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3264305 No.3264305 [Reply] [Original]

As a homosexual who uses protection, what would you think of me lying about my orientation and sexual history in order to donate blood? I'm planning on doing it tomorrow, unless you can convince me otherwise.

>> No.3264318 [DELETED] 

Lying for any reason is not a good idea. those question sheets are there for a reason. just dont give blood, it isnt a pleasant experience anyway.

>> No.3264325
File: 39 KB, 699x257, EKb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just dont give blood, it isnt a pleasant experience anyway.
What a remarkably fucktarded point of view. Glad to see you're back, EK.

>> No.3264329

You are a massive faggot if you do that.

They're just gonna throw it away when the tests show you have HIV anyway.

>> No.3264335

I tested negative four months ago, and have been with the same partner since then.

>> No.3264336

Lie on donation questions = felony

>> No.3264343

I'm in the UK, and I have no intention of letting them know.

>> No.3264345

They make sure you aren't homosexual because it's a scientifically proven fact that 99% of homosexuals are HIV carriers. And you want to donate blood that contains this potentially life ending disease so that it might be transfused into other people? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? Please, save lives, don't donate your blood and have it unleashed upon an unsuspecting public. Thanks.

>> No.3264351 [DELETED] 

fine, to be honest OP, I think lying is not the right thing to do, but i think its admirable if you want to give blood and help your fellow man.
that said, you will probably be fine and is suspect the ruels are in palce just because faggots are mroe likely to have HIV, and people dont wanna have blood transfusions with HIV blood. you said you use protection, and thats cool i guess, so, its basically your choice, but i would waste my time or blood in draining it out where it isnt wanted.
do the right thing buddy.

>> No.3264354


I'm still willing to listen to actual points.

>> No.3264362 [DELETED] 

*[about 6 other spelling mistakes]

>> No.3264357

I think that if they take your word for it and don't actually screen the blood then someone should report them.

How does that actually work? You can't possibly have a trust system when it comes to this.

I don't give a fuck who sticks what up your arse, OP, as long as your blood is clean. Protection or not you could still be infected with several things. If you haven't been tested then you shouldn't give blood. They can't test every sample, so they pool the blood and batch test it. By lying, you increase the chances that they will have to dump a lot of good blood that was contaminated with yours.

The fact that you feel the need to lie about this should tell you that you're involved in risky behavior. That's your business but don't fucking waste other people's time and money because you can't man up and admit it.

>> No.3264363
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Do whatever you feel comfortable doing OP. Don't let /sci/ influence your decisions.

>> No.3264377

even if you use protection, you could still be infected
don't take the risk of ending someone's life because you want to makes homosexuals able to donate blood

>> No.3264385

It's wanted, certainly. Confusing the people who need the blood with the people who take the blood wouldn't be nice.
The test isn't entirely accurate, so to try and remove the 1900% higher risk a homosexual has of carrying HIV, homosexuals are banned as a precaution. AFAIK the blood is tested by them anyway.
As I've already said, I tested negative four months ago (as did my partner)

>> No.3264384

You lie, you give someone AIDS, you are a registered donor, you're going to jail. Have fun in paradise

>> No.3264382

Do it.

Fuck what the man says.

>> No.3264388 [DELETED] 

Op is pronbably a troll. maybe not even gay. just stirring up trouble.
He knows the blood donation organisationdoesnt want gay blood, but suggest lying on the form and donating it anyway. why go through this admitadly uncomfrotabel process for no reward? just to be a lying dick? i see no reason for it.

>> No.3264395
File: 142 KB, 236x299, 87654354364756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying your partner hasnt cheated on you these last 4 months and had an 8 nigger gangbang orgy.

>> No.3264402

OP is not a troll, and is a faggot. Also you've posted here thrice, always with differing opinions. The reason gay blood isn't normally wanted is due to the HIV risk, which is sufficiently low for the tests they'd run to not find it in me or my partner.
make that four times. You're unstable, aren't you.

>> No.3264405

tests can be wrong
just don't take the chance
why the fuck do you want to donate so badly anyway?

>> No.3264409 [DELETED] 

lol, possibly,
i dont even care, i donate blood but i dont ever have it given to me. good thing too, considering dishonest faggots are infecting the blood reservoirs with their fucking faggot aids...

