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3239073 No.3239073 [Reply] [Original]

alright guys, /k/ here, how would /sci/ deal with a Chinese invasion?

>> No.3239081

lurk /k/

learn the ways of IVAN

protect the motherland

>> No.3239093
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>> No.3239099

I'd give my Nugget to one of my family members and load up my SKS and find a way to carry 500+ rounds of 7.62 Russian around. I'd probably also find a safe spot in the hills near me where i can pick them off and then move while not getting found.

I lurk /k/ and also i'm a tom boy. :(

>> No.3239097

Release the Chinkvirus.

All Chinese develop flu-like symptoms, then their flesh melts off their bones.

>> No.3239116

Irradiate the northern air stream, move south.

>> No.3239169

shoot them

>> No.3239209


>> No.3239226

why are they a problem for you op?

>> No.3239227

>average /k/ poster.jpg

>> No.3239234

>Chinese invasion

Make them pay for fuel.

>> No.3239242
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I'd switch their name tags and uniforms around while they while they were showering in the barracks, then when they dressed they'd be hopelessly confused and unable to tell their commanding officers from their privates because they arr rook same.

>> No.3239249

Surgical strikes against their hydroelectric infrastructure would cause widespread famine and flooding if we still have a functional military.

Failing that, I have some wonderful ideas for how to wage a highly effective guerrilla campaign.

>> No.3239251

>surrender because we are obviously gonna lose
>learn Chinese
>be part of their new society

>> No.3239264
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I will personally execute you, scum.

>> No.3239270

They can't presue an invasion. To move enough troops to successfully invade America, they would need 2 tons of food per soldier per year, fuel enough to move that many soldiers strategically, and enough bullets to shoot enough Americans to make us stop laughing at them and making faces.

The logistics of the bullets might be possible, the food and fuel they do not have the resources for.

>> No.3239278

Agreed. Hey man, I was just posting in reply to OP's question.

There are MANY other reasons why they couldn't/wouldn't invade though.

>> No.3239279


>> No.3239282


Yes because invading armies always bring all of their own food and fuel with them and never plunder what is available.

>> No.3239289

I think our /k/ommando wants to know how /sci/ would go about a guerrilla campaign. If he/she (likely he) would chime in on his/her original intent, maybe we can actually answer a question in lieu of our famous /sci/ bickering.

>> No.3239293

>agricultural societies
>urban societies
not so plunderable

>> No.3239296

China's biggest worry is China. They're dead set on maintaining internal stability and wouldnt Dare do anything that might lead to a radical shift in the lives of ordinary chinese.

>> No.3239306

And if they decide to invade the USA, many other countries would help.
Fuel is not a problem because Russia, Iran,... Will provide it

>> No.3239307


true its not like there is a walmart supercenter on almost every corner or anything full of food

>> No.3239315


We hit their supply lines until they're forced to eat a typical American diet. The invading army will soon be morbidly obese and limited to electric scooters for mobility.

>> No.3239324

For starters id draft all the rednecks and hardcore religious people, making them my expendable front line infantry.
Then I'd station my real soldiers all around the country and have them train up defence militias.
I would demolish highways and other methods of express land travel, build barbed wire fences everywhere that seemed appropriate, and set up plenty of anti air weaponry.

>> No.3239329

I for one welcome our new population control overlords.

>> No.3239334


Your "humor" is not quite enough to make up for the previously retarded arguments you were trying to make.

>> No.3239341

I would never have to deal with a Chinese invasion because no country has the capability to invade america.

China has like one partially functioning air craft carrier and no ability to project its forces. China's army is to keep their own populace under control due to major internal instability.

If china invaded I would wait the 48 minutes it would take our military to completely destroy their country

(china has no missile defense to speak of and all their major industrial centers are right along the coastline)

>> No.3239342

No they won't. Do you have any idea how many millions of tons of fuel you're talking about?

Nobody on earth can afford that, not even America.

>> No.3239344

Bomb the 3 gorges damn.

>> No.3239347

We're all anonymous, it's a poor choice to assume identity and start insulting people.

Just what retarded things do you think I posted?

>> No.3239352 [DELETED] 


ever think of that...

>> No.3239353


Good job you just saved them the steps of eliminating your best means of communication and movement. Also willingly sacrificing a good chunk of your population by even having a front line infantry, instead of pure guerrilla tactics, will help them reduce your numbers more efficiently.

>> No.3239367

>willingly sacrificing a good chunk of your population by even having a front line infantry
That was kinda that point. Use the war as a way to cull America's less desirable population.

>> No.3239392


I get that, but my point is that the initial stages of an invasion, by a country of billions, is not the time to cull your population, especially the most easily controlled members who can quickly be worked up into a bloodthirsty, racist fervor without hesitation because you will need that kind of ruthless man power down the line.

>> No.3239410 [DELETED] 

that's more a matter of thought process than reality isn't it? >>3239260

>> No.3239417

Stop buying things made in china, default on chinese loan. China goes into bankruptcy and can't afford to sustain the invasion effort.

