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3257379 No.3257379 [Reply] [Original]

Natural ways to improve memory?

>> No.3257382


>> No.3257387

that isn't natural you fucking nigger.

OP, just study every day, and do crosswords and quizzes and things, it will probably improve your concentration.

>> No.3257393

I play chess daily, does that help my cause?

>> No.3257402

use it often

>> No.3257403

Yes, also eat healthy and exercise every single day.

>> No.3257404
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>> No.3257405


OP said memory, tripfreak.

>> No.3257411

leave her alone. concentration is related to memory.

>> No.3257420

improves concentration and memory. they are related, dumbfuck!

>> No.3257422
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Stop fighting in my thread!

I do that too

>> No.3257425

stop being a fucking kiss-ass faggot! you've been a pain in my ass all day, and this little display of fucking acting doesnt fix anything you cunt!

>> No.3257429

Yes! like I said here: >>3257411

>> No.3257435


>> No.3257433
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Oh well, that's it for me

>> No.3257431

OP is ponyfag.

Don't help him.

That said, Adderall will improve your memory.
>inb4 durr not natural

>> No.3257445

That does it. I'm filtering EK.

What a retarded whore.

>> No.3257450

>implying I watch ponies
Oh wait, I do

But that's not what the thread is about, silly

>> No.3257453

good riddance, i dont wanna talk to you anyway, faggot.

>> No.3257456

OP, just study every day, and do crosswords and quizzes and things, it will probably improve your concentration. Because concentration and memory are the same thing. Except they aren't, and my post didn't say anything about memory. Herp derp, brb backpedaling.

>> No.3257463


Don't leave EK.
At least I like you and I want you to stay.

Just ignore that faker/troll.

>> No.3257464
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But you will talk to me?

>> No.3257468

lol, i'm the faker?

>> No.3257472

No but WYU is a better EK than you

>> No.3257477

You seem a little on edge today EK. Is something wrong? How is the holiday going?

>> No.3257478


DUMBASS. Jesus christ you're fucking stupid.

>> No.3257481


>> No.3257496
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Another thread is derailed by EK discussion.
At least it's better than religion or economy.

>> No.3257508

like i give a fuck.

shut the fuck up, its none of your fucking business

>> No.3257532


Go troll elsewhere.
This place was a lot more fun before idiots like you started impersonating our tripfags.

>> No.3257537


>> No.3257539

Some of the lighter, well studied nootropics help quite a bit if you're willing to cheat a bit. Try out piracetam and don't give up on it! Find the dose that's right for you and you'll find that your memory will improve among a plethora of other pleasant effects.

Other than that I've heard that brain games help with memory.

>> No.3257540

I bet you're one of those faggots that pretends to samefag using a fake EK trip, then turns around and complains about how every thread EK posts in gets derailed. People only do it because it's the 'hip' thing to do. It's a fucking stupid forced meme, just like hurr durr engineers are all faggots.

>> No.3257542

>not natural

What is adderall a supernatural substance now?
Everything is natural you stupid cunt.

>> No.3257543

That's actually the real EK you idiot.

>> No.3257551

adderall has been shown to increase neural pathways that aid memory or something like that

>> No.3257557

It's a man-made substance asshole. Last I checked, you can't find an Adderall created by non-human methods just laying somewhere on the ground.

>> No.3257558

as in, a comparison between man made products and natural products. or do i need to spell it out for you? it isnt a fucking difficult concept!
>hurr durr, buildings and advanced scientific equipment and cars are all natural because it was all natural materials we made it from.
fucking aspie twat!

>> No.3257560


Hi. I haven't seen you around.
You must be new here.

>> No.3257561

>implying humans aren't natural

>> No.3257573

I had a feeling you would respond with something like this. Philosophically speaking, yes, everything is natural. But you knew what the fuck OP meant, so stop being such an autist. Whenever there is a distinction between natural and not natural, it almost always means created or not created by humans.

>> No.3257579
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>Can you guys stop fighting now ... pwease

Also, I don't want to eat any pills. I want a proven and safe method/technique for improving memory in general.

>> No.3257587

>Also, I don't want to eat any pills. I want a proven and safe method/technique for improving memory in general.
yes, those of us who arn't fucking morons understood that you meant that when you said 'natural ways'
but thanks for clearing that up for all the people in the thread who are fucking retarded.

>> No.3257600
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Do what actors do. Write what you need memorised into a script. read script. repeat. Do it in small sections.

>> No.3257615


OP here.
Good advice, thanks EK.

>> No.3257620

The trouble is I'm doing a lot of this when studying for exams, but I'm having problems memorising it all on the fly. I wish to improve on that, but have no clue how to go about it.

>> No.3257625

You're not OP because I'm OP :/

>> No.3257629

Should have been doing it all year. If you're behind ----> Adderall

>> No.3257631
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its WYU samefagging. he likes to play games apparently

>> No.3257638


Nice try.

>> No.3257639

LOL That wasn't even me. I don't respond to my own posts like that. I'm more sophisticated than that.

But now I've made you all paranoid.

>> No.3257640


A glass of wine a day can help improve memory, according to this article. Any more than that, though, gives the opposite effect.

>> No.3257652

Oh dear. It also talks about smoking having a bad effect on memory, and that's something I'm going to have trouble getting over with. But it's a nice clue, thank you.

>> No.3257662

EK, what's it like to be an aspie?