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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 55 KB, 600x324, 23_ghost_shell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3284760 No.3284760 [Reply] [Original]

so /sci/ how long do you think it will be before we all have cybernetic implants like in ghost in the shell?

>> No.3284771

We already have them.

>> No.3284774

>ghost in the shell

Shitty, generic, banal, transparent, clichè, deus ex machina teen crap.

Fuck you. Develop a real taste.

>> No.3284776

never you stupid faggot fuck off with your phony transhuman pesudoscience

>> No.3284782

I have seen some cool stuff by DARPA but i mean cyber brains and stuff

>> No.3284784

30-50 years

>> No.3284793

good for you

>> No.3284798 [DELETED] 

lol, so what, in your opinion, is good taste then?

>> No.3284867

Sartre, Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Beethoven, Eric Satie, Brahms, for example, you fucking uncultured swine. You have no style, no class. A fucking mundane, ordinary piglet.

>> No.3284881

lol how's that autism treating you? you must have a lot of friends with an attitude like that. i also like how because i enjoy ghost in the shell, i automatically cannot possibly enjoy any of the things you listed. you are a sad sad person who thinks much too highly of themselves. enjoy your life filled with loneliness.

>> No.3284885

I hate to break it to you but no one cares.

Congratulations for letting everyone know how you feel about this thread.

>> No.3284892


How nice, start with an ad hominem, follow with more insults, finally targeting the poor strawmann.

I'm not an autist, I'm drunk, hence my sharp tongue. I simply hate your kind. You are simple-minded, can be read like an open book and are of no value. Quite frankly you piss me off. I wish you'd die.

>> No.3284931

lol my god man, you are the most pretentious person i have ever encountered. you know absolutely nothing about me except that i am posting on /sci/ about ghost in the shell. you are extremely amusing to me and quite worthy of pity. seriously man, enjoy repelling everyone you encounter with your overblown, undeserved sense of self worth. seriously why the hell would you even get bent out of shape about something as insignificant as someone's taste in media lol. i cannot tell you how extremely grateful i am that i, quite frankly, piss you off just because i like something.
seriously though, i do hope you grow up and get past your personality disorder. you'll be much happier for it.

>> No.3284967

>you know absolutely nothing about me

in college or graduated with bachelor's
had 1-2 girlfriends
you watched anime when you were younger
you drive a shitty car or have no car
you are still in contact with your parents
you yearn for an intimate relationship
you like to think you dress better than most while maintaining your style
you think you're smarter than your peers

An open book.

>> No.3284972


To paraphrase one Winston Churchill

"u mad bro!"

"Yes, but in one hour I shall be calm and you'll still be a dipshit."

>> No.3285024
File: 56 KB, 400x364, 1305492301347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the dude you're arguing with, but you're just cold reading. These are vague as fudge statements based on the average 4chan user, tailored for the /sci/duck. It'd be intersting to see how many were true for him and yourself, but of course we'll never know because lol honesty on the internet.

>you watched anime when you were younger
So someone defending Ghost in the Shell watched anime SOME TIME IN THE PAST?

>> No.3285052


While listening to a song he really likes, he imagines himself playing it in front of his high-school peers or at a talent show.

Trust me, people like this are simple, transparent and maneuverable.

>> No.3285079

Do you believe yourself to be a better class of person when you judge someone's tastes? On 4chan of all places?

Just enjoy your books.

>> No.3285081

You know, I just came across this thread and clicked to see the answers out of interest.

/sci/ really does ironically have the most ignorant assholes around doesn't it? I've seen less pretentiousness on /lit/ for fucks sake.

>> No.3285098

I have no idea what ghost in the shell is about, but cybernetic implants already exist at the level of making a new completely controlable arm or even preventing a heart from stop beating.

if you're talking about cybernetics like mass effect, i guess we will never know(maybe the grandsons of our grandsons, guessing you will have any).

Buuuuuuuut we are not long enough to see some crazy shit. Like an hydraulic arm which can make force enough to lift a car (although this would make your internal organs bleed and break your legs).

Keep dreaming guy! It's guys with some weird ideas and lots of science knowledge that makes world somewhere beautiful.

>> No.3285100


I am better. I qualified for Mensa, didn't join. I have a M.Sc. degree, working on a D.Sc. on my spare time. I am well read. I exercise my mind and body daily. I have a challenging yet fascinating career.

>> No.3285108

>less pretentiousness on /lit/

Impossibru. Using 'books I've read' as an indicator of human worth is just plain silly, and /lit/ has turned it into an art.

>> No.3285119


I referenced three writers, three composers.

>> No.3285120


Considering that the more technologically advanced we become, the faster we advance technologically shit may go better than expected.

Hope for the best prepare for the worst etc

>> No.3285123

>I am better. I qualified for Mensa, didn't join. I have a M.Sc. degree, working on a D.Sc. on my spare time. I am well read. I exercise my mind and body daily. I have a challenging yet fascinating career.

Despite the above i spend my time trolling on 4chan.
My life is fascinating

>> No.3285130

Wasn't talkin' 'bout you chum. Don't get touchy.

