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3278441 No.3278441 [Reply] [Original]


Summary: Sign-language gorilla "speaks" of its grief when told that a kitten it cared for dies.

/sci/, what do you make of this shit?

Could the gorilla really communicate?

Or was each communication a conditioned response to the handler's motions.

>> No.3278456

wait, gorrilas can care for kittens?

>> No.3278462
File: 30 KB, 496x318, skeptic_cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I call bullshit.
It will be like that horse that can apparently count, that was just doing it based on subtle instructions from its owner tekwin witoch style.

>> No.3278466


Supposedly - it treated the kitten as if it were a child.

>> No.3278470
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I'm crying a little

>> No.3278475



I remember seeing documentaries about gorillas taking care of cats several years ago.

Strangely enough, they only take care of cats that have no tails, because if it has a tail they don't think of it in the same way.

>> No.3278477


so you dont thinkt eh woman was actually talking to the gorrila

>> No.3278482



>> No.3278487

no, i dont believe the gorilla can into sign language.

>> No.3278488
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>> No.3278497
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Yes, gorilla's can speak sign language...durr.
This is fucking very very very very old news.

They can't really speak anything too complicated though. Even the smartest adult gorilla is not much smarter then a 5 year old.

>> No.3278503


"It is now generally accepted that Apes can learn to sign and are able to communicate with humans. However, it is disputed as to whether they can form syntax to manipulate such signs."

fuck you its real

>> No.3278516

Clever Hans was indeed conditioned; at least, that's the consensus.

But he was a horse, for christsakes. We're talking primates here. They're much more intelligent.

>> No.3278520

Really? Give me ONE example of a primate proven to be as intelligent as humans.

>> No.3278521

>Even the smartest adult gorilla is not much smarter then a 5 year old.

In a room full of human scientists studying a signing gorilla, the gorilla is the bilingual one.

>> No.3278529

Humans *are* primates, dumbfuck. Also, more intelligent than a horse does not have to mean as intelligent as a human. You certainly aren't.

>> No.3278531

the scientists also know sign language you dipshit.

>> No.3278536

1. Human communications.
2. Gorilla communications.

The gorilla has both. The scientists do not.

Please stop being so stupid.

>> No.3278538

Holy shit, evolution
No, seriously. That's amazing that they can possess linguistic ability whatsoever.

>> No.3278539
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Hey there trollbait.

>> No.3278541

Thanks. >>3278520, he's right, you know. I don't know why you mentioned the fact that no non-human primates (let's assume you meant that) are as intelligent as humans, since it has nothing to do with the relative intelligence of horses and primates.

>> No.3278545
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was in response to >>3278529

>> No.3278548

Correcting stupid arguments isn't trolling.

>> No.3278551

No, presenting intentional logical fallacies is trolling.

>> No.3278560

The intentional logical fallacy was in >>3278520

>> No.3278565
File: 19 KB, 270x319, eminem-alive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>religion proved wrong

Religion has been proved wrong since fucking forever. 2000+ years at least.



>> No.3278570

Religion has never been proved wrong. If it had been, then there would be no religious people left.

>> No.3278572

>Implying gorillas aren't as smart as niggers

>> No.3278576

>Could the gorilla really communicate?
>Or was each communication a conditioned response to the handler's motions.

The real question is: Isn't communication a conditioned response by definition?

>> No.3278578

Amazing !
We're all primates.

>> No.3278581

Not talking whether religion has ever been proved wrong but erm... homepathy, alternative medicine?

>> No.3278583

this is so old, its the same as the time the gorilla told people how sad she was when her baby died.

>> No.3278585
File: 33 KB, 500x290, eminem_the_funeral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People are just so fucking brainwashed that they refuse to believe facts, logic, science, history or reason, and instead CHOOSE TO BELIEVE IN THE MAGIC MAN IN THE SKY, cause it makes them feel better.

>> No.3278591

No, you're just evangelizing your own religion, which requires you to believe that all others are wrong.

>> No.3278590
File: 26 KB, 322x359, monkeybusiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy did a test with gorillas to see if they could use currency. He handed them a piece of silvery metal and once they grabbed it he offered them a treat. After a few weeks/months, the gorillas understood that the money was basically being used to "buy" the treats.

The scientist (or economist maybe?) offered different treats at different "prices". ie: 3 cubes of jelly for one coin etc.

The price level was changed, by making one coin worth only 2 cubes, the gorillas responded to this by buying less. The gorillas had shown examples of economic markets.

One of the gorillas, instead of giving the money to the scientist gave it to another female gorilla. She accepted it and they began to have sex right there and then.

