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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3245415 No.3245415 [Reply] [Original]

Michio Kaku, serious scientist or highly educated sci-fi novelist?
Everything he does and study seems to be in the hypothetical fantasy side of physics, the one that can blossom because of the most ludicrous gaps in modern theories ...
What do you think /sci/ ?

>> No.3245426

I don't know much about his research in physics, but one thing I do know. He should keep his fucking mouth shut about fields other than his own. I've heard him say the most retarded shit about evolution. Somehow he thinks being on TV makes him an expert in every field of science.

>> No.3245437

Disregard him, he is an useless pop-scientist.

>> No.3245446

but evolution is real anon...

>> No.3245453

Right. We agree on that.

>> No.3245460

I hate this guy.
And the other black guy too..

Basically, I hate every single one of the "star scientists".
They're only good to make average Joie think he knows anything about physics and that time travel is for tomorrow.

>> No.3245463

His radio show is really good.

>> No.3245490
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Michio is an ancient alien

>> No.3245499

I'd wager he does more good for the science than anyone who values time so low as to waste it on 4chan (including myself)

>> No.3245507


I fucking love that guy

>> No.3245512

I won't.

Now you have a crowd of retards explaining to you how time travel is possiblme etc etc
Its not science.

>> No.3245527
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>hates people who teach a general idea of scientific concepts in an attempt to interest them in science
>would rather all the non-scientists become actively anti-science due to the influence of religious groups

>> No.3245538

He's fine, he understands shit average people don't, and has a gift for explaining them. Sure, he's not important for his findings, but he's smart and a good way for people understand complex things. Do you all think you're better?

>> No.3245545

link related

>> No.3245551

Sure, he's a popular scientist and some of his stuff is a bit on the fantasy sci-fi side, but I think what he is doing is getting a lot of people who wouldn't otherwise be intrested in science intrested, which leads to more support for science.

Disreguarding his work on Tv, he's a dam smart guy, he built a particle collider on his high-school sports field, and has lead some pretty important work on string-theory.

He's certainly a lot smarter than anyone on /sci/

>> No.3245562
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>~90% of /sci/: sci-hipsters despiting anything is popular. Also, they believe to know how the entire universe works and anyone who disagrees with them is considered an idiot.

>> No.3245564

>He's certainly a lot smarter than anyone on /sci/

I'm pretty sure if Newvton visited /sci/ your argument would be false..
Although I heard Einsteun occasionally visits /sci/

>> No.3245575
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>gah, too mainstream

>> No.3245623

High level science =! mainstream audience

Stop being populistic dicks.

>he built a particle collider on his high-school sports field,
he's an engineer? allright.

>> No.3245633

Since when do people think that cutting edge science should and could be understood by the average Joe?

That's completely insane and not serious at all ..

>> No.3245639

I saw some of his TV series and it's very interesting - a good relaxation. But more people will agree with you if you say most of /sci/ instead of anyone on /sci/. Since there are pretty smart people out here as well at least sometimes.

In general:
For those of you who claim his "time travelings" are pure nonsense.
Well currently we have some equations describing our universe or at least some phenomena.
These equations are fairly complicated and not always obvious but they are based upon empirical observations.
There have been phenomena that were predicted by these equations and later proven by experimental evidence.
Apparently one of the implications that those equations imply is that there can be time travel. - Don't ask me how exactly I was not interested in it and I find it as a mistake as well.

Nevertheless unless you can algebraically prove it's wrong - and your algebra should be consistent with current empirical evidence you can't actually blame anyone that it's a nonsense. (actually you can blame but that quiet often turns out to prove lack of knowledge so it's not recommended)

>> No.3245713

Michio Kaku is a whore, so at least he is a good philosopher.

>> No.3245721
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Well, I'd like to know how did you become interested in science during your life, mister.

>> No.3245730

Why not?

>> No.3245759
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Sasha Gray is who first got me interested in science.

>> No.3246235

Retarded question.
Are you a creationist?