>> No.3285133


As I have already stated, I'm quite drunk. I'm an introvert by nature, I prefer to be alone. Taking a night off from responsibilities and just drinking and browsing the internet is a vacation for me.

>> No.3285142
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>> No.3285146
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>> No.3285159
File: 10 KB, 251x214, 1307052715963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"He thinks anyone in the thread believes his delusions!"

Keep drinking buddy, I'm sure it'll feel real after a few more!

>> No.3285169


I'm well in my senses. I have no delusions, only a sharp tongue.

Why do you feel threatened by my writings?

>> No.3285187 [DELETED] 



>> No.3285200
File: 21 KB, 677x546, Adam Jensen2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I never asked for this...

>> No.3285192 [DELETED] 


>Posts nigger scat porn on 4chan

Pick one

>> No.3285206

>implying the man isn't white

>> No.3285224

Why do you feel like you're threatening anyone ? On 4chan of all places ? But really, continue to dwell in your illusions, you're about as amusing as a street bum who pretends to be rich. Please tell us more about the ways you are superior to us.

>> No.3285246


I feel like cheese-maker explaining mould-ripening to a rat.

>> No.3285250
File: 753 KB, 1024x798, 1308278834490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hate to break the trolling cycle, but how much of what shown in GitS is outdated ? Like there's no reason to have this and that in the future because we already have this and that or are going into a different direction ?

>> No.3285254

My bet is the binary millennium (2048).

>> No.3285255


My oh my, another uneducated, uncultured, shallow, cardboard personality. Die.

>> No.3285261
File: 16 KB, 210x251, 1279184296018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at this guy!

>> No.3285305


>gets drunk alone and browses 4chan

So you're a closet alcoholic without and friends or family that you're close to. You enjoy going on 4chan and making fun of people. You make broad generalizations about others, critisize their characters on the most irrelevant criteria and then have the gall to claim that you are better than them... Despite the fact that you're just sitting, drunk alone, a self admitted introvert whose insecurities manifest themselves in half-hearted deconstructions of anonymous strangers...

>thinks he's better than others

>> No.3285326

Hush hush. He's gone now. Although the best way to show him his place is to ignore him and answer some sensible questions asked in this thread. But we can't just do it, can we ?

>> No.3285327

>self-admitted introvert

You need to study more. Whether a person is an introvert or an extravert has nothing to do with them being shy or "insecure".

Why do you have the need to open your mouth when you have nothing of value to say? Were you repressed by your siblings? The forgotten middle child?

>> No.3285331

Guess again.

>> No.3285332

2029 is suppose to be the dawn of singularity.

>> No.3285336


You uncultured swine are beginning to bore me... My sharp wit and superior intellect will be much more fulfilling elsewhere. Perhaps I'll go edit wikipedia articles in various clever ways, and you plebeians will be too ignorant to recognize the satire!

I will refrain from any more responses, as clearly you have no interest in any sort of logical discourse. If I were to argue with somebody, they would need to be rational enough to resort to more logical tactics than ad hominems and strawmen!

>> No.3285339


Someone sure is angry with me.

>> No.3285351

>cracks open beer
>watches trolls trolling trolls

this shit is better than /lit/!

>> No.3285359


Trolls trolling trolls?

More like one successful genius laughing at scores of insipid commoners. Their feeble attempts to belittle me make me laugh.

They think that excessive verbage and shallow rhetoric can rebutt my points. Ha!

>> No.3285363


Why do you feel the need to imitate me? To tarnish my image? Childish games.

>> No.3285384


Why would you think that he is imitating you? All he's doing is deliberately sound pretentious and being an asshole...

That would imply that you see those traits in yourself.

>> No.3285387

Seriously, this is what /sci/ has become?

>> No.3285389

It would not imply that. It would imply I see through his childish games. Like I see through you, and every other poster here. I am sorry if it offends you that someone sees you as nothing but a sock puppet.

>> No.3285400
File: 16 KB, 200x200, 1304119075258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its like second time i browse /sci/.. and jesus..this is worst than /v/.. fuck this thread im out of here.jpg
>you ruined the whole thread.
>pffffttt i leave you the new sci logo.

>> No.3285401


Oh wow, I bet you're an atheist too... DOHOHO

>> No.3285597


You're a slave to your own desires like everyone else. You believe you are a puppet who can see his strings and therefore influence them, ignorant of the strings behind the strings. The strings are pulled by natural law, and the sooner you realize that your desires, and so-called "awareness" is dictated as such, the sooner you'll understand why you've thus far been and unproductive, posturing, hypocritical disgrace to the physical constants that gave you life.

Captcha: TOTEM youron

How appropriate. You're riding a totem of your own self indulgence.

>> No.3285611
File: 69 KB, 400x500, 8greaterthan6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this has happened before and it will happen again...

>> No.3285881

sorry, i went out with other people and socialized so i wasn't able to respond to you until now. i know that must sound alien to you. nope, only one of those is right, and that's that i keep in touch with my family. again, you are a sad, lonely little person, and i pity you. i sincerely hope you realize how insignificant you are and stop looking down on others because they aren't as pretentious as you.