couple biosubs on patrol at all times, lest the engineers return.

>> No.3284489

then fuck yourself now.

>> No.3284490

Will we ever have a numbered list explaining the things in the picture? A lot of the things in there are really small, no one even still knows what's in there...

>> No.3284493

My mspaint doesn't want to open png files
i'm running version 5.1

>> No.3284497

max population: 25
if we changed all the single beds to bunk beds (except for the captains room), we could push that up to 44 (not 50 because some beds are allready bunk beds

>> No.3284499

I'll make one once the updates slow down.
I'll stick my copy on the website.

>> No.3284506

if people would work in shifts, we had the double amount

>> No.3284511
File: 534 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, here's everything that made the cut. Tinkered with the red crystal lab sub launching bay, gave it a more curve hull where it's exposed to water and a better looking hatch. Repositioned the desalination plant so it connects to the apartments and added the turret, bunch of other minor tweaks.

>> No.3284527
File: 27 KB, 578x335, ohnoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3284529

>no flexblue

>> No.3284531

what happened to the lecture hall with the 3d projector?

>> No.3284536


How about a chamber with human test subjects suspended in some sort of fluid (kind of in the spirit of the movie aliens). I'm thinking it would go well in the gap beneath the rocket silo.

>> No.3284539

I've uploaded a copy of 6.1 at https://sites.google.com/site/scienceandmathguide/-sci-undersea-research-base
it's from windows 7 x64, so it might not work. Stick it in C:\Windows\System32 after renaming the one that's already there so it doesn't get deleted.

>> No.3284542

Hmm I can't find the weapons.

>> No.3284546

Not Mad Scientist, but it looked silly. All the seats were facing weird directions and stuff

>> No.3284550

What's that to the left of the cargo bay? A genetics research facility?

>> No.3284560

Someone should number each room then make a key detailing what it all is. Can be a bit confusing if you aren't following every post.

>> No.3284562
File: 554 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've added in additional changes and made some fixes

However, the jeffries tubes are a no-go. They take up too much room that could be used by unique specialize sections with their own artwork. If you're gonna use up space, make it something interesting to look at.

Also, could someone beautify the lecture hall? I'm not feelin' it right now.

>> No.3284569

we found some genetic material at the bottom of the cave system and stuck it in agar jelly. That's where we're storing what grew.

>> No.3284573


>>>no flexblue

There was a flexblue reactor? When? Where?

I can't add things I don't know about.

>> No.3284575


>> No.3284576

it's in >>3284462
at the bottom left. Not quite to scale, 'cos it's huge.

>> No.3284586
File: 32 KB, 450x300, pic.php.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's used as a planetarium, too. Dem swivel chairs.

>> No.3284589

Okay I see the flexblue reactor but that art is terrible. If someone wants to clean it up we can definitely add it.

>> No.3284590


Is a toroidal particle accelerator possible somewhere?

>> No.3284595

lol, I tried to go for accuracy rather than looks. Touching it up now

>> No.3284599

interesting. I try opening it says "not valid win32 application"

then when I try again, it has reverted to the 5.1 version by itself.

>> No.3284609

Seems like there should be some sort of tram to get from one side to the other.

>> No.3284611

alright went through add/remove windows component. now working.

>> No.3284618


>>Seems like there should be some sort of tram to get from one side to the other.

There is a tram, for getting from the server room to the exploration deck. If someone can find a way to carefully embed a track for getting from one end of the entire base to the other using that tram design it'd be agreeable.

>> No.3284620

>Also, could someone beautify the lecture hall? I'm not feelin' it right now.
the honeycomb structure of the dome is a bit awkward, I admit.

>> No.3284624

Well SHIT this has most definite grown since I last checked...

>> No.3284633




>> No.3284635

it's awesome.

>> No.3284668
File: 555 KB, 4000x2000, 1309039688465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3284690

What the fuck is that whale? Where did it come from?

>> No.3284712

It's one of our sound-laser shooting biosubs. Complete with Cthulhu DNA!

>> No.3284722

this is neat, but can you fill me in I haven't seen these threads before

>> No.3284731
File: 543 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out, I've redone the lecture hall dome. Now it's reinforced with a steel skeleton.