>> No.3264411

op how about instead of insulting people who answer you honestly, you take their advice

>> No.3264416


Pretty much sums it up.


You may not like hearing it, but those question sheets ARE there for a reason. It's not a commentary on your lifestyle or sexual orientation and it's not meant to offend you. It's there as a safeguard to those who might receive blood in the future and if you lie or withhold information you're subverting an entire system that was set up to protect innocent people. You're either being malicious or apathetic and negligent and this completely obliterates any good intent you may have had in the first place.

>> No.3264421

To infect normal people with the gay gene and have them die a horrible death from AIDS

>> No.3264433 [DELETED] 

why the fuck did you just reference me on the second part of that when we are clearly on the same wavelength!!??

>> No.3264440

>tests can be wrong
as they would be for anyone. I don't believe I have a higher risk than a heterosexual in my position.
>why donate?
Because I'm O positive, which is extremely hard to come by.
five times
because they're either bigoted, or trolls. I understand the high mean risk, I also understand that there's no reason for me to have said risk.
see above. I don't take it offensively, I just don't see any reason I would be a higher risk. I don't exhibit symptoms, I don't test positive, and neither does the person I've been with for at least a year.
Please stop posting in my thread now.

>> No.3264455


>those question sheets are there for a reason

I should have green-texted you. My bad =D

>> No.3264465 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 452x351, nahfuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>please stop posting in my thread now
nah, fuck you.

>> No.3264471

You're a problem here. Stop posting until you level out, then come back please.

>> No.3264483

Wait, they don't allow gay people to donate blood?

That's fucking disgusting.

>> No.3264488

>see above. I don't take it offensively, I just don't see any reason I would be a higher risk. I don't exhibit symptoms, I don't test positive, and neither does the person I've been with for at least a year.
>and neither does the person I've been with for at least a year.
>As a homosexual who uses protection

So you've been with the same person for at least a year, and you both test negative, yet you still use protection. That right there is a sign that you are indeed at a higher risk. If you weren't, there would be no reason for you to keep using protection if you were sure that you were both clean and that your partner is faithful.

You're obviously at higher risk, and no protection is completely safe. I agree that many heterosexuals will be at a higher risk than you, but they're supposed to be screened out by questions too, just as you should be.

I agree with >>3264416
>You're either being malicious or apathetic and negligent and this completely obliterates any good intent you may have had in the first place.

>> No.3264491


>I don't believe I have a higher risk than a heterosexual in my position.

I don't mean to be crude, but have you ever engaged in anal sex? There's a higher risk for transmission of blood-borne illness if you've participated in anal sex. This applies to everybody. I'm not responsible for the development of human anatomy and I can assure you they're not trying to be discriminatory.

>Please stop posting in my thread now.

Stop assuming the public health system and people who agree with their policies are somehow out to get you.

>> No.3264496

You have a statistically higher chance of having HIV. Are you 100% sure that your partner has not had sex outside your relationship? It is extremely easy to believe that your partner is faithful, but it may not be true.

I think that it might be better for you to convince other people to donate, after having been tested themselves.

Could you live with yourself if you discovered you were responsible for the infection of 7 people? That you signed their death sentences? Get checked first, get checked again, wait 6 months and check again.

>> No.3264499


You do know they TEST the blood after you've given it?

They don't just take it with your word and hope for the best.

This isn't a fucking movie.

If you want to give blood go fucking give blood.

>> No.3264507 [DELETED] 
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meh, fine, i am pretty sleepy.

but final point: IF you are a troll then well played, i give 8/10

if not, and you actually are a faggot lying blood-giver, then i say there is no point for you doing so, they dont not want your blood, insults aside, it is probably perfectly safe but blood transfusions are serious business and you should play by their rules!
I'm actually bisexual myself, and i honestly feel the kind of thing you are going through, you want to rebel against people who are going against your rights. everyone is able to give blood except you, so you feel persecuted and hard done by and want to rebel against them just to make a point and stand your ground. i understand that. (no problem with bisexual women giving blood btw, but thats beside the point)
honestly, reconsider it. please.
There are better ways to make your point than by potentially risking the health of innocent people. I know you are probably clean, and dont have HIV. and i'm happy for you.
I wont troll you any more and i was just joking before. i feel a bit guilty.
anyway, just remember that lying on the blood donation form IS a crime, and i hope you make the right choice. thats all i have to say on the matter.
*EK exits thread*

>> No.3264517


Yup. Let's throw all personal responsibility out the window.

