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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 884 KB, 800x1275, alyssa_campanella_miss_usa_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3274239 No.3274239 [Reply] [Original]

What would you do /sci/, if all girls in sciences were like this, and by this, I mean Alyssa Campanella

"I was taught evolution in high school. I do believe in it. I believe in the big bang theory and, you know, the evolution of humans throughout time."

>> No.3274248

Scare them off as usual.

>> No.3274252

Well she's beautiful and logical. What would I do? Fuck it up.

>> No.3274253

there'd be a big bang in theory

>if you know what i mean

>> No.3274259
File: 971 KB, 800x1264, alyssa_campanella_miss_usa_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But she's a huge science keep. You could talk to her about the evolution of humans throughout time

>> No.3274260
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>> No.3274270
File: 1006 KB, 800x1340, alyssa_campanella_miss_usa_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Seems scientifically literate

>> No.3274273

i know that feel bro.

>> No.3274275

She's a self proclaimed, huge science geek

>> No.3274277

no believe involved, just parroting

>> No.3274285

>Believes in evolution
>is now scientifically literate

Boy are you some kind of retard.

>> No.3274288

Here's the rest of your gallery if you want it

Why must it be mutually exclusive that a girl we date is either attractive or smart?

>> No.3274296

I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt. There was another contestant (Vermont I think), who was discussing how evolution is all around us and talked about drug resistant bacteria. Believing in evolution probably doesn't mean you're scientifically literate in the rest of the world, but remember, this is America.

>> No.3274308

I don't see people as tools for my penis so really, who cares?

>> No.3274311

so "believing in evolution and big bang" is considered smart in usa?

wow, you have a pretty low bar for smartness.

>> No.3274319

Pretty low standards for the USA, yes. I'm just an asshole and don't expect a whole lot out of the general population of the states.

>> No.3274328

When it comes to the average intelligence of beauty pageant contestants, yes, the bar is pretty low.

>> No.3274330


This is a female, no one cares if she's really smart.

>> No.3274334

Have you dated a moron for an extended period of time before?
If you have and you don't mind, I wish I had your tolerance

>> No.3274386


>all girls in science are now like Alyssa Campanella
>women now dont make any scientific progress

Yea, doesn't seem like anything changed.

>> No.3274427


Because girls realize that being attractive and social gets them further in life than being intelligent. So many girls downplay their intelligence because most guys are weirded out and emasculated by girls smarter than them.

The irony is that this actually makes them pretty smart.

>> No.3274448


To add to this, unattractive girls with no hope of being like miss Campanella realize not to waste their time trying to look attractive and fit in, so they spend it doing more mind-enriching things.

>> No.3274449

>implying she's logical.

She believes in exactly what she was taught, like every other moron.

>> No.3274450

what the fuck

>> No.3274485


I'll take it further.

By accepting that they should just look cute, play down their intelligence, in order to be "successful" with men or in general society or their career, they are contradicting their own life philosophy (of being intelligent) and often cause damage to their self-esteem.

If you are intelligent, which 99% of /sci/ is not, and of which most attractive women may or may not be - you will make your intelligence noticeable.

There is no irony - just disappointment at a mere muster of potential that is squished by society.

>> No.3274491

Where do you people come from that most girls don't believe in evolution?

>> No.3274520


>> No.3274549

Ah, as a Wisconsinite I can say most believe in it, although it's still pretty normal not to, but most people know about it. I'm talking about under 30 years old.

>> No.3274555


What the fuck are you even on about?

>> No.3274589

I'm from Massachusetts. Most girls here believe in Evolution.

Where was this Miss USA from?

>> No.3274604

90% of contestants either confused the teaching of evolution in schools as the origin of life, or said not to teach it or didn't believe in it

>> No.3274605 [DELETED] 

She was the runner-up, and comes from California.

>> No.3274637


I've suspected that you may be female. And given your recent butthurt over an attractive and somewhat knowledgable female my suspicion is starting to gain some ground.

So, are you a chick?

>> No.3274686



>> No.3274699
File: 64 KB, 400x1219, 1306360601900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

being hot and a bit rational doesn't make her worthy for my attention..
besides i already have a waifu :3

>> No.3274702

her face is ugly. it looks lumpy and artificial.

>> No.3274703

she ain't that hot, people.

>> No.3274736



>> No.3274754

did you look into her face? its awful.

>> No.3274756

i mean, id she was naked and grinding on my lap, sure. but to go all waifu stlaker bullshit over? nope.jpg

>> No.3274763


>> No.3274765


She's so ugly, her beauty is not good enough for my unrealistic fantasies!

>> No.3274782

>It is unacceptable that there might be a person less desperate than me

>> No.3274788


They're only less desperate because they've given and are no longer trying.

They are 200 pounds over weight with pepperoni faces.

/can't handle the truth

>> No.3274794


Dude I know. Her skin is all scarred and acne infested. She's a fucking hambeast, frizzy ass hair, yellow teeth.

Fucking uggo.

>> No.3274819

she's got squirrel teeth and a strange wrinkle on her upper lip. her eyes are painted like owl eyes. the hair color is faked.

>> No.3274833
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Enjoy your hand

>> No.3274856

ok, but what i didn't say was that her big science geekness balances out all her other facial inadequatenesses.

>> No.3274869


As a fellow Wisconsinite, I say wait a few years. Governor Walker finds no value for education and plenty of bible-thumpers are licking their chops. School choice vouchers are a way to help get everyone who wants out of those damn liberal public schools and their brown people...vouchers make sure everyone can go to a good religious school where they save time by skipping evolution.

He's turning this state into the Mississippi of the north, so fancy book learnin' just means you think you're better'n the rest of us. Hell, my governor didn't get no college degree and he's just fine!