>> No.3284741

Ohh... It's the side view of those things above our rocket.

>> No.3284750

Totally approved.

>> No.3284752

yay :D
Flexblue's controls are now done, Still working out what to do in the rest of it.

>> No.3284775
File: 556 KB, 4000x2000, 1309039688465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3284804


Well? What did you add, and where?

>> No.3284811

so this has been annoying me for a bit... the original posts i have read state that this base is on the continental shelf, yet the picture shows two sets of black smokers. those aren't generally found on the continental shelf and are more often found on the abyssal plain at mid ocean ridges. this picture is not scientifically accurate /sci/.

>> No.3284844


He added some eggs bottom left. And some kind of alien creature escaping out of a crate.

>> No.3284845
File: 545 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>so this has been annoying me for a bit... the original posts i have read state that this base is on the continental shelf, yet the picture shows two sets of black smokers. those aren't generally found on the continental shelf and are more often found on the abyssal plain at mid ocean ridges. this picture is not scientifically accurate /sci/.

It's a new discovery. Shallow water smokers. Also, updated pic with bunk beds as recommended earlier, max capacity is now 44.

>> No.3284864

Are we going to start investigating the huge mass of green stuff at the back of the cave at any point?

>> No.3284872

nice eggs. what creature?

>> No.3284874


Pretty sure that's Cthulu shit.

>> No.3284911

That was originally supposed to be a trash heap, even though there is already a trash disposal unit.

>> No.3284915
File: 17 KB, 890x387, sadasd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, Flexblue's been neatened up. Pretty sure I got most of the elements of a working reactor in there

>> No.3284920

Aren't there a few too many of those red crystal filled rockets? Feels like there should be at most half as many... maybe I'm crazy though

>> No.3284927

Is that a yellow dwarf working in there?

>> No.3284932

We have a crystorpedo launcher in the making.

>> No.3284936

no. the rockets don't need a lot of red crystal for great firepower. quite efficient.

>> No.3284937

There should be a /sci/ minecraft to actually build this stuff

>> No.3284948

HazMat suit :D

>> No.3284951
File: 347 KB, 4000x2000, 1309038177639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried adding to the tram thing a little, would still need to be connected to anything via elevator and hallway though...

>> No.3284953
File: 552 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks great, added. Now we can export power as another source of revenue.

>> No.3284960


>> No.3284961


It's much too small, is the issue. Look at how large the beds/toilets/etc. are. There are even a few stick figure people here and there you can use to determine scale.

>> No.3284969


Good thinking, but two things:

#1. No slopes, consider pneumatic tram elevators like in halflife.

#2. Have the other station positioned underneath the elevator down to the conference room.

>> No.3284971

good point, remove it if you want.

>> No.3285007

needs a grand library

>> No.3285013
File: 557 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Done, and I added a submersible docking station.

>> No.3285017


>>needs a grand library

So add one.

>> No.3285025
File: 71 KB, 250x250, tanstanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just curious but do you guys realize the amount of reinforcement some of these areas would take just to keep this ocean cave from collapsing? And if we're not at a bit above neutral buoyancy this thing is going to shit. There really needs to be a reinforcement set in here somewhere otherwise this whole plan will NEVER get funded.

>> No.3285030

You seem to believe I care enough to make one.

Also needs a centralized hospital of some sort.

>> No.3285035

you need more labs

>> No.3285036

looks quite grafted

>> No.3285060
File: 552 KB, 3862x1962, cannon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished the Red Crystal Torpedo loading system, and the cannon tower itself.

>> No.3285073

I feel an urge to post this here, for if we manage to construct a runway.

>> No.3285083


>> No.3285087

where the fuck are the departments of engineering and geology and the meeting room?

>> No.3285115

Geology labs are in the shroom cave and the small diving robot control room. Meetings can be done in the lecture dome and in the world control room.

>> No.3285126
File: 318 KB, 4000x2000, 1309038177639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I hope that's what you meant. I do realize there needs to be additional stuff for the pneumatic elevator shaft, but... well, it's getting late over here.

