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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 728 KB, 1120x508, CyberneticArmProsthesis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3245717 No.3245717 [Reply] [Original]

Mechanical augmentation or nano-augmentation?

Which one do you think we should focus on? Should we use the former as a stepping stone towards the latter? Perhaps a use a different approach?

>> No.3245719

Mechanical is cooler, but nano is more useful.
We won't get nano before mechanical however

>> No.3245728

They're not mutually exclusive. We should focus on both.

>> No.3245737

Physiopharmaceutical augmentation and mechanical augmentation are much easier than nano augmentation.

Nanorobotics and their compatibility with any living organism is something very difficult to achieve for prolonged periods of time. The matter of rejection and internal damage is something to consider even with mechanical augmentations.

>> No.3245751

A better question would be, what examples do we have of either augmentation proving both viable and successful so far?

Examples of bionic arms:

Modular prosthetic arm:

>> No.3245766

Wrong board.

/sci/ is just a bunch of pseudo intellectuals with a shaky hold on high school mathematics. They don't know shit about actual science, let alone theoretical one.

>> No.3245783

sauce on pic

>> No.3245786

if compatibility is a problem
mechanical shell w/ nano technology?
the size would prevent it from being applied to critical organs but would make the application exponentially more powerful than just mech

>> No.3245798


>> No.3245826


The only way for nano augmentation to be viable in the long term, is to perfect cloning. Only then can you ensure full compatibility with little to no defects.

Your suggestion is interesting if we are talking about a transitional stage but hardly a final solution. Rejection is still there and so is power consumption, even artificial limbs or organs today suffer from the same problems.

What is the current expected lifespan for an artificial heart? 1 year? 2? At best.

>> No.3245842

You know realize that in the past 30 years, we had little to no advance in the field of biotechnology in regards to human augmentation.

Even the military examples are old prototypes. Why is that? Funding? Lack of interest? No technology available?

>> No.3245856
File: 21 KB, 400x554, 1268616775384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this is just a rip off of metal gear solid

>> No.3245858


I would say 80% lack of tech available, 19% lack of funding, and 1% lack of belief it would be feasible.

>> No.3245861

>Mechanical augmentation or nano-augmentation?

I'll take option C: gene therapy.

>> No.3245869
File: 23 KB, 638x344, ghost-in-the-shell-21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't you mean Ghost in the Shell?

>> No.3245871


>implying even with the most superior genes you wouldn't get dominated by a guy robotic arm

>> No.3245884
File: 91 KB, 787x348, Dxhrf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ocular augmentations shouldn't be that hard.

Nanotechnology is here, why is it so hard to create a small interface when even contacts can do it in a fake way?

>> No.3245883

>>implying even with the most superior genes you wouldn't get dominated by a guy robotic arm
>implying robotic arms are stronger than biological ones right now or that we have any reason to believe that they will become so

oh u

>> No.3245893
File: 36 KB, 435x435, 1294792144404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>using theoretical future technology
>comparing it to today's tech and saying it's superior

>> No.3245894

>implying "robotic arms" aren't operating on assembly lines right now capable of lifting up cars.


>> No.3245898
File: 64 KB, 400x400, WaltonSimonsNanoAugmentations.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


u gun git rapd

>> No.3245910

>Ethical concerns
Why? As long as it is not a powerful arm which you can easily break skulls with or something like that (that is, something you can abuse of), I don't see the problem in having a better part of the body.

>> No.3245912


The problem is not creating it. A dynamically updated neuro interface needs not only to be connected to the brain but also elegant enough not to have your entire head burned.

>> No.3245913

Because the military are faggot gimp cannon fodder for the cult of the status quo. Our best hope is for someone to kidnap one of Branson's daughters and seriously ruin her limbs.

>> No.3245918


Guns don't kill people. People kill people.

Same argument. I can kill people with my pencil too but you don't see anyone trying to restrain me because I carry one.

>> No.3245922

don't even need nanotech. there's a tech which transmits signals over human skin.

>> No.3245926


But that is assuming we have a regular human eye augmented.

What if we are talking about an entirely new artificial one used to replace it?

>> No.3245936

I get it. But as I said, suppose it's at least something that you can't abuse of (uberstrength). What is wrong with a better-seeing eye, or an improved internal organ?

>> No.3245961

>What is wrong with a better-seeing eye, or an improved internal organ?

Lots of things if you can't personally afford it.

Imagine losing your job because some augmented fag can do it better stronger faster than you. Or having someone close to you die because he couldn't afford to get that improved organ.

But that's nothing new. The elite and wealthy will always better opportunities at everything. Doesn't mean the average Joe is going to just deal with it.

Then we have the religion issue. Augmentations such as these can be argued as forced evolution and totally "against God's plan". Hypocrisy will run rampant once augmentations become available to the public.

