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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 76 KB, 540x815, oZFSg..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3268293 No.3268293 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/,

I've having trouble working out the gradient of (-12, -7) and (8,4,-7). I know the formula y2 - y1 over x2 - x1 but not sure when they're are 3 numbers?

>> No.3268316
File: 10 KB, 404x342, 13635679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fuck? why does one coordinate have 2 numbers and one have 3 numbers?

>> No.3268320


>> No.3268327
File: 3 KB, 126x122, troll_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3268326

hey Ek, do you want me factvsreligion reaction folder? i shant be needed it

>> No.3268336


If you want to post reaction images, do it faggot.

>> No.3268348

i think i stole a lot of your images already.
so u quitting, or just not gonna post FvR?

>> No.3268369
File: 38 KB, 320x240, hisci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Also the answer is 0, I just need to know how to get to 0.

>> No.3268374

yeah I'm going to take up a new tripcode with with my own name and stop following you around like a puppy.

>> No.3268388

Oh right. cool, sounds good. at least there will be less confusion that way.
What tripcode?

>> No.3268395


>> No.3268432

8.4 = eight point four!
its 2 coordinates.

both have the same 7 coordinate (-7) which means they are on the same horizontal line. gradient will be 0.

>> No.3268434

*same y coordinate (= -7)

>> No.3268439

Fuck me, how could I have not seen that.

>> No.3268458

lol, commas and decimals do look similar unless you pay close attention.
..i just thought you were a troll.

>> No.3268460


why do you want recognition on an anonymous imageboard?

>> No.3268473

>links 2 different EK's

i don't. i may a have a tripcode but i'm still anonymous. i'm just helping out from the goodnesss of my heart! =p

>> No.3268477
File: 268 KB, 500x500, 1291214902660.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related: thats 99.9% of anonymous

if you want to be associated with that, feel free. dont shove your anonymity down my throat, just like theistfags shove religion.

tl;dr: fuck you

>> No.3268489


I don't undersand why you're still visiting 4chan.

>> No.3268484
File: 626 KB, 1525x1946, girls-laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't.

You sign the images you make.

>> No.3268493

Rather be fucked by puddi (moot) than be a delusional tripfag see:


>> No.3268501

>implying that image means anything and is not just you distracting from the fact you have no sound argument
>implying you're not associated with it in equal measure

>> No.3268505

Oh yeh, i kinda do that with my informational OC.
nothing to be mad about, I freely give all my pics, and feel free to remove the EK-sig.

>> No.3268508

Stop being a downy bitch. Linking two separate EK's was intentional; I was asking both of you.

You are not anonymous. You are EK. Just because we don't have your real name does not equal anonymous.

Seriously, I'm not trying to troll. Why do you want recognition? That's the only purpose of a name.
The entire foundation of *chan is orbiting around anonymity.

As for helping.. your name does not. And don't ever use a smiley again.

>> No.3268514

so you lied before when you said you don't want recognition. .

>> No.3268522
File: 92 KB, 1024x1220, iwontdowhatusay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want recognition. I don't mind whether i'm credited for my help/info/advice or not.
>The entire foundation of *chan is orbiting around anonymity.
if that were the case, there would not even be a name field.

>And don't ever use a smiley again.
erm, lets see. no i think i'll go with this:

>> No.3268539

>I don't want recognition

Why do you continue to lie?
people who don't want recognition, don't sign their work.

>> No.3268570

Using a smily makes you look like a retard. yourchoice.png

The name field is for when validity is needed, same for tripcodes; for someone to let everyone else now there OP. They are not meant to be repeated over and over again.

And it isn't a theory that names are for recognition. It is fact. Give me any other example of a name. Also you sign the pics you make... if you can not see how that is blatant recognitionism you have to be a troll. I'm not mad here. I'm just in wonder why you come to an anonymous site and then not be anonymous.