>> No.3285134

You're so smart I'm getting wet.

>> No.3285136

a helicopter can land on the orange swimmer

>> No.3285144

I beg your pardon?

>> No.3285151

We seem to be getting really close to the surface, unless it isn't to scale or whatever

>> No.3285156

I know, but that's nowhere near as cool as doing it with a cargo plane and god damn rockets.

>> No.3285172

then land your cannon ship on the orange platform.

>> No.3285185

Why is the torpedo and killer whale rooms only available through a bar?

Also, you fucked up the image there.

>> No.3285201

It's only rubber/canvas and steel though, it might have trouble with a fully laden hercules.

>> No.3285211
File: 605 KB, 4000x2000, Da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I guess you don't need this, but here's another tram system that uses the Jeffrey's tubes. Think of it as a skytrain/subway electric rail system tram, so it can go up ramps?

>> No.3285236

the strato-herc can drop parachuting crates, and the transport submarines will pick them up.

>> No.3285239


>> No.3285240

you need less ladders and less weapons.

>> No.3285256
File: 809 KB, 4000x2000, Subbase optimised145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your paint-fu is strong.

However your base design could be optimised.
I planed to store the boxes in the large cave and use a moon-pool similar to the sub-pen to allow the grabber arm to drop through and retreive them and pull them out up to the roof of the cave and out of the water.

All of anons inalianable rights reserved of cource.

>> No.3285273 [DELETED] 
File: 567 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whew, okay. Crystal Torpedo Cannon and tram rail expansion added. Most of my time was taken up finishing the rail expansion details.

>> No.3285269
File: 532 KB, 4000x2000, Subbase optimised145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the .peng version.

>> No.3285278

>putting all your defenses in one location

>> No.3285314

Yeah, we need to add some defense to the residential section.

>> No.3285317
File: 567 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whew, okay. Crystal Torpedo Cannon and tram rail expansion added. Most of my time was taken up finishing the rail expansion details.


Seriously? Copied and pasted? Can't we use that space for something original, not seen elsewhere in the base?

>> No.3285333


We already have a turret by the residential tower, it's on top of the desalination plant.

We should really come up with a list of shit we already have so we don't wind up with redundant sections, like the 3 nuclear plants.

>> No.3285350

You need some surface mines, otherwise your navy will be too slow to that flank.

>> No.3285366

I'd rather use that space for the storage to free up space where the other storage is. Because first of all it doesnt make sence having huge pressurised areas that you dont need like the port and the missile launch bay.

Then you can use the bunker-type rooms for other uses. Atm most of the rooms are small. Why cant we make a huge intellegence analyist space, like the one from goldeneye. (and i'm not copying the conference room)


Also, i liked the asthetic idea of the underwater staircase and walkway leading into the darkness next to the cathuhlu.

>> No.3285383

post yfw the caverns underneath the base collapse

>> No.3285390


>>I'd rather use that space for the storage to free up space where the other storage is. Because first of all it doesnt make sence having huge pressurised areas that you dont need like the port and the missile launch bay.

We need to be able to open the crates and get at the supplies inside. This necessitates having someplace we can place the crates that is dry and at 1atm. Presumably the crates contain food, equipment, etc. and that stuff needs to be able to get inside the base. We're not importing crates to build box forts or just to have them sitting around. Logistics, man!

>> No.3285399

Do we have any place that makes clean water, or do we import that too?

>> No.3285406


>>Do we have any place that makes clean water, or do we import that too?

There's a desalination plant at the far left.

>> No.3285425
File: 1 KB, 190x73, office and vehicle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a small office. You'll need it. It's with an vehicle, just in case.
I might fit next to the twin torpedo battery.

>> No.3285430

There should be a recording studio. We could have quite a profitable business by having it in such a unique location and vibe.

Also we need somewhere to treat the audio and video of the environment around us. A proper 'media' studio would be very, very helpful as it is.

>> No.3285437

Why so militaristic /int ? It was planned as a peaceful research thing.
I don't want water mines, coz maybe I wanna take a ride with a speedboat.

