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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3264031 No.3264031 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, talk to me about drugs.

Could you tell me what the best drugs are in terms of effects against drawbacks (such as addiction, overdosing and other ways they can fuck you up)? Don't even have to be illegal. Can you get a really decent high off something and have virtually no adverse effects?

>> No.3264043

Caffiene. Relatively cheap, legal, gives you the motivation to get off your ass and DO something with your life.

How a large percentage of people save themselves from apathy.

>> No.3264046 [DELETED] 
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weed is the best. totally honest. simple weed. its great. do it.

>> No.3264070

Caffiene is basically a placebo.

I drink it all the time. It doesn't make a difference, it just helps me relive my boredom at work.

>> No.3264081

This. Then you can become a tripfag loser who sits at home smoking bowls and pissing your youth away on 4chan every fucking day.

>> No.3264089

It is ridiculously dumb to ask this question without having any idea of what you want to get out of a high.

>> No.3264093


Try drinking 20 double espressos in a row and then tell us that caffeine is a placebo. The reason you don't seem to get much out of it is precisely because you drink it all the time, your body has gotten used to a certain level of caffeine and as a result you feel a near cnstant craving for it. Compare the head rush you get the first couple of times you smoke tobacco to the agitation and cravings you get when hooked and unable to 'top up' your nicotine levels.

To answer OP, most drugs are pretty safe used in moderation. If you have an addictive personality or a tendency to overindulge, you should avoid stuff like Heroin, and no-one should smoke meth unless they have a terminal illness or something, but otherwise its all good brah.

If you;re worried you might be the type who gets addicted to shit, stick to cannabis (impossible to overdoes) and Salvia Divinorum (completely non habit forming).

>> No.3264095

Caffeine is addicting. Drinking it will cause more harm than good in the long term
Weed has virtually no adverse side effects, is impossible to overdose on or become addicted to. And it's awesome. Do it err day.

>> No.3264099 [DELETED] 
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>implying thats a bad thing.

>> No.3264104

Depends what you're aiming to get from the experience.
If you want inisght and an expansion of your mind, any of the psychadelics will do you well.
Weed --> Shrooms-->LSD --> DMT. That order will do you well. None have noticeable or lasting side-effects.

If you just want to chill back and have a good time, stimulants and opiates are your way to go. Ecstacy and most other stimulants are pretty harmless, great times will be had and the only real side-effect is being thirsty as fuck. Opiates are a little more dangerous though, if you have control then you'll be fine with cocaine, but stay away from heroin. In fact, stay away from opiates altogether, their not all that great.

>> No.3264109

>or become addicted to

While its true you can't become physically addicted to weed, it does have a powerful moreish quality and some people may find they can't function without it once they've smoked it for a while, which could be described as a psychological addiction.

>> No.3264121

Near constant craving? No way. Some days I have like 4 coffees, some days none. Don't really think much of it, but if I want to kill 5 minutes before going back to work then I'll make a coffee.

You seem agitated, maybe it is not I with the caffeine problem...

>> No.3264152

this thread has given me plenty knowledge...ima go smoke a joint

>> No.3264160


Not addictive (generally), can be very relaxing, makes everything seem funnier / more interesting than it "actually" is, not dangerous if not mixed with tobacco
Euphoric, makes people seem waaay more interesting than usual, can lead to pseudo-spiritual feelings of oneness with humanity, very safe drug.
Dissociative, very weird and disorientating effect that gives access to a range of experiences you'll simply not get any other way. Not dangerous unless you really heavily overdoes, but many people find the experience unpleasant (I never have, YMMV)
Shrooms / Psyclobin:
Babbys first psychedelic, lots of interesting visuals, can be overwhelming if you;re not someplace you feel safe, can cause stomach pains and some people have bad experiences on it.
Much more powerful than shrooms but generally a similar effect. Very important that you take it in safe environments, with friends, one of whom should not be tripping if its your first time. People HAVE killed themselves while on LSD, do not make this your first drug. Combines with Ecstasy to produce a truly stupendous, if utterly baffling, trip.
Ever wondered what the world looks like inside out? For experienced drug users only.
Heroin / Morphine:
Makes everything great. Really, everything. It is impossible not to feel fantastic while on this shit. Can be very addictive: If your family history includes addiction of any kind (alcoholism, gambling, heavy smoking) then avoid, getting addicted to this shit is nasty.

