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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 37 KB, 300x420, 2h8bxbn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3277007 No.3277007 [Reply] [Original]

All the resources of CERN and the LHC at my finger-tips.

Most conduct a great experiment in the next 6 months. I leaning towards time travel, but haven't worked out an actual experiment yet.

Any Ideas kiddies? Maybe your child-like thinking will spark a great idea in my head?

>> No.3277019

> time travel...

>> No.3277018


>> No.3277030
File: 437 KB, 500x281, mayushii went full yandere.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Pepper yet?

>> No.3277039

My God, I was talking about you just a little while ago! Haven't seen you in a while!

I'm a biologyfag though, so I don't think I'll be of much help...

>> No.3277041
File: 26 KB, 405x315, 6-dmitri-mendeleev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll take that as a no. Pretty lame /sci/.

>> No.3277053
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>> No.3277056

Get your SCIENCE on.

>> No.3277057

Try to make a supermassive black hole.

>> No.3277103

A time travel experiment has already been done. NASA put an atomic clock in a plain and put another atomic clock on the ground. Flew the plain around for a while. When it landed, the clocks were off by a little bit, showing that one traveled back in time by that little bit.

>> No.3277116

crap, I spelled plane wrong. Well, you know what I mean.

>> No.3277119

>showing that one traveled back in time by that little bit

Comunity Colege!

>> No.3277121

Maryland experiment fail.

>> No.3277128

>Most conduct
>I leaning
looks like we have ourselves a troll up in this here motherbitch

>> No.3277130

Attempt to sustain fusion by sticking a tokamak generator at the pitching end of the accelerator.

>> No.3277134

You should see if human beings can make their nervous system transmit at its resonance frequency.

Then, given some resonant frequency, and that we have iron (ferro) in our blood, see how that emitted frequency from the body interacts with that of other human "frequencies", as well as common electronic devices.

>> No.3277141
File: 8 KB, 240x180, airplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

research as much solid state physics as poss.

because solid state physics is immensely interesting and everybody loves it.

>> No.3277144
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Nope, that is just a basic GR and SR experiment. Nothing traveled backwards in time. It was an experiment of time dilation. Time dilation is fucking old news, and pretty fucking standard in all physics already.

When physicists talk about time travel, they aren't talking about time dilation.

>> No.3277149


no. If you must know, I went to a Montessori school.

>> No.3277157
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>implying anyone gives a shit about grammer

Grammer really doesn't matter in the particle physics community. Most people speak totally different languages, so we are happy to just understand eachother. Grammer is a fucking joke.

>> No.3277166
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In anycase, you are incorrect.

>> No.3277168
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>implying spelling wasn't the problem

>> No.3277172
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Solid state?
If I wanted to be a fag I would have studied engineering.

>> No.3277177
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...that was the joke, good sir.

>> No.3277179

Either not Physics Guy or he smoked a pipe of Z bosons

>> No.3277195
File: 42 KB, 421x600, Wolfgang_Pauli_ETH-Bib_Portr_01042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it so hard to believe that I would want to conduct a time travel experiment?

>> No.3277199

Find better ways to contain and generate antimatter.

>> No.3277201
File: 377 KB, 493x348, za1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

physics guy uses einstein reaction faces all the time, rite? and OP here hasnt used any. probably not physics guy.

>> No.3277224
File: 97 KB, 1495x1780, manyaCb&w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used all my einstien pics in another thread already. I don't feel like duplicating anymore.

>> No.3277233

and this is exactly why we have trip codes dear Physics Guy/troll

>> No.3277246

tsch, alright, story checks out. but it could just be coincidence.

If you have a name, use a trip. it makes sense.
either be anon, or be a tripfag. going half and half and being just a namefag makes absolutely no sense.
Harriet ignored me when i first suggested this and she got impersonated relentlessly. Now she has a trip and hasn't been impersonated once.

Oh, and FYI, time travel wont work. where would you even begin trying to experiment on something like that??

>> No.3277261

How do one accelerate single neutrons?

Have proton decay ever been observed? Can it be induced?

>> No.3277272
File: 257 KB, 456x346, facepalm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're grammar is so bad...

>> No.3277312
File: 19 KB, 290x367, 1267840554156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never use a tripcode. I don't believe in them. If you want to pretend to be me, KNOCK YOUR FUCKIN SELF OUT!