>> No.3246250

Time travel is a ridiculous idea based on the idea that time exists.

>> No.3246271

Sure time doesn't exist - can you give one example when you can just get rid of the time?

>> No.3246300

>Stop being populistic dicks.

Stop being a selfish idiot.

>> No.3246309

Sure. Can you give an example of any when?

>> No.3246329

The Wave equation. Describing propagation of wave. It's a general equation linking space and time by knowing propagation speed.


>> No.3246335
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>> No.3246385

"time" is just a poor attempt of word, an age old concept, a human approximation. Time doesn't exist. It's just motion. We need to rethink this concept, to base it on something that is actually REAL . Time isn't real.
I have no proposition for I am no genius, sorry to disappoint you. But I do know that "time" isn't a physical thing. A thing is physical, or it isn't.

>> No.3246400

Carl Sagan was popular and he never resorted to "string theory therefore UFOs"

>> No.3246404

You are beyond n00b.

>> No.3246414
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then the fuck is going on during relativistic speeds?

>> No.3246439
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I think I'm beyond you, actually.

>> No.3246462

No. I think scientists have a responsibility to communicate science to the public. Science is not an exclusive little treehouse club.

>> No.3246472

You are right that you can't manipulate with time like with particles. That's why we use it as a dimension. It's just like in cartesian coordinates x,y,z none of them is a physical entity. But we need them in order to describe objects within a free space. To try to get rid of time is the same as trying to get rid of x or y or z - as soon as you do so you get infinite number of solutions (the algebra - more unknown then equations case will be).
Usually there is absolute time and real time or how I like to call it effective time. That describes how quickly reactions act (oscillators oscillate...) in that given area. With backward time travel there is a fundamental mistake in interpretation I guess. What a time travel to past means is that you get speeded up so that if you "start time travel" at Wednesday for you it will get Friday while for the rest of the universe there will still be Thurstay.
So you didn't go Wednesday->Tuesday,

you went Wednesday->friday;
rest of world Wednesday-> Thurstday
Effectively Friday->Thurstday - note effectively you will see a backward time travel but you can't get before the point of when you started the "time travel" - say you can't get to time when universe was just 1billion years old - unless you get into much lower gravitational field (which implies you currently must be in very high gravity field - which might not be true). Basically it's a fake time travel not the true one.

But this is only the simple interpretation of gravitational potential. I don't know how the "cosmic strings" work so you might get phenomena where you will actually travel backward in time so you start on Wednesday and get into Tuesday.

If such thing is possible I would very much appreciate the algebraic explanation with verbal comment of it.

>> No.3246491

I can't explain it by not using the "time" concept because I don't know of anything else to replace it.
Space, there is ; energy, there is ; information there is.Time....there isn't.
Prove me that time exists (you made the positive assertion).

>> No.3246503

Read his papers / articles, if you are even educated enough in the field to properly understand them. Only then can you honestly judge whether he is an accomplished scientist or not.

Citations alone .. nope.

>> No.3246516

>little treehouse club

Why choose to something related to childhood, were people are consciously and purposedly rejected except a few select ones?

Did you have a hard childhood? Were other kids a bit mean to you? Were you lonely ? Are you still lonely today?

The fact that this kind of level of complexity is exclusive to the vast majority of humanity has strictly nothing to do with your social issues my friend. If you didn't study hard these fields, you won't be able to understand THEN manipulate and enhance or even disprove these theories and concepts.

Keep your ego out of it, we're talking Science here.

>> No.3246526

I'm not trying to get rid of time, I'm trying to find what's really behind that delusion and then abandon the old concept and use the new. If it's even possible for a non-genius person, I don't know) .

>> No.3246529
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I know what you mean, btw it can be perceived as a dimension, maybe we have to discuss about how we define the existence of something.