>> No.3264158 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3264171 [DELETED] 
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i have never done DMT, inside out world you say?
i am fascinated, this is now my goal...

>> No.3264186

I agree with you for the most part. I've seen people snap/change/become weird after their first tab. I wouldn't let some kid take it. Need to know who you are before you take it or you're just asking for a bad trip.

Secondly, opiates are bad? C'mon bud, you know you're lying there. I wouldn't recommend them to anyone though. I'd just tell them to get some DXM or DPH and some codeine

>> No.3264190


I smoke lots of pot. Can I get a brofist?


Tonight I'm just drinking though. True story.

>> No.3264191 [DELETED] 
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you sound like you know your shit...whats youre fave?

>> No.3264194

>weed not dangerous
you must know of the proven connection between schizophrenia and weed use in a significant minority of people

>> No.3264193 [DELETED] 
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or i cant re-use images, so this will do.

>> No.3264196

I've done Ketamine and let me tell you, k-holes are fucked. Done it once and I'm fine, not again but that shit's intense.

>> No.3264204


I know it has been alleged. I also know there is conflicting data, to say the least. In any event, I would never recommend drugs to anyone under the age of 20 or so, messing with your brain before its even finished growing is just stupid.

>> No.3264210 [DELETED] 

I did it and loved it. tranquil as fuck.

>> No.3264218

Its what people consider "The dream drug".

Believed to secrete in your brain during REM sleep.

Its an incredibly strong hallucinogen.

>> No.3264221

Oh this is so wrong. Use of pot among those with schizophrenia is through the roof.

There is no causal link between pot and schizophrenia as it's merely a correlation; thus no inferences of cause and effect can be made.

Getting articles now.

>> No.3264222


See, that's what people tell me, but I love that shit. My favorite ever drug experience was on K. I snuffed a whole shitload and almost immediately, the whole world rushed away at lightspeed, leaving me alone in what seemed to be a small white-and-black room. There was a hood hanging from a hook on the wall, and a single chair thing, and I knew, just knew, that this was the end, that I would spend all eternity in that room, alone in the dark. Idk how long I was actually "out", but it felt like I spent millions and billions of years there, until it was all I could remember and all I could imagine. Shit was intense, I was thinking about it for weeks afterwards. Not a "pleasant" experience by any means, but then I don;t take drugs for pleasure (usually) but for the experiences.

>> No.3264224

Opiates aren't bad, but i've seen far too many people get carried away or waste their lives away on them to ever really recommend them to same degree that I would LSD or ecstacy. Personally, I don't see anything worthwhile that is gained from any opiates. They feel incredible, but there is no realisation or great appreciation for life gained from doing them.

Meh, to each their own.
And yes don't start on harder psychedelics unless you're fairly comfortable with yourself. If you have a lot of personal issues or anxiety you might want to do a double-take.

>> No.3264234

Weren't you banned?

>> No.3264241


Not that fag but, agreed. Opiates are just so NICE, that people get hung up on them. And really, while feeling great is obviously pretty great, its not very INTERESTING. If someone wanted to just feel good, I'd give them X and / or weed.

>> No.3264243


Sweet, EK, thanks. I didn't know you did any drugs. I'm totally crushing right now.

>> No.3264244

hallucinogens like weed can act as a catalyst in people who are predisposed to schizophrenia. not causal.

>> No.3264245



its a pure pleasure-seekers drug. nothing particularly spiritual about it. pure, unadulterated, no-bullshit golden orb of goodness in your tummy pleasure.

heroin is undoubtedly my DOC.

its so good. don't ever try it. not even once.

