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3260454 No.3260454 [Reply] [Original]

i think i'm a big failure at my university

i'm currently on my 2nd year and i fucking LOVE math and engineering; however, i'm fucking unfortunate that i'm quite inept to understand math and especially physics in one term, and the worst of all is that i fail SOOOO MANY TIMES that i've been given a warning about my academic standards. hell, i even failed my algebra on my 1st year. god damn, i feel so stupid right now

do you guys go through a dilemma like this? if only i was a genius, i'd take on everything, but no, geniuses here are fucking lazy retard, i hate them for passing their subjects even without studying

>> No.3260470

Sorry bro, I've just finished my 6th semester and I still haven't failed shit. I still don't feel very smart though compared to many of my class mates

>> No.3260475

Jealousy is not a good quality to have.

>> No.3260479

i know, sorry bro

people with little intelligence like me sometimes wonder what geniuses have that we don't have

>> No.3260509

you weren't meant to study engineering, maths or science OP, sorry. Even if you manage to pass and get a degree, you won't get a job. All employers will throw out your applications straight away due to poor grades.

Try economics, or maybe computer science? You can make really good money laboring if you work in rural areas too.

>> No.3260515

>fucking LOVE math and engineering;
>don't understand math or engineering


>> No.3260524

>failing engineering and maths
>study computer science

>> No.3260530


Practice makes perfect.
Dedication makes excellence.

>> No.3260549

engineering expounds more on math and physics.

>> No.3260615
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>throw out your applications straight away due to poor grades
I wouldn't know about the states, but here in Europe NOT A SINGLE FUCK is given about grades as long as they are passing ones. You get your degree and any emplyer will consider an A+ degree exactly the same as an E- degree.

>> No.3260660


i can verify this
no one even asks for your grades, how you do on your job interview aka not being a social retard will land youa job much faster than having max grades

>> No.3260706
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Utter bullshit. here is what happens:

- Company advertises for graduate employment, they need to employ 20 new grads
- Company receive thousands of applications
- HR person sits in his office thinking "fuck this shit"
- HR gets rid of all but 100 applications, based purely on grade and without even looking at them
- Starts to read remaining applications and organises interviews, assessment centres, etc.

I agree that if you get past the initial culling stage, grades do not mean much, but you're only kidding yourself if you think you'll ever work in a respectable company with a barely pass average.

>> No.3260720

>based purely on grade

sometimes based purely on chance or arbitrary considerations like first 100 to be received even though the rest made it before due date.

>> No.3260724

having max grades is necessary to land you the interview though

>> No.3260738


When you've actually worked a day in your life feel free to tell people how getting a job works.

Until then, companies will look at where you got your degree and how much of a twat you come across as in your CV.

Then they'll decide accordingly. Companies do not give a shit about grades.

>> No.3260746

i'm 44 and have been working since i graduated in maths from ucl over 20 years ago.

i have also been on selection panels for job vacancies with two of my employers.

>> No.3260755

you should come and work at deloitte or one of the other big 4 accountancy firms.

grades matter, but they are only a part of the story

>> No.3260756


Fuck off, when you claim to have graduated most people in the UK didn't even bother finishing high school.

Where on earth did you work that grades mattered more than work experience and references?

>> No.3260761


undergrads never having done a job interview or make a resume

learn to read btw
in europe no one even asks your grades, nor are they put on your resume (you could mention, achieved distinction but really no one gives a fuck)

emperical data from mayor chem company in eu
resumes recieved for 'sciency' job: 14
of which invented to interview: 10
pass to second round: 2,5
accepted: 1,4
0,4 turns down offered salary

seriously in your first year every prof says you need good grades to get a job, but really they want to get good phd students. they aren't 1000's of appllicants for a single job

reality will teach you

>> No.3260762

for burger flipping you are quite correct.

i guess that's your area of expertise.

>> No.3260769

don't listen to this guys, he's retard level. and his "empirical data" doesn't say anything.

he's just a dunning kruger retard who gets mad when contradicted on the internet.

grades won't land you the job, but they are one of the criteria employees use to assess applicants. usually an early filter. you will need much more than grades at later interview stages.

>> No.3260771

>resumes recieved for 'sciency' job: 14
>of which invented to interview: 10
>pass to second round: 2,5
>accepted: 1,4
>0,4 turns down offered salary

what are those numbers and how do they show that grades don't matter?

>> No.3260773


How angry do you have to get that you samefag one post?


>grades won't land you the job, but they are one of the criteria employees use to assess applicants. usually an early filter.

More lies.

>> No.3260774
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>> No.3260783

>ad hominem, species samefag accusation, no evidence offered but "you lie"

not very /sci/ are you?

>> No.3260784


illustrating a: that you don't have to compete with 1000's; b: most applicants get invited to interview without mentioning grades

i like the part were you use logic and citations to discredit me
i am graduated and have a job and as such find myself qualified to participate in this discussion

>> No.3260786

>told, not told, told with a first class degree from top tier university

thanks anon

>> No.3260800

To everyone claiming grades always matter:

I know SEVERAL scientists and engineers who were employed without ever informing their employers of their grades.

