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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 16 KB, 398x360, EK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3264298 No.3264298 [Reply] [Original]

The Law of Eventuality: Eventually every thread that EK! is a part of will become an 'EK! thread'. There are no exceptions.

The cancer of /sci/ has finally gotten us my friends.

Chemo help us, chemo help us all!

>> No.3264308

Relax it's just two threads. At least only two I'm aware of. That inidan racist guy's and the other about women. Are there others?

>> No.3264307
File: 96 KB, 340x444, 1303867261432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3264306

EK is the village idiot

>> No.3264304
File: 255 KB, 438x357, 01278434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i aint even mad.

>> No.3264310

Nothing wrong with EK, he contributes positively and his posts are not retarded

>> No.3264317

I'll wisper, "no".

>> No.3264316


>> No.3264322

SHIT! I just realized we are no more than 30 people on /sci/.

>> No.3264324

lol was that for me? it was post referenced incorrectly.

>> No.3264341

and I guess you hing you have a 7 in cock.

the last survey showed no more than 10 people at the same time on sci.

>> No.3264355


Agreed. Apart from the not being retarded part. And the positive contributions part. And the part where there is nothing wrong with him.

>> No.3264358

what's the thing EK posts pics of in almost every EK post? is that EK?

>> No.3264365


No, they're two youtube atheists. He linked to their videos a couple of times, and I don't think he's ever claimed they are pics of him.

>> No.3264375

Gah, fuck. I thought she was banned.

>> No.3264383


He was. Report every post of his you see for ban evasion, we might not be able to actually get rid of the useless tard but we can make his life more annoying. That's the very lest he deserves.

>> No.3264406

/r/ link of youtube atheist

wait, so EK isn't a girl? what's with the guy who wants to marry it then?

>> No.3264414


He's a gullible newfriend who believes trolls, I guess. Or an engineer.

>> No.3264420

>and I guess you hing you have a 7 in cock

>> No.3264423


Don't know the other one.

>> No.3264432


I'm guessing he meant "inch"? Though what having a small penis has to do with anything is beyond me.

>> No.3264428

links my friend.

>> No.3264429

Thanks for shitting up /sci/ OP
I honestly don't fucking care that there is possibly a female posting on sci.


>> No.3264436

umm.. are you high son?

>> No.3264439

he overestimates things.

>> No.3264442

yeah i get what he meant. I didnt get why he said it and where he deduced that.

>> No.3264447

what? well yeh i still am a little high, but yeh, i like that youtuber, but yeh i am still female, bt im just not her. a different female. you see?

>> No.3264449


If Physics Guy were a chick, no-one would care. Harriet is (presumably) a chick, no-one cares. EK is hated because he's an obnoxious troll who shits up every thread he posts in with his sub-moronic opinions, which he then defends to the limits of his (admittedly very limited) ability.

>> No.3264453


>> No.3264454

yeh harriet is a chick as well but her posts are pretty boring and not science related anyway. i post better.

>> No.3264458


Evidence that EK is a fucking moron? Have you seen his posts?

>> No.3264466

No you don't. Bipolar fucktard.

>> No.3264467


other way around

>> No.3264464


whoops meant to reply to this


>> No.3264474

i like keeping EK around, it's like having an obnoxious and naive female from a 1950's show

>> No.3264543
File: 28 KB, 182x117, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell just happened?
A guy says the pics EK posts arent EK, but a youtuber.
I ask for links for said youtuber.
He posts a totally irrelevant blonde chick.
I ask if he is high because she looks like nothing EK.
Then EK replies saying he/she is indeed high. (what happened to the previous poster?)
Then he/she says, sorry i meant to reply to this. And references a post that didnt exist when she posted the first one.

>> No.3264552

sorry hun, different youtuber. didn't mean to troll you. we cool?

>> No.3264574

Who is this EK ?

>> No.3264592

Filter EK posts.

Do not reply to EK posts.

>> No.3264598

say. just out of curiosity. spending so much time here on 4chan and such. are you fat?

>> No.3264614


EK, can I hear it from you whether this is really you or not?

>> No.3264623
File: 21 KB, 210x213, trevor-moore-165202..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i first saw an EK post and thought the chick was Trevor Moore from Whitest Kids You Know

>> No.3264654

EK. i still want to marry you.

>> No.3264665

my word