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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3280187 No.3280187 [Reply] [Original]

Which board has the lowest IQ? My guess would be either /x or /lit.

>> No.3280201

I'll give you a hint, this one.

>> No.3280220

Definitely not /vp/ or /cm/ or /k/.
Fuck you OP.

>> No.3280226

op, why you so ugly

>> No.3280234

/k/ actually knows a lot about government and law.

>> No.3280260

/b/ and anything related to Japan.

>> No.3280263

/b/ and /v/ have the youngest community, so they win by default.

/sci/ is definitely not intelligent. Judging by the hundreds of people who get trolled by religion, race, philosophy bullshit, IQ, and homosexuality threads every single day, I'd say /sci/ is pretty low tier.


/k/ actually stays on topic with virtually all of their threads, they have a good mod, and they don't get trolled by the same threads (religion/atheism) multiple times a day. Many of the people on that board are actually in their middle twenties.

>> No.3280276

>Low IQ
Doesn't compute.

>> No.3280283

Are you talking about the regulars or just the people who visit them?

/soc/ followed by /b/.

>> No.3280291

>not japanese people
>just redneck weeaboos

If I had never been to /sp/, I'd probably think it's them, but they've actually got entertaining, clever threads

Probably /soc/

>> No.3280295


>Weeaboo detected

>> No.3280302


obvious troll, ect

Anyway, I would have to say /x/ or /v/

>> No.3280305
File: 73 KB, 389x388, 1277389547820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Japanese High School project
Make a satellite capable of transmitting photos from a canon digital camera.

>US High School project
Try to build a 1 footlong bridge out of toothpicks

>> No.3280307

/b/ does have tend towards very young and idiotic posters, but it also has occasional instances of intelligent conversation. Something /soc/ and /v/ lack.

>> No.3280332

But they do get trolled by tripfags... A LOT.

>> No.3280362

/v/ can sometimes rise to the occasion if you catch it at the right hour.

>> No.3280372
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>obvious troll, ect


>> No.3280382

That's easy

/sci/ and /g/

>> No.3280435

Regardless, the presence of the army of 13 year old WoW addicts brings their IQ down significantly, below /b/ and possibly below /soc/.

>> No.3280451
File: 65 KB, 400x304, 639_tommy-lee-jones-serious.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really think that there is an army of "13 year old wow addicts" on /v/? How would you justify that?

>> No.3280479

I don't mean to specifically accuse WoW fans. Replace with "underage MMO fanboys" or just "underage fanboys". Also see the shear volume of immaturity there, which seem to be much more prevalent in threads and posts mentioning any MMO.

>> No.3280486


Again, you invoke this shadowy group of individuals. As a rule of thumb MMO's tend to attract an older audience. /v/ as a whole, i'll give you that. But to point out any specific group is asinine on an anonymous board.