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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3246047 No.3246047 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /sci/

I have a problem. I'm living with my dad while working full time and going to school. I've been working 5/12's the last two weeks so I've had very little time to study. My dad this morning asked me to do chores around the house cause he has friends coming over. I was really pissed because he woke me up at 8am and demanded that I do them. I'm tired of this bullshit. He should at least let me know the day before that he needs me to clean the house and shit. He expects me to get up early in the morning after a 14 hour work day and wants me to start cleaning the house at the drop of dime. Fuck that shit. I need my own time to study and relax. He doesn't understand that. But I don't know what to do. If I move out that means less money in my pocket which means less money I have for school. Shit he won't even help with that. All the people i work with are more than willing to pay for there kids school but my dad who earns way more money then them as an engineer won't even give me a penny. Anyways have any of you lived on your own while working full time and going to school?

Is it hard? what should I expect

>> No.3246054

ask in /adv/
and eat shit.

>> No.3246062

>working full time
>going to school


>> No.3246076


so they let same sex couples adopt kids now?

>> No.3246089

I live with mom, pay rent and all my schooling. I work full time to afford this, and havent had a day off in months. Hete is my suggestion, dont let the house get dirty. Keep you shit clean.

>> No.3246101
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it wasn't just cleaning the house it was building some shit too. Also I'm a welder and I worked 14 hours yesterday so I'm fucking tired today. Don't compare your mcjob to mine ok.

>> No.3246108

>>3246101 implying welding is difficult.
>implying im not a stone mason

>> No.3246112

>implying masonry is difficult
>implying I'm not a bear

>> No.3246120

Sucks to be you. In here school is free and goverment pays you to go there. This system is set up to avoid shit like this.
My advise
>Implying this is science

>> No.3246121

>>3246112 implying being a bear is difficult
>implying i dont have a golf game in an hour.

>> No.3246122 [DELETED] 

>implying weldings not hard
>implying little pussy boy hands like yours can hold grinder while beveling a 20 inch pipe
>implying you're not some aspie nerd that got a free ride to college and never worked hard in his life

>> No.3246130

>implying weldings not hard
>implying little pussy boy hands like yours can hold a grinder while beveling a 20 inch pipe
>implying you're not some aspie nerd that got a free ride to college and never worked hard in his life

>> No.3246152

>>3246130 implying i havent worked full time for the past decade

>> No.3246159

>implying working full time at a mcjob is really working

>> No.3246160
File: 5 KB, 177x155, 1274672536207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: dipshits

>> No.3246172
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>implicated meagers

>> No.3246176

>>3246159 implying im not a stonemason

>> No.3246180

I don't need to be able to do any of that. I can afford to pay some schmuck like you to do it for me.