>> No.3264518

Nope. it's pretty sensible. Homosexuals are around 20* more likely to have HIV or AIDS than Heterosexuals
Sorry, I was ambiguous. I don't use protection beyond bactericidal lube with my partner, but when with others in the past I've used protection.
Yep, with a condom.
As for EK, she posted three different opinions including that "dishonest faggots are infecting the blood reservoirs with their fucking faggot aids..." and that "[she thinks] its admirable if you want to give blood and help your fellow man.", in this thread alone. I doubt she's being useful beyond providing an insight into MPD.
not 100%, no. I trust him beyond reasonable doubt though

>> No.3264521


mfw ek is a lesbian female who avidly surfs 4chan science & math

im not going to fap tonight

>> No.3264527 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, She had a personality shift midway through a post. Hows that MPD going EK?

>> No.3264523

Except they don't test each individual donation. They can't fucking afford to, so they pool donations by blood type and test that. A single infected donation might waste 9 or more healthy donations.

>> No.3264525

>as they would be for anyone. I don't believe I have a higher risk than a heterosexual in my position.
if you seriously believe the chance that a homo and hetero sexual are HIV positive is equal then you are seriously delusional

>> No.3264540

>Nope. it's pretty sensible. Homosexuals are around 20* more likely to have HIV or AIDS than Heterosexuals

No, they're not. It was revealed in The Times about a month or two ago that HIV in homosexuals is often the same, sometimes even less, than in heterosexuals.

That's why the law here in Britain is changing.

>> No.3264555 [DELETED] 

EK is bisexual?

>> No.3264570


It's really not a matter of sexual orientation. At all. And it's not just HIV we're talking about; there are lots of other blood-borne illnesses that pose a serious danger and don't carry the kind of stigma that HIV does.

Again, it's a matter of potential exposure. If you've ever engaged in anal sex with somebody, you run a higher risk of transmission than a similar person who hasn't, protection or no.

Honestly, if you are confident that you're a clean, healthy individual who wants to do something good for the world, the questions they ask shouldn't bother you and you should feel no need to lie.

>> No.3264572


It has been confirmed by the illustrious methods of science.

>> No.3264608

why don't they take 1/10 of 10 blood samples before they mix it together, test that sample, and if it comes up positive for something, they can do some more testing to find out which blood is bad? It seems dumb to immediately mix all the blood together

>> No.3264633

How much does blod test cost for blood taker

>> No.3264636

they test donated blood for antibodies now though. it made sense back when testing wasn't very good but i don't think there is much added risk now to allowing gay men to donate blood. they could at least drop the permanent deferral. there isn't a permanent ban on donation for johns and iv drug users, they just base it on length of time since the last exposure. that's a huge double standard.

>> No.3264869

dont be stupid, especially if u use protection. idiot.

>> No.3264898

>give gay blood
>become gay


>> No.3264932

going to contridict myself in this post but I don't give a crap. first O positive is the most common blood type, the main reason they want it is because any positive blood type can use it, so it runs out quick. http://www.redcrossblood.org/learn-about-blood/blood-types
second, I believe the red cross rules on homosexuals donating blood is outdated, the testing is better than it was thirty years ago when HIV came out

>> No.3264940

If gays aren't allowed, black females shouldn't be allowed either. Their STD stats are far more frightening.

>> No.3264979

>As a homosexual who uses protection, what would you think of me lying about my orientation and sexual history in order to donate blood? I'm planning on doing it tomorrow, unless you can convince me otherwise

Your blood is the same as anyone elses (barring STDS, but you said you use protection), so I say go for it man.

>> No.3265017
File: 45 KB, 300x300, whaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw condoms don't protect against SDIs very effectively

>> No.3265138

>they just base it on length of time since the last exposure

Well, assuming the OP has had at least one good hard buttfucking in the past year then it's not different at all.

Donate if you can. Many of us can't.

Me? Apparently one of my types of white cells don't like new environments and immediately start maturing into malignant macrophages when introduced into to one. I don't even know what the term is for that.