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3236712 No.3236712 [Reply] [Original]

ITT tell me everything I need to know to be a true evolutionist

inb4 don't believe in God
inb4 OP can't inb4

>> No.3236736
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Read this

Really just do your own research on it.

Evolution is simple when you know the facts, you can figure out and speculate on alot of it yourself easily its interesting.


Homework question to get you thinking

Why do you think we humans get an adrenaline kick from driving a sports car very fast (in other words why do we enjoy the sensation of speed)

There's a possible evolutionary reason I've thought of.

I'll leave you to come up with it though.

>> No.3236737

basically you are an offspring of a tiny ass bacteria.

>> No.3236739

Always sage

>> No.3236747

Step 1: Eat, Fuck.
Step 2: return to step 1.

>> No.3236760

>Why do you think we humans get an adrenaline kick from driving a sports car very fast (in other words why do we enjoy the sensation of speed)

Anyones free to answer this by the way, I'll be curious to see if people reach the same conclusion I did.

>> No.3236766


>> No.3236776

Speed + adrenaline = extra energy

In the hunting and gathering age that boost might be needed to chase, or out run an animal. Therefor more speed and adrenaline gives you more energy to carry on at the same speed.

>> No.3236804

speed = power = success?

>> No.3236819

1. rename scientific laws, i.e., the first and second maybes of thermodynamics

2. have faith that life sprang up from non-life, even in the face of an overwhelming lack of evidence

3. believe with all your heart that evolution makes things progressively better

4. go to the zoo and visit with your relatives

5. when talking about the overwhelming evidence for natural selection and adaptation, call it all evidence of evolution

there's a ton more, but if you can stomach all that, congrats! you're well on your way to becoming an evolutionfag, with all the joy and wonder that springs from that belief

>> No.3236847
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You are perhaps the dumbest man I have ever had the displeasure of reading a post from.

You're probably the type of person who doesn't understand that humans came from star matter you stupid fucking cock.

>> No.3236879
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>> No.3236900
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The Origin of Species is not a good place to learn about evolution. It is very out-dated and Darwin got a lot of the details wrong.
I would recommend just reading a section about it from a college bio 101 text book.
Or this

This book probably taught me more about evolution than any other single book.

>> No.3236912


Thats interesting, thats why I love these things.

My thoughts were more that running through trees and stuff would give you that same feeling of speed, and we like the feeling because a human that enjoys running would do it in his spare time for fun. Human who runs around for fun is fitter and better at it (better conditioned and stuff) than those who sit on their ass doing nothing.

Human is able to run quicker and longer next time he's chasing food or running away from predator.

But yeah your idea is good too getting the adrenaline kick itself would be a very useful thing to have while running away or chasing. I guess I completely forgot about adrenalines primary function lol I just thought of the aspect of it making us feel good.

See thats why evolution and science is great. >>3236819 will never be mentally stimulated in this way as long as he's sitting there refusing to think for himself just parrotting what his creationist friends say on forums and at church. "Derp God did it I don't need to think why or how it happens"

>> No.3236942

>2. have faith that life sprang up from non-life, even in the face of an overwhelming lack of evidence

overwhelming lack of evidence eh?


>> No.3237127

aren't you tired of pushing that high school experiment that failed to create life, and only created a few burned amino acids, and calling it proof?

or are you stupid enough to think that if that high school teacher was on to something, that maybe somebody in the last 40 years would have picked up where he left off?

oh, and isn't this actually evidence of intelligent design?

think about it...that experiment didn't happen at random

as to the former slurs to my intelligence, you have no evidence to point out any flaws in how easy it is to be an evolutionist, and how many scientific principals you have to abandon to do so, including spontaneous generation, abiogenesis, and entropy, to name a few

have a nice day; oh, and by the way, had Jesus clapped His hands at that point in history, the entire univese would have been destroyed in a tremendous explosion, with all of the elements melting from the fervent heat.

the bible. talking about elements making up the universe for thousands of years.

have a nice day :)