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3260329 No.3260329 [Reply] [Original]

>I'm sitting in my room
>95% of my coursemates are in an exam hall with 30 minutes left of their exam panicking.

Finishing an hour early


Don't you just love it when you look accross the exam hall and see those lazy students, who never went to lectures and did fuck all all year except party, looking dumbfounded?

I do.

>> No.3260332

Stop taking such easy courses, faggot

>> No.3260331
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>> No.3260340

Enjoy your F

>> No.3260347


I remember in High School when I had my final English exam. I was done in an hour and a half, while the rest sat with it for the entire 5 hours.

My grade? The only A (6, Norway) at our school.


>> No.3260348

>thinks good grade in college means anything

s'up middle class peasant.

>> No.3260349

Exams are usually planned so that you need almost all of the time to write correct comprehensive answers to the questions. If you have finished a whole hour early it is likely that you have not written enough and you will not do as well as you could have done.

>> No.3260351


Is this the real Harriet?

I like you. And I agree with you.

>> No.3260354

>Exams are usually planned so that you need almost all of the time to write correct comprehensive answers to the questions. If you have finished a whole hour early it is likely that you have not written enough and you will not do as well as you could have done.

Numerical answers baby. I wasn't the first to finish either, just that since I'm in first year we still haven't weeded out the retards yet so alot of my coursemates are kinda dumb.

1st year Mechanical Engineering. Yeah it's easy I agree but not flowerpicking (such as Photography or whatever you were expecting me to say).

>> No.3260357

>implying you can get into a good research degree program without producing as an undergrad

Hey, getting mediocre grades is fine if you did well in lab and published. But I'm assuming you're all in the UK and therefore won't have the chance to publish in an impact journal. He needs to do well in grades.

>> No.3260360

I think I am the only one. Nobody has impersonated me since i got this tripcode.

>> No.3260393

So you are just very quick at working out maths problems?

>> No.3260395

Wut? I went to nearly no lectures and finished my previous exam with over an hour left, then sat and checked my paper cause I didn't want to be the first to leave. Mad?

>> No.3260397


Pretty much.

Its just satisfying to see the coursemates that did fuck all out of lazyness all screwed up.

>> No.3260398


Yeah but you probably worked outside lectures and did alot of revision

I would say like 60% of my course missed aload of lectures and did NO work outside of them other than the day or 2 before the exam.

Yeah I know what you're gonna say sounds like a shitty university then. I'm actually transferring universities onto Physics next year, thats not the reason but I'd be lying if I said it didn't play a part.

>> No.3260402

Do you know what Schadenfreude is?

>> No.3260407

All the work I did outside of lectures was on either java or webtech, this exam was on the bullshit business-y part of it. Had about half a day of revision.

>> No.3260411

>posts an image of the new overly-self aware depressed and money desperate camwhore boxxy

>expects to be taken seriously

>> No.3260412

>bullshit business-y part of it

So it was just a doss module

You couldn't revise this one in half a day.

>> No.3260415

You left 30 minutes early? Well it's safe to say, either you failed, or your subject is ridiculously easy.

>> No.3260419

Oh yes. I know that feel

I barely studied the week before finals and got all A's.

The retards were freaking out and cramming

However, the TRUE RETARDS didn't even care that they would fail.

>> No.3260422


What about 'justice' and 'fairness'

If they passed it wouldn't be fair on the people who actually put work in during the year, some people more than me.

If all year long everyone told you "Don't go through that lion enclosure it hasn't eaten in days" and you go through wearing a meat dress, it isn't really our fault that your 'misfourtune' happened.

They knew they had to learn all this stuff, and they didn't. Therefore I shouldn;t feel sorry for them.

>> No.3260425

>implying i'm not that guy that left 10 minutes before you
>implying i didn't party every night, get laid regularly and have endless amounts of fun during semester
>implying I won't beat your score by 5%


>> No.3260424

I go partying, don't do jack and still ace all my exams an hour earlier than everybody else.

Feels good to be naturally talented.

>> No.3260426

You are not naturally talented, you are probably studying biology or some other pseudoscience that only requires a modicum of common sense to ace through.

>> No.3260430
File: 109 KB, 762x895, mech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1st year Mechanical Engineering

here's what you have to look forward to OP

>> No.3260434


Its easy in the sense that its a first year module so the concepts are simple. And since its Engineering simple concepts mainly means deriving a few equations here and there and using some other equations. The only thing thats difficult is learning all the things and terms in the first place once everythings learnt and you know what happens when what this means what happens next how to relate this and that. THe exam itself is very easy yeah.

Especially since we get 4 questions in Section A and 4 in Section B and answer 2 from each, meaning I could just pick the 2 I understood inside out from each section.

The subject itself isn't easy though you have to understand it to do well in the exam.

>> No.3260435

I agree that it is just and fair for the intelligent and hard working people to pass the exams and the lazy ones to fail. I also realise that an exam is meaningless if everyone passes, because your worth and value for passing it is judged comparatively.
However, I think it is quite horrible to be gaining sick pleasure from your classmates misfortune.

>> No.3260439
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That doesn't look so bad, although I'm transferring to Physics so what I actually have to look forward to is this...

>> No.3260443
File: 88 KB, 240x431, wellfuckyourshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, I knew a girl that used to brag that she would go to class drunk and get A's.
Then I found out she never took anything past algebra.

>> No.3260445

>However, I think it is quite horrible to be gaining sick pleasure from your classmates misfortune.

As I tried to explain in the analogy, its hardly misfortune if it's their own damn fault. They knew they would be examined on it and they didn't bother trying to understand it until a few days before. Thats not misfortune, thats stupidity.

>> No.3260447
File: 102 KB, 581x616, fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's because you don't understand what is involved in solving those questions. here's some more.

>transferring to physics

enjoy unemployment

>> No.3260452

Then pity them. Do not delight in their situation.

>> No.3260456


<3 the new boxxy

Are there any past paper university exams (mech/aero eng) I can read?

Community college is really setting me up for a massive failure, I don't know what real school is like.

>> No.3260461


Looks complicated, but I suppose with a year of lectures and tutorials on the subject it wouldn;t be so bad.

>> No.3260463

Who is Boxxy?

>> No.3260471
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>> No.3260480




>> No.3260483

She seems a little strange.

>> No.3260488

You shouldn't finish an exam 1 hour early. It means you haven't answered everything they were asking in enough detail.

If you are really good you could finish with about 30 minutes to be checking over stuff.

Also by the sounds of it OP doesn't have any friends

>> No.3260508

>enjoy unemployment

>just graduated with a degree in physics
>Starting banking job with JP morgan

>> No.3260538

I was the 1st to finish my exam today, left after 35min even though it was a 2h30 exam and I'm sure to get an A. It was a joke subject though(political science lol), but it makes my average go up so yay I guess.
Fucking chem is coming up next, god damn I hate that shit.

>> No.3260555

Nice, I'd rather have a shot at doing what I love, even if I don't pursue a phD and get a job in Finance instead, rather than staying with Engineering and being stuck in Engineering the rest of my life. Yeah I know you can get into research in Fluid Mechanics and stuff but its not the same. I want to be a Physicist not an Engineer

You are on 4chan at either early afternoon European time or early in the morning. I propose that you have no friends either.

>> No.3260566


Being such, your responsibilities are vastly increased.

Soon you will esplode

>> No.3260575


Learn too enjoy it.