Prostitution really is the oldest profession.

>> No.3278586

Spot on.

Now the difficult part : a gorilla expressing sadness ( a notion, an abstract) and the concept of "crying".. that's weird

>> No.3278595

Faith can't be disproven but out of body experiences and near death experiences have both been disproven. You can't disprove stupid people believing in invisible super beings that don't interact with reality.

The important thing is, things attributed to religion and God that could scientifically be disproven with science or that could be replicated, have been.

The fact that religious people don't care about this, just goes to show you something about them, and most people who believe in superstitions.

>> No.3278600
File: 20 KB, 326x438, eminem-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have never seen a sad or happy animal?

Sadness and happiness are pretty basic, and exist in most animals. They definitley exists in all primates.

>> No.3278608

Yeah, because no one ever has out of body experiences or near death experiences. They're all just lying.

Oh wait, you meant the *interpretation* of those experiences? Well then, they haven't been disproven, then. Showing that there is material stuff happening does not disprove that spiritual stuff is happening.

The fact that you ignore this just goes to show how blinded you are by your religion.

>> No.3278609

I wonder what Gorillas conceptualize death by. Do they just accept death as a part of being alive or are they scared of it or have any idea of what it means?

>> No.3278613


Here's your answer:




>> No.3278628

Is it sad I can probably predict tests like this having already been done?

>> No.3278631
File: 26 KB, 460x363, eminem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW, I FUCKING REMEMBER SEEING THAT ON THE NEWS (OR SOMESHIT). I was laughing my ass off. Then after the funniness, it actually started to make perfect sense to me.

Also, I remember someother study done, that actually observed primates in a turf war (killing eachother over land).

It is interesting that many "human" traits are actually primate "traits" in general.

>> No.3278643


It's from the Epilogue of Super Freakonomics.

>> No.3278650

Now to integrate them all into our society and use them for manual labor. Just teach them all what money means and we'll be all set.

>> No.3278652

*being* sad and directly, conscientiously *expressing* sadness to another being are 2 different things.

>> No.3278665
File: 470 KB, 1024x768, eminem-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They either don't understand dead or accept just it (when old). It is the fucking circle of life after all.

Humans are the only species that have a problem with dying (when old). Humans are the only species that makes up bullshit fairytales to try and make themselves feel better about death.

>> No.3278672

hey OP, great picture.
as you were.

>> No.3278680


I'm glad you enjoy it.

>> No.3278681

There are of course some signs that some Neanderthals may have believed or conceptualized some sort of afterlife, which would show a fear of death. That or they really respected the dead for some reason, throwing neat artifacts and flowers on the bodies.

>> No.3278684


Elephant graveyards.


>> No.3278688

Of course it can communicate.
All animals communicate.
Your cat moving his tail and ears? That's a form a communication.

>> No.3278694

I think people in this thread just missed all the old Gorilla documentaries so are surprised that Gorillas can express such complicated thoughts.

>> No.3278710


I even took the time to learn my cat's language some. It's not that hard, as their language is very simple compared to human language. Most people are just too lazy and/or egotistical to believe in and learn animal language.

>> No.3278715

is an urban myth.

they do a lot of crazy things, and people thinking animals don't have all kinds of interesting emotions are utterly uninformed.

>> No.3278717


>> No.3278721

Of course it could communicate, hense sign-language. The only thing though is that I think they taught the gorilla emotions not by how they feel but events involving it. Therefore kitty dies>associates death with the emotion "sad">communication of being "sad."

>> No.3278722


Elephants are known to cover dead people with branches

>> No.3278729
File: 42 KB, 400x400, Eminem-BestOfBest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, so the elephants may feel sad when others die. That really isn't fucking suprising, most animals feel "sadness", "grief" and "loss".

This isn't the same thing as fearing death though. Sadness, grief and loss, are the natural emotional response to death or loss.

Fear of death (when old) is not a natural response.

>> No.3278731


>> No.3278737


A lot of info here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elephant_intelligence

>> No.3278864
File: 3 KB, 130x102, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump because animal intelligence is cool

>> No.3278953

I love how people are saying "it's just conditioning" when human behaviour is also just conditioning, only with a hell of a lot more variables.

>> No.3278984


Egos gonna ego.

>> No.3279004


Has anyone else here learned any of their pets' languages?

>> No.3279019

when my dog jumps and barks a lot it means she wants a treat.


>> No.3279023


These are age old tales. I thought they were famous but they don't have wikipages nor even a mention on the crow page

>> No.3279126


I never said it was hard. In fact, I said it was easy.

My fluency in cat far exceeds the equivalent of "I want a treat", though.