You are begining to remind me of a LOL SU RANDuM!!!1! :Pfag

>> No.3268577

they are old pictures, i made them a while ago.
if i remove all the fucking EK sigs from all of my pictures will you shut the fuck up and leave me alone??

>> No.3268589

You don't need to remove them. I just wish you wouldn't lie.

Lying is worse than swearing. (that's unrelated by the way, it's just something I remembered and it's true - so don't you forget it!)

>> No.3268598

If you accept this site is made to be anonymous and remove your tripcode and name and only use a tripcode when it's meant to be... Then I'll leave you alone.

By all means in every separate thread use a tripcode... it's so people will know what posts come from the same people.. but using a same tripcode between all threads even when there not even remotely related is really fucking annoying. Everyone else can do it just fine. Plenty of people have been here longer then you EK.

If you want there are most likely thousands of sites where users have names and they relate to science and math. If you're desperate use one of them.

>> No.3268605
File: 134 KB, 761x862, there_their.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


also, recognitionism isnt even a word.

the tripcode is useful for maintaining a flowing conversation. this is a slow board, its good for that.

if you are against tripfags in general then why pick on me? there are hundred of other tripfags you can go crying about.

>> No.3268609



"Swears" are just ways of expressing emotion. The reason children ar'nt supposed to use them is there're not sup[posed to have extreme emotions.

Go outside and ride your tricycle and get used to the real world.

>> No.3268610

fine, i honestly do take a bit of pride in them when i made them, but i know the sigs are unnescessary so if you're gonna be a whiny bitch about it then i have no problem at al removing the EK-sigs.
A while ago some haters were saying how i'm a useless shitposter who neve contributes anything and never makes OC.
well, i do make OC sometimes.
whatever, it doesnt even matter.

>> No.3268616


>the tripcode is useful for maintaining a flowing conversation

No it's not.

>> No.3268627

Why you calling me a whiny bitch? I just spotted a contradiction between what you said and what you do. That's all. I don't like liars and people that don't recognise the inconsistency are stupid so I don't like them even more.

Referring to people as whiny bitches and haters won't win you any favours but that's none of my business.

>> No.3268635

There you Im gonna tripfag to prove I have nothing against tripfags. Just liars >:(

>> No.3268637

fine then. removing the EK sigs solves this then? yes?
so you're content.

>> No.3268641


You're a disgrace to yourself. You are a summer fag.

>> No.3268645

i'm not a liar. i really dont care for recognition. removing EK-sigs will prove it.

>> No.3268656

But you did lie. You wanted recognition for contribution. There's nothing wrong with that. Removing them now would just prove that you're trying to convince yourself that you didn't lie in the first place (when in fact you did)

>> No.3268657


The sigs are nothing when there's no name behind them. I could make a pic and sign it James D. Dickjockey and it wouldn't matter. No one knows who he is so it doesn't matter. Don't bother whit removing the sigs. Remove your tripcode and respect all the people who don't use them.

>> No.3268664

Back to /b/ with you, kid.

>> No.3268676


>Implying you know anything about anything because you've been here 1 month.

And what does /b/ have to do with anything summerfag?

>> No.3268681

Well i didn't mean to, and i'm sorry.

the sigs are all removed. i didnt realise i had made so many. some are so obscure that they will probably never be relevant to another thread ever again. i think i'll keep them anyway (but without the EK-sig)

too late already done. ive had complaints about the sigs before anyway. this cleanup has been long overdue.

I suppose i could get rid of the tripcode, but ive had it for so long i'm kinda comfortable with it.
hmm, alright, you've convinced me. I still know what my tripkey is if i ever change my mind, so theres no harm in giving it a go.
>respect all the people who don't use them.
respect where respect is due. some anons are immoral and/or stupid. they dont all deserve my respect.
last EK post, now i'll post as anon.

>> No.3268693

You're acting like a /b/tard.
There's nothing wrong with tripfags. moot likes them.