>> No.3245976

nano if you want to appear human. mechanical if you just don't give a fuck if people know.

>> No.3245983

There will always be inequality. Non-augmented people will become the new niggers. "Savages who can't even afford to upgrade themselves, pathetic" will likely be a common belief. For the middle class(if it's even still around) there will be minor augments available, some pretty fucking cool, but nothing on the scale of what the rich can afford.

Instead of buying mansions and cars, celebrities will be buying longer life and gold encrusted vaginas or some shit.

>> No.3245990

Well then at least we've progressed enough so that now religious people would be using EVOLUTION to SUPPORT their argument. (caps for emphasis, not mad)

>> No.3245991

>gold encrusted vaginas

I never asked for this.

>> No.3245998

Yet you got yeast instead. Who likes to bake a good bread!

>> No.3246001


It's called Intelligent Design.

Why go against science when you can redefine it to suit your argument?

>> No.3246003

A golden dick that ejaculates money is achievable...IN THE FUTURE.

>> No.3246005

Morals/Singular, To modify self or not. Yet in the end if you're dying you'll accept the most beta of sciences in hopes of prolonging self.

Ethics/Plural, But if only we could talk more people into accepting what I want....

>> No.3246018


Society defines both. They will be accepted eventually.

>> No.3246025

>nano if you want to appear human. mechanical if you just don't give a fuck if people know.
>In b4 Mecha pride

>> No.3246035

>Humans have to take refuge in fantasy via anime by a failed society known as the japanese. Because they simply aren't smart enough to invent half the shit they make shows about. lulz

>> No.3246036


Imagine what will happen when all the mechanically augmented people end up obsolete once nano augmentation fully rolls out.

To the garbage dumpster with them mechs!

>> No.3246037

You've been granted human cells with freaking laser beams. We skipped the sharks (Or did we?) And with in 25 years nano medical science will be rolling out.

>> No.3246040

The japanese are some of the finest in the originating of concepts. It's just that many of said concepts are impractical and costly.

The first robot that can walk and look relatively human will be in japan. The first sign of AI will be in America/Europe.

>> No.3246042

And yet we are watching that little country rot in a nuclear soup. The japanese golden age is over there.

>> No.3246051

>We skipped the sharks (Or did we?)

>> No.3246050


>And yet we are watching that little country rot in a nuclear soup.

The Fukushima Daiichi fiasco really wasn't that bad, you know.

>> No.3246053

Linux = Made in America now. Along with Git. American Technology
OSX = America Technology
Windows= America Technology

Europe = Great Salads. And a thunder fuck of failed ancient cultures no one cares about. Unless it's the occasional medieval series like Game of thrones etc.

>> No.3246055

You don't know shit about it. Because the media must hide the worst parts about the COMPLETE meltdown of said plant. Which was a disaster waiting to happen. But hey what can you expect from a midget culture anyways?

>> No.3246066

>>Imagine what will happen when all the mechanically augmented people end up obsolete once nano augmentation fully rolls out.

cool concept bro
there should be a novel written about this
or an animated movie, such that we might have scenes of prosthetic-limbed traditional cyborgs battling against the new wave of super-powered nano-augmented humans

>> No.3246068

Oh, I see. A troll.

>> No.3246071
File: 40 KB, 700x487, mature_businessman_smoking_cigar_portrait_close-up_12723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My name is Freddy Francesco and I can afford one eye nano-augmentation for me and my son.

Can you?

>> No.3246074


Playing a bit to much Deus Ex.

>> No.3246078

And your opinions here are impotent.

>> No.3246098
File: 46 KB, 450x314, Top of the line augments in china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meanwhile, in China

>> No.3246100


Pass the ball, yo.

>> No.3246106

Take note that said ball was made in the finest sweatshop china has to offer. Yummy toxins.

>> No.3246224
File: 69 KB, 1022x570, Adam Jensen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Augs are going to become the new tattoos.

>> No.3246234


But tattoos are useless.

>> No.3246678

1: Rebuild the human body out of nano-tubes. Nano-tube bones, nano-tube muscles, etc. Light, high storage batteries will provide for this machines incredible power needs.
2: Perforate this body with nano-machine carrying veins. The nano/micro-machines that flow through these veins will repair any damage that the nano-tubes don't repair themselves.
3: Replace a human subject's blood with respocytes, and then clamp the veins to his brain shut. Then remove his brain and implant it into the robot body. The respocytes will prevent brain death.
4: Connect the veins to an artificial respirator. An artificial stomach filled with human gut flora will digest food and transport the nutrients to the veins and thus to the brain. The respocytes will make breathing much more efficient.
5: Lord over the meat-sacks.