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3273988 No.3273988 [Reply] [Original]

How is the status on sleep improvement and shortening? Will it sometime be possible to adapt oneself so less sleep is required for the same effect?

>I wish to just need a couple hours sleep

>> No.3274163

It is possible to adapt to a sleep schedule of six 20 minute naps spread over the course of 24 hours. This is just as effective if not more so than a solid 8 hour block. The only problem is that you have to stick with it very closely because if you miss a nap, you'll feel extremely tired.

If you don't believe me, look up info about it. I've also tried and tested this method out when I didn't have a job. It's well worth it, though, for the fact that you get 22 hours a day of being awake.

>> No.3274177 [DELETED] 

This is true. It is called the 'Uberman'

>> No.3274193

There's some story about a drug called modafinil http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modafinil that you can use for staying awake. The story begins at 11:45 in the second part of that documentary (see below).

Make Me Stay Awake (2/3)

Make Me Stay Awake (3/3)

>> No.3274199

>Uberman sleep schedule

Enjoying dying before you hit 30.

>> No.3274243


I assume you have documented evidence of this and are not just pulling shit out of your ass?

>> No.3274341
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>This is just as effective if not more so than a solid 8 hour block.


>> No.3274352


Have you tried this? Do you understand how the human body regulates sleep?

As I've said already, I ran my own study on this subject. I know what I'm talking about. If you're not going to provide evidence to the contrary, then kindly fuck off.

>> No.3274363
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is no more effective than dexedrine

You can't cheat sleep, retarded sleep cycles don't work at at, stimulants with allow you to stay alert for 24-48hrs but you'll still have to make-up the sleep that you missed.

>> No.3274401
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Please provide studies showing cognitive performance and reaction times consistent with normal sleep patterns. Oh, you don't have any studies, you're basing your position on a week long personal trial where you kinda-sorta-almost felt O.K. Mmmm, how peculiar.

>> No.3274423

Hey OP I have that problem to. I decided to get of teh internets two hours ago.

>> No.3274457
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>believes shortening will improve his sleep.

>> No.3274462


You still haven't provided anything claiming your theory. I'm not aware of any studies done on this, which is why I did it myself. Yes, it's anecdotal evidence, but I don't have to show you anything when you can simply try it yourself.

Also: assumptions and ad hominems, try harder

>> No.3274573
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>make's claims
>doesn't provide evidence
>asserts I must refute his claim

Science, how does it work?