...sorry about that. It's happening already.

>> No.3274906

does "believing in, like, you know, evolution" mean being scientifically literate nowadays in the US?

well, good for you guys..

>> No.3274912


It's substantially better than the rest of the population. And we'll be okay.

>> No.3274917

>her big science geekness
>accepts general scientific knowledge
>therefore, big geek

>> No.3274922

As sad as it sounds to say this, I'm going to say it anyway.

The public schools in this county have always been, by and large, cesspools where children are warehoused, not educated. To contemplate sending your child to a US public school, in most circumstances, is tantamount to child abuse if you want to raise a human being with anything resembling a functional knowledge of the world around him/her.

I'm doing the same for my potential offspring that my parents did for me: I'm sending them to a decent private school, not a religious brainwashing facility that teaches fantasy as truth or a state-run pseudo prison for young people.

The only reason "we'll be okay" is because of the few. There are a few Americans that are properly educated. There are a few Americans that rise above their shitty education or are lucky enough to have attended a decent public school. Face it, even with bachelors' degrees becoming more common, there majority of (even college-educated) Americans are blithering idiots completely or mostly unaware of the world around them in both a "natural world" sense and a "human world" sense.

>> No.3274928


no offense meant,
it's just that I've always thought that the whole obligation of schools to teach creationism is a funny cocktail story and not really the real thing and that George Bush's famous quotations like "I believe God speaks through me" are just metaphores.

However, I've been learning over past few months that things might be a little more serious in this way..

>> No.3274941

It's funny how you guys bash her for "believing science" when most of you got into science from watching too much Star Trek and sci-fi as a kid.

The most important aspect of a good scientist is having interest in their field, not being a 100% rational robot. That's why pop science, despite being mostly bullshit, is so important for the general population.

>> No.3274958

She looks ever better there

>> No.3274974

The saddest part about the whole "creationism" mess is that SOME religious schools simply don't tolerate it. Having attended a catholic K-8, I can tell you that we didn't put up with creationism for a minute. I remember being 7 years old and learning very stripped down, basic evolution from our science teacher, who was a nun. A few weeks later, we were in religion class and Sister Imelda told us about the creation myth. I asked her how God made us and we evolved. Her answer changed my life,
"The Bible is not a history or science textbook. Sister Gestwein is right. The story of Genesis is just a way that people from a long time ago tried to understand how they came to be."

My teachers were monks and nuns, but they were committed to EDUCATING children, not indoctrinating them. It's a shame that other religious orders/denominations can't have such altruistic and compassionate goals.

>> No.3274987


Wait, so if even religious schools don't teach creationism as a fact, why are there so many American creationists?


I've gained respect for religious schools though. The ones that you described, anyways.

>> No.3275004
File: 28 KB, 218x287, disregard-females-acquire-currency.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because stupidity is a luxury of the rich.

>relatively rich

>> No.3275006

because evangelicals and politics
yes, they suck that hard

>> No.3275025

The Protestant denominations are the ones that generally have the schools overwhelmingly focused on religious indoctrination. They're also the ONLY ones that use political clout and misinformation in an attempt to influence the cirriculum of public schools to conform to their beliefs.

>> No.3275029


That's not the line of thinking that that anon was using.

If you had watched her interview >>3274958
she says something along the lines of "I'm a huge science geek".

Given the fact that she accepts the big bang and evolution it makes sense to leave the statement "I"m a huge science geek" uncontested.

Sure wish you weren't an aspie faggot and could figure that out for youself.

>> No.3275057

>Given the fact that she accepts the big bang and evolution it makes sense to leave the statement "I"m a huge science geek" uncontested.
uh, no. see hipsters/lrn2social awareness

you're right about someone being an aspie faggot, though...
yfw you actually figure out who

>> No.3275075
File: 423 KB, 673x676, 1308715776088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If she had said "I personally don't believe in evolution, but I'm a huge science geek."
That would be obvious reason to contest it.

But since you don't think so, give me one reason why someone should suspect that she isn't a "science geek"?

>> No.3275093

you know how often 'I'm a huge science geek' is said nowadays?
the asperger's is strong in this one

>> No.3275110
File: 11 KB, 424x288, 2732.img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So frequency of argument and ad hominem...?

I didn't say de facto that she wasn't a science geek. I simply said, given the available evidence there is no reason to suspect that she is not, and you continue to go full retard and not give me one good reason why there is.

>> No.3275114


>Edit: I didn't say de facto that she WAS* a science geek.

>> No.3275163


Yeah that's what I thought faggot!

gb2gayville ur dad is wait

>> No.3275172

>ad hominem
>and you continue to go full retard
>Sure wish you weren't an aspie faggot
you realize I'm entirely echoing your insults, and pointing out how they fit you better, right? like asperger's and overly simplistic logic that disregards meaningful social factors?
>given the available evidence there is no reason to suspect that she is not
and there is no reason to suspect she is, either: ad ignorantiam. pointing out we live in a society where this is a common, everyday occurrence is enough to establish this
just look around you, aspie! just look at /sci/

>> No.3275184

>Edit: I don't understand the delete post button, so I write these.

>> No.3275182


Welp, have fun being a complete retard

>> No.3275188
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>> No.3275194

delicious butthurt :D

>> No.3275196
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lol what an idiot

>> No.3275199
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>> No.3275212

Geeze I was hoping I could have a thread talking about how awesome it would be to have hot science geeks in our classes

People will argue over anything

>> No.3275219

This thread is pretty gay. Look at these assholes make it about getting hard for each other.

>> No.3275227

It would be great if they were real. Just like Big Bang Theory.

>> No.3275365

She'll never equate to my animu themed body pillow.