>where would you even begin trying to experiment on something like that??

We will start small, and work our way up (like all good scientists).

The first experiment I want to try, will be to affirm that anti-partciles physically do travel backwards in time (it is not just a mathematical concidence). Tons of physicist already ackknowledge this, but there is still debate on the actual meaning of the "math". I am currently working out the details of how to perform this.

The next experiment, will be to physically transform a particle into its anti-particle (reversing its flow of time).

I have an anti-matter source at my disposal. And more then enough resources, as well as a team of engineers to do the grunt work. Still, working out experiments is fucking hard...lol.

I often find insight in the most mundane or irr-related things. Hence this post on 4chan. I need a "Dr. House" moment here!

>> No.3277320

what do you mean you 'don't believe in them'?

>> No.3277325


I assume he means in a moral sense, as there is quite a bit of empirical evidence for the existence of tripcodes in fact.

>> No.3277333
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Actually come to think of it, even publishing the idea of a legitimate "experiment" that could be done would be a fucking feat in itself.

Maybe I should just focus on that for now. I'll give the engineers some vacation time or something...lol

But then again, what if someone beats me too it?!!! Science is a fucking race!

>> No.3277362
File: 3 KB, 124x126, DIF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just fucking do the experiment. don't write about it without doing it.

>> No.3277367
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Yes, I do know they exists. I don't doubt the existence of tripcodes. I simply don't see the point in them. Im sure they are useful to some, and do have some benifits for some.

However none of those supposed benifits appeal to me enough that I would take the time to get one.

Isn't the fucking point of 4chan to be anon anyway? I like the idea that one knows me. It is nice to just blend in the crowd.

My existence on 4chan is temp, and abso-fucking-new everytime I post.

>> No.3277365

> I need a "Dr. House" moment here!
...I ate chicken wings with honey barbecue sauce today?
They also had some garlic seasoning...

>> No.3277369

>Physics Guy
>Anyone likes 'Physics' anymore.

>> No.3277374
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portals or transportation beams

>> No.3277378
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Why hasn't the LHC found anything meaningful yet?

>> No.3277384

They created a black hole. A financial black hole that is.

>> No.3277387
File: 92 KB, 485x655, tesla1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ow no this thread again!?!?!?
I all has gone wrong

I just came from the year 2015 en my experiment worked. Only to find out YOU CAN'T TIME TRAVEL. How stupid can you be, to even think about it. Go home please

>> No.3277388

Because its basically just a big fucking expensive toy for physics geeks. its not actually gonna do anything useful. ever.

>> No.3277400

>you're grammar is so bad
>you are

Fuck off EK

>> No.3277403
File: 72 KB, 404x512, 005677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We found tons of shit. At least 15 new papers are published each month (minimum).

Did you expect us to HOLD YOUR FUCKING HAND through every new discovery? Or Did you really expect the modern media to keep you informed on the breakthroughs in the particle physics community? LMFAO

If you want to know about shit, you need to get involved. Subscribe to a journal, or a newsfeed or someshit.

Information isn't just gonna magically appear in front of you DUMBSHIT!

>> No.3277406
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>> No.3277424
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That still accomplished something though. Even if I proved that you couldn't time travel, it would be a fucking breakthrough. Most of human knowledge has been obtained from failed experiments, not sucessful ones. That is how the scientific method works, remember?


Did I turn into a lying faggot in the future? If I become an engineering in the future, I MIGHT AS WELL KILL MYSELF NOW! WHAT KINDA FUCKED UP HOLOCAUST SHIT DOES THE FUTURE HOLD!???

How are you posting from the future if time travel doesn't work? Is the future overrun with lying faggots?

>> No.3277427

what about the God particle?
Where is it?

>> No.3277443


lol ownt

>> No.3277453
File: 134 KB, 800x547, 1267916876131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you actually know about the Higgs boson, I will be more then happy to explain what we have discovered.

But since you fucking call it the "god" particle, you probably wouldn't even understand. So, tell me about this "god" particle you speak of? Maybe I can catch you up, after I figured out where you are at.

>> No.3277491

rude person

>> No.3277493

so have we doun a particle "responsible" for mass yet?

>> No.3277509
File: 13 KB, 298x340, curie1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>particle "responsible" for mass

In what sense?

