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File: 130 KB, 750x570, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3265610 No.3265610 [Reply] [Original]

sup /sci/?

What does this mean?

>> No.3265619

I think he wants that eagle off his ball
but I could be wrong

>> No.3265630


yeah i know that much but what does it represent, if it does at all?

>> No.3265647

the Eagle represents america, and the white dude represents the rest of the world (cuz really, even if they aren't all white they wish they were).
The meaning is that america is always trying to take other people's shit, even when they get caught they'll still fight for whats not theirs.

>> No.3265652

it represents man's blind attempt at controlling nature. He thinks he can convince nature (the bird) to conform to his will, but is oblivious to the fact that the bird isn't going to get off his fucking ball.

>> No.3265663

The man represents the "common man," so to speak. The eagle, a symbol of power and war (specifically governments) is sitting upon the pure ball of freedom, preventing the common man from enjoying it.

>> No.3265664


i like that interpretation.

>> No.3265856

Yes, you see, the eagle is invisible. Or, rather, the eagle is not invisible, but instead, the man is blind. If you study the image carefully, the man on the left is not looking at eagle, despite his addressing of eagle verbally. The man does not see the eagle. He does not perceive the eagle. He simply recognizes that an eagle exists, and is "on top," so to speak, of his ball.

He does not call eagle by his name. He addresses him as simply "eagle," as if he is no different than any of the millions of other eagles that exist in the world. We can immediately understand this as proof that the man is making generalizations about eagle, emphasized by the fact that he refers to eagle twice as "dude," another term that in itself possesses no inherent trait indicating identity.

In other words, the eagle's identity is invisible; the man is then in all subjective purposes blind to the eagle's identity as a being. He wrongly assumes that all eagles do not belong on balls, and that this eagle is no different. It is his social prejudice that does not allow him to see that the behavior of eagles can vary, and do not conform to a single identity or personality that society has thrust upon the concept of eagle.

>> No.3265859

This image is commenting on the idea that we now live in a world in which people are willing to blind themselves to the metaphysical presence of others in their pursuit of material wealth and personal happiness, represented by the "ball." Direct your attention to the man's hand. What is he reaching for? Eagle is down there, not up at the man's chest level. And yet his palm opens out above eagle, past eagle, as it were, reaching, or gesturing, almost, towards some far-off goal, some distant ideal that is not illustrated in the picture. Indeed, man's goal is not the ball. The ball is merely a farce. The issue of social intolerance and presumptuous blindness is a conspiratorial distraction to draw attention away from the true purpose. While the text indicates that man's concern is of his ball, logically, the picture disagrees.

Man is armed with stick. Since man is capable of handling tools, man is assumed to have the option to use stick to beat eagle, essentially forcing him, so to speak, off his ball. Perhaps man is trying to settle this peacefully, yes, that is a valid argument. But look closer at eagle. In setting his right talons on the ball, he has relinquished his grip on the fig leaves. Symbolically, he has given up the idea of peace ever since he laid claws on that dastardly ball. In his left hand/foot/claw he clutches a bundle of arrows. Yes, eagle's intent is war. His only option, in fact, given that eagle has two sets of grasping devices equipped to his body, is war.

>> No.3265867

The image, in effect, comes to represent the folly of mankind in its attempt to focus on a singular, nonexistent goal. Man has become so attached to his ideal that he is unable to rationally interact with the environment around him. His linguistic paralympics are the result of this detachment (as we recall, "Dude." and "Eagle." are not even proper sentences). The artist is suggesting that instead of centering our lives around the uncertainty of the future, we should concentrate on the tasks at hand. Specifically, man should beat the shit out of that goddamn eagle.

but I could be wrong.
dude could just want that eagle off his ball.

>> No.3265866

It makes me feel sad because he wants his ball.

>> No.3265862

Man undoubtedly realizes this. Thus man's only option is stick. Then why does the image not depict man beating the shit out of eagle? Why is man's stick hand resting peacefully at his side? Why is man not, in fact, gesturing towards eagle, but at something beyond? And what exists at this beyond that has so captured man's attention?

We must, in examining this aspect of the image, remember that the image is illustrated in the fashion of the 18th century, and is reminiscent of the United States of America, of which the eagle is prominently used to represent. Let us recall that the Declaration of Independence, written at this time, established one of man's "undeniable rights" as the "pursuit of happiness." Then, the man, perhaps, is reaching beyond eagle towards happiness. Yet, happiness is not there. Perhaps the artist purposefully chose not to include in his composition exactly what the man was so focused on obtaining as a way of communicating the idea that it doesn't exist. In other words, the artist wants us to realize that happiness is not real.

>> No.3265945


goddamn you muist be somekind of an literasophical metasemiotics Phd

>> No.3265969


>> No.3265987

>no like button


>> No.3266082

Ow god i lol'd

>> No.3266085

the eagle represents the british empire and its might
the dude is an american who wants the british to get the fuck out of his ball
ball is usa

>> No.3266139

The picture represents a man that wants his ball back but the eagle doesn't want to give it back.

>> No.3266166

Maybe the ball represents the eagles freedom, the premise of nature in the modern world. The ball is an egg, being protected by its mother from the man with stick. Man with stick doesn't own the egg, or the "ball" but he feels he is entitled to it because of humanities stance over nature. Maybe the eagle only has one egg left and needs to protect egg so eagle can have babies, but man with stick wants to kill egg and eat it so he can live on.

>> No.3266180
File: 91 KB, 960x720, 09607-2607de620e0b324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it doesnt represent shit. its just a picture


>going full retard

>> No.3266196

Unless i'm sadly mistaken this is a parody on English imagery and how a picture that means nothing is interpreted as something completely irrelevant and unintentional to the artists design.

Or, in other words, going full retard. as a joke.