>> No.3246543

I'm sorry but I am afraid I can't prove that time exists since I don't know what form are you expecting the answer to be. I mean I have already mentioned the mathematical implications that if you remove it same thing will happen as if you removed say x axis. The thing is you don't have to use Cartesian coordinates you can have a look at it from point of view of hyperbolic coordinates where the time is equally important as ordinary spatial dimensions.

A light cone is perhaps much better example:

But I am not sure if you are looking for an explanation in physics or psychology of human perception.

>> No.3246578

Maaaannn, I remember back when this thread was about Kaku. Yep. Back in the day.

>> No.3246591

You can create your own coordinate system say:
x+t =a
y-t =b
z*t = c
x*y =d

And then time will be equally important as the spatial dimensions (xyz). This particular coordinate system is perhaps most of the time useless but it shows that it's only dependent on what coordinate system you chose, which is dependent on what sensory do you have (I bet a blind caterpillar will use different coordinate system as a bird). So adequately the variables that each will consider as "false" or non existent will be different.

You want a new perspective on time? Well relativity brings it. With the effective time (real time and the absolute time). It might not be very different perception of time but it's useful because it's relatively easy to use in computations.

>> No.3246598

Why are you so reluctant to take science commication seriously?

>> No.3246622

At the very least Kaku has a respectable academic background, unlike Tyson, who washed out of his first attempt at grad school and never published anything worth reading.

>> No.3246630

I just say that the guys like kaku michio put nonsense and unproven hypothesis and their own fantasies into the head of the mass . He isn't communicating Science, he's communicating a dishonest version made to sound and look spectacular . It's science fiction, not Science.
Once more, its adressing people like they are irredeemable mentally retarded persons.
It's only for the money with a sense of self righteous because "I communicated Science to the mainstream guy!" Well no, you communicated bullshit, only the most sensationalist, controversed bullshit as if it was as serious as real science .

>> No.3246638

OP here, I hate this Tyson even more. Token black scientist, showman wanabee, always overdoing it. Turns Science into gospel.

>> No.3246646

Carl Sagan wrote books to popularize science, putting concepts in simple terms so they could be easily understood in his eloquent writing.

Michio Kaku OVER-simplifies things and panders to people's hopeful futurist sides (LIGHTSABERS IN TEN YEARS I SWEAR GUYS) in order to sell books.

Fuck Michio Kaku.

>> No.3246662

OP here. I like Sagan. And I love Feynman.

>> No.3246673

For the record, he didn't wash out. He transferred from University of Texas to Columbia (Ivy-League).

>> No.3246674
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>> No.3246681


>> No.3246730

because fuck you thats why

>> No.3246747



>> No.3246748

>science channel is to Science what fox news is to News.

>> No.3246754
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pic related

>> No.3246762

No it's not an opinion. It you were a little more savant you would know this fact too.

>> No.3246787
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Apparently Edward Teller took him in as his protégé, he graduated summa cum laude from Harvard fucking University and like Carl Sagan, actively tries to enlighten the general masses on matters of science (and including the proper use of it). Simply put: hes the boss

I would trust this guy more than the average /sci/ hipster.

>> No.3246790
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once again

>> No.3246798

So what do you do that trumps us all? Oh basement dweller who just reads scientific shit and thinks he know better than Michio Kaku and more.

>> No.3246837

He just wants money. Sell out.

>> No.3246848

>So what do you do that trumps us all?

So you, who thinks that everything said in Science Channel and discovery or by this kaku fraud is correct, you think you are "us", all of /sci/ ?
For one: you aren't me and I'm /sci/ too
2 : I doubt the majority of /sci/ thinks of kaku or tyson as serious, credible sources for their quest for knowledge.

Your ego is the issue here.

>> No.3246850

read lafreniere's site. no need for time.

>> No.3246864

Did you read this link posted above?
> http://scienceblogs.com/principles/2010/06/the_physics_of_the_imbecile.php

>> No.3246890

>http://critique.spoirier.lautre.net/glaf.htm (in French)

I'm sorry it's too long for me to translate right now... Use google trad