>the sigs are all removed.
Well I didn't say you had to do that. If I made all those helpful images I'd probably want credit too, it's just I wouldn't lie about it. You're entitled to take credit for what you make. You're letting the tripfag haters get to you, EK. :(

>> No.3268698


If you are serious. Thank you. It is an anonymous board after all. respect+1 because your're at least trying.

A serious question. Have you ever posted and got a response as "Oh your EK, I need to ask you something". As in, has it ever been useful?

>> No.3268703

>hmm, alright, you've convinced me.

holymotheroffuck what is going on. why did you give in????

>> No.3268706

If you're implying that moot likes them just because he uses one. fullretard.jpeg for you.

>> No.3268712

Fuck you, cunt! I like reading Ek's contributions and knowing I can trust what I read. It's far less confusing than anonymous trying to distinguish between one another - and that problem happens all the time. Don't pretend it doesn't.

This isn't an 'anonymous board'. there's no such thing as a board dedicated solely to anonymous posters. You're an idiot.

that's right. i mad.

>> No.3268718

like i said, it isnt actually an anonymous image board, we just have the option. there IS a name field, people have the option to be tripfags, and there isnt really anything wrong with that. Ive built up identities of some of the more frequent posting tripfags in my head.
I pretty much get called an attention whore all the time here, i cant really prove them wrong any other way than going anonymous.

erm...no i dont think so. i think all i got was hate. i didnt really mind. In a fucked up way maybe i kinda liked it...something to fight against, something to get angry with. i kinda like getting angry.
...thats a bit fucked up, but whatever.

>> No.3268720

Nope. moot says there's important to the site:

>> No.3268725

You're dumb

>> No.3268727

Oh wow motherfucker, thats you're only retort?! I need to put my hands up to that. it's over, you win.


>> No.3268729

Because come to think of it my arguments against dropping the trip are spectacularly weak. Theres nothing that i can post as EK that i cant post as anon. the only difference is that i can be identified, and i can see why that might be seen as attention whoring.

>> No.3268735


>This isn't an 'anonymous board'. there's no such thing as a board dedicated solely to anonymous posters

ahahahahaha I don't have a response for this only:


4th Line. Start at the 5th word. I hate newfags.

>> No.3268744

Anonymous driven =! anonymous only
it's not 'no names allowed!'

you're still an idiot

>> No.3268748

This board may not be completly anonymous, but it's as close as any board will get. If you want to be in an enviroment where you can make a relationship with the community and the individuals inside it, I would recomend, you know, any other website.

>> No.3268752

Also. From you're video:

Anonymity : the lack of an identity or a factor of recognition.

so yes trip fagging without a reason is cancer.

unless you are an admin or a mod or it's needed ,tripfagging is just cancer.

>> No.3268754

being completely honest, you probably cant trust what you read just because its EK because i honestly am often wrong. well not often...but sometimes. and far too frequently for my liking. EK haters seem to 'collect' them and bring them up at every opportunity. always coming back to haunt me.
I guess now if i'm ever wrong it cant be pinned on me. get away scot free..kinda.

>> No.3268757

Does this mean I get a promotion?

>> No.3268768

I didn't mean that I can trust you all the time for the right answer, but I can trust at least that you mean well. because you're a nice person. you should stand out for that. :(

>> No.3268769
File: 245 KB, 471x346, 13645646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahaha! ow wow, i like your fire-ey personality.

>> No.3268782


"Primarily anonymous" It means tripcodes are needed when someone needs to prove who they are.. An OP for example. That's it. By all means use a tripcode when making a thread.. or make one when posting in a thread. Make a new one. Using the same one is not what moot wanted them to be in that video. He knows there're important because sometimes there needed.

Tripcodes are. Tripfags are not.

>> No.3268785
File: 51 KB, 634x477, maybeIshouldcompilethreads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry the whole EK thing basically derailed this thread, and I didn't expect EK to continue being fucktarded, but I'm really tempted to compile the shit posts I see from him whenever I visit /sci/.