>> No.3264248


You know he's a dude, right? That girl is some youtube atheist he has a beta crush on.

>> No.3264257 [DELETED] 

apparently so, but i was on holiday the last week, and was using a differnt computer. i'm home now and didnt even realise i was banned until some anon told me (harriet confiremd it to be true) so i guess if i use different computers it doesnt count apparently.

>> No.3264262

If you like "interesting", then psychedelics are going to be what you're into. I also don't understand the fascination with opiates. They are boring.

>> No.3264264 [DELETED] 

lol cool. most of my guys do drugs as well. I like people open minded enough to just have fun without caring about uptight tards who will go against them for it.

>> No.3264266


>>significant minority

i'm sorry, WHAT?

Grammatical anomalies aside, that minority that can't psychologically handle weed can't very well handle any other drugs besides specific prescriptions as well.

Weed is probably the best. Can be grown, no long term side effects, unless you eat a lot while you're stoned, or fall prey to apathy, but those are both problems plaguing many fat neckbeards, you just have to have some ounce of willpower.

Adderall can be pretty cool as a study drug, but care needs to be taken regarding dosage, acquisition and frequency, because it has certain addictive qualities, and is a felony to possess without a prescription.

>> No.3264275


Totally. I live by one philosophy: Work hard, play hard. You gotta learn how to use substances to party harder.

P.S. I don't actually live by one philosophy, it just made a point.

>> No.3264277 [DELETED] 
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lol nigger im not a dude!

>> No.3264281 [DELETED] 

makes life more interesting at least.

>> No.3264286

Ok, first you two.

Cannabis has furthermore been illustrated to potentially trigger acute, yet transient, psychotic states and produce a short-term recurrence or exacerbation of psychotic symptoms (Arseneault, Cannon, Witton & Murray, 2004). This is reflected in a sample comprised 8167 participants wherein the age of onset was 2.70 years younger for those who used cannabis and 2.00 years younger for those with more generalised drug use (Large et al., 2011). Moreover, using cross-sectional data from 5 countries, finds that although usage varied between countries, cannabis use was typically elevated twofold among those with a psychotic disorder (Arseneault et al., 2004).

Arseneault, L., Cannon, M., Witton, J., & Murray, R. (2004). Causal association between cannabis and psychosis: Examination of the evidence. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 184, 110–117. doi 10.1192/bjp.184.2.110

Large, M., Sharma, S., Compton, M. T., Slade, T., & Nielssen, O. (2011). Cannabis use and earlier onset of psychosis: A Systematic Meta-analysis. Archives of General Psychiatry. doi:10.1001/archgenpsychiatry.2011.5

Yeah that's probably the best way to describe it. Not a pleasant trip. I just found it to be way too intense for my liking. Ended up throwing up.

Addictive as fuck. Both mentally and physically. Just chilled times. If I had the money I'd be a wreck.

>> No.3264290


It does. I admitted my crush for you, but you're probably too far away to do anything about that. Can we be friends?

>> No.3264299 [DELETED] 
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as long as you arn't WYU

>> No.3264302


There are studies that refute those studies, and studies that refute the refutations, and so on. For one thing, people who have mental health problems are more likely to experiment with drugs. Really, no-one knows. From purely anecdotal evidence, I have many friends who smoke weed, none of them has mental health issues.

>> No.3264312

i've seen you mention your sexuality and gender so many times when it is irrelevant to the discussion ("if i were to post my tits...", "bi-sexual reporting..."), and this is only in the past 2 weeks.

for example, correcting
has nothing to do with math and science.

dude or not, your desperation for attention is unflattering, and you are one degree removed from the girls on /b/ (and i only say that because i'm biased towards the subject matter).

>> No.3264334


Nope. I am Briton. Nice to meet you.

(I hope that no one I know is posting here right now since I have a very uncommon name.)

