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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3270688 No.3270688 [Reply] [Original]

Who has an .edu email and wants to help me out?

I want free 2 day shipping on books and stuff but I go to a community college ;_;

>> No.3270693
File: 19 KB, 96x96, ergrgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...People still buy books?

>> No.3270708





>> No.3270714

Waste of trees, energy, and other resources to make paper. Why do you hate our fragile environment?

>> No.3270715

fucken pwnd XD epic

>> No.3270716

Use your community college's .edu address.
Amazon prime worked for my stank ass CC, and now that I moved on to a 4 year I think I might be able to renew it again with another .edu address.

>> No.3270720

this is /sci/ of course we still buy books!

digital books may cut it with novels and all that crap, but for textbooks... it just doesn't cut it, nothing beats actually having the book in front of you.

>> No.3270722

It's nice to own books, on paper, without worrying about exorbitant late fees.

>> No.3270725


fucking faggot, dont you dare demean the printing press or i will report you to the mods, just because you are online doesn't mean you can disregard your roots

>> No.3270736

I don't think I got one.

Sortof on topic I finally checked my Spring semester grades and I got a C in Econ1. This was my first semester and all my other grades were A's. Now, I was wondering how bad a C is on a transcript to a 4 year.

>inb4 any shit my teacher was a 60 year old persian guy with a strong accent who rambled about crap and surprised us on tests/changed the syllabus every week

>> No.3270737
File: 61 KB, 169x192, 1298694223819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See above.

Gee I sure do feel bad about driving in a superior automobile and not supporting those poor horse-drawn carriage drivers.

>> No.3270746

Depends on the 4 year and what your major is.

As an actual Kindle owner. Fuck you. You obviously don't own one or know why it sucks ass for 99% of the math/science/engineering texts you get off the internet. Even many of the texts on the official Kindle store which are supposed to be formatted to be Kindle-friendly aren't.

Retard Australian underage faggot.


>> No.3270762

Aww, tripfag thinks he's special.


>> No.3270763

All my books are in .txt format

>"you gotta be able to -feel- an engineering book"

>It's a leather-bound book.

>MMMmmm, kinky.

>> No.3270772
File: 91 KB, 237x250, 1302009678601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a Kindle owner, you must be doing it wrong.

And I'm fueling a electrolysis fuel cell that powers my computer, screen and router with your sweet, sweet tears.

>> No.3270774

>txt format
bye bye mathematical notation

that's probably just fine for general fiction though

>> No.3270776

You don't have a Kindle.

>> No.3270784

Officially derailed. Thanks anyways /sci/

>> No.3270783
File: 117 KB, 256x253, 1299557943584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, I do.

>> No.3270787

Other true facts:
Water is not wet.
Pigs can fly.
Inurdaes is a good poster.

>> No.3270791

Yeah, but you have to look up all equations that aren't linearly expressed.

Also, I doubt you read books that don't have LOTS of pictures. The 2 books on your Kindle don't count because you still haven't read them.

>> No.3270792

Please ban Inurdaes for being underage. He derails virtually every rational discussion with his angsty teen Zeitgeist pseudo-science and resource based economy bullshit, and shows a severe lack of intelligence even for his age.
Hai thar.
I'm uh, Inurdaes. You can call me Eddy. I heard about this from my friend Jkid and he was all like, 'You should liek totally go here it is de beeeeest.' SO! I'm here to... be here.
I'm currently residing in Adelaide, Australia, and I'm 15. I know computer shit, and have a self-built computer that I mainly use for gaming. I also have an Xbox 360 but ANY new game here is going to cost $100 and up. So rather than get fornicated rather furiously in my pudendum by a money-hungry porcupine, I decided to PC GAEM and buy my games off Steam. I also rather like doing digital drawings on Photoshop.

Not sure what else to say here, but yeah.

>> No.3270793
File: 18 KB, 416x359, 1293955946491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dehydrated water and dam pressure acting on a roasted pig launching it through the air.

>> No.3270796

I think Inuradaes should be banned too. He's very edgy and constantly derails discussions, as you said.

>> No.3270797

Please do ban me again mods, I got so much shit done in the time I was banned for those 14 days.

>> No.3270798


> (3) With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead.

>> No.3270799

Let's report him

>> No.3270800

My favorite thing about inuardes is that he hates America , yet he thinks of nothing else.

Typical Aussie.

>> No.3270804

Reported myself, let's get this shit started.

>> No.3270818

inurdaes is from adelaide eh? this tells me he has a 102% chance of being a bogan.

>> No.3270825
File: 90 KB, 526x395, 1294827568578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being from Australia nets a 102% chance of being a bogan.

>> No.3270849

In this video Inurdaes argues with 4chan trolls

>> No.3270860
File: 22 KB, 450x338, 14665-bigthumbnail[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa, look at my muscles

Da, da, da-da-da-da, da da, ra ta da da da da, dadadadada TADADADADA

Why am I not banned yet?

>> No.3270862

When the mods wake up.

>> No.3270869
File: 18 KB, 228x340, 1304122461681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in that case, I'm off to sleep. Continue reporting and fueling my tears electrolysis fuel cell, I expect to find a B& page in the morning.

>> No.3270879


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