Sage for not related to topic, don't want to bump.

>> No.3268790

That's not what it means at all. If it meant that it would say that

>> No.3268794

Hi WYU, i think i might have been a bit harsh on you these last couple of days. sometimes i over react and get more angry than is appropriate.
...we cool?

and yeh, your a better EK than me anyway. i'm officially passing the torch =p

>> No.3268800

lots of the anons are nice as well.
i'll join there ranks and be one of them. as nice an anon as i can be.

>> No.3268806

nah I'm retired if I have nothing to emulate. My entire persona was a homage to you. I will follow you. ...

>> No.3268812

two tripfags down. Now to take down Josef!!

>> No.3268813
File: 278 KB, 476x350, 12645648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hah! oh wow, i was just talking about this. thats a pretty comprehensive list.
>"EK haters seem to 'collect' them and bring them up at every opportunity. always coming back to haunt me. "

>> No.3268822

aww thanks hun.
altho i think your initial intention was to troll me with it if i remember correctly...
anyway, you are interesting enough to deserve a tripcode in your own right.

>> No.3268825

If EK you are actually going to try and be anon; thank you.


And fuck your video. Moot talks about tripcodes. Not tripfags like >>3268782 said.

>> No.3268836

lol, i have nothing to lose, and im curious and fancy a good laugh.
post some of them?
post some of your 'me being a retard' screencaptures. :)

>> No.3268838

I wouldn't necessarily say hate, but I do find him obnoxious. I don't visit /sci/ often, but whenever I see a post from EK is normally shit.

His reason for tripfaggotry also sparked my mild antipathy to him. Not really a vehement hate, but a paler vexation

>> No.3268840

No he doesn't, he talks about people who use tripcodes on a regular basis since he's referring to people who come from other sites that use names.

You're all caught up the 'anonymous is legion' 12 year old bullshit. Fact is, the only reason anyone goes anon is because they're scared of making mistakes. tripfags aren't cowards. And we can accept when we make a mistake.

>> No.3268846


That's fucking hilarious. No way to tell if there are actually files in there unless you upload them though.

>> No.3268861

and i am a bit obnoxious. deal with it. so are some anons. and even posting as an anon i'll still be my usual hatable obnoxious self. problem?

i think all are probably real. considering some of the filenames i actually know exactly which posts they are referring to as well.

>> No.3268868
File: 192 KB, 1366x728, earlyattentionwhoringthread.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't read through the entire thread so I'm a bit guilty if this Ek debauchery continues with OP's question unanswered.
Here's an early thread he started a while back.

Those files are not screencaptures, but saved htms of threads. Just saving the threads conserves time.

>> No.3268869

lol, dude, you've been a tripfag for less than an hour.

>> No.3268870


You became a tripfag about 10 minutes ago. Shut up. He talks about tripcodes explicitly. He never mentions repeated usage of the same tripcode across multiple unrelated boards now does he?

It's a her actually. Or was a her (?)

>> No.3268879

i solved OP's problem. >>3268432
thread is over, but we may as well have this one last EK related discussion here now. just for closure.
post my fails please! :)

>> No.3268884

It doesn't matter how long I've been using a tripcode. You're just trying to divert from the main point because you have such a pathetic argument to make. I notice neither of you responded to the rest of what I said.
>He never mentions repeated usage of the same tripcode

he's talking about people who use them frequently not just as temporary identifiers.

Consider your good selves told

>> No.3268885
File: 34 KB, 427x320, opisafag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, i did get the image in the end.

>> No.3268896

Ok wtf this FL guy is managing to make a bigger ass out of himself than EK ever did.

>> No.3268898

Fuck you. You had enough fucking attention for long enough.

I'm also disturbed about how often you post faces of that fucking girl as a reaction face. It's as if you have a fucking obsession with her.