>> No.3277511


Where can i subscribe to any of these journals? I'm really interested but do not know how.

>> No.3277536

That's what you called it to sell the idea to get grants for it
You can't back away from it now

>> No.3277555

like photons and EM force, gluons for strong and w z bosons for weak. and whilke we are on the subject, have gluons been proven experimentally yet? cos from what i have gathered, they were still a theory

tl;dr: dont bother reading, me going off topic
>also dont rage if i sound retarded, most of what i know about particle physics is pop science, im applying to uni this year for physics though, so in ~5 years should be god-mode. until then, i only have retarded pop-sci :(

>> No.3277565
File: 63 KB, 353x500, 1267211566325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

http://arxiv.org/ usually pre-prints all particle physics publications, including those of the various groups at the LHC. I believe it is run by Cornell, it is free.

Additionally, there are conferences every month, as well as every week, in which people present the new findings. You probably cannot get access to the weekly meeting, but the monthly ones will usually make "presentations" you can find online or even on http://arxiv.org/..

Your best bet it to find out what kinda particle physics you are interested in, then search for the corresponding conference (there are fucking tons).

There are tons of sub-fields in particle physics, tons of research groups, and tons or papers/conferences.

If you are interested in science at all, you need to develop your research skills (how to find the information you need). Good luck!

>> No.3277587
File: 450 KB, 2145x2888, Benjamin_Alvord_mathematician_-_Brady-Handy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's what you called it

Nope. One guy writes a pop-science book. Calls it god particle. Ya'll eat that shit up. LMFAO. I do the same thing with chicks, I just say I have a god cock. They eat it up...LMFAO. Ya'll so retarded.

>> No.3277593
File: 152 KB, 1173x800, 1267916494015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gluons are just as proven as every other fucking particle. And they have been for sometime now.

They are as factual as the electron, proton, quarks, photons, etc.

>> No.3277631

>Most conduct a great experiment in the next 6 months. I leaning towards time travel, but haven't worked out an actual experiment yet.

wouldnt time travel also mean traveling faster than light? JUST SAYIAN

also, observed any tachyons lately?

>> No.3277632
File: 41 KB, 254x288, 1267395213977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do seem to understands the idea of "carrier", that is good. Yes, photons are the quanta (carriers) of the EM. Gluons are the carriers of Strong, W+Z are the carrier of weak.

However, THE HIGGS IS NOT THE FUCKING QUANTA OF MASS! It is not the mass particle in that sense. That is just fucking wrong. The higgs interaction and mechanism is alot more fucking complicated then that, and you actually need to know a good amount of Lagragian Mech and QFT to understand it.

I'd be more then happy to go through the basics.
Do you know what a Lagragian is?

>> No.3277656
File: 1.38 MB, 1276x1754, 12-alfred-nobel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wouldnt time travel also mean traveling faster than light? JUST SAYIAN

No, not nesscarily. Also, what is your problem with FTL? You do realize the the FTL limit is only for inertial observes right? IT DOESN'T ALWAYS FUCKING APPLY!

>> No.3277649

*skips entire thread*

Isn't bragging like an insufferable shit a form of child like thinking?

also, 10/10

>> No.3277676

nope, im only currently doing a level physics, so neither my maths or physics knowledge is at the lever required. i think it is best for me to just wait till i get to university(im taking physics), so its all good

sorry to bother you, i will never read pop sci again.

>> No.3277759
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>i will never read pop sci again


>> No.3277922


yeah this is either a troll and not physics guy or there is no reason to respect physics guy's scientific opinion.

No evidence to support time travel into the past is possible.

No evidence this is even physics guy.

No evidence he works at the LHC.

inb4 hypothetical conjecture

>> No.3277925
File: 19 KB, 385x383, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like buttsecks!!!

>> No.3277960

its a hypothetical conjecture

>> No.3277977


wait...if anti-matter were travelling backwards in time, wouldn't gravity push them away, instead of pulling them in? And aren't tachyons the particles supposed to be travelling back in time?

>> No.3277982

>complete access to CERN
>doesn't smash heavy atoms to produce new element
>doesn't name new element "trollanium"
I seriously hope you don't do this

>> No.3278023
File: 36 KB, 480x300, 1235918601670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this... this is even below the troll line, you seriously need to pic related.