>> No.3285440

what the hell do the turrets fire? torpedoes? It sure as hell isn't a kinetic projectile, that just doesn't seem efficent unless it's one of those russian supersonic underwater missiles.

>> No.3285448

I agree, bin Laden would have been much more successful if he had used an underwater production studio using the latest digital equipment, he may even been alive to tell us how awesome the condenser over the mic is.

>> No.3285451



Also we're lacking an actual command centre. Think CIC from Battlestar.

>> No.3285452

what he writes there is correct.

>> No.3285459

You need to protect your secrets and sovereignty. They don't protect themselves.

>> No.3285468
File: 38 KB, 468x459, Castro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about drawfag?

My system is better and i think your butthurt. Also i am rage that i made it in an area none was using to free up space which YOU wasted, and you dont want to add it. Also it took me ages to do because those boxes were custom made.

Oh and pardon me for not re-inventing the wheel.

>> No.3285487

Lecture dome
NZT bar
Arboretum dome
Booze bar
Submarine bay
small plants growhouse
coffee shop
large habitat with small lab
small habitat with big lab and gym
sick bay
cargo bay
big biology incubator
water desalination with turret
shroom cave geological lab
communications tower
trailer lab
sea cups
world control room
3 red crystal rooms
rocket bay
big exploration robot control room
small geological robot control room
shroom-2-NZT fermenter room
server room
flat greengrow double disc
revolving restaurant
tv room (2x)

>> No.3285488


>>what the hell do the turrets fire? torpedoes?

Yeah, in all cases you can see torpedos being loaded into them from beneath or waiting on racks nearby.

>> No.3285496

To protect a secret it needs stealth, not mines. Mines are (e.g.) detectable from space. Also mines are banned by UN.

>> No.3285497

the world control room is not enough?

>> No.3285499

>And thus the great oceanic wars began.

>> No.3285514

Put those custom tailored boxes into the old cargo bay. Let the aquanaut explore that huge cave first. What if there are hidden species, like those eggs?

>> No.3285517

Someone add this.

>> No.3285533

The reason why nothing will collapse is that underwater everything weighs less, buoyancy.

>> No.3285545

Are you ignoring earthquakes and rockslides?

>> No.3285548

Yes. Noone builds underwater research stations into geologically active regions

>> No.3285551

I just wanna register a couple things i'm not CRAZY about.

1. Red crystal. What is it supposed to be, are its properties even based in reality?
2. The defense system seems not have had a lot of thought put into it, the turrets are superfluous, torpedoes turn, bullets don't, also torpedoes should not be kept fueled waiting to be fired, it's crazy unsafe.
3. There needs to be scaffolding around the outside to give it rigidity. If no one wants to cover the whole thing (who would) it should be implied with just a little but around one edge then cut-away.
4. What is with the giant missile launching thing, is it our space program or are we armed with ICBMs, because that is not very defensive posture wise.
5. NZT is a stupid work of fiction, wipe it out
6. The weed farm? we don't need to dumb down our workforce, make them lazy, and fat, scrap it.
7. I'm not sure our energy production is adequate to fit our needs...

Overall, this thing is awesome, and I'm glad i've seen it evolving. You guys rock.

>> No.3285556
File: 568 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3285574

So they don't build research stations?

>> No.3285586
File: 610 KB, 4000x2000, Da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, ignore the rest of the map except the grand library I added to the left of the Geodome Quarters.

>> No.3285587

lol, I dunno. But mines are still banned by UN.

>> No.3285588
File: 8 KB, 210x170, 1e0d49b8edd7a2d5c5f6559335b940c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>So they don't build research stations?

We have three in the US at the moment, two owned by universities and one government funded, pictured.

I think he just meant we don't locate them over faults.

>> No.3285589

Would be cool to do one of these threads for an advanced city rather than a modern work area.

>> No.3285591

We'll call them research vessels and only activate them during defcon 4

>> No.3285593

nice. where's the librarian? and could you add that small office module from >>3285425 ??

>> No.3285601

Again, I MUST insist on the peaceful nature of our science mission here.

>> No.3285613

Librarians desk added

>> No.3285615

oh i'm an idiot. you did already.

>> No.3285616

And when the world doesn't believe in your peaceful nature, what will you do, insist harder?