>> No.3268901

> implying you're addressing my arguments

Well I don't expect you to because you can't.

Stay cowardly, anons.

>> No.3268906

I like FL.
(also, i was >869, but i was just pointing it out, i wasnt the one arguing with you and i like you)

FL is correct by the way, MOOT was refering to tripfags, as in people repeatedly using teh same tripcode in different threads. he likes them and he is one. and thats fine.

>> No.3268913

she's cute.
She has some nice reactions (although EK never used the best ones)
and her youtube channel, although it makes an obvious point, it's not wrong.

>> No.3268923

also, i was >869

Exactly why tripcodes are necessary.

Anonymous falls over it's own feet trying to distinguish between people in the midst of a conversation (sometimes 3 or 4 conversations going on in the same thread.)

>> No.3268925

yeh, theres something about her....
what are the best ones? I think i had some good ones.

>> No.3268931


He talks about people using them frequently. Not one person using them frequently.

As in: It's common to see a thread where OP uses a tripcode. Not: It's common to see people using the same tripcode across unrelated boards for the purpose of recognition.

Genuine question from a not mad person. Ek you could answer this maybe.
Give one other use of a tripfag other than attention whoreing.
Not meant to be an insult.. I'm serious.

>> No.3268932

Yeah that you stole from WYU ;-)

>> No.3268938

lol yeh, that was one of my justifications for using a trip, but its still fairly weak BH. most conversations can still flow fine 99% of the time even just between anons.
and would you really have reacted any differntly if you knew >869 was EK?

>> No.3268941

One of other reason: >>3268923

>> No.3268944


>> No.3268946


> he likes them and he is one

Absolute full retard.

>> No.3268964

>Not: It's common to see people using the same tripcode across unrelated boards for the purpose of recognition.

Across unrelated boards? We're not even talking about that. And yeah that's not common.

but it is actually quite common to see people across /tv/, /sci/ /a/ /g/ and /lit/ with usernames. anonymous outnumbers them obviously but they are still a prominent part of 4chan 'culture'.

>> No.3268965

...because if you post annonymously by default but choose to gain a sense of identity in your posting, it most likely means that you are an attention grubbing whore who has their heart on being a board celebrity rather than actually contributing anything worthwhile.

>> No.3268968

I have friends who post here (from real life) and i kinda liked them being able to recognise me.
with tripcodes theres no confusion between posts, its obvious which are yours, and you can not be impersonated either.
(anons can be impersonated, anon can link another anons post and go "this is me, ignore what i said, i am retarded" or something like that)

>> No.3268977

I meant threads you douchenozzle

>> No.3268978

lol, ive counted, i actually have 27 of her. thats a bit fucking obsessive i guess....
anyway, 11 of those were stolen from WYU.

>> No.3268979

>most conversations can still flow fine 99%
Tripcodes would bring that up to 100%. At least miscommunication would be a result of what is said not who is saying them.

>would you really have reacted any differntly if you knew >869 was EK?
I would have because I know you're a tripfag at heart. Of course I would still have made the point that the length of time I've been using this name is irrelevant.

>> No.3268983

"Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!"
-Someone more intelligent than you.

>> No.3268986

Hmm let me think about that for a bit.... uh wait no, that doesn't diminish my argument at all.

>You should always try to post anonymously


>> No.3268989

oh wow, you remind me of me....

>> No.3269011

Thanks, EK. I did learn from the best.

saging this thread because no one cares anymore and I made my point.

You won't see anymore of me by the way, I never intended on using this trip long term. truth be told I've played at least 3 roles in this conversation. I do love to argue and it got EK to drop the tripcode so everyone's a winner. night night

>> No.3269016

People who use tripcodes simply are attention whores. There's no 2 ways about it.

>> No.3269019

wait, what? really? 3 roles?
you were arguing with yourself?
are you WYU?

>> No.3269025


>I played at least 3 roles


>saging this thread

Only doing that now = fullretard.png