>> No.3239428

>Stop buying things made in china
>Everybody starves and America collapses

>> No.3239434


>he actually thinks we import most of our food from china

>> No.3239441

You really think 1 in 4 Chinese will get shipped to America for a war?

LOL! I was thinking it was a "Kill off our useless population." exchange program.

>> No.3239452

no, actually the US exports food to China. There's another way to win; stop feeding them.

>> No.3239456
File: 530 KB, 1600x1113, 1279745604505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think any country on Earth would want to invade the USA, allied or not.

>picture VERY fucking relevant

>> No.3239461

Wait a few years.
Politicians are introducing new gun restrictions all the time.

>> No.3239459

boycott chinese products.

>> No.3239465

that's an unverified quote, possibly made 70 years ago. Another thing to think about is what percentage of said gun owners would actually put their lives on the line. Not as many as you think, I'd wager.

>> No.3239471 [DELETED] 

that exactly why the nazis halted their eugenics program >>3239260

>> No.3239470

>implying anyone is listening to that

I have family armed to the teeth with illegal weapons lol.

>> No.3239472


either way... we will run out of "useless population" way before they will, so that is just a bad exchange.

>> No.3239474

don't worry, guns will never be illegal in most states. Just come to Pennsylvania, we have the best gun laws around.

>> No.3239480

It's amazing how many people think that China is dependant on America, but not the converse.

>> No.3239482 [DELETED] 

let's think about this

>> No.3239484

America is great for guerilla warfare.

It'll never happen. They'll be stripping bark off trees to feed their chinamen.

>> No.3239494

Nooo, most of our blacks are used to getting shot by their neighbors, and have developed a partial immunity.

>> No.3239497

Or invading your neighbourhood supermarkets

>> No.3239505

oh we are...but it's in the interest of both countries to not fuck with the other.

>> No.3239507

Move a few miles up to Canada until the Chinese get tired of having their guys die and leave.

>> No.3239510 [DELETED] 

i'm beginning to think maybe you're right

>> No.3239527
File: 50 KB, 400x300, fagot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ever heard of nuclear war?

you nuke china and a nuke war starts,

and the fuckin world ends.

it's that fuckin simple.

/end this bullshit thread.

>> No.3239542


B-But.. America has anti ICBM shield now, doesnt it? How effective is it?

>> No.3239543 [DELETED] 

>implying the chinese couldn't

>> No.3239550

>ICBM shield

You think that shit actually does anything?

>> No.3239552 [DELETED] 

if only this were true >>3239260

>> No.3239554 [DELETED] 

faggots, faggots everywhere

>> No.3239567 [DELETED] 

godzilla, much?

>> No.3239572
File: 22 KB, 220x236, suv owner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>America is great for guerilla warfare

But half all gun owners are fat and the rest are obese? To win a guerilla war all the Chinese would have to do is occupy the nearest steady incline

>> No.3239622


because bullets can't go up an incline?

>> No.3239636

Of course, but they can't bend around the curvature of the hill or defy the laws of physics to avoid the exercise needed to obtain a line of site

>> No.3239650


I just guess my idea of a successful invasion isn't hiding from a bunch of fatties and starving to death on top of a hill.

>> No.3239658

You don't think the fatties would starve to death first?

My plan was for the initial attack to bomb every fast food source then hide on hills with provisions for 3 days. The fatties should be immobile by day 1 and by day 2 most should be dead. We pack for 3 just in case the fatties eat each other

>> No.3239660
File: 9 KB, 302x225, boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

die in a nuclear holocaust with 99% of the population

>> No.3239666


You are probably right some well trained asian squad with an average of 2% body fat would probably starve to death before someone with 40%+ body fat because its not like fat isn't physiological preparation against starvation. Also its not like lazy fat people who live on the land and didn't trap themselves on a hill would be lazy enough to take shifts watching a bunch of stupid asians starve to death over the course of a week.

>> No.3239674


You are probably right some well trained asian squad with an average of 2% body fat would probably not starve to death before someone with 40%+ body fat because its not like fat isn't physiological preparation against starvation. Also its not like lazy fat people who live on the land and didn't trap themselves on a hill would be lazy enough to take shifts watching a bunch of stupid asians starve to death over the course of a week.

>> No.3239681


>implying fat people don't stockpile food

>> No.3239694


>implying stock piling food would mean shit in all out nuke war.

You'd be fucking dead you moron!!!

>> No.3239708


>implying you read the reply chain to even know the context of what you were replying to.

>> No.3242430

penis bump

>> No.3242439

Join the winning side to advance the epic of technology and embrace objective truth.

>> No.3242494


Most fat people I know wouldn't stockpile food -- at least not the kind that doesn't go rancid in a week.

>> No.3242512

put out the door mat to welcome the glorious people's liberation army

>implying i'm not Chinese myself