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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3286745 No.3286745 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3286750

Which one?

>> No.3286756

Any of them.

>> No.3286760
File: 22 KB, 560x414, RandallCWeems560x414.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The existence of invisible unicorns cannot be proven, nor can they be disproven.

Addendum: Report'd!

>> No.3286761

Newfag here, does this board actually talk about science, or is it just a bunch of wanna-be intellectuals who can't prove their worth by anything other than bashing those who they deem to be dumb for the same reason that those that they hate find them, in fact, just as dumb.

TL;DR- fuck off.

>> No.3286759

What is a god?

>> No.3286765

For the purpose of discussion, we define a god as a supernatural being that has the power to create the universe and judge man.

>> No.3286768

>reporting threads


>> No.3286769

What is the universe?

>> No.3286773

God exists in the say way the voices in a schizophrenic's head exists.


>> No.3286774

So he's pretty much just like any of us.
I'm pretty sure that my personal existence can be proven, thus I(God) exist.

>> No.3286788

Everything that's part of objective reality.

>> No.3286804

Forgot to mention that I'm an agnostic, so...

>> No.3286807

Does that include the schizophrenic's voices?

>> No.3286817

Well, I don't know any schizophrenics. If I see any, I'll let you know.

>> No.3286819

So God created himself then?

>> No.3286827

Depends on how you define God. If you use a pantheistic definition (that God is the universe), then yes.

>> No.3286833
File: 14 KB, 320x240, reported.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/sci/ rule #3 violated for the googolth time

>> No.3286840

But that's not what most religious believers define God as.

>> No.3286841

So then God is arbitrary?

>> No.3286844

Your opinion, not mine.

>> No.3286845

The mods won't delete their own threads.

>> No.3286854

If God created himself, and there was nothing which could exist to guide his autopoiesis, he was random.

>> No.3286859

Whether there's a god or not, the universe had to start with something.

>> No.3286856

What if I use a definition that still has an overarching effect on humanity? Does this count as god?

>> No.3286874

Igtheism: the idea that theistic debates are pointless because the term "god" is undefined.
wikipedia has more but that's the bottom line.

>> No.3286881

So, what definition are we referring to?

>> No.3286884

Whether there's a super-god or not, the god had to start with something.

>> No.3286889

K, everything started with everything. Howzat?

>> No.3286891

Exactly. Everything had to start somewhere or else there was always something the whole time.

>> No.3286899
File: 60 KB, 512x640, turtles-all-the-way-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whether theres a super turtle or not, there had to be a turtle

>> No.3286903

If the universe can start with nothing or just exist in one form or another eternally why would God have to start?

>> No.3286904

And what's wrong with that?

>> No.3286915

And thus believing in god is stupid.

>> No.3286950


>> No.3286971

And thus arguing with atheists or theists is stupid


>> No.3286983

Nothing can be disproven. There is always room for doubt.

The fact that it cannot be proven should tell you how ridiculous it is.

>> No.3286993

Darn, guess we should all kill ourselves now.

>> No.3287022

You're right, I should have mentioned maths is the exception.

>> No.3287065

Darn, guess we should all kill ourselves now.

>> No.3287067

>should have identified abstract reasoning is exception.

>> No.3287085

According to my spellchecker "disproven" is not a word. Checkmate!

>> No.3287100

>the existence of invisible pink unicorns cannot be proven, nor can it be disproven

you're never called upon to prove a negative. Ann Rynd for the motherfucking win.

>> No.3287182

even in abstract reasoning things cant be disproven .poincare made strong points about it