>> No.3285624
File: 573 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Very nice detail. Added.

>> No.3285625

Forgot pic

>> No.3285631

Damnit, just forget the librarian I can't seem to post this image

>> No.3285633

Convince with reason, I suppose.
Why would someone attack an international research station? Noone does this shit.
Neither China nor India don't take down the ISS. Even Achmadinedjad wouldn't do it if he had a rocket.
You are just looking for paranoid reasons to justify your war research.

>> No.3285642

I see. You believe the beneficence of the multi-billionaire who aided it's construction is equally liked among all nations?

And who gave you this idea that it was an international effort.

It's a republic and has sovereignty. It won't be ignored for long, but keep trying your reason in the face of madness.

>> No.3285660

Red crystal is a recently discovered diamagnetic element, which we are using to propel our rockets/subs.

Coincidentally, it explodes.

>> No.3285663
File: 125 KB, 1171x730, miningthing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This really should be connected to something. Why isn't it?

>> No.3285673


It is, by submarine. Look near the bottom of your image.

We don't want that portion of the base to be very easy to get to for obvious reasons.

>> No.3285676

I don't know the purpose of the room between twin torpedo turret and submarine hangar.

Lecture dome
NZT bar
Arboretum dome
Booze bar
Submarine bay
Small plants growhouse
Coffee shop
Large habitat with small lab and pond
Small habitat with big lab and gym
Sick bay
Cargo bay
Biology incubator tanks
Water desalination with turret
Shroom cave geological lab
Communications tower
Trailer lab
Sea cups
World control room
Red crystal harvest facility
Red crystal processing and testing facility
Red crystal torpedo assembly line
Rocket bay for space program
Big exploration robot (BER) control room
Small geological robot (SGR) control room
Shroom2NZT fermenter room
Server room
Office with vehicle
Flat greengrow double disc
Revolving restaurant
Sonar array
TV room (2x, blue and red)
Communication relais (floating)
Blue power plant
Central habitat with two vehicles.
Xenomorph room
Thorium reactor 1
Thorium reactor 2
Drill controller and excavation residue processing
Tunnel trains
Twin torpedo turret
Big gun tower

>> No.3285695

Well, I don't think anyone cares to have it, but I had put a Jeffrey's tube there earlier that got removed

>> No.3285700

And what's that long structure with pipes in it touching the water surface and going down unto the station ?

>> No.3285714




>> No.3285727

And what's the purpose of the room between the twin torpedo turret and biosubmarine hangar?

>> No.3285730


Submersible repair.

>> No.3285737

Arboretum dome
Big exploration robot (BER) control room
Big gun tower
Biology incubator tanks
Blue power plant
Booze bar
Cargo bay
Central habitat with two vehicles.
Coffee shop
Communication relais (floating)
Communications tower
Drill controller and excavation residue processing
Emergency oxygen storage
Flat greengrow double disc
Large habitat with small lab and pond
Lecture dome
Mineral research external probe and platform
Mineral research lab with headgear
NZT bar
Office with vehicle
OTEC tube
Red crystal harvest facility
Red crystal processing and testing facility
Red crystal torpedo assembly line
Revolving restaurant
Rocket bay for space program
Sea cups
Server room
Shroom cave geological lab
Shroom2NZT fermenter room
Sick bay
Small geological robot (SGR) control room
Small habitat with big lab and gym
Small plants growhouse
Sonar array
Submarine bay
Submersible repair
Thorium reactor 1
Thorium reactor 2
Trailer lab
Tunnel trains
TV room (2x, blue and red)
Twin torpedo turret
Water desalination with turret
World control room
Xenomorph containment

>> No.3285761
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>> No.3285767

add further rec areas besides a tittybar.

like a gym

or a sauna

or a racquetball court

or artificial beach, fuck yeah for one

>> No.3285770


We have a gym, to the lower right of the apartment tower. And two entertainment rooms.

>> No.3285775

And a planetarium.

>> No.3285780

Add a fish farm.

Gotta feed those whales man. And add like a hatch thing with a net to bait fish incase we run out. Like a mass fishery day in day out.