Sure ther might be SOME employers interested in grades, but my (admittedly anecdotal) experience tells me that it's far from everyone.

>> No.3260803

most but not all.

also, and more importantly, your use of statistics is flawed. jobs often SPECIFY a grade requirement, thus filtering before the applications are made.

anon found some evidence that is actually sourced, your numbers could be made up. >>3260774

>> No.3260806


About two thirds of students achieve either a first class degree or a 2:1

well that's a lot, in the german system of universities they dont give out grades like flyers

>> No.3260811

a lot of sci jobs with strong academic component get appointed by recommendation.

the recommendation usually happens because the candidate has impressed the referee by being academically excellent, ie getting good grades.

>> No.3260813

so you concede that it does actually matter

>> No.3260816

they shouldn't really bother giving them out at all, seeing as how they don't matter.

>> No.3260818


i agree completely with your comment i cannot give a source on those figures as they are not publicly published

also in my country no job add lists any requirement to grades (if they want to do that they list phd required)

>> No.3260819

some anons ITT sure are butthurt they got bad grades

>> No.3260823

For a Amerifriend, what does that mean? We have bachelors' degrees given out for a standard rigorous course of study for 4 years, with higher degrees given out for 2 more years of study with concurrent thesis work (masters), 4 more years of study with rigorous study (professional degrees like medicine and law) or quite a few years of study with significant research development, thesis defense and contribution to the scientific order (research degrees like PhD, which I believe is the same as you buddies have)

>> No.3260826

assuming they don't lie that they have jobs , I don't see a reason why would they care about some grade x years ago.

>> No.3260827

one of the top numerate graduate employers in the uk


give grade requirements from university and high school

>> No.3260831

probably very recent graduates

>> No.3260841
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>some anons ITT sure are butthurt they got bad grades
And an equal amount of autismal fucks being buttdevastated that all their hard work for maximum grades was pretty much meaningless.

>> No.3260851

>low grade butthurt detected

>> No.3260852

>they aren't 1000's of appllicants for a single job

For entry level engineering jobs in the US the applications:jobs is about 100:1. The average for all jobs in the US at this time is 20:1.

While I have a 3.0 in engineering(which is considered good for nearly all job applications) going into my last semester of school, I am hoping I can use the connections I made to get a job rather than play resume roulette with employers.

>> No.3260853

>so mad he searched out a pic related

pray tell me again how mad i am

>> No.3260858


i never said i had bad grades
i just said no one even asks and let me tell you your grades (exact number) fade away almost immediatly after you graduate
i just feel the need to correct some autist who pressured someone into quitting his studies becuase he couldn't get max grades

as my final argument to this now pointless discussion, go get a job, see how it works; that'll settle the argument

>> No.3260874

loving something doesn't really mean you understand it
i'm pretty much an average student at my university like you, but never failed, compensate your "lack" of superb math/sci skills with practice and extra hard work. trust me, shit works. read the fucking book in advance, practice with exercises. actually do shit for once. if you love math and eng that much, be willing to spend time for it.

>> No.3260902

like i said, i have a job, and i have played a part in employing people.

grades matter for your first graduate job, after that they don't matter hardly at all, but for your first step on the ladder, they are among the most important things, along with contacts, references, skills (including interpersonal skills).

>> No.3260903

Ultimately the little number you leave university with is only there to separate you from other people otherwise identical to you wanting to do the same as you.

It rapidly becomes meaningless if you move towards an obscure field of science or have other defining qualities.

>> No.3260923

If your gpa is less than 4.0 recruiters pay no mind. only put gpa on resume if you have a 4.0

>> No.3260946

And if you have a 4.0 GPA, don't tell recruiters what you did at school because it was obviously weak courses and not worthy of mention.

>> No.3260966

only because the 4.0 in hard courses get headhunted and as such dont need to apply?

>> No.3260984
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you are a failure

you will only stop being a failure once you stop feeling sorry for yourself and spend the effort necessary to enhance your own ability to perform through dedicated and effective practice

the basics, don't just know them...BE THEM

>> No.3260987

Actually a 4.0 is engineering tells and employer one of 2 things:
1. You lie on your resume
2. You have no life outside of school, and that you cannot deal with failure which is common everywhere.

Source: A professor who has millions in research funding and 10 grad students and post docs in his lab.

>> No.3260997

My PI, as well as every professor I have ever known, will tell you that if someone reports a 4.0 GPA, it's because they either work too hard and don't have balance in their lives, haven't challenged themselves, or are flat lying.

>> No.3261041
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>mfw i have a distinction average, have done student exchange, travelled the world, play many sports, play guitar and am musically talented, have relevant work experience, have participated and been the leader of various charities and community groups, have VIP referee's whom are we known in the industry

Every company creamed themselves over my CV, and I got offered positions at every place I applied, still have not decided which one to accept.

you all jelly/mad/mirin

>> No.3261045

ITT: lies

>> No.3261061

>attention whoring as anonymous

I don't know you, don't care and fail to see why I should care.