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/sci/ - Science & Math

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3244911 No.3244911 [Reply] [Original]

>haven't been to sci in a while
>go yesterday
>see a bunch of shit postings
>post this
>b& for 7days
>fuck man, I was just commenting on the shit

mf muthafucking when

>> No.3244912
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>> No.3244916

That sentence does not make any sense.

>> No.3244924

none of the theist stuff does.
that's why they should not post here
they are trolls
I am not
all religious trolls should be b& from sci
I am making a comment on their trolling
get it?

>> No.3244920

If you were banned for seven days then it should not be possible for you to post right now.

>> No.3244925

so, you do know other internet connections exist, yes?

>> No.3244930


fucking summerfag tripcode jerk

>> No.3244938

Some of the theist stuff make some sense. But you are correct that it doesn't belong here, but then your post does not belong here either. You are not setting a good example to them.

>> No.3244963
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sucks to be you

>> No.3244966

no it fucking doesn't. none of the theist stuff makes any sense at all. STFU.

>> No.3244972

>get banned
>come back
>post the same shit that got me banned
>ask for sympathy

>> No.3244981
File: 77 KB, 781x418, philopermaban.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complain about getting banned
>7 day ban
>can, and do, clearly ban evade

>> No.3244985

lol, its a meme, newfag.

>> No.3244989

come back when atheist can explain how the universe came from nothing

>> No.3244994

because I got b& from home computer
now I have to fucking go outside to get on 4chan
yeah, i mad about it
I appealed and got rejected
it just aint fair
what the fuck?
did they b& all the other shit posters yesterday?

>> No.3244995

God youre pathetic. I now understand why everyone was so devout on hunting you down.

>> No.3244996
File: 19 KB, 500x400, 1288346341349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come back when theistfags can explain how god came from nothing, has magic powers, and yet has no noticable effect on anyones day to day life, and apparently made a universe from nothing.

...actually, just dont come back.

>> No.3245000

come back when your only explanation isn't "a wizard did it"

>> No.3245001

I can.

>> No.3245005

Define a wizard and how it applies to god.

>> No.3245007

probably not. there was a thread on prositution that was pretty much not /sci/ related and it recieved over 9000 reports, and the thread got deleted, so it might have been a mod, and might have just been the OP, but i dont think anyone got banned. WYU didnt get banned yesterday either, and i didn't so i guess it was just you. unlucky!

they dont wanna hunt me down to kill me, some just wanna meet me, and apparently some wanna try and fuck me.

>> No.3245008

EK your butthurt is so delicious.

>> No.3245009
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>> No.3245015

A wizard can do anything and doesn't have to explain how because the explanation is he's a fucking wizard. How does this apply to god? Gee, I don't know...

>> No.3245016

Is that why the identified your exact location.

>> No.3245019
File: 265 KB, 450x359, 126549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't know my exact location.

>> No.3245021

Im still curious. Continue. I still dont see the connection.

>> No.3245023

Maybe, i left the thread when they narrowed it down to 3 locations and your youtube account. Smart of you to use your trip on a forum

>> No.3245031

that was 3 universities in london, all of which are very big places, so that doesnt narrow it down much.
London is fucking huge, if anyone else manages to find me i'll be impressed.
(one person from /sci/ did, but just by coincidence they happened to already know me, and were at the same uni, so they just got lucky)
..or unlucky depending on your point of view =p

>> No.3245030

Dont play in traffic or you could die says the parent
>Why not?
>Ive never been hit by a car
>Ive never seen anyone be hit by a car
>Ive never seen anyone die before
>Ive never died before
>I dont believe you
>Show me someone die by getting hit by a car
>Or fuck you
Says the angsty 4 year old atheist.
Its sad really.

>> No.3245033
File: 3 KB, 126x121, failtroll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you again?

>> No.3245034

And your friends name. Not that hard to track down.

>> No.3245036
File: 9 KB, 125x125, 1122334455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yfw you have no rebuttal

>> No.3245037

Who? You mean Harriet, or the nameless anon who i just referred to?
There's probably thousands of Harriets in London.

>> No.3245041

Along with the youtube account... not so many

>> No.3245043
File: 221 KB, 435x355, 13635748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, read the fucking thread I linked. you got pwned, troll.

>> No.3245045
File: 7 KB, 125x125, 1122334456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yfw you had no rebuttal

>> No.3245048
File: 254 KB, 458x358, 0126394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, i got through 4 boxes of butthurt pretty quickly. i'm gonna have to go to mega-mart and stock up...

>> No.3245051
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>> No.3245053

Oh god youre the atheist who cant argue for shit.
I really wish you didnt post that thread.
>Theist trolling on one side
>Atheist crying on another

>> No.3245063

I pretty sure we deduced that, as unlikely as it is, you go to Imperial College London.

>> No.3245067

Just read the thread.
>i might require a little bit of faith
You lost at that point.
Youre not a real atheist GTFO.

Proof that females are worse than theist.

>> No.3245077
File: 93 KB, 600x339, spad_moderator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do people even post on 4chan without dynamic IPs or proxies? Say one wrong thing to the wrong Anonymous who just happens to be a mod or moot and BOOM, b& for months. Happens to me like twice a week.

I've heard people claim they've been here for years and never been banned, but they're invariably crushingly boring and have obviously never posted anything interesting or controversial enough to offend anyone, let alone an in-cognito mod.

>> No.3245084

>no true scotsman fallacy
read the whole thread, faggot.

>> No.3245100

>religion is the root of all evil and totally stupid
>says militant anti-theist that keeps using ad hominem as well as opinions and assumptions disguised as facts
>keeps pushing his belief on others

I'm not even mad. Just sad that otherwise possibly relatively smart person could sink so low.

>> No.3245101

Goodmorning, m'lady.

>> No.3245102

This may come as a surprise, but most people are morons.

>> No.3245106

almost afternoon here, but goodmorning to you as well :)

>> No.3245109

where are you?

>> No.3245115
File: 245 KB, 471x346, 13645646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

morning WYU.
aha! wouldn't you like to know...

i'm actually travelling at the moment. sort of like a mini holiday.
I probably got banned about 2 days ago and never even noticed...

>> No.3245128

its okay I know what timezone you're in. i can search the whole longitudinal area

>> No.3245135

Spending all your time on /sci/, Sounds like a great holiday

>> No.3245139

>around 1/15 of the worlds total landmass.

[sarcasm] yeh, shouldn't take long to find me.... [/sarcasm]

>> No.3245142

lol, not ALL my time. i'm going out in a few minutes anyway,

>> No.3245156

shut up and just tell me, faggot

>> No.3245167

Where the fuck is everyone getting the EKF trips. Lend me one.

>> No.3245169

lol, just in and around eastern europe. seeing a few different places. (here with a friend...not harriet. fuck her lol) belarus at the moment.

>> No.3245171
File: 165 KB, 302x356, 01290843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, sorry. those trips are reserved only for the coolest people on /sci/
no trip for you, faggot.