And also +1 to survivability.

>> No.3285783

We must, MUST build this in terraria.

>> No.3285784


>> No.3285788

I thought the whole idea with having whales was that they feed themselves.

>> No.3285791
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Somthing like this.

>> No.3285803

Add weapons on those whales or amphibious speedboats or something so we can raid the coast for supplies.

And a pen or jail or something to keep captured prisoners.

>> No.3285808


We're not doing that. All you did was copy and paste shit into the cave and ruin the logistics of getting supplies inside.

If you want to contribute something, make it original artwork that doesn't claim someone else's space.

>> No.3285812


>> No.3285838

I still like his blue camo boxes though. Can't we keep them?

>> No.3285846
File: 574 KB, 4000x2000, 1309050635499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add a slave pen

>> No.3285855


You haven't said where it is. I don't see it.

>> No.3285857

are you retarded?

>> No.3285858

near the whale place

feel free to upgrade

and add weapons

and perhaps a torture/bondage chamber

>> No.3285865


Why don't you do that? A little effort isn't too much to ask.

>> No.3285882

The rocket will crash into the slaves. Poor guys. Expensive type of torturing. Maybe waterboarding or extracting their fingernails with a forceps would be cheaper.

>> No.3285909
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Little changes: Snow in Canada added, Galapagos added in the world room. Water color next to the aquanaut corrected. Blue crates integrated.

>> No.3285922


>> No.3285944

It's the same as an astronaut, but he is under water (=aqua). A diver, frogman, whatever. The guy diving in the cave.

>> No.3285945
File: 578 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Added, but the slave room will be left out until some effort is put into it, and it can be located someplace not obstructing the rocket launch tube.

>> No.3285946
File: 580 KB, 4000x2000, 1309055293307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed up the slave chambers a bit, added beds, bigger room and washroom/disposal hatch area.

>> No.3285960
File: 612 KB, 4000x2000, Da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added artificial beach. Next to restaurant, ignore rest of map

>> No.3285966


Any way I could get you to move it so it's not right over the rocket launch tube?

>> No.3285969
File: 612 KB, 4000x2000, Da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the ladder, whoops

>> No.3285979

palm trees? more sand? it's barely recognizable. swim toys?

>> No.3285982

Why slaves anyway? It's retarded.

>> No.3285985

your under water herpderp city is going to cave in just so you know

>> No.3285993
File: 583 KB, 4000x2000, 1309055293307.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed and relocated slavechambers + added hatch to that dark place

>> No.3286009

We need a readily available supply of manual labour + people doing dangerous jobs + strippers
Someone combine ours, and remove his tub things.

>> No.3286022
File: 2 KB, 184x128, palmbeach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tuned the beach a little bit.

>> No.3286028

>source of manual labour + people doing dangerous jobs
how about paying them as well-trained specialists?

>> No.3286034
File: 578 KB, 4000x2000, neededsuport.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added some much needed support

>> No.3286036

But think of the money we'll save.

I don't want to see that perfectly placed area go to waste.

>> No.3286038

Slaves work shitty and imprecisely. Any things done by slaves will break like shoes from China.

>> No.3286039
File: 583 KB, 4000x2000, 1309056576745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mined out the crystal a bit more..

>> No.3286043

what support? I can't see a thing.

>> No.3286045

left hand side.

>> No.3286056

Your fulla crap.

>> No.3286061
File: 581 KB, 4000x2000, Scilab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, added an artificial beach by popular demand. It's just to the right of the lecture hall.

>> No.3286067

buoyancy, do you know it?

>> No.3286073

Ah, thats better than my one. Thanks

>> No.3286075

There is no way that the amount of oxygen in the system would be able to make the whole structure buoyant......

>> No.3286078

A sun, lol.

>> No.3286082

So oxygen content creates buoyancy? Lmfao

>> No.3286091

Nah we just need slaves to clean the area or for cannon fodder stuff. Basic stuff. Or tend the garden. And of course be strippers.

They get freedom if they work hard enough.

>> No.3286097


Why not robots? We could add a robot factory.

>> No.3286100

This is retarded. Hire professional gardeners and botanists.
You will be my first cleaning lady.