>> No.3264339


This. It is ofc precisely for this reason (fat permavirgins masquerading as females) that the expression TITS OR GTFO was coined. EK has made a big deal about his supposed e-gina, but then pretends to get all asspained when demanded to produce tits. Of course the reason he does is because he can't provide tits, unless you count his sweaty man-boobs.

>> No.3264346

No there are not. At least not peer reviewed articles in noteworthy journals. The link is there and it's clear as day.

Although your friends and mine have not developed a mental disorder, it is in the nature of most drugs to act as a catalyst for them. Nobody knows when or if someone will develop schizophrenia as opposed to some personality disorder. But when it does, that's it.

I did say above that I've seen people change after their first tab of LSD. Some were just gone, not psychosis or anything, just weird, not really with it anymore. Fact of the matter is, just because you may not know of someone with it doesn't mean that it can't happen.

>> No.3264352

That's it, I'm calling your mother.

>> No.3264368


No, tits or gtfo is not necessary. It was instated because guys like tits. A timestamp would be sufficient.

>> No.3264376


When I say tits, I mean a timestamp. Tits just sounds better.

>> No.3264390


lol, I live on my own. Good luck with that.

>> No.3264530
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i just vaped some kief in my new magic flight launch box. shit's cash

>> No.3264725

Weed is the least harmful drug that is easily accessible. I smoke once a week. Clears my head, lets me think differently, helps me sleep.

Never be on something more than once a week, though. Moderation is the key to all happiness and stability.

>> No.3264773

I smoked weed almost everyday for 5 years straight, quit cold turkey and never had any withdraw symptoms. The only downside is that it makes you lazy. The upside is that is makes everything more awesome, and is of course, not addicting at all.

>> No.3264777

Google "THC alzheimer's"

They think that since THC is an inhibitor, it may help prevent the destruction of nerve cells by protein clumps.

>> No.3264801

Anyone done oral DMT before? It's like freebase except it's slowly released over 4 hours and you take it with pharmaceutical MAOI.

To this day, I still haven't touched it again. It really scares me when the world goes completely white, blinding bright.

I blacked halfway through the trip. To this day, it's still not the same.
Sometimes I get these laughing fits because nothing seems real anymore.

>> No.3264839

weed aint even a drug, its a medicine. its great.

>> No.3264848


>> No.3265739

Mescaline is a good first psychedelic for an intellectual.

>> No.3265742 [DELETED] 


>> No.3265773


>> No.3265780

Caffeine is legal, increases brain activity and prevents unintentional sleep. Also raises blood pressure, can derail any train of thought

alcohol is legal, decreases self inhibition, and makes speech slur. Personally, it makes me feel like I'm looking out through a periscope

Cannabis is illegal (though without reason), reduces blood pressure, and can aid thought.

>> No.3265778 [DELETED] 

because it is. (ive done both, LSD lasts a fucking eternity...)

>> No.3265781

on the other side of that, doing the poor man's pipe from an aluminium can will give you alteimers how-the-fuck-you-spell-it

>> No.3265792

Good shrooms will fuck you up so much more than good LSD
I'm acquaintances with a LSD dealer and my good friend has some sorta middle-man for shrooms going on, and I have plenty of experience

>> No.3265795

and EK why the fuck are you doing drugs your already challenged

>> No.3265820 [DELETED] 


>> No.3265835

I'm one of the people who doesn't like tripcodes and understands that it just makes me remember every stupid thing you do rather than anything worthwhile
You have developed your own personality to attach to your name, and it's sick
You should just become anon
Your on fucking 4chan
the outer regions, but still, 4chan

>> No.3265841 [DELETED] 

lol its 'sick'?
methinks the faggot doth protest too much.

>> No.3265857

your attempt to make your trip mean anything
Thats the only reason you use it is so that anything you've said can, in fact, be attributed to you. It's completely against the whole awesomeness of 4chan
Why don't you go to another board if you want your trip attached to everything you do?

>> No.3265887 [DELETED] 
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>Why don't you go to another board if you want your trip attached to everything you do?
oh lol. i'd be fascinated to hear the logic behind this