>> No.3286103


>> No.3286108


I won't be back until later, but I can start on it.

>> No.3286112


Fuck yes. You did the red crystal torpedo loading mechanism right? If anyone should do the robot factory it's you.

>> No.3286120

This looks mildly interesting and the old thread looks to be dead. Is it saved anywhere or can someone explain what's all this about?

>> No.3286132


Glad you guys liked it!

Anything I should know before I start? I really don't want it to be a large area like the rocket bay or cargo room.

Maybe a small but linear assembly line?

Or maybe modular assembly "cubes", a la Portal 2?

>> No.3286144

/Sci/ got a billionaire investor. We make a utopian underwater place. Scenarios are introduced, etc.

>> No.3286151

I second that motion. That dude is fucking skilled.

>> No.3286172
File: 587 KB, 4000x2000, compiled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I compiled everything up to this point.

Fine, it will be our prison/disposal hatch.

We are bound to get invaders/pirates. We can kill them off.

>> No.3286175


Remember the teaser trailer for Terminator 2 where they showed the steps in assembling T-800s? I was thinkin' something like that, an assembly line with four or five robots in progressively more complete states of construction.

Seems like it might fit in just above the mouth to Cthulu's cave.

>> No.3286181


Space is at a premium right now. We don't need that module. And we do need that space for a new module by someone who made a much acclaimed section in the past.

>> No.3286204
File: 52 KB, 570x377, wtfreaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>leave thread
>come back 2 hours later
>there is now a direct hatch to Cthulu.

>> No.3286212
File: 273 KB, 460x316, robot_decide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Okay, now I have two ideas for robots.

One is an offshoot of the asimo robot. Versatile, Clean and capable of preforming work underwater.


A sort of kiosk-type robot that moves by balancing on one wheel. Could be equipped with built in weapons, and could serve as guard/security enforcement robots without being TOO capable of rising up and killing their masters.

>> No.3286216

How about this.

We capture people from the surface, feed it to cthulu and in exchange he gives us the dark magic of science.

>> No.3286218

Was the previous thread not saved at all? I'm assuming it started off as basically nothing. It sounds like a good timesink reading up to how all this was made.

>> No.3286222
File: 131 KB, 855x1024, droideka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How 'bout this?

>> No.3286224

/sci/ has 3-4 people max.

not enough to save.

>> No.3286231

i'm gonna try to offshoot this to make it vidya edition.

>> No.3286242


What if we made a sort of cross-board portal within the base?

>> No.3286243


>> No.3286244


Asimo, definitely.

>> No.3286246

Would you like it to be full of crudely drawn penises and illogical modules? Because if so, then go ahead.

>> No.3286249

equip it with some sort of fins, so that it can swim better

>> No.3286251




>> No.3286256


>> No.3286298

I still feel like the dining hall ought to go on top of the living quarters, for convenience sake. The terrarium/dio dome and garden can be integrated, or keep two separate modules.

>> No.3286306

Theres so many toilets, but no septic tank. Add one or else youll be enjoying your view of pure shit and piss in a week.

>> No.3286313


>>I still feel like the dining hall ought to go on top of the living quarters

Look closely, there's a kitchen mid-level in the apartment tower with a fridge and microwave. That will suffice for snacks. The revolving restaurant is mainly for tourists, who don't want unshaven, unkempt /sci/ducks wandering through at odd hours to get a bite to eat. :3

>> No.3286345
File: 58 KB, 740x525, Trieste_drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe someone here wants to do a oldschool trieste submarine.

>> No.3286361
File: 627 KB, 4000x2000, Da.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, a planetarium, underneath the rocket base.

I know Mad Scientist is gonna move it he likes it anyway, so I'm leaving it on the map where it is. Disregard the rest of the map.

>> No.3286373

*if he likes it

>> No.3286377

Needs a secret ventilation shaft to hidden mad scientest cave.

>> No.3286382

>implying that the lecture dome projector can't do that already.
also, why with bars? present that to your high school then you can do it with oranges.

>> No.3286469
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>>Holy fuck, a planetarium

Oh man it's all old fashioned with model planets on revolving armatures. You KNOW we're adding that.

>> No.3286930


Still working on the robot factory.

>> No.3286949
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>0 of 0

>> No.3286952
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>> No.3286962

>solar panels underwater
>massive gun thing


>> No.3286972
File: 821 KB, 4000x2000, radar tower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i added a relay beacon. i thought it was needed

>> No.3287019

Why hydrothermal vents not used for power?

>> No.3287057

I know. It looks like /sci/ grew up since I left.

Oh wait, they're drawing plans for big undersea forts.

>> No.3287063


power charge caused by built in heavy duty solar cells. jets on the sides keep stabilized in water.

>> No.3287087

The graphics remind me of BYOND games. Especially games like Space Station 13. Totally a game for /sci/.

>> No.3287099

>Oh wait, they're drawing plans for big undersea forts.

Yeah that's called aspies merging with reality.

>> No.3287104
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>> No.3287201
File: 816 KB, 4000x2000, HRC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

added a weight room with big HRC for heart rate center

>> No.3287271


That's a sonar array and a torpedo turret.

>> No.3287305

Oh, no, I think this is awesome. I like how you've got the designing undersea forts, without the crappy videogame quotes.

>> No.3287358


We already have a gym, just under and to the right of the apartment tower.

>> No.3287359
File: 541 KB, 4000x2000, robotfactory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Added the Robot Factory.

An automated cargo tram brings in raw materials via elevator, while another tram brings the finished robots to the main track, ready for deployment.

Make adjustments as needed.

>> No.3287372
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>> No.3287378


its a different wing.

>> No.3287418
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Fucking added. Can't wait to see what you do when Inurdaes starts his Mars base.

>> No.3287430
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>> No.3287533



Some other things I had in mind were:

Weapons Testing Room
Particle Collider
Radio Telescope
Chemical/Petrol Refinery
Horror Lab
Applied Quantum Mechanics Lab
Visitors Center
Cryogenics Lab
and maybe an Expanded Library.

>> No.3287542
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>> No.3287591


Why the magnetic tape and not HDDs or SSDs?

>> No.3287622


I heard magnetic tape is actually more efficient for massive amounts of storage. CERN uses it for it's LHC data.

>> No.3287631


It's a bit cheaper per bit, but takes up FAR more space.

>> No.3287633
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>beach inside the ocean

>> No.3289467

for the record, red crystal is only almost as stupid as putting solar arrays under the water....

>> No.3289744

It's not a solar panel, it's a sonar array.

Also, I do think the prison was a good idea, we need a place to hold criminals, do we not?
Killing them is not always an option, as they may still hold valuable information, or be spies from another country which we can still use for our own purposes.
It could be smaller though, I don't think we'll ever have that many prisoners.

Also, the relay beacon looked cool and doesn't really take up space anywhere where space is needed, why wasn't it added?

>> No.3289837

are we talking about the same thing? the array of panels near the twin torpedo turrets (also not a fan of)

>> No.3289890

Yes, he says here:
that the solar panel looking thing is actually a sonar. I don't think you should mind the red crystals too much, the whole base is not really supposed to be 100% scientific, more scifi.

>> No.3289913
File: 2 KB, 236x154, sonar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Made a different sonar, since everyone keeps thinking it's a solar panel array.

>> No.3289939
File: 18 KB, 216x215, sonar dome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not suggesting I would do a better rendition, but that's not a great sonar array, it's uni-directional, they're all pointed in the same direction. A dome would be better, that's how sonar is actually housed.

>> No.3289946

A definite improvement, but it looks like radar to me.

>> No.3290047
File: 3 KB, 236x154, better.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone's a critic.

>> No.3290329

What programs is everyone using to draw this shit?

>> No.3290350

MS paint, I think

>> No.3290352

I used GIMP... I only did a sucky part, though, so maybe the people who added something decent used something else. On the other hand, I suck at drawing, so they might have used something like it.

>> No.3290663

sorry, just thought sonar should look like sonar

>> No.3291473

bumper cars. we need bumper cars.

>> No.3291514

I wanna be clear to no one reading this thread that I was just kidding